ili9325 2.8 tft lcd free sample

"In the TFTLCD Library folder, you will need to edit TFTLCD.h. On about line 12, you will see "#define USE_ADAFRUIT_SHIELD_PINOUT". Comment out this line and save the file."

I have done this, saved the file, reopened arduino.exe, loaded the graphicstest example that comes with the TFT LCD library and tried to verify/compile it, but here I get errors:

"Start at the end of the TFT (other side than the power pins) and in order connect the pins to digital 7 thru 2. If you"re using a mega, connect the TFT Data Pins #0-7 to Mega pins #22-29, in that order. Those Mega pins are on the "double" header.

Connect the seventh pin RST (Reset) to the Arduino Reset line. This will reset the panel when the Arduino is Reset. You can also use a digital pin for the LCD reset but this will save us a pin."

When I run either the graphicstest or the tftbmp example, the identification part works now, but the screen doesnt display anything other than the backlight, and a quick flicker (<20ms or so) at the exact moment something is drawn to the screen.

I have browsed 70 pages of forum searchresults on "2.8 TFT", but pretty much everyone who had this issue has gotten an offer for a replacement, so I am unsure how to move forward from here.

ili9325 2.8 tft lcd free sample

The point here is the datasheet will specify the maximun current allowable and each display is a bit different. Some might even NOT have the internal zener diodes. So while this usually works it might not always do so and any newby reading this might actually blow his LCD trying to use this method, because the display is different. People reading the topics should know the theory before just deciding on using a random value found online before atempting to do the same. Many know they need to use a resistor but are clueless about the reason for it.

Soulds like how I used to be! "This works, and I"m pretty sure I need it, but I have no idea why." Being on a tight budget though tends to keep you a bit on the cautious side until you build confidence and start experimenting. (or find documentation, not really easily available to kid in the 80"s) I"ve read the specs on a number of LCD panels and their associated driver ICs, and yes quite a few of them lack the limiting on the input. Probably the easiest way to really know if it"s happening (ie you don"t have a dataheet) is to tie in a very low current voltage source at say, 3.5v to an input pin and check it for 3.3v. Digital inputs should be very high impedence, and are unlikely to be damaged by such a small overvoltage, but should easily be clamped down to the standard 3.3v if you"re supplying under a few milliamps, especially at a low fraction of a volt over spec.

ili9325 2.8 tft lcd free sample

Displaying a custom image or graphic on a LCD display is a very useful task as displays are now a premium way of providing feedback to users on any project. With this functionality, we can build projects that display our own logo, or display images that help users better understand a particular task the project is performing, providing an all-round improved User Experience (UX) for your Arduino or ESP8266 based project. Today’s tutorial will focus on how you can display graphics on most Arduino compatible displays.

The procedure described in this tutorial works with all color displays supported by Adafruit’s GFX library and also works for displays supported by the TFTLCD library from Adafruit with little modification. Some of the displays on which this procedure works include:

For this tutorial, we will use the 2.8″ ILI9325 TFT Display which offers a resolution of 320 x 340 pixels and we will display a bitmap image of a car.

To demonstrate how things work, we will use the 2.8″ TFT Display. The 2.8″ TFT display comes as a shield which plugs directly into the Arduino UNO as shown in the image below.

Image2Code is an easy-to-use, small Java utility to convert images into a byte array that can be used as a bitmap on displays that are compatible with the Adafruit-GFX or Adafruit TFTLCD (with little modification) library.

To reduce the amount of code, and stress involved in displaying the graphics, we will use two wonderful libraries; The GFX library and the TFTLCD library from Adafruit.

As usual, we start writing the sketch by including the libraries required. For this procedure, we will use the TFTLCD library alone, since we are assuming you are using a display that is not supported by the GFX library.

The last section of the code is the drawBitmap function itself, as earlier mentioned, to use the drawbitmap() function with the Adafruit TFTLCD library, we need to copy the function’s code and paste into the Arduino sketch.

ili9325 2.8 tft lcd free sample

I have been running into problems when I wanted to actually display something on the screen using TFT LCD library ( (and the GFX library (

Connect the seventh pin RST (Reset) to the Arduino Reset line. This will reset the panel when the Arduino is Reset. You can also use a digital pin for the LCD reset but this will save us a pin.

It should be 0x9328 or 0x9325 so if you see something like 0x8328 that means that the D8 pin is not wired correctly and if you get 0x9228 then pin D0 is not wired correctly.

