2.2 inch ili9341 spi tft lcd display quotation

ER-TFT022-1 is 240x320 dots 2.2" color tft lcd module display with ILI9341 controller,optional capacitive touch panel with controller FT6236U and resistive touch panel,superior display quality,super wide viewing angle and easily controlled by MCU such as 8051, PIC, AVR, ARDUINO ARM and Raspberry PI.It can be used in any embedded systems,industrial device,security and hand-held equipment which requires display in high quality and colorful image.It supports 8080 8-bit,9-bit,16-bit,18-bit parallel,3-wire,4-wire serial spi interface. FPC with zif connector is easily to assemble or remove.Lanscape mode is also available.

Of course, we wouldn"t just leave you with a datasheet and a "good luck!".Here is the link for 2.2"TFT Shield with Libraries, Examples.Schematic Diagram for Arduino Due,Mega 2560 and Uno.For 8051 microcontroller user,we prepared the detailed tutorial such as interfacing, demo code and Development Kit at the bottom of this page.

2.2 inch ili9341 spi tft lcd display quotation

The DT022BTFT uses the same connections as the DT022CTFT, with the exception of the backlight (which has connections shown in the Displaytech datasheet).

The provided display driver example code is designed to work with Microchip, however it is generic enough to work with other micro-controllers. The code includes display reset sequence, initialization and example PutPixel() function. Keep the default values for all registers in the ILI9341, unless changed by the example code provided.

4-wire 8-bit Serial Data Interface II is the correct mode to use based on the microprocessor pins available. This mode is closest to standard SPI port operation with a few minor exceptions.

Note that the WR pin becomes the D/CX signal in serial mode. CS is used to initiate a data transfer by pulling it low. At the end of the data transfer, pull the CS pin high to complete the transaction. The timing diagram indicates that you can pull the CS pin high in between the command byte and data bytes within a transfer, but it is unlikely needed if the display is the only device on the SPI bus. To keep things simple, we suggest to leave it low during the entire transaction.

The D/CX pin tells the ILI9341 that the current byte is either command or data. Pull the D/CX pin low when the current byte is a command, and pull high when it is data. The timing diagram indicates only needing to set D/CX on the last bit of a byte, but it is much simpler to just leave it high or low during the entire byte.

2.2 inch ili9341 spi tft lcd display quotation

I read in forums and could see that there were some adafruit libraries in the ESP8266 Arduino but now that it is not available and only some TFT_Touch_Shield_V2 are present.

2.2 inch ili9341 spi tft lcd display quotation

#---Begin-Custom-(Do not alter Begin or End Tags)-----disable_splash=1avoid_warnings=2dtoverlay=ili9341#---End-Custom------------------------Comment out the lcd_rotate=2 default settings by putting an # at the beginning of the line.

tce-load -wi pcp-jivelite_default-qvga240squareskin.tczInstalls the pcp-jivelite_default-qvga240squareskin.tcz extension. The skin is perfect to configure Jivelite with this display.

