retrofit server lcd panel factory
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I"m working on an application that uses Retrofit for network operations. As it stands, everything works well with GsonConverterFactory handling serialization. Here is how I setup Retrofit
But I didn"t see it make any difference. Also, it could well disguise JSON as normal text and break all existing service. Is there a better way to handle this scenario? I thought of having separate retrofit instance for plain text, bit dirty though. Do you have any other suggestions/solutions?
Mars photos data is stored on a web server. To get this data into your app you need to establish a connection and communicate with the server on the internet.
Most web servers today run web services using a common stateless web architecture known as REST, which stands for REpresentational State Transfer. Web services that offer this architecture are known as RESTful services.
Requests are made to RESTful web services in a standardized way via URIs. An URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) identifies a resource in the server by name, without implying its location or how to access it. For example, in the app for this lesson, you retrieve the image urls using the following server URI (This server hosts both Mars real-estate and Mars photos):
Each web service request contains a URI, and is transferred to the server using the same HTTP protocol that"s used by web browsers, like Chrome. HTTP requests contain an operation to tell the server what to do.
Your app will make an HTTP GET request to the server for the Mars photos information, and then the server returns a response to our app including image urls.
In this task, you establish a network connection to the server, communicate with the server, and receive a JSON response. You will be using a backend server that is already written for you. In this codelab you will use the Retrofit library, a third party library to communicate with the backend server.
The Retrofit library that you are going to use in this codelab to talk to the RESTful Mars web service is a good example of a well-supported and maintained library. You can tell this by looking at its GitHub page, checkout the open issues (some of them are feature requests) and closed issues. If the developers are resolving the issues and responding to the feature requests on a regular basis, then it implies that this library is well maintained and is a good candidate to use in the app. They have a Retrofit documentation page too.
Retrofit library will communicate with the backend. It creates URI"s for the web service based on the parameters we pass to it. You will see more on this in later sections.
Android Gradle allows you to add external libraries to your project. In addition to the library dependency, you should also include the repository where the library is hosted. The Google libraries such as ViewModel and LiveData from the Jetpack library are hosted in the Google repository. The majority of community libraries like Retrofit are hosted on Google and MavenCentral repositories.
The first dependency is for the Retrofit2 library itself, and the second dependency is for the Retrofit scalar converter. This converter enables Retrofit to return the JSON result as a String. The two libraries work together.
Many third party libraries including Retrofit2 use Java 8 language features. The Android Gradle plugin provides built-in support for using certain Java 8 language features.
Then press DECODE CEM. We must warn you this process can take up to 24 hours(but on average it usually does not take more than 12 hours). During the whole process you can interrupt the decoding process and continue later. If you do the CEM PIN decoding then you no longer need to do it again. Thanks to this you can also make other changes in the vehicle configuration including the TFT retrofit. After this process is done you will receive an email to the account you put in in the beginning.
Then choose CAR CONFIGURATION and then “Car configuration wizard”. Then you only need to choose the “TFT retrofit” wizard. Make sure DIM is connected.
Connect DiCE again, turn the ignition key to position II and open VDASH again on your computer. Go to “Car configuration wizard” and choose TFT retrofit again.
Retrofit is a REST Client for Java and Android. This library, in my opinion, is the most important one to learn, as it will do the main job. It makes it relatively easy to retrieve and upload JSON (or other structured data) via a REST based webservice.
In Retrofit you configure which converter is used for the data serialization. Typically to serialize and deserialize objects to and from JSON you use an open-source Java library — Gson. Also if you need, you can add custom converters to Retrofit to process XML or other protocols.
For making HTTP requests Retrofit uses the OkHttp library. OkHttp is a pure HTTP/SPDY client responsible for any low-level network operations, caching, requests and responses manipulation. In contrast, Retrofit is a high-level REST abstraction build on top of OkHttp. Retrofit is strongly coupled with OkHttp and makes intensive use of it.
Now that you know that everything is closely related, we are going to use all these 3 libraries at once. Our first goal is to get all the cryptocurrencies list using Retrofit from the Internet. We will use a special OkHttp interceptor class for CoinMarketCap API authentication when making a call to the server. We will get back a JSON data result and then convert it using the Gson library.
