tft display champion stats in game quotation

It should be no surprise that our Mobalytics team is passionate about numbers, stats, and analysis in gaming. We love playing with different sites and tools to really compare and explore what it means to be a better competitive gamer.

In Patch 8.15, Riot added a shiny new League of Legends stats tab within the client for summoners to understand their play. Our team is incredibly excited for this because it gives us more to play with and opens up a gateway for summoners who may not have otherwise been interested in tracking and learning from their numbers.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to this new tab, explain why tracking your stats makes you a better player, and how to use the Mobalytics GPI to go deeper in combination with the stats tab.

As you play ranked matches throughout your climb, there are two main stories which you encounter in regards to evaluating your play: what you thought happened, and what actually happened in reality. Now, I don’t mean to fire shots here necessarily but it’s human nature to be biased toward your own abilities (check out our article on the Dunning-Kruger effect for more on this).

Many players will often think that they are playing well almost every match and that their teammates are the ones to blame for their losses. The good thing about stats is that they are cold and merciless – they do not sugarcoat. You may think that you’re playing well but that eight deaths per game will tell you otherwise.

The best players use these numbers to help keep themselves honest and really isolate what’s going right or wrong in their matches. Players who lack this skill will climb less efficiently and be slower to improve since their perceptions will always be limited in comparison to their peers who use stats to augment their understanding.

For all of these values, you can see how you rank for that champion in relation to other players of your level on average. If you’re below the average in an area, you’re going to want to try to focus on improving in that area. If you’re doing well, try to maintain what allows you to perform in that aspect.

Once you understand what needs to be improved, it can be tough to know how to improve it based on the numbers alone. For example, you may want to improve your CSing before 15 minutes or learn how to improve your Roam Dominance, but how do you go about that? This is where Mobalytics comes in.

Our platform helps players to contextualize their numbers (sort of like a coach would) to help you understand the actions you need to take in order to get better. Numbers provide the who, what, and when, but don’t really provide the why and the how. Based on your numbers, you’ll receive a conclusion and advice or a recommended video or article based on what you should do to get better.

Using the three areas of performance presented in the stats tab, you can get an idea of where you’re doing well and where you can do better. Once you know where you want to improve, you can easily go deeper using Mobalytics and quickly improve! In this section, we’ll cover examples for each of the three.

It’s no surprise that understanding your ability to fight is crucial in a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) like League of Legends. No matter your role, you will have to engage in combat eventually in order to win.

This area of play tends to be the one that draws the most “glory” since its stats are usually associated with mechanical skill and tend to be the most satisfying (who doesn’t love a good Triple, Quadra, or Pentakill?).

Knowing your stats like KDA and Damage Share are definitely useful, but they aren’t necessarily impactful if you don’t fully understand the circumstances around the numbers. What sort of fights do you get into? Where do you excel? Conversely, where do you do poorly and end up dying? What are the circumstances that usually lead to your deaths?

Our Aggression Skill goes beyond things like KDA and Kill Participation by evaluating your overall tendency to create action and taking control of the match. Aggressive players often lead with the initial strike by taking First Blood or First Turret and are able to snowball their leads to end a match.

“Position as close as possible and parallel to your Support. This will allow you to make favorable trades since you will be able to threaten and do damage at the same time as your ally. If the enemy bot lane isn’t doing the same, you can often trade 2v1 for easy damage or look for an all-in opportunity.”

Fighting analyzes your performance in all the different types of combat you’ll engage in on Summoner’s Rift: Duels, Picks, Skirmishes, and Teamfights. The GPI analyzes your performance to tell you the types of fights you excel in, the ones you struggle in, as well as how you tend to contribute in regards to your role (for example, if you’re a tank, how much damage do you tend to absorb?

“Pay close attention to the exact minion you will be getting level 6 from as this is often a large power spike for most champions. Use this information to fool your opponent into thinking he is fighting a fair fight by starting your duel as the minion is about to die.”

In combat, sometimes you’re the hunter, and sometimes you’re the hunted. In dangerous situations, the best players are able to get out alive and even maximize the time and resources that the enemy uses to try to kill them. The Survivability Skill helps you understand the circumstances surrounding your death to help you learn and live next time.

Mid lane is a role which can be ganked from almost any direction, here’s some advice that the GPI would give to a Mid who struggled with surviving against ganks:

“The majority of players have tells when theirJungleris around. Some players suddenly become bold and aggressive after having been passive while others may start to play dumb to bait you into looking for an engage. The trick is to look for your opponent’s personality and react to their deviations.”

In League of Legends, Income represents power. More gold means better items, and better items give you more options (especially if you have more than your opponents). With a constant flow of minions from start to finish, it’s crucial to be able to farm and manage waves properly. Failing to do so will cause you to fall behind not only in terms of items, but also experience and power spikes.

The stats tab will help you understand how you collect gold throughout a match with emphasis on the early game. It also helps you understand how your gold spent converts (or doesn’t convert) into damage.

Although the included stats are great to know, they do not give the full story, especially since there really isn’t any way to gauge how you do in the mid and late game phases. It also sort of leave roles like Jungle and Support in the dark since the metrics are geared more towards traditional farming laners.

The League of Legends stats tab examines the early game as the first 15 minutes, but what about the rest of your game? The GPI will not describe your performance across all phases of the match, but it will also tell you how efficient you were in farming the total amount of possible farm as well as your other sources of income.

It also includes some awesome metrics that are role specific, such as Counterjungling for Junglers and Support Item Income (Relic Shield, Spellthief, Ancient Coin) for Supports. Overall, these details are incredibly important for understanding how you’re prioritizing and gaining gold, especially when these roles don’t have access to traditional last-hitting.

Maintaining gold gain is important for everyone, Supports are no different. Here’s an example of advice that Farming would give an Ancient Coin Support main with low Income:

“Coins can sometimes drop in awkward places and some will be near impossible to pick up. If you’re struggling to grab them, look to adapt your playstyle. You can stick close to your ADC and work together to manage waves to pick up the coins more safely and more often.”

Baron, Dragons, and Rift Herald are pivotal ways to take control and win a game so it’s quite unfortunate that the Income portion of the League of Legends stats tab doesn’t account for how objectives contribute to gaining gold (among other things).

