goodview elementary

Goodview Elementary School"s mission is to provide a quality education through shared responsibility in a safe supportive environment for all students to meet the challenges of a global society.

goodview elementary

Goodview Elementary School is ranked within the bottom 50% of all 1,800 schools in Virginia (based off of combined math and reading proficiency testing data) for the 2018-19 school year.

The diversity score of Goodview Elementary School is 0.34, which is less than the diversity score at state average of 0.70. The school"s diversity has stayed relatively flat over five school years.

81% of Goodview Elementary School students are White, 8% of students are Two or more races, 4% of students are Hispanic, 4% of students are Black, 2% of students are American Indian, and 1% of students are Asian.

goodview elementary

Goodview Elementary School provides education for students in kindergarten through grade four. The school s curriculum includes math, reading, science, social studies, music, language arts and physical education. In addition, it offers counseling and nursing services. Goodview Elementary School administers a special education program to develop academic, social and functional skills in students. The school has a media center that houses a variety of books and online resources. It operates a parent-teacher association that organizes various meetings. Goodview Elementary School also administers the Character Counts! program and supplies a range of items. It is a part of Winona Area Public Schools, which governs elementary, middle and senior high schools.

goodview elementary

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