tft lcd 2 spi nodemcu arduino code factory

The ILI9341 TFT module contains a display controller with the same name: ILI9341. It’s a color display that uses SPI interface protocol and requires 4 or 5 control pins, it’s low cost and easy to use.

The resolution of this TFT display is 240 x 320 which means it has 76800 pixels. This module works with 3.3V only and it doesn’t support 5V (not 5V tolerant).

The ILI9341 TFT display board which is shown in project circuit diagram has 14 pins, the first 9 pins are for the display and the other 5 pins are for the touch module.

Pins D5 (GPIO14) and D7 (GPIO13) are hardware SPI module pins of the ESP8266EX microcontroller respectively for SCK (serial clock) and MOSI (master-out slave-in).

The first library is a driver for the ILI9341 TFT display which can be installed from Arduino IDE library manager (Sketch —> Include Library —> Manage Libraries …, in the search box write “ili9341” and choose the one from Adafruit).

The ILI9341 TFT display is connected to NodeMCU hardware SPI module pins (clock and data), the other pins which are: CS (chip select), RST (reset) and DC (data/command) are defined as shown below:

Full Arduino code:The following Arduino code is from Adafruit ILI9341 library (graphicstest.ino) with some modifications in order to work with the above circuit diagram.

tft lcd 2 spi nodemcu arduino code factory

Please be aware Espressif is changing the gender of its Devkitc connectors from December 2018 onwards. ESP32-DEVKITC-32D-F is the very latest product from Espressif. All future genuine Espressif factory modules will have a female socket to allow...

Here are my connections from TFT to ESP32 with setup files attached. I have an SD card inserted, and don"t plan to use the touch screen functionality:

Should this LCD be compatible with my setup? If not is there a 4.0inch LCD that you can recommend (or 3.5inch, but I prefer 4.0inch or greater size) or a different library I should use?

tft lcd 2 spi nodemcu arduino code factory

I have tried david_prentice"s MCUFRIEND_kbv Library with some hacks to no avail. I tried to hack the library for ESP8266 (updated write_8 and read_8 functions in mcufriend_sheild.h and defined SUPPORT_4532) - using these connections

This person ( (146) ESP8266 and 2.4" 8-bit parallel ST7781 TFT Uno Shield - YouTube) got the same display working w/ nodeMCU (albeit their module is 5V one and has hack on the LDO).

The Bodmer/TFT_eSPI: Arduino and PlatformIO IDE compatible TFT library optimised for the Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040), STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips ( library says 8 bit parallel is not possible w/ ESP8266 because of shortage of GPIOs - but ESP8266 has 16 GPIOs (out of which 4 are SPI). I don"t plan on using touch or SD card functionality anyways. The LCD requires 8(data) + 4 (Control) + 1 = 13 pins, which should fit in the 16 provided by ESP8266 ? Please let me know if I am missing anything.

Anyways - the first question at hand would be - is it possible to run 8 bit parallel tft w/ ESP8266, followed by - which library can do the job if possible.

tft lcd 2 spi nodemcu arduino code factory

The graphic display coordinates and the text display coordinates of the 2.2”screen are two different coordinates systems. The origin of the graphic display coordinates begin from the centre point of the screen while that of the later one begins from the top left hand side of the screen.

The following codes are just one part of the API funciotn description. For more information, please refer to ST7687S Library Introduction and Display Library Introduction.

* @The formal parameter size refers to the text size based on the font(6×8). Size is rounded to the integer greater than 0; if size is 1, the pixel points the font occupied will be 6×8. if it is 2, that will be 12×16. The text out of the screen cannot be displayed;

* the coordinate data of the pixel y on the y axis, values range[-128, 128] and the relationship between x and y should be: x^2 y^2<=128^2;

* the coordinate of the starting point y on the y axis, values range [-128,128] and the relationship of x and y should be: x^2 y^2<=64^2;

* the coordinate of the starting point y on the y axis, values range [-128,128] and the relationship of x and y should be: x^2 y^2<=64^2;

The function of the program: realize the refreshing of the background color of the 2.2”screen and the switching of background color among red, white and black; there are 19 common defined color in the library, and users can also customize 4-bit hexadecimal code or decimal color code (0~65535) to alter the background color of the screen.