If you watch proplay, you may have heard of the “Baron power play”, basically the amount of gold that is achieved while a team has the Baron buff. Not only can the GPI’s Power Play score tell you the amount of gold that is gained while having a buff, but you’ll also be able to understand how many turrets and kills you tend to get.

By the way, we also take a look at Elder Dragon power plays – here’s an advice piece for a Jungler who may have trouble with making power plays with the Elder buff:

“Although Aspect of the Dragon isn’t as powerful as Baron for sieging towers, it can allow your team to poke extremely well. Use the additional damage to chunk out opponents to prep a dive or force them to retreat and you’ll be able to push your advantage further.”

With its three lanes and vast jungle, Summoner’s Rift is incredibly dynamic due to a large number of things happening at any given time around the map. It’s crucial that players fight for and establish vision because their enemies will be looking to roam to contest objectives or help other lanes.

The Map Control section of the tab illustrates gameplay factors related to things like vision, objectives, and roaming but really doesn’t give too much detail for each case. For example, it gives you a general idea of your contribution to controlling vision but you have no way of knowing how you do so.

The scores here, although very cool (“Roam Dominance” just sounds awesome), are quite vague and it’s kind of hard to understand how exactly to improve if you wanted to. The areas are just so nuanced that the more detail you have, the more you can do to isolate what you can do better.

Imagine if you could enable a cheat that would allow you to get rid of fog of war and see the whole map in its entirety. The way you play, and the decisions you make would probably change, right? Although it’s sort of the “dirty work” of League, it is necessary in order to give your team the best shot to win.

The GPI scores in the Vision Skill will tell you useful details such as how often you’re warding throughout the early, mid, and late game. You’ll know how often you buy Control Wards and how often you use them and other tools to deny the wards of the enemy team.

“It’s easy to get picked off solo when you’re warding enemy territory. Use your ownjudgment, but only go for deep wards when you can account for at least 4 of your 5 opponents. You can take more risk walking blindinto their turf if you’re positive that their most dangerous threats aren’t on your side of the map.”

Map control is usually dictated by the most pro-active players in the game. The players who simply roam, gank, and rotate make things happen by influencing lanes other than their own.

The GPI’s Aggression Skill can help you understand how much of an impact you’re having on the map through the Ganking score which analyzes your total ganks and your participation in the total percentage of ganks.

“Be careful when you’re ganking! You should have a mental checklist to go through every time you’re considering one. Where is the enemy Jungler? Does the champ I’m ganking have their ultimate? Do they have their summoner spells up? Repeatedly go through this sort of mental checklist so you can anticipate and execute ganks more cleanly.”

The client stats tab tells you whether or not you contribute to Objectives but it doesn’t give you any details about the actual objectives themselves. The GPI will not only tell you whether or not you do, but also tell you which types of objectives that you prioritize based on your role (Barons, Rift Heralds, Dragons, and towers).

Just to give you an idea of how much detail we give, your Dragons score will even describe the percentage of all the different elemental Dragon types that you take! Here’s an example of advice that a Mid laner might receive if they struggled in contributing to taking Dragons.

“One way of setting up before trying to take a Dragon is by bursting someone such as the enemy Mid or bot laners. If you’re successful, they’ll be forced to Recall and allow you to potentially take the objective with a numbers advantage.”

At the end of the day, improving is an ongoing quest to seek knowledge and act upon the things you learn. Whether it’s by taking notes while watching a pro-player kick ass with your main, finding a coach or mentor to show you the ropes, or using stat tools like the League of Legends tab and Mobalytics to teach yourself how to improve, if you have the desire to climb you can! If you have the motivation, your League match history will only improve in time.

Our team truly believes that Mobalytics is the fastest way to learn what you do well and what you can improve in. From the get-go, we wanted to make a tool for stat-heads and stat-noobs alike. If you don’t know how to contextualize the numbers yourself, the platform can do it for you.

We’ve had players go from Bronze to Gold, Silver to Plat, Plat to Diamond, and even had a case where a first time ranked player achieved Silver 2 in their very first placements using our tool. If it can work for them, it can work for you.

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions regarding the article, as always, hit us up on ourDiscord. To try out the GPI, just head to Mobalytics.ggto get started, it’s free!

tft display champion stats in game quotation

We"ve been collecting feedback and iterating on new and improved LeagueSpy features. Today I"m happy to announce our new Champion View, Champion Home and Insights pages on LeagueSpy!

Pre-Game at a GlanceTo navigate to the champion page, simply click on any champion icon or type in the name of the champion in the search box and then click the icon of the champion in the search results below. On this page you"ll find statistics, recommended builds, matchup information and our top 5 players for that champion. You can choose which ranks to pull stats from at the top of the page and you can also select the role for your champion if the champion has stats in multiple roles. Pre-game information such as Summoner Spell options as well as the most common skill order and rune setups are available at a glance for your specified role. You"ll also see win rates and pick rates for the different options suggested here!

Swappable Recommended ItemsOur new recommended items section offers suggestions for your build based on the most popular and successful items for that champion in your selected role. This build is customizable allowing, you to drag and drop your desired items to create the perfect build for your game. While you"re customizing your build, the pentagonal stat graph in the center will dynamically update based on the items you"ve picked out. The graph shows the 5 most relevant stats for your selected champion, so AD carries might show Attack Speed and Critical Chance in their graph while mages have Mana and Cooldown Reduction in theirs. The update to the items section includes multiple starting item option and a special "Jungle Item" slot for junglers!

Matchups, Stats & Top PlayersFinally, we have the lane counters, general stats and top 5 players. The "CR" numbers shown here are based on the champion"s Counter Rating against each matchup. You can find more detailed information on how counter ratings are calculated on the page for each matchup at CounterStats. Here"s the link to the

Champion Home PageThe Champion Home page has been updated to display the top champions for each role. The list can be easily filtered by clicking the role buttons and you can sort by whatever stat you"re interested in. Want to see the most banned mid laners? Wondering what the lowest win rate top laner is? It"s all at your fingertips, just click the role and stat you"re interested in! You can also change which rank you"re pulling stats from — Gold, Platinum or Diamond players.

Summoner Insights UpdateWe"ve also updated the Summoner Insights page based on feedback received from users. To check out your own insights, navigate to the Summoner Stats page and enter your summoner name, then click any of your recent matches to get a personalized breakdown of that game. You can also reach the insights page by clicking the Insights tab on your summoner profile or while browsing your match history.

