raspberry pi lcd display 16x2 quotation

I finally freed up one of my breadboards. I got my semi-permanent temperature sensing interface fully up and running with the Pi Cobbler – logging to COSM.

The next thing I wanted to get working was a 16 x 2 LCD panel. (£6 from Tandy) Having seen other people get these working, I figured it couldn’t be all that hard and it wasn’t too bad actually. But I did make one small mistake along the way. I got it working the second time I tried it.

The mistake I made was trying to run it from a separate 5 Volt supply instead of directly from the Pi. I hadn’t connected it to the Pi’s earth, which I think is why it didn’t work first time round. Properly grounded, I think it would run from a separate supply (but don’t connect the +ves together or the regulators will have a fight).

There are 3V3 (3.3 Volt) versions of these LCDs available, but the 5V ones are more common. According to my flavour-of-the-month site, Adafruit, it’s safe enough to use a 5 Volt LCD with the Raspberry Pi as long as the read-write pin (pin 5) is connected to ground. As long as we only “write” to the screen and don’t try to take input from it (like you would on some embedded device with input buttons e.g. a battery charger).

That way, you won’t “send” a 5 Volt signal to the Pi’s GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) ports, which run on 3V3. Sending a 5 Volt signal to a 3V3 port would be very likely to toast the port. This is the basis of the instructions I followed…

…but I didn’t use the Pi Cobbler this time as it’s already in use with my semi-permanent temperature logging setup. Once I get that onto a permanent board, the Cobbler will be free again.

I’ve noticed a few times that this screen sometimes needs the scripts to be run a couple of times before it works properly. I don’t have an explanation for that. Once or twice it has displayed what looks like Japanese characters instead of Roman alpha-numerics.

Now this little LCD is displaying data pulled from my COSM temperature feed every 40 seconds. As I progressively add more sensors, I’ll be able to alternate the display, showing each set of readings for a few seconds before going on to the next. I’ve got plans for barometric pressure and light sensors already – who knows what else will crop up to occupy the remaining channels on the ADC? :rotfl: (Currently four channels available).

raspberry pi lcd display 16x2 quotation

Connecting an LCD display to your Raspberry Pi is sure to take any project up a notch. They’re great for displaying sensor readings, songs or internet radio stations, and stuff from the web like tweets and stock quotes. Whatever you choose to display, LCDs are a simple and inexpensive way to do it.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you two different ways to connect an LCD to the Raspberry Pi with the GPIO pins. The first way I’ll show you is in 8 bit mode, which uses 10 GPIO pins. Then I’ll show you how to connect it in 4 bit mode, and that uses only 6 pins. After we get the LCD hooked up I’ll show you how to program it with C, using Gordon Henderson’s WiringPi LCD library.

I’ll show you how to print text to the display, clear the screen, position the text, and control the cursor. You’ll also see how to scroll text, create custom characters, print data from a sensor, and print the date, time and IP address of your Pi.

There’s another way to connect your LCD that uses only two wires, called I2C. To see how to do that, check out our tutorial How to Set Up an I2C LCD on the Raspberry Pi.

Most people probably want to connect their LCD in 4 bit mode since it uses less wires. But in case you’re interested, I’ll show you how to connect it in 8 bit mode as well.

In 8 bit mode, each command or character is sent to the LCD as a single byte (8 bits) of data. The byte travels in parallel over 8 data wires, with each bit travelling through it’s own wire. 8 bit mode has twice the bandwidth as 4 bit mode, which in theory translates to higher data transfer speed. The main downside to 8 bit mode is that it uses up a lot of GPIO pins.

In 4 bit mode, each byte of data is sent to the LCD in two sets of 4 bits, one after the other, in what are known as the upper bits and lower bits. Although 8 bit mode transfers data about twice as fast as 4 bit mode, it takes a longer time for the LCD driver to process each byte than it takes to transmit the byte. So in reality, there isn’t really a noticeable difference in speed between 4 bit mode and 8 bit mode.

If you’ve never worked with C programs on the Raspberry Pi, you may want to read our article How to Write and Run a C Program on the Raspberry Pi first. It will explain how to write, compile, and run C programs.