The function of the program: draw a circle with a center point coordinate (0,0), radius 20 and green arc at the centre of the screen, and fill the circle with red.

The function of the program: draw a rectangle with a coordinate of the top left apex(-20,-20), length 40, width 40 and blue frame at the centre of the screen, and fill the rectangle with blue.

The function of the program: draw a triangle with the coordinates of the three apexes (-20, -50), (0, 0) and(50,20)and orange frame at the centre of the screen, and fill the triangle with orange.

The function of the program: draw a red line segment through the points (-64, -64) and (64, 64); taking the point (-64, 0) as the starting point, draw a white horizontal line with a width of 128; taking the point (0, -64) as the starting point, draw a white verticla line with a height of 128. The three lines meet at the centre point of the screen (0, 0).

The function of the program: taking the centre point of the 2.2”screen as the starting point(note: the graphic display coordinates and the text display coordinates are two different coordinates, the centre point of the graphic display coordinates is (64, 64) while that of the later one is (0, 0)), display a character string ”fire” with red text background box, white font and the size of the font 2 on the screen. The formal parameter size of the function to set font size tft.setTextSize (uint8_t size) should be greater than 0 and the text out of the screen cannot be displayed.

The function of the program: use the software image2lcd.exe to extract the bitmap of one image and display it on the centre part of the 2.2”screen(note: for the reason of UNO’s internal memory, the following demo cannot be accepted on UNO since the image file is too large, but it can be displayed on ESP32. So you’d better choose small image file if you want to display it on UNO. ) The parameter selection of the software is provided below.

tft lcd 2 spi nodemcu arduino code factory

And here we are to talk again about storage systems, we already explained SD management (you can take a look at SD management on “How to use SD card with esp8266 and Arduino“), now we’re going to take a look to an alternative storage like external SPI Flash, similar to the EEPROM but with biggest size. SD certainly remains the best choice for size and compatibility, but we pay for these features with a good quantity of energy; the SPI Flash has a smaller capacity but is small, fast, and has very low power consumption.

For devices like Arduino UNO, we can use use the SPI Flash with a basic and very light library, but you can manage a good quantity of memory (from 256Kb to 64Mb), and it’s enough for a lot of projects, It’s possible to use a complete filesystem, but I don’t recommend it with low-resource devices, we are going to see how to use a filesystem with devices like Arduino SAMD or esp devices.

Today we are going to see the SPI Flash memory (NOR Flash). They are a single chip that can be managed via SPI and have high-speed access and low power consumption.

It is unlikely that your memory will not be recognized, but if this happens, it is probably an SPI channel configuration problem. The set of memory types that are supported It’s very wide:

if you have already problems, try to configure the speed of SPI channel because all the libraries try to find the best performance for SPI using the CPU frequencies, but in some cases it may not work, so reduce the SPI clock with this command.

The commands are very simple and can be used to manage a lot of situations. Naturally, the ram usage is very low, and if you pay attention can be simple to manage It on devices like Arduino UNO with very low memory.

uint32_t getCapacity(void): get the capacity of the Chip, this library offers support for a lot of IC, and probably when you try It, find for you all specs, If not, you can pass the size of the device to the begin(capacity) command.

template bool writeAnything(uint32_t _addr, const T& data, bool errorCheck = true): more interesting is the writeAnithingcommand that is used to store a complex structure, remember, the structure must be created with static size value,no data like String or similar.

template bool readAnything(uint32_t _addr, T& data, bool fastRead = false): when you write a structure, you must re-read It, and this command does It, for all read commands, you can set fastReadto true, but not all SPI Flash support It, check the datasheet.

