stm32f4 tft display in stock
You can refer to the examples under STM32CubeF4 package to see their structure and get inspired from them to configure your files: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Applications\STemWin
STM32F429 has also LTDC driver for LCD like that, but this driver we will use later. For now we will use SPI for driving in serial mode and some other pins for controlling.
Remember: This library can also be used, if you are not using STM32F429 Discovery. It can be used in previous STM32F4 Discovery board. All pins can be changed in defines.h file which is included in project.
Reduce the TFT GUI development time considerably with mikroC, mikroBasic or mikroPascal for ARM and mikromedia Plus for STM32 board. Buy this kit and save money.
With new UI working it was a matter of several night to implements new IO subsystem for FSMC and get new UI to MKS Robin TFT. Then I could start working on new display resolution and touch support.
For now I am going to focus on SDIO issues and FSMC support for STM32F103VE and STM32F4 MCUs. This low-level functionality will be needed for either UI implementation.
Agreed! I will be picking one up. I’ve been happy developing for the stm32f4discovery (and other stm32 chips) with gcc, openocd and gdb. It is all free.
The STM32F4 cores are pretty well supported by libopencm3 and Code Sourcery and summon-arm-toolchain both build working toolchains and openOCD supports the stlink natively now.
A fair number of inexpensive baseboards/motherboards/accessories have also appeared for earlier versions. I hope Olimex puts out a couple nice STM32F429/427 boards.
I can see there is only a STLINK usb connector on board, so there is even no FS to expect. beside HS, I suppose does mean High Speed (480mbps). but HS anyway needs a separate physical layer USB chip for addition to STM32F4 chip and most likely this is chip is not present on this board anyway, because this is STM32F4+LCD+SDRAM demoboard and there is no need for USB at all.
The data brief bullet-points “USB OTG with micro-AB connector”. Looks like the micro-usb is on the underside, sticking out at the bottom of the photo. With matching T/H mounting tabs on the topside, labelled USB USER. But like you said, the STM32F4 requires an external PHY for HS, and it seems unlikely they’d include one on this board.
I think Farnell’s 21€ will be accurate, as ST’s suggested USD price is $24. The placeholders for the STM32F429I-DISCO on element14 (a division of Farnell) and mouser show $42, which I think predates the later ST announcement. I think the ST announced $24 will hold, and the distributor prices will match that, as they have in the past.
It’s certainly useable in any other project where you have an onboard LCD controller. Especially any other project that happens to use a STM32F4. What difference would it have made if it had an external controller? Surely it’d have been on the same PCB. Were you hoping for a removeable SPI-interfaced module?
Look in the UM1670 user manual, paragraph 4.8: the tft includes an ILI9341 controller. The ILI9341 has it’s own graphics ram inside, it is not mapped into the STM32 address space. It is connected to the STM32 via a parallel bus. The ILI9341 and similar controllers are common on cheap chinese tfts. So it is no problem to source similar tfts for your final product after developing on the discovery board.
UM1670 in paragraph 4.8 also says that “The TFT LCD is a 2.41″ display of 262 K colors. Its definition is QVGA (240 x 320 dots) and is directly driven by the STM32F429ZIT6 using the RGB protocol”. ILI9341 has multiple modes of operation including direct RGB/HSYNC/VSYNC mode which bypasses internal GRAM. I don’t have the board yet but I assume display buffer is located in external SDRAM which is also on the board. The whole point of this kit is to show TFT and SDRAM interface in new STM32F4x9.
I’ve checked this discovery board firmware available from ST’s site (“STM32F429 discovery firmware package UM1662” number: STSW-STM32138, btw. finding it is a bit difficult – ST’s site is terrible):
They are using FreeRTOS, FatFs, STemWinLibrary which is ST’s version of Segger’s emWin graphic library and STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver v1.2.1 which includes F429/439 support (FMC, LTDC and DMA2D added).
Well even so that DMA2D stuff is geared towards displays with one address pointer. Try using it with displays with the x& y positions on separate addresses (like x add is 2A and y is 2B with base address of 0x6C000000 for commands and a offset of 4 for data ).. Wish there was and easy way of getting the DMA2D to work with different larger displays like the 640 by 480 of Newhaven’s
Not a programming expert, but you have the talent to build a great user interface? Don"t worry! Visual TFT will do the hard job for you. You just focus on the design of you TFT GUIs, and the software will handle the rest.
The STM32F429 Discovery helps you to discover the high-performance microcontrollers of the STM32 F4 series and to develop your applications easily. It offers everything required for beginners and experienced users to get started quickly.
Based on the STM32F429ZIT6, it includes an ST-LINK/V2 embedded debug tool, a 2.4" QVGA TFT LCD, an external SDRAM of 64 Mbits, a gyroscope ST MEMs, a USB OTG micro-AB connector, LEDs and pushbuttons.
A large number of free ready-to-run application firmware examples are available on to support quick evaluation and development.
I am trying to display a uint32_t value on an LCD display (Waveshare 3.2inch TFT) connected to a STM32F407 evaluation board. The library provided by Waveshare includes a function BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAtLine. I have got this working fine for string output but when I try to send it a uint32_t value it just displays corrupt data on the LCD on the line where the value should print.
I am testing IlI9341 3.2 TFT LCD on stm32F4-discovery. I wired based on Discovery datasheet. I also read ILI9341 datasheet and went through all registers.