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Suvira International also manufactures custom size screens to meet your specification. Virtually any size up to the maximum shown for a given model is available. If you need to calculate a custom size, this tool below may be useful.

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Advanced Construction Calculator is a handy tool when you"re working on construction projects and need to convert between dimensions like feet, inches and pounds is a critical need. It features the ability to solve a variety of construction-related equations, calculate material estimates and costs, and display results in fractional or decimal forms. Use it for diagonal, rafter and roofing equations (built-in) as well as stairway construction functions including circular calculations. This eight-digit calculator with fractions also estimates building materials needed to ensure costs aren"t wasted. Calculate equations using U.S. Imperial units or the metric system. Protective, hardcover case is shock-resistant and spillproof. Calculator includes a protective case, pocket reference guide and full instructional manual with online examples available paired with a series of instructional videos.

lcd panel size calculator supplier

** First, I apologize for the odd layout and sizes of the graphics as LinkedIn"s publishing platform only provides limited options. To read this article in a more readable format, please visit

When I first started designing audiovisual systems, I had a difficult time finding an article that helped me determine the correct display size for professional AV environments. So here it is in its simplest form:

That’s it. Once you have the minimal screen height as calculated by the above formula, you can then review the projection screen or TV specification sheet to determine what size display has the same height that you just computed.

For example, if the furthest seat away from the screen in your conference room is 18’. Simply divide 18’ by 6 which equals 3’. So, the height of your screen should be a minimum of 3’ or 36” tall. Then, simply Google different tv sizes and read the dimensions of the display. You’ll find that a 70” display is 36” tall, so this room should have a minimum 70” display.

For end users and even the majority of AV integrators, this method will suffice. For true audiovisual designers, it’s blasphemous as not only has AVIXA established a new standard for calculating screen size, but even the original complete method is significantly more in-depth, includes numerous other calculations, and, of course, never includes Googling anything.

Before we dive into the details, if you’re asking why I did not use AVIXA’s new formula for BDM (basic decision making) screen size it’s because the majority of people will not define the percentage of element height in relation to the image height and that’s a required variable in the new formula. The previous formula outlined in Part 1 will provide almost an identical answer to the newer model as long as you’re calculating for a display with HD 1920x1080 resolution, which at this time is the most common resolution.

Instead of Googling spec sheets from tv and projection screen manufacturers to find the right answer, you can solve for the screen size mathematically. Since we know we a need a minimum screen height of 68” and we know that HD displays have a 16:9 format, we can simply cross multiply to find the width.

So, we would require a minimum of a 138” screen as opposed to a 70” display for the same size room if we will be performing detailed investigation of content. That’s a big difference in display size, so it’s very important to determine what content you plan on displaying in the room prior to performing any calculations.

While the distance to the furthest viewer is required to calculate screen size, the width of the display will determine the minimal distance the nearest viewer must be for comfortable viewing. If we go back to the example in Part 1, we have a 70” display that is 36” tall and 62” wide. A quick roll of thumb for calculating nearest viewer distance is to make sure the viewer is no closer than the width of the screen. In this case, the TV is 62” wide so the nearest viewer should be at least 62” or 5.2’ away from the display. Any closer than this, the nearest viewer will encounter eye fatigue along with not being able to see the entire screen within their natural field of vision.

The information above is for standard sized rooms with standard dimensions. If you have a very wide room, a very long room, tiered seating, large windows, low ceilings, tall ceilings, high resolutions, unique resolutions, or any other less common attributes then additional considerations would be required.

lcd panel size calculator supplier

a line of extreme and ultra-narrow bezel LCD displays that provides a video wall solution for demanding requirements of 24x7 mission-critical applications and high ambient light environments

lcd panel size calculator supplier

LCD display doesn’t operate the same way as CRT displays , which fires electrons at a glass screen, a LCD display has individual pixels arranged in a rectangular grid. Each pixel has RGB(Red, Green, Blue) sub-pixel that can be turned on or off. When all of a pixel’s sub-pixels are turned off, it appears black. When all the sub-pixels are turned on 100%, it appears white. By adjusting the individual levels of red, green, and blue light, millions of color combinations are possible

The pixels of the LCD screen were made by circuitry and electrodes of the backplane. Each sub-pixel contains a TFT (Thin Film Transistor) element.  These structures are formed by depositing various materials (metals and silicon) on to the glass substrate that will become one part of the complete display “stack,” and then making them through photolithography. For more information about TFT LCDs, please refer to “

The etched pixels by photolith process are the Native Resolution. Actually, all the flat panel displays, LCD, OLED, Plasma etc.) have native resolution which are different from CRT monitors

Although we can define a LCD display with resolution, a Full HD resolution on screen size of a 15” monitor or a 27” monitor will show different. The screen “fineness” is very important for some application, like medical, or even our cell phone. If the display “fineness” is not enough, the display will look “pixelized” which is unable to show details.

