serial lcd module in stock
This LCD module uses a 128x64 liquid crystal display that support Chinese character, English characters and even graphics. It is suitable for interactive work with Arduino.
It features a backlit control, pallerlel or serial control, contrast adjust. It can be connect to our interface shield for arduino via IDC6 socket and Cable for Shiftout.
The LCD is shipped in Pallelel mode in default. The R9 is used to set the interface mode. To switch to SPI mode, the R9 resistor need to be moved to R10
BPI-216 also understands native character-LCD instructions. Sending ASCII 254 (0xFE hex) tells BPI-216 to process the next byte as an instruction rather than text. See the BPI-216 Programmer"s Reference for more information
Do you need a serial LCD display? Our graphic serial LCDs and serial character LCD modules can connect and communicate with almost any host system (microcontrollers, microprocessors, PCs, etc.) and make it easier than ever to include an LCD in your product design.
If you want to add some visual output to your Arduino projects, you’ll need a display. If you need only a little to display, the LCD1602 Parallel LCD Display with IIC/I2C interface is a quite good solution.RoboticsBD
This is LCD1602 Parallel LCD Display that provides a simple and cost-effective solution for adding a 16×2 White on RGB Liquid Crystal Display into your project. The display is 16 character by 2 line display that has a very clear and high contrast white text upon a blue background/backlight.
This is the great blue backlight LCD display. It is fantastic for Arduino-based projects. This LCD1602 Parallel LCD Display with Yellow Backlight is very easy to interface with Arduino or Other Microcontrollers. RoboticsBD
This display overcomes the drawback of LCD1602 Parallel LCD Display in which you’ll waste about 8 Pins on your Arduino for the display to get working. Luckily in this product, an I2C adapter is directly soldered right onto the pins of the display. So all you need to connect are the I2C pins, which show a good library and little coding. RoboticsBD
The I2C is a type of serial bus developed by Philips, which uses two bidirectional lines, called SDA (Serial Data Line) and SCL (Serial Clock Line). Both must be connected via pulled-up resistors. The usage voltages are standard as 5V and 3.3V.
If you already have the I2C adapter soldered onto the board like in this product, the wiring is quite easy. You should usually have only four pins to hook up. VCC and GND of course. The LCD display works with 5 Volts. So we go for the 5V Pin.
An excellent improvement and conversion for older LCDs, and saves a lot of pins .The I2C interface is a huge improvement, freeing up a lot of pins on the dditional functionality and including the contrast control and backlight enable/disable
This little I2C interface module works great and only two signal connections are required plus one each for power and ground.Good circuits to reduce the number of connections between your MCU and the LCD
If you already have a bunch of the 1602s but they use up a ridiculous number of pins , this LCD module really make interfacing to LCD text displays easy with . It saves from having to wire up and uses many gpio pins
With IIC/I2C interface, it only takes two I/O port thus saving more for other usages. You can adjust the contrast by the potentiometer at its back. If you dont want the backlight, you can also unplug the jumper cap at the LCD back.