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The Hitachi HD44780 LCD controller is an alphanumeric dot matrix liquid crystal display (LCD) controller developed by Hitachi in the 1980s. The character set of the controller includes ASCII characters, Japanese Kana characters, and some symbols in two 28 character lines. Using an extension driver, the device can display up to 80 characters.

The Hitachi HD44780 LCD controller is limited to monochrome text displays and is often used in copiers, fax machines, laser printers, industrial test equipment, and networking equipment, such as routers and storage devices.

Compatible LCD screens are manufactured in several standard configurations. Common sizes are one row of eight characters (8×1), and 16×2, 20×2 and 20×4 formats. Larger custom sizes are made with 32, 40 and 80 characters and with 1, 2, 4 or 8 lines. The most commonly manufactured larger configuration is 40×4 characters, which requires two individually addressable HD44780 controllers with expansion chips as a single HD44780 chip can only address up to 80 characters.

Character LCDs may have a backlight, which may be LED, fluorescent, or electroluminescent. The nominal operating voltage for LED backlights is 5V at full brightness, with dimming at lower voltages dependent on the details such as LED color. Non-LED backlights often require higher voltages.

Character LCDs use a 16 contact interface, commonly using pins or card edge connections on 0.1 inch (2.54 mm) centers. Those without backlights may have only 14 pins, omitting the two pins powering the light. This interface was designed to be easily hooked up to the Intel MCS-51 XRAM interface, using only two address pins, which allowed displaying text on LCD using simple MOVX commands, offering cost effective option for adding text display to devices.

Selecting 4-bit or 8-bit mode requires careful selection of commands. There are two primary considerations. First, with D3–D0 unconnected, these lines will always appear low (binary 0000) to the HD44780. Second, the LCD may initially be in one of three states:

hitachi lcd modules produced free sample

The venerable Hitachi HD44780 LCD has been around for a long time (1987 according to Wikipedia). At one point it was in quite a few consumer electronic devices, and while it may not be as glamorous as the more advanced capacitive touch HD displays (which seem to be in everything nowadays), it still has a lot going for it. One benefit of it"s longevity in the marketplace is a plethora of online documentation and tutorials on how to use it. You can also find them for sale by just about all of the online electronics component retailers. There are also a ton of companies that make them. In fact it seems that you can find them made by almost everyone except Hitachi themselves. Regardless of the company producing them, they should all work the same way in terms of the command/communication scheme used by the built-in controller (in theory anyway.) When I first used one of these a couple of years ago (at the time of writing this) I found it frustrating that none of the online documentation (particularly regarding the initialization procedure) seemed to give me a working device. You will find some slight differences in how people get these things initialized. Whether it was due to ignorance on my part or internal differences in the manufacturing of the LCDs by different parties, I eventually did arrive at some code that works for the devices I purchased.

The 44780 can be used in either 4 or 8 bit "mode". The commands used are 8 bits in length, but when configured in 4 bit mode you can communicate by breaking the commands/data into 2 separate 4 bit transmissions. The benefit of 4 bit mode is less wires needed to make a connection with the MCU, which frees up more pins on your microcontroller. The downside is slower transmissions speeds between the MCU and LCD module. I have never bothered with 4 bit mode as it is a little more of a hassle to implement as far as the code goes and I have not yet run into the issue of not having enough free pins on my MCU. In the future I will perhaps update this tutorial to include the 4 bit mode, but at the moment this is the last I will mention of it. Everything from here on out assumes 8-bit mode operation. You will also see variants of the 44780 that are rigged to communicate via serial protocols like i2c or SPI. Those are also not covered here.

hitachi lcd modules produced free sample offers 183 hitachi lcd module products. About 85% % of these are lcd modules, 1%% are construction machinery parts, and 1%% are digital signage and displays.

A wide variety of hitachi lcd module options are available to you, such as original manufacturer, odm.You can also choose from tft, standard and tn hitachi lcd module,

hitachi lcd modules produced free sample

Hitachi map 3D automatically combines 4 images acquired from different directions using the backscattered electron detector to construct a 3D model. Measurements such as height between two points, volume, and simple surface roughness (area roughness, line roughness, etc.) are possible. Since all backscattered electron data is collected in a single acquisition, it is not necessary to tilt the sample or adjust the field of view.

hitachi lcd modules produced free sample

Hitachi Industrial Equipment & Solutions America, LLC offers top-grade industrial products that help manufacturing organizations and production facilities streamline their operational processes and deliver production uptime consistently.

