stm32 fsmc tft lcd for sale

1. I have found most examples are broken when used in later/modern versions of compilers for one reason or another (stm32 code pre 8 works but after 9 you will have cube lib issues ) and keil is just to variable between mcu"s and longer learning curve for some like me.

3. lots of FSMC code out there but non fully explain the CS pins and memory read/write in usage or config(the will example their usage but not say another one to give context)

5. between different HAL libs (cubemx, arduino, cmsis) the hardware is often reference in totally ways and often setup and treated as different groups , where cmsis will setup a peripheral (lets say FSMC ) as just the FSMC hardware (no gpio settings, no clock setup yet) the ST CUBEMX will setup clocks, gpio, irq"s, dma and then FSMC in one call (HAL_FSMC_Init()

6. when starting out with stm32 it is worth having both platformio and stmcube mx /stm cube programmer installed, the reason is you can use the GUI of stm32 cubemx to configure your MCU/CPU and export that project, then with a few simple changes to a platformio.ini file you can have a instant populated project with peripherals configured , the cubemx IDE also has PDF"s and pinouts to the chips so i will often use it just for that and do the code in platformio , i use it because its got plugins that allow me to follow the code easier to the HAL_LL or hall low level and then i can create a bare metal version from there.

Now onto help to configure the FSMC, as mentioned you need GPIO, clocks, FSMC itself ,dma and irq"s with the latter two not fully required for initial function (and give no benefit in the start)

First lets cover configuring the actual devices we are going to use , this hardware is the default pins that most fsmc project uses the default except the "CS , read/write/command"

now you will note we have the above #define for the DATA portion of the LCD/FSMC , now just because we define it there does not mean we have configured the hardware fully,

_rs = PD12; // FSMC_A17 //Use PD11 for FSMC_A16 , rs is also known as REGISTER_SELECT and switches between command mode/data mode , when low mode is command mode

as to what MODER, OSPEEDR etc mean you can find that in the 407_vet manual available via cubemx or stm32 web site , but the short of them are they are the registers for each port (GPIOD,GPIOE etc) and the binary bits configure their operation. a example is

stm32 fsmc tft lcd for sale

Arduino library for Waveshare ILI9486 supporting the Waveshare 3.5" & 4" TFT Touch Shields for Arduino. Includes GFX-compatible API and touchscreen driver

2020: Use Raspberry Pi 40pin GPIO LCD displays with both a Raspberry Pi and a Teensy (Arduino). Use Arduino LCD displays with a Raspberry Pi. LCD SPI displays ILI9486 480x320 and ILI9341 320x240.

stm32 fsmc tft lcd for sale

My question is why they have to access two areas of the FSMC SRAM bank instead of one. Basically why can"t I just send data to the LCD by writing only to LCD_REG (the start of the memory bank)?

There must be something about FSMC that I am missing. I have read the datasheet multiple times and I know the bank starts at 0x6000 0000 but I can"t reason why they would access the bank in another section at 0x6002 0000.

stm32 fsmc tft lcd for sale

I"ve written some code to make a FSMC connection between my STM32F407VET6 and a TFT LCD 240×320 pixels. I was checking this several times, however I can"t recognize what"s wrong.

I"m using 16-bit data bus with FSMC_NE1, FSMC_A16, FSMC_NWE, FSMC_NOE. I"ve connected PE6 pin which is FSMC_A22 in FSMC interface. Now I"m wondering weather it can work with such configuration (I mean PE6 pin). All I get is white screen on my LCD as it is in RESET state.

stm32 fsmc tft lcd for sale

I have tried to compile the example file GxTFT_FSMC_BlackSTM32F407V.ino. The necessary assisting files should be in place including STM32GENERIC in the hardware folder. After having worked for quite some time Arduino IDE stops with an error message. I list the last page of the verbose output:

"C:\Users\Peas\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\arm-none-eabi-gcc\4.8.3-2014q1/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++" -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -DF_CPU=168000000L -mthumb -DSTM32GENERIC -DRAM_LENGTH=131072 -DFLASH_LENGTH=524288 -c -g -Os -w -std=gnu++11 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib -fno-threadsafe-statics --param max-inline-insns-single=500 -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Dprintf=iprintf -MMD -DSTM32F4 -DARDUINO=10807 -DARDUINO_BLACK_F407VE -DARDUINO_ARCH_STM32 -DSTM32F407VE -DHSE_VALUE=8000000 -DMENU_SERIAL_AUTO=SerialUSB "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\cores\arduino/stm32" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\cores\arduino/usb" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\system/CMSIS" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\system/STM32F4/CMSIS_Inc" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\system/STM32F4/CMSIS_Src" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\system/STM32F4/HAL_Inc" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\system/STM32F4/HAL_Src" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\system/STM32F4/stm32_chip" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\cores\arduino" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\variants\BLACK_F407VE" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GxTFT\src" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\libraries\SPI\src" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_GFX_Library" "-IC:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\hardware\STM32GENERIC-master\STM32\libraries\stm32_dma\src" "C:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GxTFT\src\GxIO\STM32GENERIC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC.cpp" -o "C:\Users\Peas\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_724464\libraries\GxTFT\GxIO\STM32GENERIC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC.cpp.o"

C:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GxTFT\src\GxIO\STM32GENERIC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC.cpp: In constructor "GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC::GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC(bool)":

C:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GxTFT\src\GxIO\STM32GENERIC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC.cpp:97:11: error: "PG12" was not declared in this scope

C:\Users\Peas\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GxTFT\src\GxIO\STM32GENERIC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC\GxIO_STM32F407ZGM4_FSMC.cpp:98:11: error: "PG0" was not declared in this scope