tft lcd image converter in stock

Many times to make any user interface or nicely display content, we use icons/images. In this Instructable, you will be displaying icons or logos or images on your TFT screen from Arduino with using ATmega (microcontroller used in Arduino) Flash memory. It does not require any SD Card to store bitmap images or USB connection to send image data. We will convert images from any image format like .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .png to its hexadecimal equivalent to be stored in flash memory of arduino mega (ATmega2560).

All microcontroller has Flash memory, where the codes are stored permanently. Arduino Mega has comparatively good amount of Flash memory, ie 256 KB of which 8 KB used by bootloader. We will be doing two things:Monochrome icons/images: The icons or images will be displayed with single color, but takes very less memory. Just 1bit for one pixel.

Colored icons/images: It depends on the TFT screen used, for eg. 1.8" SPI TFT with ST7735 driver has 16bit color. Images or icons will just look like your phone screen, but it takes lots of space. it takes 16bits (2bytes) for each pixel (16times more!!).

It requires a TFT screen compatible with arduino, few jumper cables (dupont wires), breadboard and is recommended to use 3.3V -5V level shifters (but it works without it also :P ). But we have used evive . It has all the things required to do this without any additional wiring!! Hence it helps in avoiding the repetitive task for bread-boarding. evive uses the most commonly used 1.8" SPI based TFT (ST7735R driver) having 160px by 128px along with Arduino Mega 2560 R3. Also has internal logic level shifters for ideal usage. tool has all the options for large varieties of screens available. You can even draw your own icon!!.

Also we may need to use some image resizing tool as most of the images available on internet are of very large size as compared to hoscreen. Option for Image Resizer:

If you are using the tool mentioned in last step, Please look at the images. It has lots of options to resize image for our usage. We can easily enter the value of "height" or "width" in pixels!.

Once you have the image ready, next step is to convert the image to some form of numbers as actually all images are represented by array/matrix of numbers. Since we are not going to use SD card to save images or logos or icons as its irritating everytime to have a micro SD card for this purpose, we will now convert images to hexadecimal. Then we will store it in Arduino Flash Memory.

Using the LCD_Image_Converter tool, we will get the image in hexadecimal form.Load the image usign File->Open->"SelectUrImage" If you want to edit image, use the editing tools.

Copy all the numbers!! (Here each pixel is stored in its binary form as image is monochrome. If the pixel is filled, then it will be 1 or else it will be 0)

Other option is to go for colored images (remember that it takes lot of Arduino Flash memory). Based on the TFT screen you will have to select some options like color format (1.8" SPI TFT SR7735R uses 16 bit colors: R5G6B5)Load the image usign File->Open->"SelectUrImage" If you want to edit image, use the editing tools.

Case 2: Since there is no direct function in Adafruit GFX library, we will have to write our own code for this. We will have to traverse pixel by pixel to draw image/icon.

tft lcd image converter in stock

This application allows you to create bitmaps and fonts, and transform them to “C” source format for embedded applications. The transformation of the images to the source code is made by using templates. Therefore, by modifying the templates, you can change the format of the output within certain limits.

tft lcd image converter in stock

Hi! I"m using stm32h750-custom board, and I want to show a picture on a 4.3 inch tft lcd with ltdc interface. I"m pretty sure that I adjusted ltdc setting correctly. I used image converter to convert the image (480*272pixels) and I add the exported header and C file to my project. Then I cast it to 16-bit for FBstartAddress. What I can see on the LCD is just a white screen. Why doesn"t it work? Could you help me? Thank you in advance. My project test is attached.

tft lcd image converter in stock

To do this, we will useLCD image converter.You can find it here : your imageto the size of your screen (240x240)

tft lcd image converter in stock

Several ways exist to display bitmap images, pictures so to say, on a screen attached to an Arduino, ESP8266 or ESP32. In the present project we convert a color picture into a c-array that is either included in a sketch or saved in a file that is called from within a sketch. The screen used is a 1.3 inch, 240*240 pixel TFT display with ST7789 controller and SPI interface. Because the file size of a 240*240 color bitmap is way too large to fit program memory in an Arduino Uno we are using an ESP32 microcontroller board: ESP32-WROOM-32. The 1.3”, 240*240 TFT is one of my favorite displays, not only because of its 65,536 available colors (16 bits per pixel, RGB565) but also because of its fast SPI interface which is meticulously supported by Bodmer’s TFT_eSPI.h library.

Compared with current LCD displays and OLED displays, TFT type screens offer the luxury of nearly unlimited color. While it is possible on OLED displays to show pictures, the constraint with this type of display is that pictures are always presented in monochrome. A TFT display shows images as crisp and colorful as your smartphone’s screen does. Of course your smartphone has more pixels than the humble 240*240, which necessitates some cropping and scaling. In this project I started with a big, 2521*1688 pixels jpg image downloaded from Wikipedia.

To possess a TFT screen is one thing, making it work, that is: showing color pictures, needs some investment in ideas, time and effort. As graphical functions are called via a supporting library the selection of a competent library is of prime importance. Another issue is the communication protocol between microcontroller and display. Among the available libraries the TFT_eSPI.h library offers superior support for a variety of controllers / microcontroller board / TFT display configurations, including the configuration used in the current project.

TFT_eSPI can be installed via the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE (Tools → Manage Libraries). Additional Configuration: see section Software. Install the most recent version.

