osepp lcd display 16x2 in stock

The OSEPP 16 x 2 LCD Display and Keypad shield can plug directly onto the Arduino and Arduino compatible boards. The LCD panel displays characters in white with a blue backlit and can display up to two lines of 16 characters. The shield includes 6 momentary push button that can be used to implement a 5 buttons keypad including up, down, left, right and select function. The sixth push button brings out the Arduino�s reset button to the top of the shield.

The OSEPP 16 x 2 LCD Display and Keypad shield interfaces with the Arduino board using digital pin 4 to10 and analog pin 0. The contrast can be adjusted via a trim pot and the backlit can be turn on and off. The shield is 5V compatible.Mate with Arduino and Arduino compatible boards

osepp lcd display 16x2 in stock

For those that would like to do backlight control, you can use my hd44780 LCD library package (available in the IDE library manager) that supports backlight control and will auto detect this issue and work around the issue in s/w for shields that have the issue.

This 16x2 LCD Keypad shield is developed for Arduino compatible boards and also can be used with Raspberry Pi. The shield includes a 16x2 HD44780 LCD module and a 5 push button keypad for menu selection and user interface programming.

If you don"t want/need backlight control and are ok with having the backlight on all the time, cutting the D10 header pin from the lcd/keypad shield might be the easiest solution.