Feedback Appreciated!We"re always looking for more feedback, so leave us your thoughts on the new page designs and let us know if you encounter any issues or have ideas of how to improve the site! We hope you enjoy the latest updates to LeagueSpy. I look forward to reading your comments! :)

We"ve been collecting feedback and iterating on new and improved LeagueSpy features. Today I"m happy to announce our new Champion View, Champion Home and Insights pages on [url=]LeagueSpy[/url]!

To navigate to the champion page, simply click on any champion icon or type in the name of the champion in the search box and then click the icon of the champion in the search results below. On this page you"ll find statistics, recommended builds, matchup information and our top 5 players for that champion. You can choose which ranks to pull stats from at the top of the page and you can also select the role for your champion if the champion has stats in multiple roles. Pre-game information such as Summoner Spell options as well as the most common skill order and rune setups are available at a glance for your specified role. You"ll also see win rates and pick rates for the different options suggested here!

Our new recommended items section offers suggestions for your build based on the most popular and successful items for that champion in your selected role. This build is customizable allowing, you to drag and drop your desired items to create the perfect build for your game. While you"re customizing your build, the pentagonal stat graph in the center will dynamically update based on the items you"ve picked out. The graph shows the 5 most relevant stats for your selected champion, so AD carries might show Attack Speed and Critical Chance in their graph while mages have Mana and Cooldown Reduction in theirs. The update to the items section includes multiple starting item option and a special "Jungle Item" slot for junglers!

Finally, we have the lane counters, general stats and top 5 players. The "CR" numbers shown here are based on the champion"s Counter Rating against each matchup. You can find more detailed information on how counter ratings are calculated on the page for each matchup at CounterStats. [url=]Here"s the link[/url] to the [[Jhin]] vs [[Twitch]] matchup.

The Champion Home page has been updated to display the top champions for each role. The list can be easily filtered by clicking the role buttons and you can sort by whatever stat you"re interested in. Want to see the most banned mid laners? Wondering what the lowest win rate top laner is? It"s all at your fingertips, just click the role and stat you"re interested in! You can also change which rank you"re pulling stats from — Gold, Platinum or Diamond players.

We"ve also updated the Summoner Insights page based on feedback received from users. To check out your own insights, navigate to the [url=]Summoner Stats page[/url] and enter your summoner name, then click any of your recent matches to get a personalized breakdown of that game. You can also reach the insights page by clicking the Insights tab on your summoner profile or while browsing your match history.

We"re always looking for more feedback, so leave us your thoughts on the new page designs and let us know if you encounter any issues or have ideas of how to improve the site! We hope you enjoy the latest updates to LeagueSpy. I look forward to reading your comments! :)[/quote]

tft display champion stats in game quotation

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) is an auto battler game developed and published by Riot Games. The game is a spinoff of League of Legends game mode for Microsoft Windows and macOS in June 2019 and as a standalone game for Android and iOS in March 2020, featuring cross-platform play between them.

The game consist of stages and rounds. Each stage consist of seven rounds with the exception of stage 1. Stage 1 consist of three rounds of computer-controlled enemies. On round four of each stage, there is a feature called the "Carousel", in which players have access to a free rotation of units with random equipped items to select from. During these shared rounds, the two players with the lowest health are able to choose their units first, followed by the next two players with the lowest health, and so on. If there are players with similar health points, the game will randomly choose the order.

Players accumulate gold during rounds and can save it to build interest, which further increases their income per round. Players can also gain additional income per round by either winning multiple rounds in a row or losing multiple rounds in a row.experience points to increase their level. The higher a player"s level, the more units they can place on the board, which can also be augmented by certain items, and the higher the average rarity of units in the shop. Each unit is able to be upgraded if additional copies of the same unit are found in the shop or Shared Draft. Upgrading a champion increases their maximum health and attack damage.

With some exceptions, units have a health bar and a mana bar. Taking damage from enemy attacks or abilities will lower a unit"s health but increase a unit"s mana. When a unit"s health reaches zero, they are effectively removed from the round. When a unit"s mana bar is full, they cast a unique ability. Some units may start the round with some percentage of their mana bar full, but units generally start the round with no mana.

Synergies are activated by a team composition that makes use of one or multiple units with the same trait. Each unit has two or three traits and the effective combination of units will activate synergies that benefit the player. Synergies will usually fall into three categories: effects that strengthen allies, effects that weaken enemies, and miscellaneous effects.Teamfight Tactics corresponds to a unique unit pool, collection of synergies, and usable items.

Teamfight Tactics periodically updates its unit roster. Every three months there is a partial rotation, referred by Riot Games developers as a mid-set update, rotating out traits and units which are problematic.Teamfight Tactics is a game mode of League of Legends, its patch numbering follows the same as its parent game rather than being labelled differently.

Teamfight Tactics was based on Mahjong, where players pick up tiles and discard tiles in order to complete a hand by forming a pair and sets such as a sequence, or three or four identical tiles, while preventing other players to complete a hand.League of Legends client for Microsoft Windows and macOS on June 26, 2019, and as a standalone app for Android and iOS on March 19, 2020.million monthly players with 1.72 billion hours of accumulated game time.

Similar to other free-to-play games from Riot, Teamfight Tactics monetization base around cosmetic consumptions. It has its own store separate from League of Legends. The player"s controllable avatar, called a "Little Legend", can be customized by buying new ones from the store. Those can be upgraded by buying from loot boxes called "Little Legend eggs" or through star shards that can either be bought in the store or earned from the season pass that lasts for the duration of the set.

Other than the controllable avatar, Teamfight Tactics also has skins for the player board where the combat between players is played. The boards can be bought directly or through bundles in the store. Boards also come with different prizes, while the cheap ones only change the model of the board, expensive ones are interactive and react to player achievement.

Besides Normal and Ranked game modes, Riot released a faster-paced game mode named "Hyper Roll" in April 2021, streamlining mechanics to decrease game time. Hyper roll gameplay differences include the following: Little Legends only carry 20 health and take 2 damage per fight lost for the first 4 stages, 4 damage from 5 to 7, and 8 damage from anything beyond, 75% increased movement speed, and the carousel is not part of the game.

