12c lcd module in stock

This module realizes a fast I2C interface with the familiar LCD displays (16x02, 16x04 and 20x04), which makes the control of these displays much easier and more economical with I / O pins.

Because this module has 8 options for the address (0X20-0X27), it is possible to control 8 of these interface modules simultaneously with only 2 connections. By means of the built-in potentiometer on this module it is possible to adjust the backlight and contrast of the LCD.

12c lcd module in stock

The display is composed of a 16 character x 2 line LCD display with a blue backlight and white characters.  Each of the characters are composed of a 5 x 8 dot matrix for good character representation.

This display incorporates an I2C interface that requires only 2 pins on a MCU to interface with and it has good library support to get up and running fast.   The I2C interface is a daughter board attached to the back of the LCD module.

If you need to adjust I2C address to avoid a conflict, this can be done on the I2C adapter board on the back of the module.  There are 3 address jumper locations marked A0, A1, A2.  Normally these lines are pulled high.  If you bridge these pads, it grounds that address line.  If you were to bridge all 3 to ground, the address would be 0x38 (or  0x20) depending on which version you have.  The range of all possible addresses spans from 0x38 – 0x3F or 0x20 – 0x27

These are good quality modules and should be in the parts bin of any hobbyist.  Because of the interactivity they provide, they are both fun to play with and useful for more serious projects.

Note that the I2C address of the module we sell is either 0x3F (63 decimal) or 0x27 (39 decimal) but can be adjusted if needed as explained above.  The address will be printed on the label on the bag.

12c lcd module in stock

The CFA533-***-KC series is a 16x2 I2C LCD with keypad. The I2C interface allows you to use just two lines (SDA & SCL) to have bi-directional communication with the I2C LCD. Other devices can also share those two I2C control lines with the LCD. Only 4 wires are needed to connect this I2C LCD: power, ground, SDA (I2C Serial DAta) and SCL (I2C Serial CLock).

The CFA533 can run on 3.3v to 5.0v directly, with no changes needed, so you do not need to do any level translation between your embedded processor and the I2C LCD. Simply power the CFA533 from the same supply as your processor and the I2C signal levels will match up.

Using only one address on your I2C bus, you can add all the elements that you need for your front panel. The CFA533 I2C LCD can also read up to 32 DS18B20 digital temperature sensors, giving you an easy way to integrate temperature sensing over the I2C bus. No additional firmware or pins are needed on the host system.

This CFA533-TFH variant features crisp dark letters against a white, backlit background. The keypad has a matching white LED backlight. Since the LCD is a backlit positive FSTN, the CFA533-TFH I2C LCD is readable in direct sunlight, as well as complete darkness.

12c lcd module in stock

This 2×16 character LCD Module with BLUE Backlight uses an I2C interface to communicate with the host microcontroller. This budget-conscious LCD is used on projects requiring the display of text, data, or ASCII characters of all types. Connect to Vcc, Gnd, SDA (serial data line), and SCL (serial clock line). This is a 5VDC device and will be found on the I2C bus at address 0x27 / 0x3F.

12c lcd module in stock

This is an I2C 1602 LCD module, with this I2C interface LCD module, you will be able to realize data display via only 2 wires. If you already have I2C devices in your project, this LCD module actually costs no more resources at all. It is fantastic for Arduino based project.

12c lcd module in stock

Scroll down the page to compare the I2C 16×2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) price at different stores.Learn how to use the I2C LCD with ESP32 and ESP8266.Primary Sidebar

12c lcd module in stock

This 16 character by 2 line display has a very clear and high contrast white text upon a blue background/backlight. It also includes a serial I2C/IIC adaptor board pre-soldered to the back of the LCD. This means it can be controlled with just 2 I2C serial data pins (SDA & SCL) and so requires far less digital IO pins when controlled from a microcontroller. In total the module only requires 4 wires including 5V power and GND. Contrast adjustment is also provided by the daughter board via a potentiometer. If you plan to use this with an Arduino board you can download a compatible library and example sketch from our support forum

These modules are currently supplied with a default I2C address of either 0x27 or 0x3F. To determine which version you have check the black I2C adaptor board on the underside of the module. If there a 3 sets of pads labelled A0, A1, & A2 then the default address will be 0x3F. If there are no pads the default address will be 0x27.