PPI stands for number of pixels per inch. It is kind of pixel density. PPI describes the resolution of a digital image, not a print. PPI is used to resize images in preparation for printing

But you see other lower resolution available, that is because video cards are doing the trick. A video card can display a lower LCD screen resolution than the LCD’s built-in native resolution. The video cards can combine the pixels and turn a higher resolution into lower resolution, or just use part of the full screen. But video cards can’t do the magic to exceed the native resolution.

lcd panel size calculator supplier

Deciding how large a videowall should be is more than a matter of determining how many display devices are required to fill a space on a wall. The manner in which the videowall will be used, the types and quantity of information to be presented, and the size and shape of the room should be considered before selecting the quantity and type of display. A videowall in a public setting for digital signage will have far different physical requirements than a videowall in a command and control center.

What is the “best” shape or aspect ratio for a videowall? If the objective is to make the videowall as large as possible, then its shape will be driven by the layout of the room. A shallow, wide room with a low ceiling will likely necessitate a short, wide videowall. Other room characteristics may result in a videowall shape closer to a square. But room layout is not the only important factor when determining the height and width of a videowall. The size and aspect ratio of the source content and their intended arrangements on the videowall will also influence its shape and design.

When creating sample window layouts, it is also important to consider which sources should be shown at native resolution, those which may be downscaled or reduced in size, and content that should be upscaled or enlarged. Having an idea of scaling requirements for the source content will help you determine relative sizes for the source windows on the videowall. The nature of the source content will be a determinant of how legible it may be when scaled. High resolution imagery may be reasonably legible when downscaled. Content can often be displayed in small windows as “thumbnails” to save space while being adequately discernible, and then upscaled or enlarged upon user control for closer examination.

While videowall processors allow images or graphics to be reduced in size, text or symbols may not remain legible if downscaled, or even when shown at native resolution. In this case, upscaling may be necessary, possibly leading to use of larger window sizes that may require enlarging the videowall. This topic is covered in detail in Font Size and Legibility for Videowall Content.

Once you are confident that your sample window layouts meet end user expectations, you can be sure that you have a good idea of the overall shape for the videowall, determined by the layout of the room and the source content to be presented. You should also estimate the physical and pixel dimensions for the videowall. Additional considerations, including pixel density and individual display or projected image size, will help you finalize the actual dimensions and configuration of the videowall.

The resolution of a videowall can be defined by the total number of horizontal and vertical pixels in the display array. It can also be described by the pixel density, or the number of pixels per unit area. Pixel density is determined by the individual display unit, in terms of its native resolution as well as screen dimensions. Pixel density remains constant, regardless of the size or layout of the videowall.

LCD panels generally deliver more than sufficient pixel density for close viewing distances, including the largest models. Pixel density will likely be an important consideration when projecting large images.

The sidebar provides detailed information on calculating pixel density. At a close viewing distance of 10 feet (3 m), the pixel density would need to be at least 28 PPI, or pixels per inch, to avoid visible pixel structure. As points of comparison, a 50 inch (107 cm) 1080p LCD panel has a pixel density of 44 PPI, while a 70 inch (178 cm) WXGA projection cube has a pixel density of 22 PPI. If the end user demands that multiple high resolution sources be displayed pixel-for-pixel, then it may be necessary to increase the pixel density beyond the minimum. LCD panels generally deliver more than sufficient pixel density for close viewing distances, including the largest models at 70 inches. Pixel density will likely be an important consideration when projecting large images. Table 2-4lists some recommended minimum pixel densities at various viewing distances.

The minimum pixel density for a videowall, based on the viewing distance and the visual acuity limit of 1 arc minute, can easily be calculated.All that is needed is a tape measure and a scientific calculator, or a mobile device running a scientific calculator app.Ensure the calculator is set to degrees, rather than radians.

lcd panel size calculator supplier

and a screen the image will also increase. If your projector has a zoom lens, the lens can be adjusted to change the size of the screen image without changing

the distance of the projector. Since each projector lens is different, an online projection calculator tool will help you calculate the size of an image

lcd panel size calculator supplier

The power consumption of computer or tv displays vary significantly based on the display technology used, manufacturer and build quality, the size of the screen, what the display is showing (static versus moving images), brightness of the screen and if power saving settings are activated.

Click calculate to find the energy consumption of a 22 inch LED-backlit LCD display using 30 Watts for 5 hours a day @ $0.10 per kWh. Check the table below and modify the calculator fields if needed to fit your display.

LED & LCD screens use the same TFT LCD (thin film transistor liquid crystal display) technology for displaying images on the screen, when a product mentions LED it is referring to the backlighting. Older LCD monitors used CCFL (cold cathode fluorescent) backlighting which is generally 20-30% less power efficient compared to LED-backlit LCD displays.

In general we recommend LED displays because they offer the best power savings and are becoming more cheaper. Choose a display size which you are comfortable with and make sure to properly calibrate your display to reduce power use. Enable energy saving features, lower brightness and make sure the monitor goes into sleep mode after 5 or 10 minutes of inactivity. Some research studies also suggest that setting your system themes to a darker color may help reduce energy cost, as less energy is used to light the screen. Also keep in mind that most display will draw 0.1 to 3 watts of power even if they are turned off or in sleep mode, unplugging the screen if you are away for extended periods of time may also help.