1.54 tft lcd touchscreen 240 pixels price

Orient Display sunlight readable TFT displays can be categorized into high brightness TFT displays, high contrast IPS displays, transflective TFT displays, Blanview TFT displays etc.

The brightness of our standard high brightness TFT displays can be from 700 to 1000 nits. With proper adding brightness enhancement film (BEF) and double brightness enhancement film (DBEF) and adjustment of the LED chips, Orient Display high brightness TFT products can achieve 1,500 to 2,000 nits or even higher luminance. Orient Display have special thermal management design to reduce the heat release and largely extend LED life time and reduce energy consumption.

Our high contrast and wide viewing angle IPS displays can achieve contrast ratio higher than 1000:1 which can make readability under strong sunlight with lower backlight luminance. High brightness IPS displays have been widely accepted by our customers with its superb display quality and it has become one of the best sellers in all our display category.Transflective display is an old monochrome display technology but it has been utilized in our color TFT line for sunlight readable application. Orient Display has 2.4” and 3.5” to choose from.

Blanview TFT displays are the new technology developed by Ortustech in Japan. It can provide around 40% of energy consumption for TFT panels which can use smaller rechargeable or disposable batteries and generate less heat. The price is also lower than traditional transflective TFT displays. Orient Display is partnering with the technology inventor to provide 4.3” and 5.0”.

High Level Interfaces: Orient Display has technologies to make more advanced interfaces which are more convenient to non-display engineers, such as RS232, RS485, USB, VGA, HDMI etc. more information can be found in our serious products. TFT modules, Arduino TFT display, Raspberry Pi TFT display, Control Board.

1.54 tft lcd touchscreen 240 pixels price

We"ve been looking for a screen like this for a long time - it only has a 1.5" diagonal but has a high density of 220 ppi, 240x240 pixels with a wide angle display. It looks a lot like our 1.44" 128x128 screen, but it has 4x more pixels and it looks great from any angle. We have seen displays of this calibre used in smart watches and small electronic devices, but they have always been a MIPI interface. Finally, we found one that is SPI compatible and has a user-friendly display driver, so it works with all microcontrollers or microcomputers!

This pretty little display card is the best way to add a small colorful and very bright screen to any project. As the display uses 4 SPI wires to communicate and has its own addressable frame buffer per pixel, it can be used with any type of microcontroller. Even a very small one with little memory and few pins available! The 1.54" screen has 240x240 16-bit color pixels and is an IPS screen, so the color is very beautiful up to 80 degrees relative to the axis in any direction. The TFT driver (ST7789) is very similar to the popular ST7735, and our Arduino library supports it well.

Our breakout has a soldered TFT display (it uses a delicate flexible circuit connector) as well as a 3.3V regulator with very low voltage drop and a 3/5V level adapter so you can use it with 3.3V or 5V power and logic. We also had some space, so we placed a microSD card holder so you could easily load color bitmaps from a microSD card formatted FAT16/FAT32. The microSD card is not included.

Of course, we won"t just leave you a technical sheet and a "good luck"! We have a complete open source graphics library that can draw pixels, lines, rectangles, circles, text and bitmaps as well as a sample code and wiring tutorial. The code is written for Arduino but can be easily ported to your favorite microcontroller!