It’s possible to use a Fat filesystem also, but I discourage this approach because the resource of Arduino UNO and Mega are too low for use those resources, but If you want try, you can read the article about SPI Flash for Arduino SAMD or esp8266 and esp32.

tft lcd 2 spi nodemcu arduino code factory

※Price Increase NotificationThe TFT glass cell makers such as Tianma,Hanstar,BOE,Innolux has reduced or stopped the production of small and medium-sized tft glass cell from August-2020 due to the low profit and focus on the size of LCD TV,Tablet PC and Smart Phone .It results the glass cell price in the market is extremely high,and the same situation happens in IC industry.We deeply regret that rapidly rising costs for glass cell and controller IC necessitate our raising the price of tft display.We have made every attempt to avoid the increase, we could accept no profit from the beginning,but the price is going up frequently ,we"re now losing a lot of money. We have no choice if we want to survive. There is no certain answer for when the price would go back to the normal.We guess it will take at least 6 months until these glass cell and semiconductor manufacturing companies recover the production schedule. (May-11-2021)

ER-OLEDM032-1W is the 256x64 white pixels OLED display with adaptor board that simplifies your design,diagonal is only 3.2 inch.The controller ic SSD1322, communicates via 6800/8080 8-bit parallel and 3-wire/4-wire serial interface. Because the display makes its own light, no backlight is required. This reduces the power required to run the OLED and is why the display has such high contrast,extremely wide viewing angle and extremely operating temperature.Please refer to below interfacing document for how to switch to different interface. The default interface is 8-bit 8080 parallel.

It"s easily controlled by MCU such as 8051,PIC,AVR,ARDUINO,ARM and Raspberry Pi.It can be used in any embedded systems,industrial device,security,medical and hand-held device.

Of course, we wouldn"t just leave you with a datasheet and a "good luck!" We prepared the interfacing documents,libraries and examples for arduino due,mega 2560,uno,nano and for raspberry pi or raspberry pi zero.For 8051 microcontroller user,we prepared the detailed tutorial such as interfacing, demo code and Development Kit at the bottom of this page.

tft lcd 2 spi nodemcu arduino code factory

• (2.4", 2.8", 3.2", 3.5", 4.3", 5.0", 7.0")• TFT 65K RGB Resistive Touchscreen• Onboard Processor and Memory• Simple ASCII Text Based Instruction Set• The Cost-effective HMI Solution with Decreased

Nextion guarantees the availability of all Series products for a minimum of 5 years with CE and RoHS certification compliant. Unless you are specifically notified at the time of purchase, all Nextion series products purchased will be available at least 5 years since 2019. Here is our LTA announcement.

Nextion is available in various TFT LCD touchscreen sizes including 2.4”, 2.8”, 3.2”, 3.5”, 4.3”, 5.0”, 7.0”, 10.1” . With a large selection to choose from, one will likely fit your needs. Go Nextion Series and Product Datasheets.

