car speed checker with lcd display supplier

The project is a speed checker system that can detect rash driving and any kind of speed violation on highways and alert the traffic authorities. The conventional system uses a handheld radar gun which is aimed at the vehicle to record its speed and if there is any speed violation, nearest police station is informed. This process involves a lot of time consumption. Hence the proposed system is used to check the speed by calculating the time taken to travel between two set points at certain distance.

An IR transmitter and a receiver are installed on the set points on either side of the road. A control unit calculates the time taken by the vehicle to travel from one set point to other and calculates the speed that is displayed on seven segment display. If the calculated speed limit exceeds the set speed, a buzzer is sound which alerts the road transport authority.

car speed checker with lcd display supplier

The gps car speedometer built in automatic light sensor. Notice: when install, Do not occlude the light sensor in the back.In addition, the brightness can be set manually, and do not set it to the brightest state, which may affect the use during the day.

The blinking satellite icon means that you are searching for satellites, move the car to a spacious road, if the satellite icon stops blinking, it means that the satellite search is successful, the speed is displayed, and you can use it normally.

Check if the unit is correct, km KM/mile MPH, (speed unit switching reference setting item); automakers increase the factory speed displayed on the instrument panel by 5-7%, but the international standard is based on satellite data; fine-tuning the speed such as the instrument shows 100Km /h, this station displays 105Km/h, adjust the parameter value to 102.

Underground car parks, tunnels, under pedestrian bridges, the signal may be unstable when there are obstacles, mobile satellites heading towards the open road.

car speed checker with lcd display supplier

Afghanistan, Africa, Albania, American Samoa, Andorra, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan Republic, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Virgin Islands, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Cayman Islands, Chile, China, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Fiji, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Georgia, Gibraltar, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guernsey, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, Iraq, Jamaica, Jersey, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Macau, Macedonia, Maldives, Malta, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Niue, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts-Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Tajikistan, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City State, Venezuela, Wallis and Futuna, Western Samoa, Yemen

car speed checker with lcd display supplier

I appreciate your speed delivery of the components and all the other materials provided, but some of the components provided are not working. We assembled the circuit and started its testing and later we came to know that the adapter was not working. So I just feel that I have wasted my money. Now the circuit too is not working. I don"t know what to do with it as I have a presentation to give on this project. I want my money back, whatever the adapter"s charge is, or atleast compensation.

car speed checker with lcd display supplier

The system basically comprises two laser transmitter-LDR sensor pairs, which are installed on the highway 100 metres apart, with the transmitter and the LDR sensor of each pair on the opposite sides of the road. The installation of lasers and LDRs is shown in Fig. 1. The system displays the time taken by the vehicle in crossing this 100m distance from one pair to the other with a resolution of 0.01 second, from which the speed of the vehicle can be calculated as follows:

As per the above equation, for a speed of 40 kmph the display will read 900 (or 9 seconds), and for a speed of 60 kmph the display will read 600 (or 6 seconds). Note that the LSB of the display equals 0.01 second and each succeeding digit is ten times the preceding digit. You can similarly calculate the other readings (or time).

Figure below shows the circuit of the speed checker. It has been designed assuming that the maximum permissible speed for highways is either 40 kmph or 60 kmph as per the traffic rule.

The circuit is built around five NE555 timer ICs (IC1 through IC5), four CD4026 counter ICs (IC6 through IC9) and four 7-segment displays (DIS1 through DIS4). IC1 through IC3 function as monostables, with IC1 serving as count-start mono, IC2 as count-stop mono and IC3 as speed-limit detector mono, controlled by IC1 and IC2 outputs. Bistable set-reset IC4 is also controlled by the outputs of IC1 and IC2 and it (IC4), in turn, controls switching on/off of the 100Hz (period = 0.01 second) astable timer IC5.

The time period of timer NE555 (IC1) count-start monostable multivibrator is adjusted using preset VR1 or VR2 and capacitor C1. For 40kmph limit the time period is set for 9 seconds using preset VR1, while for 60kmph limit the time period is set for 6 seconds using preset VR2. Slide switch S1 is used to select the time period as per the speed limit (40 kmph and 60 kmph, respectively). The junction of LDR1 and resistor R1 is coupled to pin 2 of IC1.

