arduino mega ethernet shield tft display free sample
When I try adding any code for the SD card (card inserted into the Ethernet shield slot), it initializes the SD card, but can"t find the Ethernet shield. If I remove the SD card, it obviously can"t find it, but the ethernet shield works.
I suspect this has something to do with the various chip selects. Some posts say the ethernet CS is on pin 10, others refer to 53 for MEGA. I tried both, no luck.
If it is the official Arduino Ethernet Shield, you can probably fit a 6-way IDC ribbon connector onto the 3x2 male pins at the back of your display and then attach the wires to digital#51, 52, 53 on the Mega2560. I would solder the ribbon wires onto some real male header. This will give a good electrical connection to the MEGA2560 female header.
As you have realised, no one can really help unless you say which 7" TFT and which pins it uses. Are they in conflict with the Ethernet Shield"s pin usage?
My idea is to use only one SDCard, de Ethernet Sd card would be the one to use for everithing. So the question is how to connect (by wiring) the TFT to the arduino board, and know if i have to make any changes on tft configuration to disable de microsd to not cause any conflict with the microsd ethernet card.
I was a little bit confused with the MCUFRIEND_kbv library because you said somewhere "It will work on a MEGA2560 but not very fast" and it was confirmed later in a previous post. Maybe this library (from you Hi...) is running better now.
I just purchased Seeed"s TFT Touch Shield 2.0 for Arduino, but I cannot seem to figure out how to access the SD card while maintaining the ability to draw to the screen. The tutorials and documentation are quite insubstantial (for me), and most questions on the product site seem to be directed to the same wiki page, which doesn"t explain anything about the SD interface, other than what example file draws bitmaps from the card.
I"ve used the SD interface with the Ethernet Shield before, but it"s been a long time since then, so I can"t quite remember the ins and outs. From my old code, it seems that, for normal usage of the SD library, you simply do:
What I assume is happening is that pins 11 through 13 are set to input for some SPI-related reason, the TFT chip select "enabled" mode is set to HIGH, and then the screen is subsequently enabled. Serial moniter is started, followed by SPI, and then the TFT. After those things happen, it does something unknown to me, starts the card, and then uses the standard card initialization method. It finishes up by preparing to draw the bitmaps and sends this "command 0x2c", which is used frequently in the underlying libraries to "start to write to display ram".
The problem is that I have tried initializing the TFT and SD card using this code, and then attempted to draw graphics as shown in my second example, but this did not work. I need to be able to read bytes from the SD card, and then be able to draw simple graphics on-screen, and repeat.
So my question is: Is anyone who has used this shield before or has experience with this able to explain how one should go about writing the code to allow usage of both the SD card and screen or how the initialization and SPI processes work to make this possible?
This article describes the use of the Deek Robot design for an ethernet card. This design uses a 74HCT08 to ensure that the levels on MISO and Interrupt fully meet the spec of the 5V Arduino, but there are considerations:
2) The buffered signal on MISO cannot also be connected to another shield (such as a CF shield) because it is permanently actively driven by the HCT08.
3) The “\INTPT” output of the ENC28J60 is buffered to Arduino Digital Pin 2 for use with INT0. This digital pin cannot be used by anything else and MUST be set as an input.
2) If another MISO must be interfaced, connect it to pin 5 or 4 of the 74HCT08, not to the pin on Arduino. The ’08 will then buffer both signals. THIS IS VERY DELICATE!
Second: I am using it and after a few hours the device stops sending data to another server I have. kind of a buffer overflow at the ethernet card, just a feeling. I restarted it and it does fine for a few hours more, then the same.
First thing to check of course if both Arduino and PC have the right IP address (fixed?). An IP address is required since we’re working over a network, even if it’s just a cable from the ENC28J60 to your computer.
For example, I’ve downloaded the ethercard zip, opened Arduino 1.5.6-r2 and imported the unzipped folder library. After restarting the IDE, I select any Ethercard example, but it doesn’t compile**
I have been using the EtherCard library a while and wanted to switch to the UIPethernet library but could not make it work. I suspected the reason to be in different pinning connection but till I found this article have not had any luck finding the pin-connection used by UIPethernet.
I have used ethernet and arduino for maybe 4 years now. It’s quite simple to pull a web link lIke into the arduino, but more complex links seem to be too difficult to get around. I’ve already forgotten the steps that need to be taken to obtain the ip address for “”, but once I’ve sort of re-learned that process, I’d like to be able to pull in other Web pages, like:
I picked up an ethernet board today. I’ll try to tweak the “web page reading” files a bit. The second group of code above has a line: client.print ….. sometimes syntax has, sort of, a beginning quotation mark after the GET in that client.print statement (or so I thought). But it’s been so long since I’ve tried to dig into this stuff. I probably should know this syntax, but I don’t really. I have to travel for work, so if I don’t reply for like 3 weeks, or whatever, I’ll try to be back here at a later date once I get more time off from work. I may check back here for like the next 2 or 3 days, but then I have to go back to work for like 16 days. I’ll be back here sometime.
I have recently bought a MEGA 2560 to replace my UNO – primarily due to the UNOs limited memory. The EN28J60 board works fine with UIPethernet but when I hook it up to the MEGA using the same pins as on the UNO it does not work. I have a TFT touchscreen with SD cardreader attached to the MEGA but I don’t believe there could be bus-/dataconflicts.
Thus I added pin 10 as SS for the SD card reader, set it as output and HIGH, waited 5 ms before communicating on the SPI bus with the Ethernet board and it worked.
Unfortunately, I do not have my equipment with me (I’m traveling), but I did find some articles that might help (I did a Google search on “arduino parse html form”):
Iam also using an rfid reader and arduino mega adk with ethernet shield connected to a raspberrypi (lamp server). I had build a local access control system for 1 door but now ive added 2 more doors and the verification of rfid tags needs to be more centralized.
Did u had any luck with the parsing of http form ? Iam thinking from the arduino mega a http get request via php and then in the page returned a string compare of the scanned id tag with the ones returned from mysql (allowed ones).
I think if u had any luck with ur project it will give me a boost. Iam also looking of MySQL Connector/Arduino
As for the MySQL connector: for a Uno this library might be too big, not leaving much space for other code. A Mega should be able to work with it though.
Its very interesting project and i enjoy working on it. I have ID20LA RFID Reader and also u need a breakout board. The reader is working without any problem for many months. I also bought a typical electric strike (12V DC) connected with a 5V excitation DC relay from digital pins of arduino (important: not directly cause the excitation of the coil can return current back to arduino and destroy the board).
You’re also correct i started the project with a uno rev3/poe ethernet shield and the code without using mysql connector was about 29k of 32k that uno has. The mysql connector needs at least 15k.. so last week i bought arduino mega adk and port my existing code there.
I want to make it work using http