dfrobot i2c lcd module made in china

Time to open up the new toys I got from China, DFRobot LCD Keypad Shield (DFR0009)! As I said, I ordered this from China’s ebay equivalent, Taobao.com, got this for 30 RMB ($5 USD), pretty cheap for a LCD display panel, let alone this is a shield with keypad! In the US, it is being sold for $15!!! Anyway, the link is follow if anyone is interested. Maybe I will do a post about ordering stuffs directly from China. I spent like $50 total and stocked up my electronic inventory with all kinda of new shields, joysticks…

Using this shield is pretty much the same as all other LCD display. It uses Digital Pins: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 for LCD data and 10 for LED back light. Analog Pin 0 (A0) is used for the keypad. Pressing down various buttons (except Reset) will result in different A0 values, the default unpressed value for mine is 1023. So here’s the code on how to use this thing.

dfrobot i2c lcd module made in china

Uno R3 have a capabilities to powering 5v module/shield with 3v3 module/shield simultaneously so you can get rid of the breadboard for this project. Right now i"m thinking abut using Arduino Nano, I will update this project and report it.

The different between i2c version with basic version is you can cut the wiring necessity to only for cable because the other was soldered to the backpack.

many store sell the i2c LCD without you need for soldering manually LCD with the backpack. the tricky parts is you need to find the port used for i2c display.

Start your configuration with lcd first before using the DHT-22, because this LCD is a bit tricky we need to make sure it running smoothly.connect SCL to A5

after you connect the LCD to Arduino you need to find out the address i2c using for this module. in my case the address is 0x27, some reported their address is 0x3f etc but you really test it yourself because it might different between the address i"m currently using with the one you"ll be using.

At my first attempt i"ve got my LCD glow without the text, If you get yourself in same situation try to rotate the contrast potentiometer first in back of your i2c (using screwdriver) if not working check also the solder between i2c to lcd especially if you solder it your self or bought from china.Make really sure the LCD works first so it will be easier to troubleshoot the next step.