Adafruit is also selling a shield version of you display and I think you can use this to verify you pin assignment. With this:

I just got my teensy3 displaying the graphicstest on my LCD. Your description here of how to do it was just fine, though it took me a couple of tries to get the wiring right (my fault, though)

I got this going as well thanks to your guidance. While I was fiddling with the pinouts etc. in pinmagic, I did a couple of other things, in Adafruit_TFTLCD:

inline Adafruit_GFX& operator() (uint8_t x, uint8_t y,uint16_t c) {setCursor(x,y); setTextColor(c); return *this;} //use along w Streaming.h to support: tft(col,line,color)<<"a="<

inline Adafruit_GFX& operator() (uint8_t x, uint8_t y,uint16_t c,uint8_t s) {setCursor(x,y); setTextColor(c); setTextSize(s); return *this;} //use along w Streaming.h to support: tft(col,line,color,size)<<"a="< ies_ET&hash=item41724ce310

They are not using the current library, as you guessed. I tried patching pin_magic.h with the teensy 3 mods, but more is required for the current TFTLCD library. The library now supports DUE, and the constructor does a lot of work mapping the control pins into port register access for set/clear operations. Maybe the teensy equivalent would be to use

And I measured 32.7ma at 3.3v for the TFTLCD, so I powered it from the teensy 3 3.3v pin. This is on older Adafruit TFTLCD,

OK, maybe I"m confused, but does that library drive the Adafruit display in 8-bit mode (as described at The TFTLCD library has the disadvantage of needing more pins, but my impression was that it could achieve a higher throughput of data to the display, or am I mistaken in that as well?

Well, this is awkward. I had a 2.8" ILI9325 screen from Adafruit working on a Teensy 3.0 a couple of years back. I just tried to rebuild the code for that and I seem to have lost some files. Specifically I"m looking for the right Adafruit_TFTLCD library (well, I think that"s all I"m looking for). The current library from Github doesn"t compile with a Teensy3, and I recall I had to edit the pin_magic file as per (earlier in this thread). But the later files from Github look different now. I don"t seem to be able to go back to an earlier branch on Github.

I can see Paul has posted an ILI9341_t3 library, but mine is an ILI9325. Has anyone got a working copy of the library that works with my combination posted somewhere? I"d rather not upgrade the hardware at this stage, the problem I have is software.

ili9325 2.8 tft lcd free sample

This is a 2.8" Arduino Touch Screen Tutorial with the ILI9325 driver. Is this Arduino touch display a good option for your Arduino projects? Keep watching in...

ili9325 2.8 tft lcd free sample

Hey guys, its Nick again, welcome to a channel that is all about DIY electronics projects with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266 and other popular boards. Today we are going to take a look at how to use the inexpensive, ILI9325 driver based, 2.8” touchscreen display designed for Arduino and at the end of this tutorial, you should be able to determine ifthis Touch Screen is a good option for your Arduino projects.

In order to use this Arduino Touch Screen easily, we will need three libraries. We will need a modified version of the Adafruit TFTLCD library, the familiar Adafruit GFX library, and the Touchscreen library. All these libraries can be downloaded by following the links below.

With the Libraries installed, we can test the display by trying out the examples which came with the libraries. Two favorite examples are the graphicstext example and the tftbmp example whose demonstration can be seen in the tutorial video.

Next, we declare the colors to be used with their hexadecimal values after which we create an object of the Adafruit TFTLCD library class indicating the variables used to represent the pins to which the screen is connected on the Arduino.

We start the function by initializing the serial monitor and the LCD, after which we set the orientation of the LCD and fill the screen with a black color to serve as the background.

ili9325 2.8 tft lcd free sample

Learn how to use inexpensive ILI9325 colour TFT LCD modules in chapter fifty of a series originally titled “Getting Started/Moving Forward with Arduino!” by John Boxall – A tutorial on the Arduino universe. The first chapter is here, the complete series is detailed here.

Colour TFT LCD modules just keep getting cheaper, so in this tutorial we’ll show you how to get going with some of the most inexpensive modules we could find. The subject of our tutorial is a 2.8″ 240 x 320 TFT module with the ILI9325 LCD controller chip. If you look in ebay this example should appear pretty easily, here’s a photo of the front and back to help identify it:

There is also the line “HY-TFT240_262k HEYAODZ110510″ printed on the back of the module. They should cost less than US$10 plus shipping. Build quality may not be job number one at the factory so order a few, however considering the cost of something similar from other retailers it’s cheap insurance. You’ll also want sixteen male to female jumper wires to connect the module to your Arduino.

To make life easier we’ll use an Arduino library “UTFT” written for this and other LCD modules. It has been created by Henning Karlsen and can be downloaded from his website. If you can, send him a donation – this library is well worth it. Once you’ve downloaded and installed the UTFT library, the next step is to wire up the LCD for a test.

If you’re curious, the LCD module and my Eleven board draws 225 mA of current. If that didn’t work for you, double-check the wiring against the list provided earlier. Now we’ll move forward and learn how to display text and graphics.