A classic data logger would use a MCU and its GPIO pins, a SD card, a RTC, an LCD status display and many lines of code. Today, I"ll show you that you can have all in one, using a Nextion Intelligent series HMI and thus reduces cost and development time: First, the Intelligent series has everything "on board", the MCU, the GPIO pins, the RTC, the screen, and the SD card. Second, a very powerful component, the Data Record is available for these HMI displays in the Nextion Editor, which saves us, let"s say around 500 lines of C code. But telling you this is one thing, giving you a demo project at hands which covers all functionalities and which you can modify and extend as you need for your project is today"s topic.First of all, a happy new 2023! I"ll use this occasion to introduce a new type of Sunday blog post: From now on, every now and then, I"ll publish a collection of FAQ around a specific topic, to compile support requests, forum posts, and questions asked in social media or by email...Whatever you are currently celebrating, Christmas, Hanukkah, Jul, Samhain, Festivus, or any other end-of-the-civil-year festivities, I wish you a good time! This December 25th edition of the Nextion Sunday Blog won"t be loaded with complex mathematical theory or hyper-efficient but difficult to understand code snippets. It"s about news and information. Please read below...After two theory-loaded blog posts about handling data array-like in strings (Strings, arrays, and the less known sp(lit)str(ing) function and Strings & arrays - continued) which you are highly recommended to read before continuing here, if you haven"t already, it"s big time to see how things work in practice! We"ll use a string variable as a lookup lookup table containing data of one single wave period and add this repeatedly to a waveform component until it"s full.A few weeks ago, I wrote this article about using a text variable as an array, either an array of strings or an array of numbers, using the covx conversion function in addition for the latter, to extract single elements with the help of the spstr function. It"s a convenient and almost a "one fits all" solution for most use cases and many of the demo projects or the sample code attached to the Nextion Sunday Blog articles made use of it, sometimes even without mentioning it explicitly since it"s almost self-explaining. Then, I got a message from a reader, writing: "... Why then didn"t you use it for the combined sine / cosine lookup table in the flicker free turbo gauge project?"105 editions of the Nextion Sunday blog in a little over two years - time to look back and forth at the same time. Was all the stuff I wrote about interesting for my readers? Is it possible at all to satisfy everybody - hobbyists, makers, and professionals - at the same time? Are people (re-)using the many many HMI demo projects and code snippets? Is anybody interested in the explanation of all the underlying basics like the algorithms for calculating square roots and trigonometric functions with Nextion"s purely integer based language? Are optimized code snippets which allow to save a few milliseconds here and there helpful to other developers?

tft lcd 2 spi nodemcu arduino code factory

"Upper layer" main development board contains ESP32-PICO-D4 SiP, battery connector & charger circuit with LiPo charge status LEDs, Reset & pull-up IO0 buttons, and a green LED on GPIO4.

Clone of the SparkFun ESP32 Thing board. Compact ESP32 based development board with battery connector, and the typical development board component accoutrements.

Similar to, but slightly different than, Heltec Automation"s WIFI LoRa 32 board. Notably, it uses a planar inverted-F antenna (shaped metal) for Wi-Fi.

Version 2.0 of this board (1) corrected polarity labeling on bottom silk-screened battery symbol and (2) changed the LiPo battery connecter direction.

Development board/module with ESP-WROOM-32 module, USB-to-UART, Reset & Boot (IO0) buttons, Li-ion battery connector & charger, two Grove connectors, LED on IO2, and three indicator LEDs.

The ESP32-LyraTD-MSC Audio-Mic HDK (hardware development kit) combines the ESP32-LyraTD-MSC ("audio-mic development board") with a secondary "top" board.

The ESP32 touch sensor development kit, ESP32-Sense Kit, is used for evaluating and developing ESP32 touch sensor system. ESP32-Sense Kit consists of one motherboard and multiple daughterboards. The motherboard contains a display unit, a main control unit and a debug unit. The daughterboards have touch electrodes in different combinations or shapes, such as linear slider, wheel slider, matrix buttons and spring buttons, depending on the application scenarios. Users can design and add their own daughterboards for special usage cases.

Features an xBee socket with switchable VCC voltage (3.3 V or 5 V), so 2G (SIM800) and 3G (SIM5360) xBee modules will work on it to provide cellular network access.

ESP-WROOM-32 based development board with SH1106 OLED display (128×64 pixels), RJ-45 Ethernet connector, CAN-bus connector, Micro USB connector, USB-to-UART bridge, LiPo battery connector and charging circuit.

ESP32 development board with ePaper display, TI PCM5102A DAC, ICS43434 MEMS Microphone, CP2102N USB-to-UART bridge, microSD card slot, and LiPo charger.

Circular board with ESP-WROOM-32 module, Ethernet (LAN8720A), stereo audio CODEC (WM8978), microphone, 3.5 mm audio receptacle, USB-to-UART bridge (CP2104), Micro USB connector, and SD card slot.

2× Ethernet (optional), 1× Serial Port RS-232/485, OLED 0.96″ 128×64 (optional), power supply with UPS (optional), U.FL (I-PEX) antenna mount(s), and ExCard extension modules support.