Teamfight Tactics is being supported by Riot Games post-launch, with regular balance updates to keep the game fair and entertaining, as well as Little Legend egg drops. The game also updates the game in a big way with "sets". Sets give players more incentive to play the game, changing synergies and introducing new ones, rotating various League of Legends champions into the roster, as well as dropping new season passes.

tft display champion stats in game quotation

Like DotA, League of Legends gives you control of one Champion, who has unique attacks and abilities, and sends you out against enemy Mooks and Champions to earn experience points and gold. Your goal is to destroy the enemy base (the Nexus) by first eliminating the turrets that defend it, which usually requires a heap-load of Cannon Fodder Mooks to tank the turret blasts while the Champions whittle it down. There are also a number of secondary objectives scattered around the map which grant significant bonuses to whoever claims them.

The Framing Device originally revolved around the titular "League of Legends", a magical battle arena used to settle disputes between the competing factions living in the magical fantasy world of Runeterra. The lore has developed in a massive way since then, employing a Continuity Reboot that wrote out the League entirely in favour of focusing upon the living tales of individual characters and entire nations that populate Runeterra. The ongoing lore is now primarily communicated through Universe

Unlike the Champions who start each match at Level 1, the Player Character Summoners are persistent and gain experience with every battle. Summoners can also directly improve a Champion"s stats during gameplay by equipping "Runes", and bringing two Support Powers into battle.

League of Legends, like all MOBA games, stems from LoL currently competes with several other games that originate from DotA, including its own direct sequel, LoL has many distinct differences from DotA, most of which simplify the game to some extent. Riot Games pushed it heavily as a professional e-sport, and it has long since eclipsed the original DotA"s popularity. Like we said: most played game in the world.

The game has two playable modes, each between two opposing teams of up to five players:Classic: The standard mode of play as described above. The map for this mode is Summoner"s Rift, a 5v5 three-lane map in the same style of DotA"s map.note(There used to be a second Classic map, Twisted Treeline, a smaller two-lane map for 3v3 matches that was retired due to low activity and outdated visuals/design.)

ARAM: "All-Random, All-Mid", which was originally a fan-made House Rule of Classic Mode where players would agree to use random Champions, only employ the central lane and were not allowed to return to their base until death. This created a highly-aggressive game based more around direct combat than map control. It was later canonized into an official mode and given a unique map: the "Proving Grounds", later revised into "The Howling Abyss".note(Occasionally it also appears on "Butchers" Bridge", a pirate-themed reskin of the Howling Abyss.)

On top of this, in November 2013, Riot started releasing "temporary game modes" that are only available for a limited time. Riot has a "Featured Game Mode" queue that opens at a somewhat sporadic schedule, with specific game modes being available for play on a rotational basis. These game modes include:

Currently in Active Rotation:One for All: A mode that operates exactly like Classic, except each team is made up of five copies of the same champion. Only three champions were permanently vetoed: Karthus (five of his ultimate ability hitting at once would be unbeatable), Syndra (so many orbs), and Teemo (so many mushrooms).

Ultra Rapid Fire, or April Fools" Day 2014 as "the future of LoL", this mode grants a global buff to all players that allows them to spam abilities to a ridiculously overpowered degree. Hilarity Ensues. It also has an "ARURF" variant, which forces random champions in a manner similar to ARAM, and a retired "Snow Battle ARURF" variant, which combined a limited pool of champions in their holiday skins with supercharged versions of ARAM"s Mark/Dash spell.

Nexus Blitz: A fast-paced mode on a separate map from Summoner"s Rift and the Howling Abyss called the "Temple of Lily and Lotus", with two lanes, a jungle designed for two players, the ability to get "On Fire" from killstreaks, and minigames that grant random bonuses happening every few minutes. Notably intended to explicitly last 20 minutes or less: if a team hasn"t won by 17:30, the Nexii get up and start attacking each other.

Ultimate Spellbook: The most recently developed (and currently unreleased) rotating mode, themed after the Ruination event. Everyone gets a special summoner spell that allows you to cast one of three randomly-selected ultimates from another Champion. Additionally, everyone"s ultimates now scale with both ability power and attack damage, meaning that the ult you pick won"t conflict with your item build.

Legend of the Poro King: A winter-exclusive 5v5 skirmish on the Howling Abyss where the usual Summoner spells are replaced by two poro-specific abilities: firstly, the ability to throw a companion poro at enemies (and to dash to an enemy afterward) and secondly, to dash to the side of the Poro King, whom you will summon once your team has landed 10 poro hits on enemy players. The Poro King is a giant poro who proceeds slowly down the map, healing your team and doing damage to your enemies (tanking turret blasts and thrown enemy poros too) until he is dispelled. Possibly retired.

Retired:Definitely Not Dominion: Known simply as Dominion in its original incarnation. A capture-and-hold game where players must fight over control of five "capture points" on the map. The Nexus is not attacked directly, but damaged over time depending on how many points are controlled. Champions start at Level 3 and gain gold and experience far more quickly than normal, leading to a more action-packed match. The dedicated map for this mode is called "The Crystal Scar". This was originally one of the three main game types alongside Classic and ARAM, but was discontinued after four years in February 2016 due to a lack of interest.

The Showdown: A 1v1 or 2v2 skirmish on a modified version of the Howling Abyss map. The winner is the first player/team to draw First Blood, destroy a Tower, or kill one hundred enemy minions. Oh, and whoever wins dances as Victory is declared and the whole bridge floods with happy Poros.

Hexakill: A 6v6 war that completely upends the standard meta of the game. While it started on Summoner"s Rift, it eventually moved over to Twisted Treeline (where the smaller map geometry gave it an identity separate from that of Summoner"s Rift). Retired with the Twisted Treeline map.

One for All Mirror Mode: A variation of "One for All" that pits ten of the same champion against each other on the Howling Abyss map. Unlike standard One for All, it never really took off.

Doom Bots of Doom: A Co-Op vs. AI mode which pits regular players against Purposely Overpowered bots. These "Doom Bots" not only have incredibly unfair versions of their regular abilities, but gain randomized bonus abilities taken from other Champions or made exclusively for this mode. A later remake turns this into a sort of survival mode, with Little Devil Teemo as the final boss.Two other PvE modes (Star Guardian: Invasion and Odyssey: Extraction) pit the players against a predesigned set of mooks on custom maps, ending in a boss fight, with the former being limited to the first ten Champions with Star Guardian skins and the latter being limited to one of the five champions (besides Kayn) with Odyssey skins. "Odyssey: Extraction" notably gave players the ability to customize aspects of their champions" abilities within the mode, letting you do things like run Ziggs as a healer or Yasuo as a mage focused around his dash.