For IC2, the monostable is triggered in the same way as IC1 when the vehicle intersects the laser beam incident on LDR2 to generate a small pulse for stopping the count and for use in the speed detection. LED2 glows for the duration for which pin 3 of IC2 is high.

The outputs of IC1 and IC2 are fed to input pins 2 and 1 of NAND gate N1, respectively. When the outputs of IC1 and IC2 go high simultaneously (meaning that the vehicle has crossed the preset speed limit), output pin 3 of gate N1 goes low to trigger monostable timer IC3. The output of IC3 is used for driving piezobuzzer PZ1, which alerts the operator of speed-limit violation. Resistor R9 and capacitor C5 decide the time period for which the piezobuzzer sounds.

car speed checker with lcd display supplier

Purchase wholesale digital lcd display speedometer with various designs at reasonable prices. Whether you are looking for a simple motorcycle RPM meter, a dirt bike RPM gauge, a trip meter for motorcycles or even a wireless hour meter for dirt bikes, you will be able to find the item you need in the product listings.

Choose from a wide range of designs for the digital lcd display speedometer you prefer. For those who are into bike racing, products like the lean angle meter for motorcycles are a useful tool to help you ride and improve safety.

For those who do not have gear indicators already installed on their bikes, there are several gear meters for motorcycles available on sale at affordable prices. Having a gear meter helps you identify what gear you are riding at with a simple glance, and you will no longer need to check the gear position on your motorcycle.

If you lack a motorcycle fuel meter, you can easily find and purchase gas meters for motorcycles among the products offered. For those who would like to replace or upgrade the speed meters on their motorcycles, there is a huge variety of motorcycle meter designs available. There are also several motorcycle digital meters for sale at affordable prices.

car speed checker with lcd display supplier

The multi-color design display makes the screen easier to read important details for quick viewing and can clearly display the car data and has no double image. Ability to display a huge range of car statistics including, speed, engine rotational speed, water temperature, battery voltage, instantaneous fuel consumption, average fuel consumption, mileage measurement, shift reminder, low voltage alarm, high-temperature alarm, speed alarm, engine fault alarm, fault code elimination, ability to change units between Kilometre and Mile.Special error alarm: This car HUD device has an error code and makes alarms such as low voltage alarm, high water temperature alarm, over-speed alarm, engine fault code alarm, and eliminates the fault code. The reminders help you to keep the car in good condition. Wide Compatibility: Suitable for most of the cars with OBD2 and EUOBD standards, just plug and play. Not compatible with: OBD2 devices are not compatible with American gasoline cars that were produced after 2004 and in accord with OBD2 protocol, Other districts gasoline car that was produced after 2008 and in accord with OBD2 protocol.

car speed checker with lcd display supplier

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car speed checker with lcd display supplier

In this project, I will show you how to design and build a simple Car Speed Detector circuit using Arduino UNO and IR Sensors. This Arduino Car Speed Detector project can be used to detect speed of a moving car.

There are definite rules laid out by authorities about driving cars on roads. The most common rule in any country is speed limit in certain roads i.e. you will be in violation of the law if your car speed exceeds this limit.

In order to detect the speed of a moving car, the patrolling officers usually depend on a handheld gun that works on Radar Technology or Lidar Technology. This is a tedious process as the officer has to manually check for over speeding for each vehicle.

What if the Car Speed Detection is made automatic? A simple automatic detection of speed of a vehicle is designed in Arduino Car Speed Detector project, where you can place the system in one place and view the results instantly without any human intervention.

IR Sensors are the main part of the project that detect the speed of a car. Practically, you can implement the setup of IR Sensors in many ways but in this project, I have used two reflective type IR Sensors and placed them 10cm apart.

When a car travelling reaches the first sensor, the IR Sensor gets activated. From this moment onward, a timer is initiated and will continue to keep time until the car reaches the second IR Sensor.

By simulating the distance between the two sensors to be 5 meters, you can calculate the speed at which the car travelled from IR Sensor 1 to IR Sensor 2 as you already know the time of travel.