SPI0 is permanently reserved for cache access to the flash chip. SPI1 is connected to the same pins via an arbiter and is used to write to flash. You can use SPI1 to also write to other peripherals connected in parallel with the flash (but with another /CS), however, this is tricky to implement because it means you can"t simultaneously access flash anymore. Thats why it"s not in the driver yet.

tft lcd 2 spi nodemcu arduino code factory

M5Stack BASIC Kit, like its namesake, is a starter kit among the M5Stack development kit series. It’s a modular, stackable, scalable, and portable device which is powered with an ESP-32 core, which makes it open source, low cost, full-function, and easy for developers to handle new product development on all stages including circuit design, PCB design, software, mold design and production. This Basic kit provides a friendly price and full-featured resources which makes it a good starter kit for you to explore IoT.

If you want to explore the fastest way of IoT prototyping, M5Stack development board is the perfect solution. Not like others, M5Stack development board is highly efficient, covered with industrial grade case and ESP32-based development board. It integrates with Wi-Fi modules and contains a dual-core and 16MB of SPI Flash . Together with 30+ M5Stack stackable modules , 40+ extendable units and different levels of program language, you can create and verify your IoT product in a very short time.

If you ever played with ESP8266, you would realize that ESP32 is a perfect upgrade out of ESP8266. In comparison, ESP32 has more GPIOs, more analog inputs and two analog outputs, multiple extra peripherals( like a spare UART ). Official developing platform ESP-IDF has transplanted with FreeRTOS. With dual-core and real time OS you can get more organized code and much high speed processor.

Click the link below to download the driver that matches the operating system. There are currently two driver chip versions (CP210X/CH9102). Please download the corresponding driver compressed package according to the version you are using. After decompressing the compressed package, select the installation package corresponding to the number of operating systems to install. (If you are not sure of the USB chip used by your device, you can install both drivers at the same time. During the installation process of CH9102_VCP_SER_MacOS v1.7, an error may occur, but the installation is actually completed, just ignore it.)Driver name

tft lcd 2 spi nodemcu arduino code factory

This is a 0.96 inch blue/white OLED display module can be interfaced with any microcontroller using SPI/IIC protocols. It is having a resolution of 128×64.

OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) is a self light-emitting technology composed of a thin, multi-layered organic film placed between an anode and cathode. In contrast to LCD technology, OLED does not require a backlight. OLED possesses high application potential for virtually all types of displays and is regarded as the ultimate technology for the next generation of flat-panel displays.

To install OLED display Library for ESP8266 goto Sketch>Include Library>Manage Libraries and search for SD1306that’s the display. Click on install as shown below.

tft lcd 2 spi nodemcu arduino code factory

In this road test I am going to test an AZDelivery ESP8266 ESP-12F NodeMCU Lua Amica V2, Wifi IoT Module with CP2102, it is a development Board compatible with Arduino, nodeMCU Lua, micropython, etc..

Different functionalities of the module are tested, as a module for Wi-Fi connection of other devices or as an independent microcontroller. Different firmware, AT commands without OS, AT commands with freeRTOS, programming in NodeMCU LUA, programming with ESP8266 core for Arduino, programming in micropython and other IoT solutions that do not require programming such as SENSATE.IO or ThingSpeak are tested.

NodeMCU LUA Amica V2 is a development board created around ESP8266 chip, containing voltage regulator and USB programmer circuit for ESP8266 chip, and a few other features for Internet of Things (IoT) projects.

Interrupts can be used on the ESP8266, but they must be used with care and have several limitations. It is difficult to use interrupts so most user code has to be timer or task-based

ESP8266 is a system-on-chip (SoC) integrating a 32-bit Tensilica microcontroller, standard digital peripheral interfaces, antenna switches, RF balun, power amplifier, low noise receive amplifier, filters and power management modules into a small package. It provides 2.4GHz Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n, supporting both WPA and WPA2), 17 GPIO pins, I2C (IIC) interface, analog to digital conversion (10-bit, on one pin), SPI interface, UART (on dedicated pins, plus a transmit-only UART can be enabled on GPIO2), and PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) in software on every GPIO pin.

