ebay lenovo 730 lcd panel made in china
I bought an OEM replacement screen for my Lenovo Yoga 730-15KIB laptop, which lost its finger touch response but retained its active pen response. These two features are physically and electronically separate. I tried recommended software solutions first. None worked. Then I tried reseating both ends of the screen cable. That didn"t work. Then I tried replacing the screen cable with a new one. No joy. Finally, I replaced the screen, which restored all functions - even with the original cable. While some proportion of Yoga 700-series laptop screens apparently black out or otherwise "fail" due to cables that break or come loose at the connector, my old cable was perfectly fine. This was clearly a screen hardware issue in my case.
I found a very good YouTube video that showed me how to remove the screen. My screen is held to the laptop cover with 2 separate pieces of tape, each of which has a non-sticky tab on one end. These tabs are slightly exposed at the bottom of the screen, and they must be pulled with a slow and steady force to remove the tape - no heat required. The tape cannot be reused, so I bought new OEM tape off of eBay.