The Digital OUT of the first IR Sensor is connected to Pin 11 of Arduino and the Digital OUT of the second IR Sensor is connected to Pin 12 of Arduino. Both the IR Sensors are provided with necessary power supply connections.

In order to view the car speed details, I have used a 16×2 LCD. Its data pins i.e. D4 – D7 are connected to Digital I/O pins 5 – 2. The RS and E pins of LCD are connected to pins 7 and 6 of Arduino. Rest of the connections are mentioned in the circuit diagram.

The working of the Arduino based car speed detector project is very simple. Arduino continuously reads the inputs from the IR Sensors. When a car moving in front of the setup reaches the first sensor, Arduino becomes alert and capture a time stamp the moment the car leaves the first IR Sensor.

Arduino then calculates the velocity by assuming the distance as 5 meters between the two IR Sensor and displays the result in kilometers per hour on the 16×2 LCD Display

car speed checker with lcd display supplier

While driving on highways, drivers should not exceed the maximum speed limit permitted for their vehicle. However, accidents keep on occurring due to speed violations as drivers follow their speedometers and control their speed according to them, and reduce the speed if they find it to be exceeding and beyond their control. A highway speed checker comes handy for the traffic police, especially against the speed limit violators  because it provides the digital display as well as buzzing sound or alarm to detect any vehicle speed if the vehicle exceeds the permitted speed limit.

The make up of these highways, sometimes leads to accidents because most of the times, there is no rule to govern speed limits on these highways.  To overcome this problem, we have implemented a circuit called as a speed checker for highways. This kit is inexpensive and it is used for considering the average and high speed of vehicles that move on the highways or  roads.

By taking all these considerations in mind, we have designed a highway- speed checker circuit to detect the rash driving by using different electronic components such as timer, counter, logic gates, microcontroller, seven segment display and all other components. To understand this circuit better, the following paragraphs describe a project report on speed-checker for highways, which covers three types of speed checker projects that can be controlled using three types of controllers.

Nowadays, in our daily life most of the accidents occur due to rash driving on highways which may lead to the loss of many lives. Therefore, to overcome this problem, the following project implements a speed checker to detect rash driving on highways by using a timer.

The main objective of this system is to develop a highway speed-checker device that detects rash driving on highways and alerts, traffic authorities if the speed checker finds any vehicle violating the set speed limits on highways.

The proposed system checks rash driving by calculating the speed of a vehicle by using the time taken to travel between the two set points placed on the road at a certain distance. A set point consists of a couple of sensors comprising an IR transmitter and an IR receiver, which are placed on either side of the road. The speed limit is set by the police who use the system depending on the traffic at each location.

The time taken by the vehicle to travel from one set point to the other is calculated by the control circuit. Based on the time that has elapsed between the two sensors, the control circuit calculates the speed and displays the result on a seven segment display. If a vehicle exceeds the speed limit between transmitter and receiver, then this system emanates a buzzing sound as an alarm and alerts the police.

The main purpose of this system is to develop a speed checker for highways using a microcontroller and to alert the traffic authorities in case of any speed violation. Many passengers and drivers, including commuters have lost their lives due to rash and rude driving on highways.

In olden days, for detecting rash driving, highway police used to target vehicles by using radar guns at the vehicle and would record their speeds. If a vehicle would exceed its speed, automatically the information would reach to the nearest police station for controlling the speed of the vehicle. Due to this system a lot of time would get wasted.

This proposed system consists of a power-supply block, microcontroller, IR sensors, Relays, Buzzer, Lamp and Displays. The entire system gets it power from the power-supply block and the microcontroller acts as the major component of the whole systems. IR sensors are placed on either side of the road, for detecting the speed limit of the vehicle. The microcontroller is programmed by using embedded C programming that calculates the time duration between two sensors, correspondingly gives the speed. If the speed limit exceeds then relay gets activated and the lamp gets ‘on’ while the buzzing sound gives indication to the police that the vehicle is crossing the speed limits  and displays the information on the LCD Display.