When learning something new, I like to try it out in practice as soon as I can. We will apply a similar approach with Retrofit 2 for you to understand it better more quickly. Don’t worry right now about code quality or any programming principles or optimizations — we’ll just write some code to make Retrofit 2 work in our project and discuss what it does.
We are going to execute HTTP requests on a server accessible via the Internet. Give this permission by adding these lines to your Manifest file:
Find the latest Retrofit version. Also you should know that Retrofit doesn’t ship with an integrated JSON converter. Since we will get responses in JSON format, we need to include the converter manually in the dependencies too. We are going to use latest Google’s JSON converter Gson version. Let’s add these lines to your gradle file:// 3rd party
As you noticed from my comment, the OkHttp dependency is already shipped with the Retrofit 2 dependency. Versions is just a separate gradle file for convenience:def versions = [:]
Ok after a quick experiment, it is time to bring this Retrofit implementation to the next level. We already got the data successfully but not correctly. We are missing the states like loading, error and success. Our code is mixed without separation of concerns. It’s a common mistake to write all your code in an activity or a fragment. Our activity class is UI based and should only contain logic that handles UI and operating system interactions.
The first step to improve was to start using Dependency Injection. Remember from the previous part we already have Dagger 2 implemented inside the project correctly. So I used it for the Retrofit setup./**
As you may have noticed while creating the Retrofit builder instance, we added a special Retrofit calls adapter using addCallAdapterFactory. By default, Retrofit returns a Call
Instead of communicating with our Retrofit implementation directly, we are going to use Repository for that. For each kind of entity, we are going to have a separate Repository./**
If the app is freshly installed and it is its first launch, then there will not be any data stored inside the local database. Because there is no data to show, a loading progress bar UI will be shown. Meanwhile the app is going to make a request call to the server via a web service to get all the cryptocurrencies list.
Another class used in our Repository and LiveDataCallAdapter where all the "magic" happens is ApiResponse. Actually ApiResponse is just a simple common wrapper around the Retrofit2.Response class that converts each response to an instance of LiveData./**
Inside this wrapper class, if our response has an error, we use the Gson library to convert the error to a JSON object. However, if the response was successful, then the Gson converter for JSON to POJO object mapping is used. We already added it when creating the retrofit builder instance with GsonConverterFactory inside the Dagger AppModule function provideApiService.
Because we want to use the networking library OkHttp in our project for all network operations, we need to include the specific Glide integration for it instead of the default one. Also since Glide is going to perform a network request to load images via the internet, we need to include the permission INTERNET in our AndroidManifest.xml file — but we already did that with the Retrofit setup.
So we are going to use coroutines everywhere in this app where we need to wait until a result is available from a long-running task and than continue execution. Let’s see one exact implementation for our ViewModel where we will retry getting the latest data from the server for our cryptocurrencies presented on the main screen.
The idea of all this code is that we can combine multiple calls to form nice-looking sequential code. First we request to get the ids of the cryptocurrencies we own from the local database and wait for the response. Only after we get it do we use the response ids to make a new call with Retrofit to get those updated cryptocurrency values. That is our retry functionality.
The Lufthansa niceHD replaces the existing Audio International cabin management system in the earlier serial number Challenger 300s. The Audio International system lacks support and can be problematic to the operator when a switch panel or piece of hardware fails.
This upgrade provides fresh 4.3” touchscreen switch panels at each passenger seat, a 7” galley touchscreen, 22” and 20” HD LCD bulkhead monitors with HDMI/USB media input ports, Media Center with Blue Ray player, AVOD server and a new HI-FI audio system. Bluetooth modules supply headphone audio and allow for music streaming, and USB-C charging at each seat. Lufthansa supplies tear drop shaped bezels to make the transition from Audio International passenger seat switches simple and easy with minimal impact to the drink rail. Lufthansa membrane switches will replace all the other various cabin switching such as entryway and lavatory swathes.
MoniServ, Inc.(, we carry thousands of replacement parts for all types of industrial LCD screens (LCD panels), such as the LCD screens for ATM, PLC, Kiosks, POS, CNC machinery, Medical, Gaming, Digital signage, Avionic and other industrial applications. Varieties of LED backlight upgrade kits are also available! With simple tools, you can repair these expensive display assemblies at the fraction of the cost