From turnkey industrial marking and coding solutions like Hitachi inkjet printers to advanced AC drives inverters, Hitachi resolves challenges but delivering unprecedented performance and reliability.

hitachi lcd modules produced free sample

Tokyo, October 10, 2002— Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) today announced the HD66768 LSI for passive color liquid crystal display system, supporting a 104 × 84-pixel screen size and 65,000-color display on a single chip, for liquid crystal display system use in mobile communication terminals such as digital mobile phones. Sample shipments will begin in November 2002 in Japan.

Hitachi has previously released the single-chip HD66760 (256 colors, 104 × 80 pixels) and HD66766 (65,536 colors, 132 × 176 pixels) for passive color liquid crystal display system using for mobile communication terminals, and has now completed commercial development of the HD66768 single-chip LSI for passive color liquid crystal display system to meet the needs of the European market and the back-side liquid crystal display.

The supported mounting method is COG mounting, in which the device is directly connected face-down on the LCD glass substrate. In addition, for the pin arrangement inside the LSI, common drivers are arrayed at both sides of the segment driver area, allowing compact mounting through a central placement that enables balanced wiring at both sides of the LCD display unit.

Hitachi plans to further extend the product lineup in the future with the development of models capable of handling a variety of display screen sizes.

hitachi lcd modules produced free sample

We come across Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) displays everywhere around us. Computers, calculators, television sets, mobile phones, and digital watches use some kind of display to display the time.

An LCD screen is an electronic display module that uses liquid crystal to produce a visible image. The 16×2 LCD display is a very basic module commonly used in DIYs and circuits. The 16×2 translates a display of 16 characters per line in 2 such lines. In this LCD, each character is displayed in a 5×7 pixel matrix.

Contrast adjustment; the best way is to use a variable resistor such as a potentiometer. The output of the potentiometer is connected to this pin. Rotate the potentiometer knob forward and backward to adjust the LCD contrast.

A 16X2 LCD has two registers, namely, command and data. The register select is used to switch from one register to other. RS=0 for the command register, whereas RS=1 for the data register.

Command Register: The command register stores the command instructions given to the LCD. A command is an instruction given to an LCD to do a predefined task. Examples like:

Data Register: The data register stores the data to be displayed on the LCD. The data is the ASCII value of the character to be displayed on the LCD. When we send data to LCD, it goes to the data register and is processed there. When RS=1, the data register is selected.

Generating custom characters on LCD is not very hard. It requires knowledge about the custom-generated random access memory (CG-RAM) of the LCD and the LCD chip controller. Most LCDs contain a Hitachi HD4478 controller.

CG-RAM address starts from 0x40 (Hexadecimal) or 64 in decimal. We can generate custom characters at these addresses. Once we generate our characters at these addresses, we can print them by just sending commands to the LCD. Character addresses and printing commands are below.

LCD modules are very important in many Arduino-based embedded system designs to improve the user interface of the system. Interfacing with Arduino gives the programmer more freedom to customize the code easily. Any cost-effective Arduino board, a 16X2 character LCD display, jumper wires, and a breadboard are sufficient enough to build the circuit. The interfacing of Arduino to LCD display is below.

The combination of an LCD and Arduino yields several projects, the most simple one being LCD to display the LED brightness. All we need for this circuit is an LCD, Arduino, breadboard, a resistor, potentiometer, LED, and some jumper cables. The circuit connections are below.

hitachi lcd modules produced free sample

Liquid crystal displays (LCD) come in two main types that are of interest to hobby and DIY makers; Character LCD displays and pixel / graphic LCD displays. This intro “How To” will be covering the more popular and less expensive character LCD displays based on the very common Hitachi HD44780 controller.

LCD displays come in many sizes most often named by the number of rows and then the length of the display line. For example a 1x16 LCD display will have one row of sixteen characters and a 4x20 LCD display will have four rows with twenty characters in each.

LCDs can be have backlighting or be reflective (think calculator). In either case the programming that goes into working these displays is the same. LCDs with backlight normally use two pins to provide power to the backlighting.

2x16 character LCD with backlighting. Note, screen is all black, but to display characters the crystals move to allow the backlighting to show through.

Most LCDs that are being made now come with one row of sixteen pins. The first fourteen pins are used to control the display and the last two are for the backlighting (if the display has backlighting).