WiringPi is a C module that makes it easy to program the LCD. If you already have WiringPi installed on your Pi, you can skip this section. If not, follow the steps below to install it:

WiringPi has it’s own pin numbering system that’s different from the Broadcom (BCM) and RPi physical (BOARD) pin numbering systems. All of the programs below use the WiringPi pin numbers.

To use different pins to connect the LCD, change the pin numbers defined in lines 5 to 14. You’ll need to convert the WiringPi pin numbers to the physical pin numbers of the Raspberry Pi. See here for a diagram you can use to convert between the different numbering systems.

To use the LCD in 4 bit mode, we need to set the bit mode number to 4 in the initialization function (line 20 below). The following code prints “Hello, world!” to the screen in 4 bit mode:

By default, text is printed to the screen at the top row, second column. To change the position, use lcdPosition(lcd, COLUMN, ROW). On a 16×2 LCD, the rows are numbered from 0 to 1, and the columns are numbered from 0 to 15.

The function lcdClear(lcd) clears the screen and sets the cursor position at the top row, first column. This program prints “This is how you” for two seconds, clears the screen, then prints “clear the screen” for another two seconds:

Each LCD character is a 5×8 array of pixels. You can create any pattern you want and display it on the LCD as a custom character. Up to 8 custom characters can be stored in the LCD memory at a time. This website has a nice visual way to generate the bit array used to define custom characters.

To print a single custom character, first define the character. For an example of this see lines 12 to 19 below. Then use the function lcdCharDef(lcd, 2, omega) to store the character in the LCD’s memory. The number 2 in this example is one of the 8 locations in the LCD’s character memory. The 8 locations are numbered 0-7. Then, print the character to the display with lcdPutchar(lcd, 2), where the number 2 is the character stored in memory location 2.

Here’s an example of using multiple custom characters that prints the Greek letters omega, pi, and mu, plus thermometer and water drop symbols for temperature and humidity:

As an example to show you how to display readings from a sensor, this program prints temperature and humidity readings to the LCD using a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. To see how to set up the DHT11 on the Raspberry Pi, see our article How to Set Up the DHT11 Humidity Sensor on the Raspberry Pi.

Hopefully this helped you get your LCD up and running on your Raspberry Pi. The programs above are just basic examples, so try combining them to create interesting effects and animations.

If you have any problems or questions about installing the LCD or programming it, just leave a comment below. And don’t forget to subscribe to get an email when we publish new articles. Talk to you next time!

raspberry pi lcd display 16x2 quotation

Hi, I"m brand new to LCDs and Raspberry Pi GPIO. I"ve wired up a LMB162ABC 16x2 LCD that came in an Arduino Uno kit from Maker Faire. I"ve used just any open GPIO pins that I wanted figuring it doesn"t matter which ones I use as long as they are GPIO, is that correct? I want to operate in 4 bit mode so I have wired it accordingly. I get the screen to come on and the contrast variable resistor works and one row lights up solid blocks. I have tried a few python code examples and even adjusted the pins in the code to match the GPIO pins I chose and no matter what I do I cannot seem to get the dispaly to do anything (besides the solid row of blocks). Can someone please assist me with some super basic code or what I may be doing wrong? Here"s a link to a PDF of the specs for the LCD I"m using if it helps. http://www.datasheetdir.com/LMB162ABC+download

I tried Adafruit_CharLCD.py, nothing happened, wondering if the LCD it was written for was different and that"s why it"s not working...? I also posted this in the LCD screen section of the forum because I"m not really sure which area is a better fit for my issue.

I don"t see anything obviously wrong (my Python knowledge is very weak). These LCD devices are a pig to debug as you need everything correct to get any output.

Rezendes wrote:Hi, I"m brand new to LCDs and Raspberry Pi GPIO. I"ve wired up a LMB162ABC 16x2 LCD that came in an Arduino Uno kit from Maker Faire. I"ve used just any open GPIO pins that I wanted figuring it doesn"t matter which ones I use as long as they are GPIO, is that correct? I want to operate in 4 bit mode so I have wired it accordingly. I get the screen to come on and the contrast variable resistor works and one row lights up solid blocks. I have tried a few python code examples and even adjusted the pins in the code to match the GPIO pins I chose and no matter what I do I cannot seem to get the dispaly to do anything (besides the solid row of blocks). Can someone please assist me with some super basic code or what I may be doing wrong? Here"s a link to a PDF of the specs for the LCD I"m using if it helps. http://www.datasheetdir.com/LMB162ABC+download

I tried Adafruit_CharLCD.py, nothing happened, wondering if the LCD it was written for was different and that"s why it"s not working...? I also posted this in the LCD screen section of the forum because I"m not really sure which area is a better fit for my issue.

