error code 0326 lcd panel made in china
I"ve had a similar problem with an M6400 (the error code was 2000-0321). Eventually, they replaced the LED display as well as the videocard (nVidia Quadro FX2700M) at the service (fortunately, my guarantee was still valid). If you are reading this because you"re experiencing the symptoms described in the original post, I"m sorry I"ve had bad news to let you know. However, the guy at the service told me he found that one of the pins of the connector on the videocard into which the cable connecting the videocard and the display goes that had been damaged, so maybe you can try checking cable connections first. Oh, and another thing: the laptop originally came with a simpler CCFL display, and it did work with that, even when it did not with the LED-based one I bought separately.
FOR$IOS_NOTFORSPE. An error in the user program or in the RTL was not an Intel® Fortran-specific error and was not reportable through any other Intel® Fortran run-time messages.
FOR$IOS_BUG_CHECK. Internal error. Please check that the program is correct. Recompile if an error existed in the program. If this error persists, submit a problem report.
FOR$IOS_OPEFAI. An error was detected by the Intel® Fortran RTL I/O system while attempting to open a file in an OPEN, INQUIRE, or other I/O statement. This message is issued when the error condition is not one of the more common conditions for which specific error messages are provided. It can occur when an OPEN operation was attempted for one of the following:Segmented file that was not on a disk or a raw magnetic tape
FOR$IOS_INVARGFOR. The compiler passed an invalid or improperly coded argument to the Intel® Fortran RTL. This can occur if the compiler is newer than the RTL in use.
Note: The ERR transfer is taken after completion of the I/O statement for error number 59. The resulting file status and record position are the same as if no error had occurred. However, other I/O errors take the ERR transfer as soon as the error is detected, so file status and record position are undefined.
FOR$IOS_FORVARMIS. An attempt was made either to read or write a real variable with an integer field descriptor (I, L, O, Z, B), or to read or write an integer or logical variable with a real field descriptor (D, E, or F). To suppress this error message, see the description of
check[:]keywords option used during the compilation command. The ERR transfer is taken after completion of the I/O statement for error numbers 61, 63, 64, and 68. The resulting file status and record position are the same as if no error had occurred. However, other I/O errors take the ERR transfer as soon as the error is detected, so file status and record position are undefined.
FOR$IOS_OUTCONERR. During a formatted output operation, the value of a particular number could not be output in the specified field length without loss of significant digits. When this situation is encountered, the overflowed field is filled with asterisks to indicate the error in the output record. If no ERR address has been defined for this error, the program continues after the error message is displayed. To suppress this error message, see the description of
check[:]keywords option used during the compilation command. The ERR transfer is taken after completion of the I/O statement for error numbers 61, 63, 64, and 68. The resulting file status and record position are the same as if no error had occurred. However, other I/O errors take the ERR transfer as soon as the error is detected, so file status and record position are undefined.
The ERR transfer is taken after completion of the I/O statement for error numbers 61, 63, 64, and 68. The resulting file status and record position are the same as if no error had occurred. However, other I/O errors take the ERR transfer as soon as the error is detected, so file status and record position are undefined.
FOR$IOS_FLTINV. During an arithmetic operation, the floating-point values used in a calculation were invalid for the type of operation requested or invalid exceptional values. For example, the error can occur if you request a log of the floating-point values 0.0 or a negative number. For certain arithmetic expressions, specifying the
The ERR transfer is taken after completion of the I/O statement for error numbers 61, 63, 64, and 68. The resulting file status and record position are the same as if no error had occurred. However, other I/O errors take the ERR transfer as soon as the error is detected, so file status and record position are undefined.
Very small numbers are set to zero (0). This error could be caused by the specified nonnative floating-point format not matching the floating-point format found in the specified file. Check the following:The correct file was specified.
FOR_S_NOMEMFORIO. This error often occurs during a file I-O operation such as OPEN, READ, or WRITE. Either increase the amount of memory available to the program, or reduce its demand.
FOR$IOS_CWDERROR. Cannot access the current working directory to open or access a file. One of the following conditions occurred:The directory has been deleted or moved by another task.
GENTRAP code. The cause is most likely a software problem due to memory corruption, or software signaling an exception with an incorrect exception code. Try setting the
Either locate and correct the source code causing the subnormalized value or, if a subnormalized value is acceptable, specify a different value for the
Carefully check that the calling code and routine being called agree as to how the routine is declared. If you are unable to resolve the issue, please send a problem report with an example to Intel.
FOR$IOS_PGM_INTDIV. During an integer arithmetic operation, an attempt was made to divide by zero. Locate and correct the source code causing the integer divide by zero.
FOR$IOS_PGM_INPGERR. The program tried to access a page that was not present, so the system was unable to load the page. For example, this error might occur if a network connection was lost while trying to run a program over the network.
FOR$IOS_F6102. An invalid real number was read from a file, an internal variable, or the console. This can happen if an invalid number is generated by passing an illegal argument to an intrinsic function -- for example, SQRT(-1) or ASIN(2). If the invalid result is written and then later read, the error will be generated.
To generate this error the device"s OPEN statement must contain an option not appropriate for a terminal device, such as ACCESS="DIRECT" or FORM="UNFORMATTED".
FOR$IOS_F6302. More than one alternate radix for numeric I/O was specified. F6302 can indicate an error in spacing or a mismatched format for data of different radices.