Until now we have seen about speed checker to detect rash driving on highways using 555 timer and microcontroller. By adding another advanced wireless technology, we can make the circuit to operate remotely to achieve an  efficient rash-driving  control system.

The proposed system comprises these components: power supply, 8051 microcontroller, speed sensors, relays, buzzer and lamp are a part of this project, which will check on rash driving by calculating the speed of a vehicle using the time taken to travel between the two set points at a stationary distance and as if the microcontroller is programmed by using Embedded C programming language in such a way that it transmits the data over a frequency of 2.4GHz to the central control room. The relays get activated and the buzzer sounds  as  an alarm for altering the police as well as the control room wirelessly giving  the status of the vehicles  (whether the vehicle is within limits or exceeding the speed limits), and then displaying the speed limits of the vehicle on the LCD Display.

The transmitted speed limit data are sent to the receiver section with the help of 2.4GHZ RF receiver module and compares with the speed limits programmed into the microcontroller using embedded C software. If the speed limit exceeds, it sends the data to the traffic police as well as to a control room. To know about the speed limit status of the vehicle, a lamp is used to indicate if the vehicle exceeds the speed limit and the status gets displayed on the LCD. In addition, the buzzing sound as an alarm alerts the traffic police patrolling on the highway indicating the vehicle’s location on highways.

This Speed checker’s concept to detect rash driving on highways can be further implemented by integrating a camera with the system to capture the image of the vehicle’s number plate and to send that information to the traffic authorities.

This is all about the different highway-speed-checker circuits that are used to detect rash driving on highways. To extend support to the engineering students, we have mentioned a project report ‘Speed-Checker for Highways’, which covers different types of technologies. For additional suggestions or help regarding this topic, you can contact us by commenting in the comment section given below.

car speed checker with lcd display supplier

Speedar are designers of speed measurement systems and vehicle activated signs used for evaluation, education and enforcement in traffic applications. Systems are equipped with photographic or video facilities to record speed violations.

The Speedar is a type-approved handheld Doppler radar unit that can be used with confidence on roads with opposing traffic flows. The unit is microcomputer-controlled with built-in time and date facility. The large backlit LCD screen can display the speed, time and date of the event, direction of the targeted vehicle and the speed limit of the location.

The Speedlog is based on the established Speedar radar, with the addition of in-built memory. It allows traffic engineers to conduct surveys and record speeds and times of traffic flow without having to record them manually. This removes any risk of human error.

On completion of the exercise the data can be downloaded to a computer, saving considerable time. Average speed, vehicle count and direction of travel are all displayed.

The Speedvision is a handheld or tripod-mounted speed-measuring Doppler radar unit combined with a high quality Sony camera and viewing screen. The unit is capable of outputting a video signal with speed, direction, time and date information superimposed on the frame. The output can be sent to a video printer for immediate printing or to a video recorder for later analysis and action.

With its large battery capacity and ample hard disk size it can be used continuously for long periods before requiring recharging. With the facility to mark events and view these separately from the bulk recording it becomes simple to find the desired video of a particular event.

The provision of an SD card socket allows the transfer of event recordings to a memory card so that they can be viewed on a computer elsewhere. An audio channel is available, allowing additional information to be recorded during events or at any other time.

The video output socket allows either real-time video or the recorded video to be connected to a video printer so that instant prints of offences may be made. It may also be fed to an ANPR system for the immediate detection of wanted vehicles or to allow the many database functions of the ANPR system to be carried out, (e.g. stolen vehicle search, terrorist tracking, drug dealer tracking, etc.).

Vehicle activated signs are an invaluable means of educating drivers that are exceeding the designated speed limit. Displays are available with two or three digits with either remote, attached or integral radar speed measurement heads.

car speed checker with lcd display supplier

Radar speed signs(also known as driver feedback signs, speed display signs, YOUR SPEED signs, and radar speed displays) are traffic calming devices designed to slow speeders down by alerting them of their speed. They are being used across the country, and around the world, because they are effective at slowing speeding drivers down, making roads safer for everyone.

“Provide people with information about their actions in real time (or something close to it), then give them an opportunity to change those actions, pushing them toward better behaviors. Action, information, reaction.”