Older LCDs sometimes came with two rows of seven making a fourteen pin connector. These fourteen pins, most often, have the same signals on them that the 1x16 pin displays do. For example, pin #1 on the 2x7 connector is the same signal as pin #1 on the 1x16 connector, they are just arranged differently. If you have a 2x7 pin display but need to connect it to a 1x14 (1x16) backpack or device, the basic

LCDs based on the Hitachi HD44780 controller must be initialized after they are powered-up. The reason that the LCDs must be initialized is because there are a few critical options that the display must “know” before it can work or communicated properly.

The most import of which is wether to use an eight or four bit data interface. Hitachi and compatible LCDs can be set to use either 8 or 4 of the data pins to communicate with the host controller that is driving it. Using a four pin data bus lets you save on pins, but your controller must divide each instruction into two four bit segments and then send them one at a time to the display. So the trade off is less pins versus more programming and slower communication. (The reduced speed of having to send data twice has little effect on the display, but it does busy your processor for a longer amount of time.)

When you send the LCD a character to display, you are not actually sending it to the screen part of the display, but rather a memory location that the display uses to know what to display on the screen. The problem here is that the memory location and the mapping to positions on the screen are not always sequential.

The “Hello World” example above is often what gives people trouble using a 1x16 LCD for the first time. Here the “r” “l” “d” went into memory address 0x88,0x89 and 0x8A which are not visible on this display !

When it is actually time to use an LCD you have a few choices of how to do it. You can connect it directly to your Arduino or micro-controller (MCU) and use a lot of pins and wires or your could use a backpack.

Using a backpack has a few advantages over connecting the LCD directly to your micro-processor. Besides using less wires, (and pins) some backpacks take over the entire job of driving the display. All your code has to do is send the text out of the appropriate interface, I2C, serial, SPI etc ... This can save your micro-controller a lot of memory, and processor time. And, it also lets you get your projects working sooner, since you do not have to code and debug software to drive the display on top of the rest of your project.

B. Backpacks that reduce the pin-out burden on your MCU. With this type of backpack, your MCU still initializes and drives the LCD, but through an interface with fewer wires.

hitachi lcd modules produced free sample

Liquid Crystal Display(LCDs) provide a cost effective way to put a text output unit for a microcontroller. As we have seen in the previous tutorial, LEDs or 7 Segments do no have the flexibility to display informative messages.

The LCD is a simple device to use but the internal details are complex. Most of the 16x2 LCDs use a Hitachi HD44780 or a compatible controller. Yes, a micrcontroller is present inside a Liquid crystal display as shown in figure 2.

Power & contrast:Apart from that the LCD should be powered with 5V between PIN 2(VCC) and PIN 1(gnd). PIN 3 is the contrast pin and is output of center terminal of potentiometer(voltage divider) which varies voltage between 0 to 5v to vary the contrast.

hitachi lcd modules produced free sample

LCD connected to this controller will adjust itself to the memory map of this DDRAM controller; each location on the LCD will take 1 DDRAM address on the controller. Because we use 2 × 16 type LCD, the first line of the LCD will take the location of the 00H-0FH addresses and the second line will take the 40H-4FH addresses of the controller DDRAM; so neither the addresses of the 10H-27H on the first line or the addresses of the 50H-67H on the second line on DDRAM is used.

To be able to display a character on the first line of the LCD, we must provide written instructions (80h + DDRAM address where our character is to be displayed on the first line) in the Instruction Register-IR and then followed by writing the ASCII code of the character or address of the character stored on the CGROM or CGRAM on the LCD controller data register, as well as to display characters in the second row we must provide written instructions (C0H + DDRAM address where our character to be displayed on the second line) in the Instructions Register-IR and then followed by writing the ASCII code or address of the character on CGROM or CGRAM on the LCD controller data register.

As mentioned above, to display a character (ASCII) you want to show on the LCD, you need to send the ASCII code to the LCD controller data register-DR. For characters from CGROM and CGRAM we only need to send the address of the character where the character is stored; unlike the character of the ASCII code, we must write the ASCII code of the character we want to display on the LCD controller data register to display it. For special characters stored on CGRAM, one must first save the special character at the CGRAM address (prepared 64 addresses, namely addresses 0–63); A special character with a size of 5 × 8 (5 columns × 8 lines) requires eight consecutive addresses to store it, so the total special characters that can be saved or stored on the CGRAM addresses are only eight (8) characters. To be able to save a special character at the first CGRAM address we must send or write 40H instruction to the Instruction Register-IR followed by writing eight consecutive bytes of the data in the Data Register-DR to save the pattern/image of a special character that you want to display on the LCD [9, 10].