Do check the device voltage. Some 5v displays will not work at 3.3v - you can run them at 5v, but you must tie the r/w pin to 0v or you risk damaging your Pi...

If you have wiringPi, then there is some sample code there in C to drive these displays - see http://wiringpi.com/dev-lib/lcd-library/ for the details - and even if not programming in C it might be enough to double-check the wiring, display, etc.

Thanks for the replies, I have checked the physical connections a few times and they look fine. The display is 5v and I have made sure to Ground the R/W pin on the LCD. I did search and find that thread already and I have tried that code as well. I can"t imagine there are issues with all the code I have tried. I must have a physical problem... I will take some pictures of my wiring and use an ohmmeter to check each connection for sure.

I haven"t had time to take the pictures, I have checked the connections with the multimeter and everything seems fine and I think my contrast has always worked because it shows the solid row of black blocks. I will try the code you linked when I get a chance and post pictures if it"s allowed on these forums.

I am about to buy another LCD to test and make sure it"s not the LCD I have that"s the problem. The image here for the wiring of this LCD http://www.amazon.com/microtivity-IM161 ... icrotivity suggests a Diode on pins 15 and 2 pointing towards 15... Do I need that? That seems to be power to the LCD and power to the Backlight, my backlight powers up and my contrast adjustment works with the single row of solid blocks on screen... what exactly is pin 2 providing power for on the LCD?

I already checked my connections with the multimeter though, I don"t have a diode in my setup and I"m wondering what it"s purpose is and If I Need one. Right now I"m sending 5v directly into pin 2 and 15.

Still running Raspbian Jessie or Stretch on some older Pi"s (an A, B1, 2xB2, B+, P2B, 3xP0, P0W, 2xP3A+, P3B, B+, and a A+) but Buster on the P3B+, P4B"s & P400. See: https://www.cpmspectrepi.uk/raspberry_pi/raspiidx.htm

i use 4 bits connection and 0.0005 delay in time (same amount in sample code). i also have no pull up or pull downs, cause i don"t know which pins should be pull up or pull down (all data bits or only 4?) and with how much resistors, if you can help about this, i would be really thankful.

i checked for short circuit with an ohmmeter and didn"t find anything, as far as i can say. i am really sorry but i really don"t understand 4th reason you have mentioned i have not any experience in electronics and raspberry pi

i use 4 bits connection and 0.0005 delay in time (same amount in sample code). i also have no pull up or pull downs, cause i don"t know which pins should be pull up or pull down (all data bits or only 4?) and with how much resistors, if you can help about this, i would be really thankful.

i checked for short circuit with an ohmmeter and didn"t find anything, as far as i can say. i am really sorry but i really don"t understand 4th reason you have mentioned i have not any experience in electronics and raspberry pi

W.r.t. to the initialisation process, have you seen the HD44780U datasheet? (The relevant diagrams for 8-bit and 4-bit interfaces are figures 23 & 24**) Are you connecting the LCD directly to the Pi"s GPIO"s or, if it"s a 5V display, are you, like me, using level-shifters (see the links in my previous post)?

Still running Raspbian Jessie or Stretch on some older Pi"s (an A, B1, 2xB2, B+, P2B, 3xP0, P0W, 2xP3A+, P3B, B+, and a A+) but Buster on the P3B+, P4B"s & P400. See: https://www.cpmspectrepi.uk/raspberry_pi/raspiidx.htm

i use 4 bits connection and 0.0005 delay in time (same amount in sample code). i also have no pull up or pull downs, cause i don"t know which pins should be pull up or pull down (all data bits or only 4?) and with how much resistors, if you can help about this, i would be really thankful.

i checked for short circuit with an ohmmeter and didn"t find anything, as far as i can say. i am really sorry but i really don"t understand 4th reason you have mentioned i have not any experience in electronics and raspberry pi

