stm32 fsmc tft lcd in stock
I"m working on a project with a dumb TFT LCD (320 x 240). I"m trying to display static images (no double buffer). I"ve been able to display images (in 565 format) that I load on the flash memory and refresh it on the display using DMA and FSMC. I"m now trying to refresh the same images from external RAM using DMA again but I don"t seem to get it right. What I"m doing is copying the images from the flash to the external RAM using DMA and then refresh from the external RAM.
I"ve written some code to make a FSMC connection between my STM32F407VET6 and a TFT LCD 240x320 pixels. I was checking this several times, however I can"t recognize what"s wrong.
I"m using 16-bit data bus with FSMC_NE1, FSMC_A16, FSMC_NWE, FSMC_NOE. I"ve connected PE6 pin which is FSMC_A22 in FSMC interface. Now I"m wondering weather it can work with such configuration (I mean PE6 pin). All I get is white screen on my LCD as it is in RESET state.
The compute module will be coupled with an STM32 module which will control light on and off ,gimbal control,motor control and more. The compute module might also needs to use the H.264/H.265 ,AES256 bit encode engine for sending the detected object image and other details via an RF link. RF link need not has to be developed.
1) Establishing connection with the STM32 chip for control ,that the STM32 will act as the slave and works with all the controlling task. The connection may be via SPI/I2C/CAN BUS.
I"ve created a circuit with use of an Arduino board that counts push-ups using and FSR and displaying the number of push-ups on a LCD. This project is being used to introduce young children to the world of STEM and hopefully sparking new interest of STEM in their future.
Suitable and capable team required who can make prototype development of 3kw hybrid SMPS design with 60v, 50A output. Two different input, i.e 1). 230v, 50Hz ac input, 2). SOLAR MPPT 42- 90v solar pv. The system preferably operate with Ti or STM32 microcontroller. The Reference design of STM/ TI can be condidered for further design. It incldes schematic, pcb design, stm32 programming, hardware soldering and testing work. The Reference design link as available at STM site can be reffered. Payment will be done after sucessful completion of project. All the source files including microcontroller program source code should handover to us. Hardware, components, pcb manufacturing cost will bear by us. Only design Consultancy, technical support and testing prototype support nee...
We are working on Building a Software package to communicate between Arduino and STM32 Development Board using NRF24L01 this we should be able to send messages/Data from Arduino Nano controller to STM32 Development Board, and the STM32 Board should respond accordingly.
I need a driver board using esp32 to control the induction motor to sense the current and protect it from short circuit or over load. also, sense the motor temperature. also, control the speed as VFD. showing the voltage and all data on LCD. the board designed by easyeda and all items from with there numbers.
This project is do design hardware and programming that will run designated frequencies through speakers producing a corresponding audio tone in a specific sequence and then display the information on a LCD screen guiding a operator of the hardware to step through specific sequences and then automatically record the results into a memory device. If you can give me what you think is the approximate number of hours or cost to complete it would be helpful. Please place an initial bid but know that before accepting this project you will have the opportunity to review the full project and adjust your bid accordingly. I currently have some schematics, BOM files, and other work done in Altium I believe. The engineer I had working on this project has become ill and cannot continue with...
I have a loop consisting of an STM32 running a PLM to a VESC motor driver, the BLDC and an optical encoder using Gray code stuck to the strumming wheel. This loop needs to be updated roughly every millisecond to provide the control we need. A MIDI converter needs to be embedded in the board (I have libraries for this), that allows data in from a DAW (such as Ab...
We require a PCB designer to layout a PCB for us. The test circuit has been developed on an STM32 Nucleo-144 MCU Development Board, NUCLEO-F767ZI. You will be required to draw the full circuit based on the development board and then after approval, layout the PCB in accordance with the circuit diagram.
Play and Record games of TFT. I"m looking for someone to record some games they play of TFT(Team fight Tactics) for me, 1080p. I would come up with the comp/idea and if you can record that comp for me I would pay you for the video. 1080p would be the quality needed. I can potentially provide the account but need to look into it. Multiple ideas to choose from so you could see what comps you get at the start.
I need you to make a small project for me which consists of an LCD and STM32 microcontroller (an optional bluetooth) a matrix keypad and L9637D or similar chip
Upon completion of the PCB you need to make a simple test program (menu controlled by keypad to show up in LCD to send some data on the L9637D chip trough uart)
We have already created a prototype with an ESP32 WROOM from AZ-Delivery + HX711 Loadcell + LCD + 2 Input Buttons with proven Sourcode for ESP32 and the corespondening PWA-BLE Application.
i need to design a lora device. it should have a lcd to display a value . it should be battery operated and it should have battery backup for 6 months
Are there STM32 developers out here who can me help with setting up a more detailed debugging system to determine the reason why HardFault_Handler() was triggered?
1) an LCD screen. It needs to display current time remaining (timer), speed of motor, temperature for two components on the machine, and load/save presets for different operations on an instrument cluster. Touch screen would be best for the preset function.
My requirement is : The two STM32 devices are connected over USB line and communicating over HID class. Usually communication is uni-directional i.e device to host. But I am looking for bidirectional communication so that two STM32 devices can receive or transmit data with each other.
