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It is advisable to change graphics adapter driver to Standard VGA Graphics adapter, accessible from Display Properties, before beginning card installation. This is because the drivers currently used by the system may not be compatible with a flat panel. Selecting Standard VGA ensures basic compatibility during the install process; thereafter the specific flat panel monitor drivers can take over for optimum performance.

T55A/T85A - (15"/18" Flat Panel Analog Monitor). This monitor has a 15-way D-type connector and plugs into a standard D-shell analog receptacle. The monitor may be used with any graphics card or port supporting SVGA or better, video output.

T55A/T85A and Matrox graphics cards - some Matrox cards support both P&D 32-way Digital connector and 15 way D-shell connectors. The 15-way monitor plug must be inserted into the 15-way socket on the Matrox card. If the PC has a graphics adapter built into the motherboard, this will be disabled when the Matrox card is installed (It is advisable to change graphics adapter driver to Standard VGA Graphics adapter, accessible from Display Properties, before beginning card installation). Connectors can be used at once without damage to monitor or PC. However the T55A/T85A must always be plugged into the 15-way socket.

T55A/T85A and T55D/T85D monitors are available shipped with Matrox G200 graphics cards. If installing with one of these cards there are two methods of installation:

Choosing "Change Driver" and selecting "Have Disk" when in Windows will load the device drivers for the card and nothing else. The Matrox display driver utilities will not be loaded. The user will have to manually set the required screen size and Color depth from display properties window.

mgasetup.exe - pre-configured display installation. Monitor configured to run at 1024 x 768 and 16 bit Color at end of installation. These are the IBM recommended settings for optimum viewing area, resolution and Color content for the T55. These drivers are not compatible with T85 monitors. The setup.exe file on the same diskette as mgasetup.exe can be used for install of a T55 monitor but without using default screen settings.

The user is advised to use the most current graphics drivers available, when using a third party graphics card. The video settings for T55 - 15" panels should be 1024 x 768 display size, 16-bit Color (65,536 Color content) and 60Hz refresh rate. For T85 - 18" panels, use 1280 x 1024 display size, 16 bit Color (65,536 Color content) and 60Hz refresh rate. If Digital flat panel support via P&D connector is available to drive a T55D/T85D, the user should follow the manufacturers instructions for installation of the graphics card and drivers.

If Windows detects a plug and play monitor, the correct INF files may be loaded from the floppy disk included in the software disk set, shipped with the graphics card. To refresh the monitor settings manually, enter from Display Properties / Settings / Advanced Properties / Monitor / Change / Have Disk and insert the INF Files diskette into drive A.

For optimum performance IBM recommend the use of 16-bit Color (65,536 Colors) for lifelike image and fast graphical manipulation. Selecting higher Color counts is at the expense of graphical throughput.

The IBM default screen size is 1024 x 768 pixels for T55 monitors and 1280 x 1024 for T85 monitors. These displays are not able to show higher resolution than their default.

T55A/T85A monitors can be configured through the monitor front panel On Screen Display (OSD) to auto-expand the display to full size. This function may also be disabled.

T55D/T85D monitors achieve higher picture stability and clarity through one-to-one digital bit mapping. Expanding the desktop is achieved by selecting the required size from Display Properties and as such there is no analog expand function accessible through the monitor.

Select 60Hz refresh rate if available. All T55/T85 monitors operate a physical refresh rate of 60Hz. If the PC supply"s frames at a higher rate, these are shadowed by the T55A/T85A monitor, which then selects the most recent frame to display at a 60Hz frequency.