W.r.t. to the initialisation process, have you seen the HD44780U datasheet? (The relevant diagrams for 8-bit and 4-bit interfaces are figures 23 & 24**) Are you connecting the LCD directly to the Pi"s GPIO"s or, if it"s a 5V display, are you, like me, using level-shifters (see the links in my previous post)?

i use python and code is the same as this page. i don"t use level shifters for data bits (as said in link bellow), but i use . raspberry`s 5v out to power back light .i use procedure described here:

i use 4 bit, i think i have connected pins D4 to D7 right though there is no pull up or pull down resistors for D0 to D7 i don`t how should i do that. i personally have doubts about LCD`s solder too, although it shows no short circuit.

See what you get and we can map the results against http://d32zx1or0t1x0y.cloudfront.net/20 ... 05_lrg.jpg and that should tell us which data pin isn"t working.

See what you get and we can map the results against http://d32zx1or0t1x0y.cloudfront.net/20 ... 05_lrg.jpg and that should tell us which data pin isn"t working.

raspberry pi lcd display 16x2 quotation

This repository contains all the code for interfacing with a 16x2 character I2C liquid-crystal display (LCD). This accompanies my Youtube tutorial: Raspberry Pi - Mini LCD Display Tutorial.

During the installation, pay attention to any messages about python and python3 usage, as they inform which version you should use to interface with the LCD driver. For example:

It is possible to define in CG RAM memory up to 8 custom characters. These characters can be prompted on LCD the same way as any characters from the characters table. Codes for the custom characters are unique and as follows:

For example, the hex code of the symbol ö is 0xEF, and so this symbol could be printed on the second row of the display by using the {0xEF} placeholder, as follows:

This demo uses ping and nc (netcat) to monitor the network status of hosts and services, respectively. Hosts and services can be modified by editing their respective dictionaries:

exchangerate-api.com / free.currencyconverterapi.com: There are a lot of currency apis but these ones offer free currency exchange info. Both are used, one as main, the other as backup. Requires an API key to use.

In order to use the script, you need to get API key tokens for both exchange rate services and the weather api. Once you"ve done that, edit the script to put your tokens in the USER VARIABLES section.

raspberry pi lcd display 16x2 quotation

The Internet is full of real time data. Weather information, stock quotes, etc, can be obtained from different service providers. Since most of the Raspberry Pi computers come with Wifi, and it’s extremely easy to handle the data obtained from the Internet with Python, it makes sense to use Raspberry Pi to fetch data from the Internet automatically.

On the other hand, every Raspberry Pi comes with GPIOs, which can be used to connect different devices. For example, we can connect a 16 x 2 character LCD display to the Raspberry Pi.

A communication interface called I2C is frequently used by many devices. Any I2C device uses 4 pins: one for power, one for the ground, one for data (“SDA”) and one for clock signals (“SCL”). For instance, this character LCD display can be connected to Raspberry Pi or other microcontroller via I2C.

This all sounds complicated. Fortunately, Adafruit has created the CircuitPython library for the Raspberry Pi. With this library, we can use I2C devices on Raspberry Pi very easily.

To achieve the above learning outcomes, we will use a Raspberry Pi Zero W to fetch some weather data from the Internet, and display the fetched data on a character LCD screen:

We usually use a browser to look for information on the Internet. We type a URL in the browser, and the browser will display an HTML page. However, if you look at the source of a HTML page, you will see that HTML is actually kind of messy.

For example, the Hong Kong Observatory provides a set of Open Data API so it’s actually really easy to get the latest weather update from the Observatory. To get the latest local weather forcast, all you need to do is to enter this URL in the browser:

NOTE: You may see the term ‘RESTful APIs’ from time to time. Many of these data services are indeed RESTful APIs, which means you can interact with these services with standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.). Since we only need to get this time, we won’t go into the details of RESTful APIs.

Next, we are going to install two Python libraries: Adafruit’s CircuitPython and the library for the LCD1602 display. Let’s create a new folder on the Raspberry Pi for this project inside the terminal.

Then, make sure that the Raspberry Pi Zero W is on the Internet. We will download the libraries from the Internet and install them. If everything is ready, use pip3 to install RPI.GPIO and adafruit-blinka:

NOTE: We only need cd_api.py and circuitpython_i2c_lcd.py only, so it’s better to just copy the python scripts and not to install the entire library.