The processor core, called “L106” by Espressif, is based on Tensilica Diamond Standard 106Micro 32-bit processor controller core and runs at 80MHz. It has a 64kB boot ROM, 32kB instruction RAM, and 80kB user data RAM. External flash memory can be accessed through SPI interface.

The ESP-12F WiFi module was developed by Ai-Thinker Technology. The core processor ESP8266 integrates the industry-leading Tensilica L106 ultra-low-power 32-bit micro MCU in a small package with 16-bit Lite mode, clocked at Supports 80 MHz and 160 MHz, supports RTOS, and integrates Wi-Fi MAC/BB/RF/PA/LNA. The ESP-12F WiFi module supports the standard IEEE802.11 b/g/n protocol, a complete TCP/IP protocol stack. Users can use this module to add networking capabilities to existing devices or to build separate network controllers.

The ESP8266 is a complete and self-contained WiFi network solution that can operate independently or as a slave running on other host MCUs. The ESP8266 is capable of booting directly from an external flash memory when it is powered by an application and is the only application processor in the device. The built-in cache helps improve system performance and reduce memory requirement

With wireless, clients sometimes go into a powersaving mode where they "sleep" for a while. The client waits for the AP to wake up each time there is any unicast packets for it. This time is measured in beacon intervals and is called the "listen interval." For this beacon, All clients are expected to wake up and listen to broadcast traffic when receiving a special message namedDelivery Traffic Indication Message (DTIM). The number of beacons between DTIMs is configurable per SSID. The ESP 12F support multiple sleep patterns:Modem-sleepis used when such applications as PWM or I2S require the CPU to be working. In cases where Wi-Fi connectivity is maintained and data transmission is not required, the Wi-Fi Modem circuit can be shut down to save power, according to 802.11 standards (such as U-APSD). In DTIM3, when ESP8266EX sleeps for 300 ms and wakes up for 3 ms to receive Beacon packages from AP, the overall average current consumption is about 20 mA.

Light-sleepis used for applications whose CPU may be suspended, such as Wi-Fi switch. In cases where Wi-Fi connectivity is maintained and data transmission is not required, WiFi Modem circuit and CPU can be shut down to save power, according to 802.11 standards (such as U-APSD). In DTIM3, when ESP8266EX sleeps for 300 ms and wakes up for 3 ms to receive Beacon packages from AP, the overall average current consumption is about 2 mA.

Deep-sleepis for applications that do not require Wi-Fi connectivity and only transmit data over long time lags, e.g., a temperature sensor that measures temperature every 100s. When ESP8266EX sleeps for 300s then wakes up to connect to AP (taking about 0.3 ~ 1s), the overall average current consumption is far less than 1 mA.

No soldering is necessary. The headers are already soldered. The NodeMCU board is specially designed to work on breadboard. It has a voltage regulator that allows it to power directly from the USB port.

Digital input/outputs operate at 3.3V, 5V voltage should not be connected to any ESP8266 chip pins!The pins are not 5V tolerant, applying more than 3.6V on any pin will destroy the chip.

ESP8266 has 17 GPIO pins, however, you can only use 11 of them, because 6 pins (GPIO 6 - 11) are used to connect the flash memory chip. This is the small 8-pin IC right next to the ESP8266.

External pull down resistor of 1kΩ is required on GPIO0, external pull up resistor on GPIO2 is not required, the internal pull up on this pin is enabled at boot.

GPIO15 is always pulled LOW, so you can not use the internal pull-up resistor on this pin. Keep this in mind when using GPIO15 as an input to read a switch or connect it to a device with an open-collector (or open-drain) output, like I2C.

The ESP8266 has a single analog input pin, with an input voltage range from 0.0V to 1.0V. If you supply voltage of 3.3V, for example, you will damage the chip.

The NodeMCU has an on-board resistive voltage divider, to get an easier 0 - 3.3V range. The ADC (analog to digital converter) has a resolution of 10 bits.