We can easily connect this LCD module (LCD + controller) with MCS51, and we do not need any additional electronic equipment as the interface between MCS51 and it; This is because this LCD works with the TTL logic level voltage—Transistor-Transistor Logic.

Pins 7–14 (8 Pins) of the display function as a channel to transmit either data or instruction with a channel width of 1 byte (D0-D7) between the display and MCS51. In Figure 6, it can be seen that each Pin connected to the data bus (D0-D7) of MCS51 in this case P0 (80h); P0.0-P0.7 MCS-51 connected to D0-D7 of the LCD.

Pins 4–6 are used to control the performance of the display. Pin 4 (Register Select-RS) is in charge of selecting one of the 2 display registers. If RS is given logic 0 then the selected register is the Instruction Register-IR, otherwise, if RS is given logic 1 then the selected register is the Data Register-DR. The implication of this selection is the meaning of the signal sent down through the data bus (D0-D7), if RS = 0, then the signal sent from the MCS-51 to the LCD is an instruction; usually used to configure the LCD, otherwise if RS = 1 then the data sent from the MCS-51 to the LCD (D0-D7) is the data (object or character) you want to display on the LCD. From Figure 6 Pin 4 (RS) is connected to Pin 16 (P3.6/W¯) of MCS-51 with the address (B6H).

Pin 5 (R/W¯)) of the LCD does not appear in Figure 6 is used for read/write operations. If Pin 5 is given logic 1, the operation is a read operation; reading the data from the LCD. Data will be copied from the LCD data register to MCS-51 via the data bus (D0-D7), namely Pins 7–14 of the LCD. Conversely, if Pin 5 is given a voltage with logical 0 then the operation is a write operation; the signal will be sent from the MCS51 to LCD through the LCD Pins (Pins 7–14); The signal sent can be in the form of data or instructions depending on the logic level input to the Register Select-RS Pin, as described above before if RS = 0 then the signal sent is an instruction, vice versa if the RS = 1 then the signal sent/written is the data you want to display. Usually, Pin 5 of the LCD is connected with the power supply GND, because we will never read data from the LCD data register, but only send instructions for the LCD work configuration or the data you want to display on the LCD.

Pin 6 of the LCD (EN¯) is a Pin used to enable the LCD. The LCD will be enabled with the entry of changes in the signal level from high (1) to low (0) on Pin 6. If Pin 6 gets the voltage of logic level either 1 or 0 then the LCD will be disabled; it will only be enabled when there is a change of the voltage level in Pin 6 from high logic level to low logic level for more than 1000 microseconds (1 millisecond), and we can send either instruction or data to processed during that enable time of Pin 6.

Pin 3 and Pin 15 are used to regulate the brightness of the BPL (Back Plane Light). As mentioned above before the LCD operates on the principle of continuing or inhibiting the light passing through it; instead of producing light by itself. The light source comes from LED behind this LCD called BPL. Light brightness from BPL can be set by using a potentiometer or a trimpot. From Figure 6 Pin 3 (VEE) is used to regulate the brightness of BPL (by changing the current that enters BPL by using a potentiometers/a trimpot). While Pin 15 (BPL) is a Pin used for the sink of BPL LED.

4RSRegister selector on the LCD, if RS = 0 then the selected register is an instruction register (the operation to be performed is a write operation/LCD configuration if Pin 5 (R/W¯) is given a logic 0), if RS = 1 then the selected register is a data register; if (R/W¯) = 0 then the operation performed is a data write operation to the LCD, otherwise if (R/W¯) = 1 then the operation performed is a read operation (data will be sent from the LCD to μC (microcontroller); it is usually used to read the busy bit/Busy Flag- BF of the LCD (bit 7/D7).

5(R/W¯)Sets the operating mode, logic 1 for reading operations and logic 0 for write operations, the information read from the LCD to μC is data, while information written to the LCD from μC can be data to be displayed or instructions used to configure the LCD. Usually, this Pin is connected to the GND of the power supply because we will never read data from the LCD but only write instructions to configure it or write data to the LCD register to be displayed.

6Enable¯The LCD is not active when Enable Pin is either 1 or 0 logic. The LCD will be active if there is a change from logic 1 to logic 0; information can be read or written at the time the change occurs.