Both board and busio are from the CircuitPython library. As you will see in a minute, you don’t need to worry about typing the wrong pin numbers when you initialize an I2C device if you use the CircuitPython library. Also, we import the I2cLcd class and the sleep function.

This is where the CircuitPython really shines: the exact same code can be used in other microcontrollers running CircuitPython! So if you get yourself a Circuit Playground Bluefruit, you can use the character LCD display with the exact same code.

DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR = 0x27 defines the address of character LCD display. Every I2C device has an address. This address is important because multiple I2C devices can be connected to the Raspberry Pi, and the Raspberry Pi needs that address to communicate with the device correctly. Finally, we create an instance of I2cLcd with the i2c object, the I2C address, the number of rows and the number of columns as the parameters for the constructor. The backlight is turned on by calling the backlight_on method.

NOTE: This particular LCD1602 display’s address is 0x27, but yours may have a different one. You may need to call busio.I2C.scan() to check the actual address, as described in this Adafruit guide.

Next, rather than printing out all the JSON data in the console, we extract the information that we want and display it on the LCD display. For example, we can just display the temperatures in different regions. Replace print(data) with the following lines of code:

For each entry in the temp_data array, we first clear the display by calling clear(). Then, we move the cursor to (0, 0), i.e. the first position in the first row, and display the first 16 characters of the ‘place’ entry (a string) in the first row. Similarly, we move the cursor to (0, 1), i.e. the first position in the second row, and display the ‘value’ entry (a number). Finally, we pause the program for 2 seconds before showing the next entry.

You can get other data like real time stock quotes in the same way, and create things that are more exciting, such as stock market analysis with AI. Also, you can use other methods in the requests library to interact with other RESTful APIs. For instance, you can POST the data from a sensor attached to a Raspberry Pi to a Google Sheets spreadsheet via Google’s APIs. The possibility of this paradigm is only limited by our imagination.

raspberry pi lcd display 16x2 quotation

If you have some different value resistors, you can try some different combinations of 2 resistors, to form a voltage divider (a pot is basically a variable voltage divider). Try to find a combination where the contrast of the display is good enough to read.

To make the process of guessing a bit easier you can create a pot by drawing a thick line with some pencil (http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-a-Pencils-Lead-Potentiometer-Experimentatio/). Connect ground to one end, and 3.3v to the other. Add a lead to the contrast pin and move it around the line, till the contrast is good. Next take you multimeter and measure the voltage at that point. Then calculate a resistor combination that will produce that voltage.

raspberry pi lcd display 16x2 quotation

ERMC1602SBS-2 is 16 characters wide,2 rows character lcd module,SPLC780C controller (Industry-standard HD44780 compatible controller),6800 4/8-bit parallel interface,single led backlight with white color included can be dimmed easily with a resistor or PWM,stn- blue lcd negative,white text on the blue color,wide operating temperature range,rohs compliant,built in character set supports English/Japanese text, see the SPLC780C datasheet for the full character set. It"s optional for pin header connection,5V or 3.3V power supply and I2C adapter board for arduino.

It"s easily controlled by MCU such as 8051,PIC,AVR,ARDUINO,ARM and Raspberry Pi.It can be used in any embedded systems,industrial device,security,medical and hand-held equipment.

raspberry pi lcd display 16x2 quotation

Bought this from Robotshop retailer. Worked right away like a charm. I even changed splash screen to display my software version. However at some point it stopped displaying text, then backlight started spontaneously switching off several seconds after powering on. I connected LCD to different device and started experimenting just sending one command at a time.

ALL 0xFE commands work just fine. I am able to switch display on/off, change between underline and blinking cursor, directly position cursor on screen and scroll screen around. 0x7C commands work too, I can control backlight and turn splash screen on/off. Reset 0x12 also works.

The only thing that does not work is actual text display. I tried all acsii characters at different cursor locations. It seems that something is going on, at least cursor jumps to 2nd line after printing 16 characters (does not move otherwise), except characters are invisible. Note that splash screen still works, with exact text I put there!