Ascension: A modified version of the Dominion map, where two teams of five must move through an even thicker fog of war to capture relics. At the center of the map is the boss, a stationary Xerath with a high level of health; whoever kills him Ascends themselves, becoming highly buffed until the enemy team manages to kill them. Points are awarded for champion kills and relics captured; first team to 200 wins.

Nemesis Draft: A variation on Summoner"s Rift Draft Mode, where instead of picking your own champions, you pick the enemy team"s. Cue a complete reversal of the usual draft tactics, as players try to ban out the perceived worst champions and give the enemy team the most awkward champions and comps they can come up with.

Black Market Brawlers: Originally added as a part of the Bilgewater: Burning Tides event. In this game mode, many different items from the "black market" are also available for sale, some with very dramatic effects. Additionally, you can spend Krakens, a currency unique to the game mode, on Brawlers, unique mercenary creatures that follow minions down a lane. Subsequent Krakens spent can upgrade your Brawlers to give them unique effects. After it ended, one of the unique items, the Dead Man"s Plate, was added to regular gameplay to memorialize the event.

Nexus Siege: A time-attack competition where the Attacking team attempts to destroy the Nexus of the Defending team as quickly as possible. The two teams then switch sides, and whoever gets the best time wins. Both teams can buy special Siege Equipment to help their side, such as tower-destroying cannon placements for the Attackers and tower-buffing super-lasers for the Defenders.

Hunt of the Blood Moon: A deathmatch game mode where only very aggressive and squishy champions, mostly Assassins, are playable. The first team to reach 350 points wins, and points are gained by killing enemy champions, hunting enemy spirits in their jungle, or killing the Demon Heralds that spawn in the Baron and Dragon pits. If one champion gets three kills in a row without dying or returning to base, they gain Demon Brand, which turns them invisible and causes their next attack to deal true damage. It"s a huge deathmatch where everyone is a glass cannon.

Dark Star: Singularity: An odd deathmatch mode where all players load in as Dark Star Thresh, on a ruined version of one of the Summoner"s Rift bases set around a central black hole. Players have to yank and shove their enemies into the black hole while avoiding being knocked in themselves, with damage taken increasing the distance enemy abilities push or pull you. (Notably, you can only die by being knocked inside the black hole.)

OVERCHARGE: A PROJECT-themed deathmatch mode limited entirely to Marksman champions. Players try to kill each other while destroying bots to overcharge their team and picking up items that restore health or refresh their cooldowns.

The Characters pages list every commercially-released champion, detailing tropes related to their backstory, appearance, and gameplay mechanics, and a few other characters to boot. The numerous memes spawned by the community can be found here. The numerous Shout Outs to other medias can be found here. For details on the professional teams and their members, see Professional Gaming under the MOBA folder. For the truly daring, the Drinking Game page can be viewed here.

The game has since formed the crux of an entire media franchise including several other games, comics, animated series, and music. It is also central to

Aborted Arc: The entirety of the pre-retcon lore, aside from a few archetypal starting points for some champions, and even that"s not a guarantee. In an extensive post, Riot said the old lore was extremely limiting and prevented them from truly exploring unique and interesting avenues for their characters. They weren"t wrong, as the old lore was filled with Excuse Plots, excessive Fanservice, and other general nonsense. So, they started over. Clean slate. The lore since then has taken many by surprise.

Aerith and Bob: There are champions with names like "Annie", "Vladimir", and "Diana", as well as ones with more exotic names like "Rek"Sai", "Teemo", and "Thresh".

All Love Is Unrequited: Zoe has a crush on Ezreal, who is implied to have a crush on Lux, who is either uninterested or oblivious. Averted in Alternate Universe versions of Lux and Ezreal, as Star Guardian Ezreal is treated as an Implied Love Interest to Lux and in the Battle Academia universe, they seem to be dating.

All Your Base Are Belong to Us: The ultimate goal of each game is to destroy the enemy"s Nexus at the end of their base, so unless one of them surrenders early, a base invasion will occur; whether it"s yours or the enemy"s will depend entirely on how everyone plays the game.

Alternate Universe: Quite a number of the alternate skins for champions play with this, with in-game skin descriptions and other promotional materials tying them together in similar thematic universes. More information can be found on the Groups and Skin Themes page, but some notable ones:Academy: The champions live as students, teachers, and professors in high school. Taken further with the Riot-endorsed series of Academy Adventures fan comics, which shows exactly what happens when you have a school filled with super powerful beings who have much of their original personalities.

Battlecast (or "The Evolution"): Viktor has realized his Glorious Evolution. In turn, he"s created a number of machine monstrosities, based on several void champions, Xerath, and Skarner.

PROJECT: The champions are part of a Cyberpunk future, and turned into cyborgs meant for battle, and forced to often undergo torturous memory wipes to suppress their humanity and memories of their former lives. Master Yi in particular has suffered from this, but has flashes of his original memories. However, a resistance faction led by Ashe have broken away to avoid having their memories of their human selves taken away, and fight to free other PROJECT members from being used as mere weapons.

Pulsefire: Future setting where champions have access to time travel and other alternate universes. Ezereal has become a "time explorer", but is actually considered a criminal because of his habit of taking artifacts from their correct timelines, causing the butterfly effect. He is now chased after by this universe"s Caitlyn as she tries to stop him and others who negatively affect the various time streams from their rightful course.

Star Guardian: Champions living in a modern-day world, school students by day, and Magical Girl Warriors by night. Two parties exist: the first of Lux, Lulu, Janna, Jinx, and Poppy, and the second of Ahri, Miss Fortune, Soraka, Syndra, Neeko and Ezreal with Zoe, Rakan and Xayah being treated as the Big Bad.

Pentakill: Mordekaiser, Yorick, Karthus, Olaf, Sona, and Kayle as members of a Death Metal rock band. Defictionalized with Riot"s in-house band Pentakill releasing an actual album, with songs named after various items, gameplay features, and lore pieces.

Always Chaotic Evil: Seemingly invoked by The Void and the Shadow Isles but subverted when you read up on their characters and lore. It"s certainly the case for a majority of champions in those factions, but not all of them.

