20x4 lcd display with i2c interface pricelist
ERM2004FS-3 is small size 20 characters wide,4 rows character lcd module,SPLC780C controller (Industry-standard HD44780 compatible controller),6800 4/8-bit parallel interface,single led backlight with white color included can be dimmed easily with a resistor or PWM,fstn-lcd positive,black text on the white color,high contrast,wide operating temperature range,wide view angle,rohs compliant,built in character set supports English/Japanese text, see the SPLC780C datasheet for the full character set, It"s optional for pin header connection,5V or 3.3V power supply and I2C adapter board for arduino.
Of course, we wouldn"t just leave you with a datasheet and a "good luck!".For 8051 microcontroller user,we prepared the detailed tutorial such as interfacing, demo code and Development Kit at the bottom of this page.
Sometimes it may be necessary to use a display while making a hardware project, but the size and the type of the display may vary according to the application. In a previous project, we used a 0.96″ I2C OLED display, and in this project we will have an I2C 20×4 character display.
This liquid crystal display has 4 lines, 20 character in each line and cannot be used to display graphics. The main feature of this display that it uses I2C interface, which means that you will need only two wires to connect with Arduino. At the back side of the screen there is a small PCB soldered in the display, this circuit is a serial LCD 20 x 4 module and it also has a small trimpot to adjust the contrast of the LCD.
Display’s backlight is blue and the text is white. It is fully compatible with Arduino and has 5V input voltage. Its I2C address could be 0x27 or 0x3F. You can get it for about $7 from Bangood store.
DS3231 is a low-cost, accurate I2C real-time clock (RTC), with an integrated temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) and crystal. The device incorporates a battery input, so that if power is disconnected it maintains accurate time.
RTC maintains seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, and year information. Less than 31 days of the month, the end date will be automatically adjusted, including corrections for leap year. The clock operates in either the 24 hours or band / AM / PM indication of the 12-hour format. Provides two configurable alarm clock and a calendar can be set to a square wave output. Address and data are transferred serially through an I2C bidirectional bus.
This RTC module operates at input voltage range between 3.3V and 5.5V, so it can be connected with 3.3V or 5V pins. It is available on Banggood store for about $2.
First we need to download the library of the display, which includes all required functions to configure and write on the display. You can find it here.
Unzip the library and add it to the Arduino libraries folder, then run Arduino IDE and copy the following code. The first two lines are to include both of I2C and LCD libraries.
lcd.setCursor(3,0) will set the cursor of the LCD in the specified location, the first argument for the column and the second for the row starting form 0.
Here we will use a small breadboard to connect the RTC module and display with the Arduino’s I2C pins (A4 and A5). The SCL pins are connected with analog 5 pin and the SDA pins with analog 6 pin. The top rail of the breadboard used as I2C bus and the bottom one is power bus.
In addition to setup and loop function, we will create four other functions to organize the code. As the corners and vertical lines of the frame are special characters, we have to create them manually. So we will use a function to create them and another one to print them on the LCD.
Inside the loop function the time will be read from the real time clock module and the printed to the LCD using a custom function for each of time and date.
At first, we have to include the three libraries, I2C, LCD, and RTC and set the LCD address. Inside the setup function the display is initialized, then we will call createCustomCharacters() function and print them.
Each character can be 5-pixel long in width and 8-pixel in height. So to create a custom character we need to create a new byte. We need 5 characters, the vertical line and the four corners. The yellow pattern shows you how the character will be displayed on the LCD.
Inside createCustomCharacters() function, we called lcd.createChar(#, byte array) function. The LCD supports up to 8 custom characters numbered from 0 to 7. It will assign the index in the first argument to the character given by the byte array. To print this character we can use lcd.write(byte(#)) function.
This function is very simple, it uses lcd.setCursor(#,#) to move the cursor and lcd.print(“”) to print the given string. The function will print the top and bottom horizontal lines, then printing other custom characters.
As we discussed earlier, the loop function will get the current time and date every second and refresh them on the display. First we defined a time element “tm” which has current time data, then if the time is correct and the RTC module working fine the time and date will be printed.
PrintTime function uses three arguments, the column and line where it will print the time, and the time element. lcd.print(tm.Hour) will print the hour, then if the minutes and seconds are less than 10 we will add 0 to the left. And the same method is used to print the date.
This 1602 LCD module has 8 I2C address in all, from 0x20 to 0x27. You can set one according to your requirements, avoiding the confliction of I2C address. And its contrast can be adjusted manually.
This board is able to be powered by 5V or 3.3V which make it compatible with both Arduino 101 or Arduino DUE, intel edison 3.3V system and standard Arduino UNO/Arduino Mega 5V system.
Green/Yelow LED backlight. Alphanumeric dot matrix. 80 characters over 4 lines. Display area 76x26mm. Display bezel 98x40mm. 5V supply voltage. Arduino compatible. 99x60mm overall dimensions.
These displays are straightforward to use and are a great way to provide a user interface on many projects where you need more info than simple LED indicators or 7-Segment displays can provide since these are full alphanumeric displays with 4 lines of 20 characters each for a total of 80 characters which is a fair amount of info. For an interactive display, pairing this type of display with a rotary encoder to navigate and select menu items on the display can provide a very nice user interface.
The display is composed of a 20 character x 4 line LCD display with a blue backlight and white characters. Each of the characters are composed of a 5 x 8 dot matrix for good character representation.
The backlight intensity is not directly controllable though the I2C interface, however there is a jumper on the I2C board that supplies power to the backlight. That jumper can be removed and a voltage applied to the header pin nearest the ‘LED’ markings on the board to provide power to the backlight separately.
The backlight can go down to about 3V before it goes out. It is not known what the safe upper limit is for driving the LCD backlight so it is probably best not to exceed 5V by too much. At 5V, the backlight draws about 30mA, so it should also be possible to drive it with a PWM pin off a uC to allow the display to be dimmed via software if desired.
This display incorporates an I2C interface that requires only 2 pins on a uC to interface with and it has good library support to get up and running fast. The I2C interface is a daughter board attached to the back of the LCD module.
If you need to adjust I2C address to avoid a conflict, this can be done on the I2C adapter board on the back of the module. There are 3 address jumper locations marked A0, A1, A2. Normally these lines are pulled high. If you bridge these pads, it grounds that address line. If you were to bridge all 3 to ground, the address would be 0x20. The range of all possible addresses spans from 0x20 to 0x27
These are good quality modules and should be in the parts bin of any hobbyist. Because of the interactivity they provide, they are both fun to play with and useful for more serious projects.
You will find the raw 20×4 displays without the I2C interface being sold, but those have a parallel bus interface that requires many pins on the microcontroller to control, so it is generally best to stick with the I2C interface version like this one.
Note that the I2C address of the module we sell is 0x27 (39 decimal) but can be adjusted if needed as explained above. The address will be printed on the label on the bag.