My only complaint with this product is the difficulty in mounting. Finally had to drill out the holes to accept 4-40 standoffs. The Eagle files don"t include the complete board so making a screw hole template from the PCB is impossible. Otherwise works fine with my stand alone Atmega 328P using the SerLCD.h and SoftwareSerial.h libraries.

Does anybody know how to do a hard reset on this LCD? While I was uploading my code, I left it plugged into TX, and it doesn"t work anymore. I"m realizing that it probably got spammed with commands and the configuration got messed up. Does anybody know how to reset to factory defaults?

I have the same question. I now have the 3.3v serial enabled LCD (with backpack) and want to use this one for future usage. VDD of 5V can be supplied, but will the TTL work when its getting 3.3V signals from the TX from Netduino?

Is it just me, or are the solder holes for VDD, GND, and TX near the JST connector too small to accept standard pin headers? Perhaps I just need to use a little more force? I see that one of the pictures of this module shows what appear to be standard headers installed in that location, so I am confused..

Does anybody know if the Infrared Sensor Jumper Wire (http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8733) works with this board? Barring that, anybody know where to find a 3-pin JST connector?

I"ve put together some python code for sending serial data to these LCD screens. In particular, the code pulls my twitter status and writes it to the LCD. To work with the extra characters, I wrote functions to page the text (vertical scroll) or scroll the text (horizontal scroll). Details are available here: http://dawes.wordpress.com/2009/12/23/twitter-to-lcd/

I trying to compile the C code in Mplab X and getting a serious amount of errors. I dont know enough yet about the PIC"s/environment to fix them. Thanks in advance

Is it possible to wire this up in parrellel rather than use the serial function? I ran into a snag and am unable to use the serial function of this lcd? I see the pinouts on the schematic but when wired it doesn"t seem to work.

I"ve created a new splash screen for the Serial LCD, now I want to save it to the Serial LCD memory. So, exactly how do I write a "control-j" to the Serial LCD. I"ve put in the required line to transmit special character 124, but I can figure out how to format the "control-j" line of code. I"ve Googled this for about an hour and can"t find an explanation or sample code anywhere. Here"s my code...void setup() {

I"m not sure if you"re referring to comments on the website, or on your LCD screen. You can contact techsupport@ and they"ll be able to assist you further.

I have used a Labview program for this LCD. When i send character "a", the display is "0". Does anyone having a same problem. How should I troubleshoot this problem.Tq

Has anyone managed to get the PWM backlighting working with an Arduino? I"m trying variations of this and nothing works except the standard On/Off commands using 0xFE as the escape. All my attempts turn the display off but the backlight LED is on full.

Why do I get power out of the VDD port with only RX and GND hooked up? I have a 5V rail that I use to power everything on my board - and when I added this SerLCD I now have a bridge between the arduino power and my 5v line ... which I dont want. Can I add a diode to the VDD to stop reverse voltage from powering my board?

I"m having trouble setting the cursor position on the second line, can anyone help? This line of code (PICAXE) works fine:serout B.5, T9600_8, (254, 142)

I think SparkFun needs to add a pull-up resistor on pin 4 (Vpp). This pin is an input (not input/output) and should not be left floating. Another pull-up on the RX pin would also be advisable.

It seems like the MCLR function has been disabled through the config bits. No pullup to Vdd is installed. This makes it really irritating to work with this display. Programming an arduino with this hooked the HW serial port will screw up the display, and without the reset line you have to pull power. A simple solution would just be to wire the PICs MCLR pin to the Arduinos reset line, but this isn"t possible without the MCLR function obviously.

Quick suggestion... It"d be very helpful for some people if you guys added a note in the description pointing people to the correct 3-pin JST jumper wire to be used with these serial LCDs. Two reasons... it"s not clear that the jumper is not included, and you have 3-pin jumpers in your catalog which don"t work with this serial LCD.

I have ported LiquidCrystal library for use with the serial LCD you can look at my code here. Still working on finishing all the documentation. But putting up for now hopefully someone will find it usefull.

I bought this about a year ago and am finally playing with it now, but I see that the V2 schematic doesn"t match my board"s jumpers. Mine has JP1 a 6-pin and JP2 10-pin, JP3 is 3-pin, just like in the picture above.