We are a Dubai based real estate company looking for a senior events manager who can deliver the planning of our event in Turkey in December. We have a 77 square meter space at an exhibition and need help to plan the content of the space, the design of the booth, interactions within the booth, LCD screens, furniture hire etc. We also need to co-ordinate a gala dinner event for the day after the exhibition. The planner also needs to schedule flights, accommodation and transfers.
For one of our projects (using STM32L082) we would like to have basic code demonstrating how to upgrade firmware. Utilizing the dual bank boot feature on the STM32L082 (192kB)
My question is why they have to access two areas of the FSMC SRAM bank instead of one. Basically why can"t I just send data to the LCD by writing only to LCD_REG (the start of the memory bank)?
There must be something about FSMC that I am missing. I have read the datasheet multiple times and I know the bank starts at 0x6000 0000 but I can"t reason why they would access the bank in another section at 0x6002 0000.
I have tried to compile the example file GxTFT_FSMC_BlackSTM32F407V.ino. The necessary assisting files should be in place including STM32GENERIC in the hardware folder. After having worked for quite some time Arduino IDE stops with an error message. I list the last page of the verbose output:
"C:\Users\Peas\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\arm-none-eabi-gcc\4.8.3-2014q1/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -DF_CPU=168000000L -mthumb -DSTM32GENERIC -DRAM_LENGTH=131072 -DFLASH_LENGTH=524288 -c -g -Os -w -std=gnu++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib -fno-threadsafe-statics --param max-inline-insns-single=500 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Dprintf=iprintf -MMD -DSTM32F4 -DARDUINO=10807 -DARDUINO_BLACK_F407VE -DARDUINO_ARCH_STM32 -DSTM32F407VE -DHSE_VALUE=8000000 -DMENU_SERIAL_AUTO=SerialUSB "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\cores\arduino/stm32" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\cores\arduino/usb" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\system/CMSIS" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\system/STM32F4/CMSIS_Inc" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\system/STM32F4/CMSIS_Src" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\system/STM32F4/HAL_Inc" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\system/STM32F4/HAL_Src" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\system/STM32F4/stm32_chip" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\cores\arduino" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\variants\BLACK_F407VE" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GxTFT\src" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\libraries\SPI\src" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_GFX_Library" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\libraries\stm32_dma\src" "C:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GxTFT\src\GxIO\STM32GENERIC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC.cpp" -o "C:\Users\Peas\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_724464\libraries\GxTFT\GxIO\STM32GENERIC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC.cpp.o"
C:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GxTFT\src\GxIO\STM32GENERIC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC.cpp: In constructor "GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC::GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC(bool)":
C:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GxTFT\src\GxIO\STM32GENERIC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC.cpp:97:11: error: "PG12" was not declared in this scope
C:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GxTFT\src\GxIO\STM32GENERIC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC.cpp:98:11: error: "PG0" was not declared in this scope
With new UI working it was a matter of several night to implements new IO subsystem for FSMC and get new UI to MKS Robin TFT. Then I could start working on new display resolution and touch support.
For now I am going to focus on SDIO issues and FSMC support for STM32F103VE and STM32F4 MCUs. This low-level functionality will be needed for either UI implementation.
I am working on STM32F103ZT6 and with SSD1963. I have connected 480X272 and 320X240 LCD’s. I am initializing SSD1963 with the Init Commands on same pins as you use, but in GPIO mode & not in FSMC mode. The Clock Freq from Crystal is 8MHz and in STM32 acitvating PLL is made to 72MHz. So, Clk Freq for SSD1963 is 8MHz. Hope we should configure the PLL in SSD1963. So below is my Initialisation Sequence details.
I was working to interface 320×240 pixel TFT LCD based on ILI9325 controller with my 32 bit ARM MCU (STM32F103VE). Got to digest the whole datasheet of ILI9325, Learn about the FSMC (Flexible Static Memory Controller). Finally succeeded in initializing the LCD and writing to the GRAM. Then ported a part of ProGFX (Text and Font unit) to this new platform. Finally was able to write text on the LCD Screen.
This is part of a bigger project to port BASIC language for STM32 MCU based single board computer with on board LCD and SD card. The user then can program in BASIC language, store .BAS files on SD card and execute on board. Something like a power packed Arduino for the modern world (TFTs, SD Card and Multimedia!)
Your panel is digital RGB, which requires an external controller (framebuffer, addressing, sync generation, etc.). Some micros have this internal, e.g. STM32F417 I think. Note that sharing video and system RAM (you likely need to add an external SDRAM) will have some performance impact on the CPU; don"t expect the world out of it. (Probably still enough to run Doom, for point of reference.
You can get standalone controllers for these. I"ve played with one before, though the board I made doesn"t quite match your panel"s pinout, so you"d have to make an adapter cable to use it; but I do have spares if you"re interested, and are able to solder SMTs (it"s about 50 components, the most difficult being a 0.4mm pitch TQFP, or a no-lead; hot air or oven reflow is required). It uses an Epson S1D13517F00A100, a... fairly pricey (and, apparently out of stock right now..) controller, which presents a parallel 8/16 bit interface. Would be a good match to an STM32 parallel port, or even FSMC.