American Kirby Is Hardcore: Invoked with the Japanese voice actor reveal trailer of the Japanese dub cast of the game. Because of pop culture differences between Japan and the west, cuter champions (i.e. Annie, Lulu, Teemo, Jinx, Ashe, Nami, and Ziggs) and Japanese aesthetic ones (such as Master Yi and Yasuo) are highlighted more while "manly" champions (i.e. Darius, Draven, Graves, Rengar) and gritty action girls (Katarina, Morgana, Sivir, Shyvana) are highlighted in many western trailers for this game.

Amplifier Artifact:Many champions have kits which don"t really kick into gear until they reach a "core build", a fundamental combination of items that matches their stats and abilities. This creates a "power spike" when they reach that item which often allows their team to seize an advantage by leveraging their new power.

Season 11 introduced "Mythic Items" that are a localized version of this. All are powerful on their own, and they each come with a passive that gives them increased stats based on the other items a player builds, meaning they"re imperative for every single champion in every single game, ideally to act as the first major completed item. The catch is that you can only have one Mythic item at a time, so players must choose early on what"s the most complimentary one for each given champion against any given opponents.

An Adventurer Is You: In late 2013, Riot made an update to their champion classification to more accurately express their role in a team, expanding for specificity"s sake in 2016. You can check out those classifications on the character page.

Animesque: A few champion designs and some champion splash arts have a noticeable Eastern influence — one big difference between this game and its nearest rival game Dota 2 looks more like a Western RPG, whereas League looks more like a JRPG. League as a whole is still distinctly a western game, but it still likes to integrate a few anime references in many of its designs/quotes/storylines, as well as in several non-canon skins, most prominently the Super Galaxy and Star Guardian lines. The Spirit Blossom skin-line takes it even further, with various character skins resembling preexisting Anime characters.

Announcer Chatter: At the start of the game, when minions are spawned, whenever someone goes down, destruction of important buildings, and killing sprees. It helps that she sounds like she could be the Administrator"s older, kinder sister, even if she does revel in bloodshed. Special events occasionally replace this voice, with the Burning Tides event having Gangplank serving this role.

Anti-Frustration Features:A number of the more technical or esoteric aspects from the original Making every champion"s abilities and summoner spells mapped to the same accessible QWER/DF configuration rather than the unique configurations for every single hero that were spread across the keyboard.

The "Town Portal Scroll" was decomposed into a universal "recall" ability that can be used at any time to return to base, and the "Teleport" summoner spell functions like a free (but long-cooldown) TP Scroll.

Creep denial — in which you kill your own Minions which doesn"t give you gold and experience but denies your enemy from doing the same — is completely removed.

Death no longer causes you to lose gold, and tower kills distribute gold to the entire team rather than just the player who last-hit it, reducing the likelihood of Unstable Equilibrium.

Aside from critical strike chance, almost all stat-based RNG mechanics have been completely phased out, and mechanics that do have a randomness element tend to be much more interactive beyond simple stats.

You can choose your attack-move behavior to either target the enemy closest to where you clicked or the first enemy that steps into your attack range.

When a player disconnects, his or her champion will simply walk back to base (rather than stand still and wait for something to come kill them). You"re still stuck with a lower max number of players, but it can prevent a cheap death by standing idle in front of an enemy turret. (DOTA 2 took notice of this and upped the ante by having an AI-controlled bot take control of the disconnected player).

The First Win of the Day bonus resets every 20 hours rather than the normally-expected 24 hours, giving you much more leeway in getting the bonus every day without having to worry about schedule slipping.

The in-game shop has an undo button to fully refund purchases within a limited window of time. This handily eliminates the age-old dilemma of buying the wrong item and having to choose between being stuck with the wrong item or losing valuable gold selling it back for less.

Season 4 introduced a new item system which implemented a few changes for convenience:The trinket system was added that allowed players to pick up either gain free wards, scout out an area of the map from far away, or disable stealth. This, combined with the 3-per-person limit on wards, alleviated the all-too-common problem of the support player being the only one on the map placing any wards at all.

For support characters, players could choose one of three starter support items that increased gold income, carefully designed (mostly by causing the effects to stop working temporarily if they kill a minion, the usual method of gold income) to let supports gain a gold stream closer to their teammates, partially addressing a complaint that the role was less fun due to their inability to buy worthy item upgrades.

As of pre-season 6, player vision wards now automatically upgrade, since players often forget anyway. Also, all players receive the "Homeguard" enchantment at 20 minutes, rather than having to buy it.

Pre-season 11 introduced a major overhaul to the item store layout, allowing inexperienced players to better understand their build paths for any given scenario. Among the changes were updating major weapons to succinctly describe their function for any given champion (Liandry"s Anguish for "Anti-Tank", Duskblade of Draktharr for "Multikill", Goredrinker to "Survive Burst", etc.), and making the "Recommended" tab update based on enemy compositions. It also implemented quick-buy sidebars for universally-desirable consumables and boots for convenience.

Anti-Magic: Any champion with an ability that Silences enemies (incapable of using abilities, cancels currently channeling ones, etc.) can do this. No crowd control lasts for more than a couple of seconds, but casters are rendered nearly helpless for the duration, making it feel very long indeed. Naturally, the few specialized Mage Killer champions have this in their arsenal plus other abilities to capitalize on this vulnerable period.

Anti-Regeneration: The game has a semi-common status effect called "Grievous Wounds", which causes anyone afflicted by it to receive significantly reduced healing from any sources. A few champions have this innately as part of their moveset, but they"re easier to come by in terms of specialized items (such as the Morellonomicon, the Chempunk Chainsword, and Mortal Reminder), which can cancel anywhere between 30% to 50% of their target"s healing ability. If your enemy team has a lot of dedicated healers or built-in Life Drain, it"s pretty much imperative.

Armor Is Useless: Can reach this state at times, depending on the balance of the game. During those times, Tanks and Fighters typically fall out of favor, and Controllers and Slayers (Often with strange item builds) typically end up taking their place.

Armor-Piercing Attack:Armor/Magic Penetration stats affect how much a player"s attacks can pierce through an enemy"s Armor or Magic Resist, respectively, and Lethality is a stat that increases Armor Penetration based on the target"s level (in practice based on how items are balanced, the significance in distinguishing Armor Pen and Lethality is that Armor Pen scales well against enemies building plenty of Armor, while Lethality stacks well towards chunking out enemies who don"t). There"s also "true damage", which cannot be mitigated by Armor or Magic Resist, and can only be combated through having more health.