If pressure is applied to the I2C daughter board it is possible for it to bend and come contact with the LCD module. Please ensure when the LCD is installed in your application that no external object is applying pressure to the back of the module.

12c lcd module in stock

An 8 x 2 dot matrix Character LCD Module display in STN Positive Yellow Green LCD Mode, Six O’clock viewing direction, Wide Temperature Range (Operating Temp: -20°C to 70°C, Storage Temp: -30°C to 80°C), and Yellow Green LED Backlight. It has a transflective polarizer, recommended for applications that will be used both indoor and outdoor. This product is assembled Chip On board with 1/16 Duty and a Controller IC AC780S or equivalent. The interface type is Serial – I2C or IIC. This is an ROHS Compliant product manufactured with ISO standards and procedures.

12c lcd module in stock

2x16 Character LCD is most popular display component for small controller like Arduino, but most of these LCD uses parallel interface. In most of the case, you will need 10 pins to control it or to display message on it. 8-pin are for the data, Enable and Latch pin for signal control. Minimum, you will need 6-pin for 4-bit mode interface. Still a lot of pins being used up :(

This I2C module for LCD will help you save all those precious pins. This module will only need 2 GPIO pins (specifically I2C pins) to send message to Character LCD.

This module uses an I2C communication interface. Including the I2C pins: SCL and SDA, it only require two more pins for power, VCC and GND. It saves 4 to 8 pins on Arduino or any other controller. The pins are breakout into standard right angle header (2.54mm spacing), you can connect with female jumper wire directly.

It comes with potentiometer for LCD contrast adjustment, and configurable I2C Address through A0, A1 and A2 pads. Anyway, the default address is 0x3F or 0x27. There is also a mini jumper to activate or deactivate the backlight.

12c lcd module in stock

This LCD module uses the I2C protocol, meaning you only need 4 wires instead of using 16 to integrate this with your Arduino and it is 5V supply. It can display up to 2 lines of 16 characters. It supports Super Twisted Nematic (STN) positive transflective mode of display. The backlight color of this module is yellow, and the text is black. We have the blue blacklight version here.

Working on an embedded system requires you to deal with a reliable output device to exhibit the information that you need. Well, the issue is addressed with the introduction of the 1602 12C LCD Display Module that helps users see the data and information displayed on the screen. Though it comes with different background colors, we are considering a unit with a yellow-colored background.

Further, the 2X16 Display Module with a yellow backlight integrates a 12C interface to exchange information with the host microcontroller.It is a low-cost display unit that can be used on projects needing the presentation of data, text or ASCII characters of multiple types. The 5VDC device can be found on the 12C bus (0x27/0x3F).

It is a great IIC/12C/SPI/TWI interface that is able to release data display via 2 wires. With a maximum of 16x2 characters, the LCD display panel is efficient to impart the required data and information to users. It allows you to monitor your microcontroller’s every move by checking the process status, information display, and alphanumeric output. Interestingly, it permits users to get the alphanumeric display interfaced with any host controller, including PIC Series, 8051 derivatives, ARM/AVR series of controllers. One can also use development boards (Raspberry/Arduino)for the same purpose.

The 12C 16x2 LCD Display Module (Yellow) integrates an inbuilt PCF8574 12C chip. It can convert 12C serial data into parallel data and they are supplied with a default 12C address of either 0x3F or 0x27.Users can check the black 12C adaptor board (underside of the module) to determine the version they’re using. It combines a contrast adjustment pot down under the display.