Hmm. I just scanned through the code. It appears that the code was written without a command to shut off text wrapping. That is just bad practice. I already wrote my system to avoid the text wrapping, but just so I know, is there a way to update the PIC on this?

I"m also having the same problem after accidentally sending the control character "|" followed by "\", "-", "/" to the LCD as I was trying to animate a rotating bar to indicate a busy status.

The baud rate problem can be solved by writing at 9600, at startup, a "change baud rate" command to the target rate. At worst, the display is already at the target rate and will misinterpret the command and display garbage, at best, it will be set to the right baud rate.

Does the serial version of the display still have the parallel pins available on it? I would like to use the serial access for the most part, but I might need regular old parallel for one project.

Yes you can, but you are limited to only 8 custom characters. First define 8 bytes that will hold your custom character, one byte per line (obviously only the lower 5 bits can be used since this is a 5x8 display). Then decide which character (from 0-7) you want to set. Call this "x". Then do this pseudocode:

I"m surprised that a mechanical drawing is not included in the data sheet. It"s not too hard to measure but seems like a documentation oversight for anyone who wants to integrate the display into a case.

I"m asking b/c I"m in a space constrained situation where the serial backpack just isn"t going to fit. The datasheet (2.5) shows a picture with a backpack (soldered on?), but nothing else on this page suggests that any backpack is required to talk with this device thru 3-wire serial.

I"m asking b/c I"m in a space constrained situation where the serial backpack just isn"t going to fit. The datasheet (2.5) shows a picture with a backpack (soldered on?), but nothing else on this page suggests that any backpack is required to talk with this device thru 3-wire serial.

Having ordered this exact LCD myself, I can say that aside from the issue mentioned in my other comment, it looks exactly like the picture. No bulky backpack module, everything is on a single board. Pretty sleek, really.

Hi...noob question. how do i send data on the fly via arduino? it only has 1 connection to tx. i tried using the serial monitor to send something, but it doesnt work...im looking for something which i guess is similar to liquidCrystal->SerialDisplay example.

Nevermind, my own fault. I calculated the wrong offset to the start of the second line when I repositioned the cursor. Although the second line was displayed correctly, the offset was wrong by -32.

The data stream I tapped into once inadvertently changed the backlight level to something less than 100%, and I noticed that the dimmed display had a noticeable flicker.

I have a couple of suggestions for a future version: On the PCB layout, please add a thermal to the ground pin for the user connectors to make it easier to hand solder. Please change the firmware to make it more difficult for a random serial stream to stumble upon a configuration sequence. Maybe pick a non-printable prefix character like ESC instead of the vertical bar. Please make the brightness values more user friendly, like 1, 2, 3, etc. Maybe have an option to make the display scroll when it gets full, instead of resetting the cursor to home and overwriting. All-in-all, a fun little platform. Thanks for using a PIC on this one! I think I may try my hand at writing some new firmware for it. Cheers!

Edit: Got mine fixed. If you checked the soldering on all the terminals, check them again. I also sometimes was getting strings of garbage if I wriggled the terminals on the LCD (I suspect because I was getting a partial connection on the bad terminal). Resoldered and it is working fine now.

Wait, so I get the 3 pins for power and control, but whats with all the other pins on the sides? Can it be used to control another LCD besides the one built in?

The other pins are used if you want to control the LCD without using the serial standard. There"s some tutorials on how to do that with the arduino below. You have more control over what you can do with it, but it takes up more pins on the arduino. If you want to wire it up this way, don"t spend the money on the serial interface, they have cheaper LCD"s that allow you to do it this way, without the serial.

raspberry pi lcd display 16x2 quotation

Controlling a display is one of the first things to learn in embedded programming. This module makes connection and programming a display quick and easy. It only requires 2 wires to be connected to an Arduino/Raspberry Pi to receive commands, thus freeing up the input output pins in your project which can be used for other purposes. Libraries and sample codes are avialable which make programming this board very easy.

This module works with all standard character LCDs from 8x1 to 20x4 sizes! It includes all the external circuits required to use a LCD including a user adjustable contrast setting.

This is a very popular display with numerous tutorials, sample codes and libraries available to use it. Libraries are available with functions for printing print text, bitmap images, pixels, rectangles, circles and lines. Features