fresh air ecoquest lcd display manufacturer

In this section we’ve gathered all other replacement parts for popular models of air purifiers by Vollara-EcoQuest. If you’re interested in parts for any specific model, please check the corresponding menu on this website.

After long and intensive work sessions over the years some internal parts might break or wear out, and we are 100% positive that you will find everything you need for your air purifier in our store.

We’ve carefully analyzed the market and deduced most popular replacement parts that are in high demand among ordinary individual customers and qualified specialists. Check this section for original fan motors and fan blades, power cords for all popular devices by Vollara-EcoQuest, power adapters and car adapters for our mobile solutions like Fresh Air Box, Ecobox, Fresh Air To Go, etc. Apart from those components, you will also find several rarer replacement parts like LCD modules and front button panels for Fresh Air as well as main boards for Fresh Air 2 units.

In addition to that, we also prompt you to check our selection of accessories and special packs. For example, Fresh Air HEPA (Gemini) pack is a great option, which includes one pre-filter, one HEPA filter, and two UV bulbs. As for accessories that make your life easier – we are proud to introduce you original remotes for the following air purifiers by Vollara-EcoQuest:

fresh air ecoquest lcd display manufacturer

Human’s nature always clings to the best conditions possible especially when it comes to creating a comfortable environment. Nowadays air in big and small cities is filled with different pollutants and harmful substances, hence having a reliable and safe method for eliminating microbes, viruses, toxins, and airborne particles of dirt is a must. Fresh Air Purifier is the answer to all those problems. According to statistics and gathered feedback we can proudly say that EcoQuest Fresh Air has achieved a status of most efficient and reliable air cleaning device and can be labeled «People’s choice». In addition to that, the unit is easy to operate and take care of no special or regular maintenance required.

With this Fresh Air purifier you will be breathing mountain fresh and crystal clean air every day. This device brings you the power of most advanced technologies of air cleaning combined so you may enjoy comfortable microclimate in your home.

Fresh Air recreates the processes of natural air cleaning. It is like having outdoor air conditions while staying indoors. That has become possible thanks to EcoQuest and their unique methods of using innovative technology in creating Fresh Air purifiers. The power of ionization removes smoke and dust while all viruses, germs, bacteria and other harmful substances suffer a major drawdown under the influence of active oxygen.Fresh Air purifier will be your inexhaustible source of cleanest fresh air possible 24 hours a day all year round. Negatively charged ions produced by it will reduce unpleasant odors. Furthermore, there is an option for producing active oxygen to improve your environment so you could finally breather easier!You might be surprised, but our original air cleaners are able to use several purifying technologies at once unlike many other air conditioning units and filters. Fresh Air purifier also deals not only with airborne contaminants, but also removes bacteria and viruses fr om nearby surfaces like floor, ceiling, walls, and furniture. This unprecedented level of sanitization is brought to you by the best engineers. Fresh Air Purifier would be an ideal in environments wh ere heavy smoking is a usual routine.