/dts-v1/;/plugin/;/ {compatible = "brcm,bcm2835";// Enable the SPI controllertarget = <&spi0>;__overlay__ {status = "okay";};};// Enabling the SPI controller also enables spidev on cs0, so we have disable ittarget = <&spidev0>;__overlay__ {status = "disabled";};};target = <&spi0>;__overlay__ {/* needed to avoid dtc warning */#address-cells = <1>;#size-cells = <0>;// MIPI DBI compatible driver// This driver is used because it can ignore an illegal rotate value// and doesn"t have a set_gamma() function.compatible = "ilitek,ili9341";reg = <0>; // Chip Select 0spi-max-frequency = <32000000>; // 32MHzreset-gpios = <&gpio 27 1>; // reset is active low hence the 1dc-gpios = <&gpio 22 0>;width = <320>;height = <240>;buswidth = <8>; // Most controllers use this value// This is a hack to prevent fb_s6d02a1.c:set_var() from issuing// command 0x36 after the init sequence has been applied and thus// changing the config.rotate = <1>;// see drivers/staging/fbtft/fb_ili9341.c:init_display() for how this looks in the driver// Command 0x36 is taken from the fb_ili9341.c:set_var() function.init = <0x10000010x20000050x10000280x10000cf 0x00 0x83 0x300x10000ed 0x64 0x03 0x12 0x810x10000e8 0x85 0x01 0x790x10000cb 0x39 0x2c 0x00 0x34 0x020x10000f7 0x200x10000ea 0x00 0x000x10000c0 0x260x10000c1 0x110x10000c5 0x35 0x3e0x10000c7 0xbe0x100003a 0x550x1000036 0x280x10000b1 0x00 0x1b0x1000026 0x010x10000f2 0x080x1000026 0x010x10000e0 0x1f 0x1a 0x18 0x0a 0x0f 0x06 0x45 0x87 0x32 0x0a 0x07 0x02 0x07 0x05 0x000x10000e1 0x00 0x25 0x27 0x05 0x10 0x09 0x3a 0x78 0x4d 0x05 0x18 0x0d 0x38 0x3a 0x1f0x10000b7 0x070x10000b6 0x0a 0x82 0x27 0x000x10000110x20000640x10000290x2000064>;debug = <0x4000000>; // print init commands to the kernel log};};};};

2.2 inch ili9341 spi tft lcd display quotation

1. Please include the FastDigitalWrite lib, I didn"t have that; I found it over here: http://forum.stellarisiti.com/topic/675-solved%C2%A0launchpad-stellaris-on-energia-miso-erratic-behaviour-on-spi0-and-spi3/ (the SPI_all_ports_LM4F.zip file, I copied the FastDigitalWrite.* files over to get it working)

Pinout is mostly self-explanatory, Vcc/GND go to the 3.3V Vcc and GND, SCK goes to the boosterpack-standard SPI SCLK pin (PB4), SDO (MISO) goes to the boosterpack-standard MISO pin (PB6), SDI (MOSI) goes to the boosterpack-standard MOSI pin (PB7), then RESET/LED/DC/CS is your choice and you define them in the object initializer statement in setup().

All in all, what a sweet LCD!  It"s my first TFT for MCU work so I"ll be gushing over it.  Time to dream up some projects :-)  And good work on the port!

2.2 inch ili9341 spi tft lcd display quotation

So after half a days soldering, I fire up the board and excellent, the ILI9341 is running at a clock speed of 100mhz (not scoped), lightning fast! Dropped the speed to a more reasonable 20mhz and left overnight for a board test (i always do this, as i have lipos connected etc and like to see if there are any heat issues etc after a 24h run). Found no issues the next morning, graphics test still running so powered off the device.

Powered back up after my return from work @20mhz and the graphics test worked fine. Enabled my SD circuitry (solder jumpers), reran the test and both the ILI9341 and SD were both running sweet.

No changes made, powered up on the third day, and nothing but a white screen on the ILI9341? So i say, must have blew the t4 some how. Hot air removed the t4, on goes the new one and again a few runs later and i get a white screen again? Checked all my pin assignments, voltages and they are all good.

I came to the conclusion that as I was forcing the T4 to be powered of of 3v3 as per (https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/64468...V-power-supply) this was somehow messing with the SPI communication. I canned the T4 and designed and built a T4-SAMD51 clone.

I picked up the project again today and de-soldered my SAMD51 T4 clone pcb as I need speed! The T4 would have been perfect, so tried a few code changes, got the screen running in the setup function (static text etc), but as soon as it enters the loop(), you guessed it....white screen. Its as if the t4 is too fast on spi or something, but I have changed the clock speeds down to 5mhz and yield the same results...

To confirm, I had the T4 intermittently working on both the adafruit ili9341 library and the optimised ili9341_t3. I"ve been through 3 T4s and I have 5 different ILI934 displays. (all give the same results, pull ups, no pullups, removed sd circuitry, ran the T4 at 5v I"ve tried it all!)