The ESP8266 has two hardware UARTS (Serial ports): UART0 on pins 1 and 3 (TX0 and RX0 resp.), and UART1 on pins 2 and 8 (TX1 and RX1 resp.), however, GPIO8 is used to connect the flash chip. This means that UART1 can only transmit data. Additionally UART0 has hardware flow control on pins 15 and 13 (RTS0 and CTS0 respectively). These two pins can also be used as alternative TX2 and RX2 pins.

VINcan be used to directly supply the NodeMCU/ESP8266 and its peripherals. Power delivered onVINis regulated through the onboard regulator on the NodeMCU module – you can also supply 5V regulated to theVINpin

To get into bootloader mode where we can program over the UART, we must boot with GPIO2 high (which it will do on its own because of the internal pullup), and GPIO0/15 low.

CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers. The CP210x USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers are required for device operation as a Virtual COM Port to facilitate host communication withCP210xproducts.

You can use any serial terminal like Arduino serial monitor to connect to que ESP8266 and send AT commands. Or you can use other serial terminal like Realterm

There are two main implementations of AT firmaware:The new ESP8266 AT v2.0, that implements the AT firmware based on the new IDF style ESP8266_RTOS_SDK.

Some of the AT commands in the new ESP8266 AT v2.0 are different with the old one so Espressif recommends that the new version is only used for the implementation of new projects, instead of being used as an upgrade for any existing mass-production projects.

To run the ESP8266 AT, you can download the binary in ESP8266-IDF-AT/factory to address 0x0. The ESP8266 IDF AT sends AT commands through the following pins:GPIO13 is RXD

ESP8266 Arduino core comes with libraries to communicate over WiFi using TCP and UDP, set up HTTP, mDNS, SSDP, and DNS servers, do OTA updates, use a file system in flash memory, and work with SD cards, servos, SPI and I2C peripherals.Start Arduino and open the Preferences window.

Open Boards Manager from Tools > Board menu and install esp8266 platform (and don"t forget to select your ESP8266 board from Tools > Board menu after installation).

The NodeMCU is an open-source firmware and development kit that helps you to prototype your IoT product within a few Lua script lines. NodeMCU is an open source IoT platform. It includes firmware which runs on the ESP8266, and hardware which is based on the ESP-12 module. The term “NodeMCU” refers to the firmware rather than the development kits. The firmware uses the Lua scripting language. It is based on the eLua project, and built on the Espressif Non-OS SDK for ESP8266.

Lua is a powerful and simple scripting language used for many different applications. NodeMCU created a firmware for the ESP8266 that is based upon a Lua interpreter.

ESP8266 needs to be put into flash modebefore you can flash a new firmware. butwith this dev kit you don"t need to do anythingto put it in flash mode, as the USB connection can pull GPIO0 low by asserting DTR and reset your board by asserting RTS.

The cloud builder athttps://nodemcu-build.comallows to pick NodeMCU branch, modules and a few other configuration options (e.g. SSL yes/no). After the build is completed you will receive an email with two links to download your custom firmware:one for NodeMCU with floating support

Then connecting by the serial port we can check firmware is updated an ready to accept Lua commands.NodeMCU built on provided by

If NodeMCU finds a init.lua in the root of the file system it will execute it as part of the boot sequence (standard Lua feature). Hence, your application is initialized and triggered from init.lua. Usually you first set up the WiFi connection and only continue once that has been successful.

The essential multiplatforms tools for any ESP8266 developer from lua tool author’s, including a LUA for NodeMCU and MicroPython. Also, all AT commands are supported.

Then flash the latest firmware for micropython(base) C:\Users\ealbertos>esptool --port COM9 --baud 115200 write_flash --flash_size=detect -fm dout 0 "C:\Users\ealbertos\Documents\AZDelivery\NodeMCU LUA Amica V2\micropython\esp8266-20170108-v1.8.7.bin"

Arduino needs to have a library installed in order for your thing to know how to send data to ThingSpeak. In the Arduino IDE, chooseSketch,Include Library, andManage Libraries. Search for “thingspeak” and click Install.