A different, but still straight example comes in the form of the Serpent"s Fang, an AD/lethality item that grants bonus damage against shields. Its base stats are intentionally meant to be somewhat middling and the item itself somewhat niche, but against enemy teams that rely on lots of shields, it"s an effective kryptonite.

A much rarer damage type is what"s considered "raw damage", found primarily in One-Hit Kill effects such as Urgot"s Fear Beyond Death and Pyke"s Death From Below ultimates, or even the enemy fountain lasers. Ignoring shields, healing, and resurrection states, if an enemy is hit by it, they will die.

Art Evolution:As part of League"s ever-evolving nature, its art style and fidelity began as a mostly amateur-quality, with splash arts being poses of in-game models, voiceovers being brief and limited, etc. As Riot"s resources and talent continually increases, they"ve taken to greatly update assets they deem outdated in many different fields, from higher-quality splash arts, to entire champion relaunches that rebuild their art, model, effects, audio, and voices to modern standards. An extensive list of individual updates for each champion can be found on the wiki.

Wild Rift, in spite of being a mobile version of the game, was built from scratch using much better graphical technology and resources than what the PC game had up to 10 years prior, so many of the older champions have received enormously improved models, animations, splash arts, and other assets compared to their PC counterparts.

The Artifact: Before the great retconning, the League of Legends itself descended into this. It"s one of the primary reasons why Riot went through with the retcon.

Artifact Title:Double Subverted for the very title of the game, in that while the in-universe organization of the League of Legends has been retconned out, it could be considered that the game is still a league of actual legends, either famous in-universe characters, Folk Heroes given flesh for combat, or actual ethereal entities that wouldn"t exist if the literal League had still existed.

"Ability power" might be confusing to new players, who might wonder why it"s used synonymously with "magic damage" considering there are many abilities that scale off of physical attack damage, health, or other paradigms. That"s because when the game first started out, all abilities were exclusively scaled to this one stat; physical damage was channeled entirely through basic attacks, with AD-scaling abilities being a later development.

Artificial Brilliance/Artificial Stupidity: The bots zig-zag between these two. The bots on Beginner are notoriously poor players, running into towers without minions and rarely going back for more health. This is however justified given how they still regularly beat new players. The Intermediate bots, on the other hand, are a whole order of magnitude more difficult, ganking weak champions and making much better use of their abilities — and yet they still make stupid decisions like chasing "weakened" champions all across the map while their lane stays wide-open.

Ascended Meme: As to be expected for a regularly-updating game by a development team that regularly interacts with the community, many. See the Memes page for more.

Athens and Sparta: Piltover and Zaun have this dynamic, with Piltover being the clean, shining beacon of achievement to Zaun"s polluted, grungy atmosphere. The twist is that they are the same city and that Piltover has only been able to get so far by exploiting the working class in Zaun.

Attack! Attack! Attack!: It depends on the situation, but in a lot of cases, blindly attacking is a bad idea. "Pushing", or clearing minions as fast as possible to get closer to the enemy tower can leave one in a vulnerable position to get ganked as it"s easier to kill someone that has to run all the way back to their tower. However, given adequate ward coverage and map awareness to protect against approaching enemies, pushing the lane can be a good thing as it makes it harder for the enemy to farm with their tower damaging creepsnoteLess true in higher divisions and especially pro play, where everyone"s last-hitting mechanics are so excellent that only a very few champions are seriously hampered by being kept under tower — unless they"re in a 1v2 situation, especially as a melee, where every minion kill has to be weighed against the possibility of taking a third of your health or more in free harass, even when under tower and ensures that they can"t leave their lane to help out elsewhere without losing the tower. It"s otherwise more beneficial to keep the lane relatively even by only finishing off minions, or "last-hitting", since this maximizes gold gained versus distance pushed. Learning where and when to push the lane is an integral part of coming to understand the game and improving.

Authority Equals Asskicking: Between Jarvan IV, Garen, Swain, Darius, Ashe, Tryndamere, and Sejuani, the game has quite a few badass royals and generals.

Awesome, but Impractical: A number of things. Snowballing items that require you to get kills, cheesy champion strategies that rely on bewilderment and brute force, as well as a certain number of champions depending on where you play them.

Back from the Dead:Everyone respawns after death for some time. As it likely gave your enemies time and extra gold over you, it will eventually get to a point where a dead team"s buildings and base should logically be razed by the other side before they can respawn. The time it takes to respawn slowly progresses as the game increases. There"s also the item Guardian Angel, which gives you a second chance by reviving you after a short stasis time with a little less than half of your health.

Badass Adorable: Yordles in general, as well as a number of other absolutely cute champions.Bait-and-Switch Lesbians: Former lore writer Runaan wrote a Twitter post where she accused Riot of queerbaiting with Graves and Twisted Fate after the Double Double Cross cinematic. Within the post, she explained she had been trying to write the pair as married for years and faced open hostility about it from her higher-ups, only for Riot to claim the Homoerotic Subtext between the pair was intentional after the fandom responded positively to it, suggesting that teasing the pair was okay but actually having the two be married was unacceptable.

Battle Couple: A few champions are in romantic relationships with each other and fight alongside each other in the lore. They can also be made to fight against each other on the Rift.Xayah and Rakan, the Vastayan freedom fighters, a classic case of Uptight Loves Wild and Ladykiller in Love.

For years Lucian was only one of these in his backstory, but his wife Senna was restored to life in 2019 and they"re resumed their former relationship and job as monster hunters.

Ashe and Tryndamere are a married couple, and although it was at least initially a political marriage to help Ashe unite the Freljord, it"s been confirmed that they do actually care for each other.

Varus is actually a Fusion Dance of a gay couple, a pair of Ionian hunter-warriors called Kai and Valmar, combined into one body which they share with the Darkin Varus that possesses their bow.

Better to Die than Be Killed:Because being killed by enemy towers or minions without the aid of enemy champions does not reward their team with gold, some players who have pushed too far down a lane and see a large gank approaching will "deny themselves" by intentionally rushing towards the enemy nexus through multiple towers, hoping they will die to towers before the enemy team can reach them and thus avoid providing the enemy team with valuable gold and experience.

This tactic is surprisingly common in ARAM mode, where you"ll often find players on long kill-streaks without dying diving into towers for the same principle as above, but also to purchase items, as in ARAM there is no recalling or returning to the shop until you die.