Where red, green and blue are values between zero and 255. So if you want white use 255,255,255 etc. For some named colours and their RGB values, click here. To select the required font, use one of the following:myGLCD.setFont(SmallFont); // Allows 20 rows of 40 characters

where the top-left of the rectangle is x1,y1 and the bottom-right is x2, y2. You can also have rectangles with rounded corners, just use:myGLCD.drawRoundRect(x1,y2,x2,y2); // for open rectangles

If you already have an image in .gif, .jpg or .png format that’s less than 300 KB in size, this can be displayed on the LCD. To do so, the file needs to be converted to an array which is inserted into your sketch. Let’s work with a simple example to explain the process. Below is our example image:

Past the #include statement and the array into your sketch above void setup(). After doing that, don’t be tempted to “autoformat” the sketch in the Arduino IDE. Now you can use the following function to display the bitmap on the LCD:

Wherex and y are the top-left coordinates of the image, width and height are the … width and height of the image, and name is the name of the array. Scale is optional – you can double the size of the image with this parameter. For example a value of two will double the size, three triples it – etc. The function uses simple interpolation to enlarge the image, and can be a clever way of displaying larger images without using extra memory. Finally, you can also display the bitmap on an angle – using:myGLCD.drawBitmap(x,y,width,height, name, angle, cx, cy);

So there you have it – an incredibly inexpensive and possibly useful LCD module. Thank you to Henning Karlsen for his useful library, and if you found it useful – send him a donation via his page.

ili9325 2.8 tft lcd free sample

The LCD I am using is a 2.8″ TFT LCD with SPI communication. I also have another 16-bit Parallel TFT LCD but it will be another story for another time. For this post, let’s focus on how to display what you want on the 2.8″ LCD. You can find all details about this LCD from this page:

First thing first, this LCD use SPI as the main communication protocol with your MCU. For STM32 users, HAL Library has already implemented this protocol which makes this project easier for us. But, a little knowledge about this protocol does not hurt anyone. SPI is short for Serial Peripheral Interface which, aside from two data lines, also has a clock line and select lines to choose between devices you want to communicate with.

This LCD uses ILI9341 as a single-chip SOC driver for a display with a resolution of 240×320. More details can be found in the official document of ILI9341. But the most important thing is that we have to establish astart sequencein order for this LCD to work. The “start sequence” includes many other sequences which are also defined in the datasheet. Each sequence starts when you send a command to ILI9341 and then some parameters to follow up. This sequence is applied for all communication between MCU and ILI9341.

For this project, I recommend using theSystem Workbench for STM32for coding and building the code. After installing and open the program, go to the source code you have just downloaded and double click the.cprojectfile. It will automatically be open in your IDE. Then build the program by right click on the folder you just open (TFTLCD) and chooseBuild Project. Wait for it to finish and upload it to the board by right clicking the folder, choose Run As and then clickAc6 STM32C/C++ Application. And that’s it for running the example.

The most important library for this project is obviously the ILI9341_Driver. This driver is built from the provided source code in the page. I only choose the part that we need to use the most in many applications like writing string, displaying image and drawing symbols. Another library from the wiki page is the TOUCH library. Most of the libraries I got from the Internet were not working properly due to some adjustments to the original one.

To draw symbols or even display images, we need a “byte array” of that image or symbol. As an illustration, to display an image from a game called Transistor, I have a “byte array” of that image stored in a file named transistor.h. You can find this file in the link below. Then, I draw each pixel from the image to the LCD by adding the code in the Display_Picture() function in the Display folder.void Display_Picture()

ili9325 2.8 tft lcd free sample

HY-TFT240 is a 2.4 inch TFT LCD Screen module, 320*240 (resolution), 65K color, 40pins interface , not just a LCD breakout, but include the Touch screen, SD card. So it’s a powerful extension module for your project.

This Screen includes a controller ILI9320, it’s 8 bit data interface, easy to drive by many MCU like STM32 ,AVR and 8051.HY-TFT240 is designed with a touch controller in it . The touch IC is XPT2046 , and touch interface is included in the 40 pins breakout. Another useful extension in this module is the SD Card socket . It use the SPI mode to operate the SD card, the SPI interface include in the 40pins breakout.

UTFT library is required to be installed to get this screen model display. This library is especially designed for TFT LCD screen using 16 bit mode. The library require the following connections.

Note: The TFT controller model needs to be declared in the initializing statement. UTFT myGLCD(38,39,40,41) needs to be modified as myGLCD(GEEE24,38,39,40,41) when using Arduino Mega2560.UTFT myGLCD(GEEE24,19,18,17,16) needs to be commented when using Aduino UNO. Otherwise it just show a blank screen. In practice, RS, WR, CS, RSET can be connected to any free pin. But the pin number must be in accord with myGLCD(RS,WR,CS,RST).

The LCD has a 2.4" 4-wire resistive touch screen lying over it. The Touch library needs to be installed to get it works. This library is designed for 2.4’’ TFT, 2.8” TFT LCD screen module.

The default setting is not accurate for 2.4” TFT module, so you need to calibrate when using 2.4” TFT module. A program to calibrate the touch screen is included in the example. If you touch screen is inaccurate, you need to run touch_calibration. Follow the on-screen instruction to calibrate the touch screen. Better not use your finger to calibrate it, use your accessory touch pen to pressure the frontsight with stength. Then record the calibration parameters and apply them in ITDB02_Touch.cpp in your touch screen library.

ili9325 2.8 tft lcd free sample

BlueScreen is a touch screen development board comes with NXP�s powerful ARM7 LPC2378, a resistive-type-2.8-inch touch screen, 2.8" TFT LCD, micro-SD card socket, and 8kB EEPROM.