FOR$IOS_F6303. A radix specifier was not between 2 and 36, inclusive. Alternate radix constants must be of the form n#ddd... where n is a radix from 2 to 36 inclusive and ddd... are digits with values less than the radix. For example, 3#12 and 34#7AX are valid constants with valid radix specifiers. 245#7A and 39#12 do not have valid radix specifiers and generate error 569 if input.
The error message may indicate a CLOSE error when the fault is actually coming from WRITE. This is because the error is not discovered until the program tries to write buffered data when it closes the file.
FOR$IOS_F6700. The program ran out of heap space. The ALLOCATE statement and various internal functions allocate memory from the heap. This error will be generated when the last of the heap space is used up.
FOR$IOS_F6717. The system ran out of memory while trying to make the array specified by RESHAPE. If possible, reset your virtual memory size through the Windows* Control Panel, or close unnecessary applications and deallocate all allocated arrays that are no longer needed.
FOR$IOS_F6750. The value used for the number of the command-line argument to retrieve with GETARG must be 0 or a positive integer. If the number of the argument to be retrieved is greater than the actual number of arguments, blanks are returned, but no error occurs.
FOR$IOS_F6751. The unit number specifying which I/O unit to flush to its associated file must be an integer between 0 and 2**31-1, inclusive. If the unit number is valid, but the unit is not opened, error F6752 is generated.
Dynamic memory allocation is limited by several factors, including swap file size and memory requirements of other applications that are running. If you encounter an unexpectedly low limit, you may need to reset your virtual memory size through the Windows Control Panel or redefine the swap file size. Allocated arrays that are no longer needed should be deallocated.
Dynamic memory allocation is limited by several factors, including swap file size and memory requirements of other applications that are running. If you encounter an unexpectedly low limit, you may need to reset your virtual memory size through the Windows* Control Panel or redefine the swap file size. Allocated arrays that are no longer needed should be deallocated.
Dynamic memory allocation is limited by several factors, including swap file size and memory requirements of other applications that are running. If you encounter an unexpectedly low limit, you may need to reset your virtual memory size through the Windows* Control Panel or redefine the swap file size. Allocated arrays that are no longer needed should be deallocated.
Dynamic memory allocation is limited by several factors, including swap file size and memory requirements of other applications that are running. If you encounter an unexpectedly low limit, you may need to reset your virtual memory size through the Windows* Control Panel or redefine the swap file size. Allocated arrays that are no longer needed should be deallocated.
Dynamic memory allocation is limited by several factors, including swap file size and memory requirements of other applications that are running. If you encounter an unexpectedly low limit, you may need to reset your virtual memory size through the Windows* Control Panel or redefine the swap file size. Allocated arrays that are no longer needed should be deallocated.
FOR$IOS_LC_STOPPED_IMAGE. The code has tried to synchronize with a set of images using a SYNC statement. One of the images to be synchronized with has already terminated.
LCD, or Liquid Crystal Displays, are great choices for many applications. They aren’t that power-hungry, they are available in monochrome or full-color models, and they are available in all shapes and sizes.
Waveshare actually has several round LCD modules, I chose the 1.28-inch model as it was readily available on Amazon. You could probably perform the same experiments using a different module, although you may require a different driver.
Once you have everything hooked up, you can start coding for the display. There are a few ways to do this, one of them is to grab the sample code thatWaveshare provides on their Wiki.
The Waveshare Wiki does provide some information about the display and a bit of sample code for a few common controllers. It’s a reasonable support page, unfortunately, it is the only support that Waveshare provides(I would have liked to see more examples and a tutorial, but I guess I’m spoiled by Adafruit and Sparkfun LOL).
Open the Arduino folder. Inside you’ll find quite a few folders, one for each display size that Waveshare supports. As I’m using the 1.28-inch model, I selected theLCD_1inch28folder.
Once you do that, you can open your Arduino IDE and then navigate to that folder. Inside the folder, there is a sketch file namedLCD_1inch28.inowhich you will want to open.
When you open the sketch, you’ll be greeted by an error message in your Arduino IDE. The error is that two of the files included in the sketch contain unrecognized characters. The IDE offers the suggestion of fixing these with the “Fix Encoder & Reload” function (in the Tools menu), but that won’t work.
The error just seems to be with a couple of the Chinese characters used in the comments of the sketch. You can just ignore the error, the sketch will compile correctly in spite of it.
The code is pretty basic, I’m not repeating all of it here, as it consists of several files. But we can gather quite a bit of knowledge from the main file, as shown here.
You can see from the code that after loading some libraries we initialize the display, set its backlight level (you can use PWM on the BL pin to set the level), and paint a new image. We then proceed to draw lines and strings onto the display.
Unfortunately, Waveshare doesn’t offer documentation for this, but you can gather quite a bit of information by reading theLCD_Driver.cppfile, where the functions are somewhat documented.
After uploading the code, you will see the display show a fake “clock”. It’s a static display, but it does illustrate how you can use this with the Waveshare code.
There is a lot of demo code included with the library. Some of it is intended for other display sizes, but there are a few that you can use with your circular display.
A great demo code sample is theAnimated_dialsketch, which is found inside theSpritesmenu item. This demonstration code will produce a “dial” indicator on the display, along with some simulated “data” (really just a random number generator).
In order to run this sketch, you’ll need to install another library. Install theTjpeg_DecoderLibrary from Library Manager. Once you do, the sketch will compile, and you can upload it to your ESP32.
The GC9A01 LCD module is a 1.28-inch round display that is useful for instrumentation and other similar projects. Today we will learn how to use this display with an Arduino Uno and an ESP32.