BFS: Several champions wield swords so enormous that the non-BF swords are practically the exception. In terms of items, many attack damage-based items are represented as swords, including a literal basic-tier item called B.F. Sword. More elaborate ones include Infinity Edge (a giant, golden sword for critical strike and damage), Bloodthirster (a jagged, blood-drinking sword for lifesteal), and Chempunk Chainsword (a chainsaw fusion for anti-heal).

Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism: Mild case with the Yordles. From the champions we"re shown, female Yordles are always blue-furred with white hair (Tristana, Poppy), while male Yordles vary from having tan fur (Corki), tan fur and blonde hair (Heimerdinger), to looking like anthropomorphic hamsters (Kennen, Teemo, Rumble). This is mostly to pin on them originally being two races (Meglings and Yordles) that were Retconned into one, and later designs tend to downplay this trope.

Bloodless Carnage:Despite all the shooting, smashing, stabbing, and slicing, there"s no visible injuries or blood spilled the vast majority of the time. The exception is a few champions (particularly Noxian ones) whose attacks and/or abilities will make small spurts of blood show up on their targets, but not nearly as much as inflicting that kind of injury would cause.

Bribing Your Way to Victory: Despite there being plenty of things to spend money on, very much Averted. While it"s certainly faster to gain the unlockable champions by forking over cash, you can also gain them via "Blue Essence", which is awarded along with EXP after leveling up after certain games. While there are things you can only buy with money, they are either 1) purely cosmetic skins for your champions, or 2) "Boosts" which double your EXP gain for a set period of time. Ten champions, rotated weekly, are free to play at any time. It"s perfectly viable to do some playtesting and then purchase only the ones you like.

Broad Strokes: The Ruined King saga has been explained in many different mediums, but they significantly differ in many ways, so determining what is canon can be a little rough, to a point where Riot accepts all versions

Steadfast Heart (the webcomic) is the more compressed but dramatic version, focusing almost exclusively on the Sentinels, starting from Lucian freeing Senna from Thresh"s lantern to immediately beginning their recruitment process as Viego"s Ruination begins anew. Several characters are completely absent, including Gwen, Vex, the Rookie, and half of the major Sentinel recruits (the only ones present are Vayne, Riven, Irelia, and Akshan), and the focus is more on the approach to the Shadow Isles, with Senna and Lucian struggling to get new champions on their side along the way. The characterizations are also more accurate to what their respective bios have been known to set up; for example, Vayne"s intense zealotry against beings of "dark magic" is more pronounced, in turn making her initial meeting with Senna way more confrontational. It also features a significantly different ending to Rise of the Sentinels, skipping the beat where Viego successfully revives Isolde — in this version, Senna simply reaches for Isolde"s spirit still inside of her, allowing her and the rest of the team to defeat and banish Viego on their own. Unbound Thresh"s appearance is also relegated to just a lingering cliffhanger at the very end.

interquel between Shadow and Fortune and the Ruined King Saga that was originally supposed to be released before the event, but was delayed to after it — unexpectedly created yet another path:

In an amusing in-universe addendum, the short story "The Boys And Bombolini" reveals that Graves has made a habit of recounting the whole escapade from his point of view to everyone he knows. He frequently messes up the details, is implied to be lying about others, but overall asserts that the big thing happened, even if the specifics aren"t totally necessary.

Twisted Fate: You weren’t even there! You think I don’t read Shauna’s letters? Graves, I’m a con man, you can’t trick me. They left you outside while scissors doll and the shirtless wonder saved the day.

Buxom Beauty Standard: Early on in the game"s life, this was present for a lot of female champions. It was repeatedly explained that being subtler used to not work for the game engine, as long, elegant hair and massive breasts made it easy to distinguish a male character from female, and attempts from this era to be more modest (such as Riven or Quinn) proved them to be correct. Nowadays, they have much better graphics and technology available, so they don"t need to rely on the tactic anymore with newer female champions like Jinx, Kalista, and Taliyah.

Can"t Catch Up: True to being a MOBA, players can end up behind after getting killed a number of times. The vicious cycle is that the more kills that you give to an opponent, the more gold and EXP they get, so the next kill is easier, etc.

Cast of Snowflakes: In addition to each champion having a very different physical appearance, they each perform a very unique role in team compositions, at least in theory.

Chain Lethality Enabler: Several characters have mechanics in their kits which make it easier to follow up a kill with another kill, most commonly by refreshing cooldowns. Darius, Katarina, Master Yi, and Pyke are the most notable examples, with entire kits built around chaining kills.

Chain Lightning:Luden"s Tempest (and its predecessor, Luden"s Echo) deals a burst of this through using abilities every few seconds, damaging your target as well as a few nearby enemies from magical energy.

The now-removed Statikk Shiv item caused lightning to shoot out from the target of your next basic attack, chaining onto nearby enemies, making it very effective for clearing waves of minions. This effect has since been moved to the Hextech Dragon Soul.

Changing Gameplay Priorities: When you first start playing, the focus is very heavily on offense, causing the whole game to be a blindingly fast damage contest. This makes "pub stomper" champions like Lee Sin and Master Yi ungodly powerful, and heavily snowballing champions like Katarina and Akali can be very hard to stop. As players learn more about how items work and how to use crowd control, however, the game becomes much more about solid defenses, teamwork and utility. Suddenly champions with highly variable kits are more important than champions who simply do a bucket of damage.

Character Roster Global Warming: The game has steadily experienced a degree of this over the course of its 10+ year development. While tank champions are still being made and the metagame periodically dips in favor of tanky play, Riot"s attitude towards balance and overall game design has increasingly shifted away from passive defense and more towards dealing and undoing damage. The primary focus has to do with how tanks inherently slow down games, and metas where they"re the most viable tend to reward passive play and thus become far more of a drag, and further complications come in the form of "bruiser" champions; bulky, but mobile and painful initiators that often make the point of a more reactive, defensive-oriented tank redundant (at least for when they"re functioning as intended). Riot determined that these two distinct forms of Mighty Glacier can"t functionally coexist on equal ground, and thus more and more, modern tanks lean into dealing damage or crowd control as a means of expressing value. It"s quite telling that since 2018, there"s at least one damage-dealing "juggernaut" champion being developed for the game each year, but the defense-oriented "warden" ch