Figure 1 shows the wiring diagram. Wiring is straightforward: the VCC pin of the display breakout board is connected to the 3.3V pin of the ESP32. GND is connected to GND. Of the remaining display pins only four are necessary. Pins marked ‘SCL’ and ‘SDA’ (on other SPI displays sometimes labeled as SCLK and MOSI) are connected to pins D18 and D23 of the ESP32. Pin ‘RES’ on the TFT display is connected to pin D4 of the ESP32, and pin ‘DC’ of the display goes to pin D2 of the ESP32. Pin ‘BLK’ of the TFT is not connected.

The example here, shown in figure 1, is a picture of a ladybug. The image was acquired via a search on Wikipedia. Its credentials are: Gilles San Martin from Namur, Belgium – Coccinella magnifica, CC BY-SA 2.0, The original picture is beautiful, but it is also huge compared with my humble TFT: 2521*1688, format: jpg.

Resulting after all the photo editing was a 173 kB BMP image file (‘ladybug.bmp’) with dimensions 240*240 and in True Color = R5G6B5, 16-bit color depth (64k colors).

A very convenient program to convert BMP image files to c-array format is ‘lcd-image-converter’. This is a Windows program, freely available on the internet. What one needs to do in lcd-image-converter is shown in figures 2 and 3.

The essential image c-array data can be placed into a separate file while all data are ‘imported’ at compilation time via a simple ‘include’ instruction inside the sketch. This has the advantage of a clean sketch that is easy to edit. The data file needs to be saved in the same folder as the sketch.

This library is extremely versatile, with many graphical functions, while it supports a great number of combinations of microcontroller boards and display controllers. The great difference between TFT_eSPI.h and alternative libraries, e.g. Adafruit_GFX.h and U8glib.h is that the so-called ‘constructor’ is absent.

The idea in TFT_eSPI is that all necessary parameters presented to the library are in a series of instructions bundled in a User_Setup.h file. As its name implies such a file is configurable by the end user. User_Setup.h contains calls to an array of drivers. Look around in the library’s folder named ‘User_Setups’. This folder is a playground for folks who like to experiment with all sorts of microcontrollers and displays. A superb idea!

After experimenting first with breadboards and jumper wires I decided to take a 7×9 cm soldering prototyping board and some pin sockets to solder a small robust bench that accommodates the ESP32-WROOM and the 2402*40 TFT (figure 4). Further software testing was done with this bench. Results were excellent. The TFT_eSPI library supports the ESP32 / ST7789 240*240 SPI TFT without any problem and, very important: very fast. I made and tested a variety of c-array coded images in a range of formats (e.g., 80*160; 128*128 and so on). They were all displayed very well on the small square screen. Condition is that the data file name is 8-character limited. One of these extra images, a picture of a dog called ‘bastien’, was cropped at 240*380 pixels and converted into a c-array (file size of the c-array: 1 MB). The sketch calling this c-array was perfectly compiled. Only the left part of the image was shown on screen with the instruction ‘tft.pushImage (0,0,240,240, bastien);‘, and the same happened when the instruction was changed into ‘ tft.pushImage (0,0,240,380,bastien);‘. This means that the TFT_eSPI library handles images benevolently. The instruction ‘’tft.pushImage (0,0,120,120, bastien);‘ produced an image on the left lower quadrant of the display, and this image contained the left lower quadrant of the bitmap picture.

An interesting option is to place several external c-array.h files into progmem in order to produce a slideshow. I tried this with two 240*240 pixel images of the famous portrait of Che Guevara; one named ‘che-red.h’ and the other ‘che-grey.h’. With a simple delay () instruction a display time between successive images can be set. A series of calls to several more external c-array image files is possible as well. Here the prospect of animation looms. The successful compilation of a 240*380 pixel c-array image tempts me to investigate how far the the envelope of the ESP32 microcontroller can be pushed with images of increasing size. Such a project can easily be entertained on my previously assembled benches that accommodate bigger SPI- or parallel displays (up to 3.95”. 320*480 pixel TFTs *, **). Another attractive project is to use a card reader to transfer images with lightning speed, pixel after pixel, from an image file on SD card to the TFT display.

tft lcd image converter in stock

Ok, the concept you need to wrap your head around is this byte array is just a representation of the bytes within the .BMP file. Now there may be other constraints about what type of BMP file you use, ie dimensions of image, colour depth, etc.

tft lcd image converter in stock

Displaytech HDMI conversion boards easily interface HDMI into an RGB or LVDS TFT display. The HDMI conversion boards have been developed to provide an all-in-one solution - simply connect your single-board computer and supply the Displaytech conversion board with 5V power.

These TFT LCD display modules feature an HDMI receiver and provide RGB or LVDS display data for Raspberry Pi, Beagle Bone, or any other single board computer (SBC) application that supplies an HDMI video input.

tft lcd image converter in stock

3.5-inch TFT LCD Module LT035B-33DTC of 320 x 240 pixels resolutions. The TFT LCD module consists of Outline Dimensions 94.0 x 80.0 x 11.0 with viewing area as 72.4 x 54.6. The 3.5 inch TFT consists of 8-Bit MCU Interface.

This TFT LCD has 3.3 Voltage capacity with proper specifications and controller. TFT LCD  module has SSD1926 controller which is a image processor designed with image capture and process features.