tiny core linux tft display pricelist
Therefore it is highly recommended to use CorePlus, much work has gone into this to make an easy and effortless installations for both hard drive and USB pendrives with whatever window manager you prefer.
For those users coming from Windows there is now an installation tool just for you. Core2usb is a Windows native program that make it easy to install Core from downloaded iso file to bootable pendrive. Core2usb can be found on Sourceforge.
It should be obvious that one can use the TinyCore CD or the CorePlus CD READ_ONLY devices to process and access any tce directory on a writable store, i.e., works as expected.
Therefore if one insists on using a third party installation tool and one that does not officially support Core and thereby copies the entirety of the TinyCore iso then you are faced with manual setup of either creating a second partition for your tce dir, or renaming the cde to tce thus indicating that this is not a CD and editing the syslinux.cfg changing cde to waitusb=5 to indicate that is
It is not recommended to have a cde directory on any live working system. The whole point of modularity is the ability to easily upgrade the X/GUI extension separate from the base Core.
To cut and paste in Linux one simply highlights the text with the left mouse button and then press the middle button to paste. If you have a two button mouse you would paste by pressing the left and right button together. Cutting and pasting takes a little practice, but is very efficient after one gets used to it.
To make your Tiny Core system more fully GNU compatible, use appbrowser and select coreutils.tcz and util-linux.tcz. This will replace the busybox used in the base system to the full power of the GNU versions.
Those who are running TinyCore versions using the default fltk/flwm environment and find the supporting applications too small on modern high-res screens.