psone lcd screen repair in stock
Sony PSOne 5" LCD Screen The Sony PSOne LCD screen connects to your Sony Playstation PSOne system. The 5" LCD screen delivers crisp picture and stereo sound. The PSOne LCD allows you to play your favorite games at home or on the go!
nice web site! I"m actually here to find out how to repair my LCD screen, rather than rip it apart (somebody told me I should post the question here and see if anyone can help me).
The voltage across C114 (black chip next to coil with 100 16V written on it) has 7.5v across it. The speakers work, and the LCD works. The coil isn"t getting power and hence bulb doesn"t light.
To get this screen to do what I want there are a couple things I had to do. First was permanently connecting 5v sense in so that the screen powered up:
The next issue was this LED mod I had done years prior. I must have broken the backlight and done this mod when I had much less soldering skill and equipment at hand. I also followed the advice on where to place things which I don’t think was optimal. The circuit is basically three white LEDs in parallel all connected to a single 10R current limiting resistor and that’s connected to 5v. That’s about 56ma per LED. I don’t really believe that but it’s working so I cleaned up the wore routing and soldering and just put it back. Originally the resistor was hot glued to the strip of black electrical tape under the LCD in the center. The problem is there’s a plastic post there so I relocated it to the side of the LCD in the nice open space (and heatshrunk it for more secure insulation).
All that done the screen still had a strange blown out look and I remembered that there is a ‘brightness mod’ that was mentioned. I had done that and now don’t really like the consequences. Once that jumper was removed it looked a lot better.
The official PSone LCD screen has a fragile backlight system. The inverter and the CCFL tube could kick the bucket on itself. Sometimes you can"t even figure out what went wrong with the backlight system. It"s also nearly impossible to find the exact replacement parts at a reasonable price, even if you managed to figure it out.
Reseat the motherboard onto the back of the screen assembly, then plug in the screen ribbon cable and lock the tab. Plug back in the screen backlight header.
The PSone was announced by Sony on June 8th, 2000. It is about a third of the size of the original Playstation, and is compatible with PlayStation software. To use the PSone, you must have a CD that is compatible with either the Playstation or the PSone in the CD player at the top of the console. You will also need to connect a controller to one of the ports on the front of the console.
This console was released in two formats: the original PSone, and a version with an LCD screen. The LCD screen is set into the circular hatch at the top of the console that was the disk cover in the original version, while the CD player is in the same place, just set slightly deeper in the console than in the original.
The PSone was very successful, even selling better than the newer PlayStation 2 when it was released in 2000. According to PC Data, a market researcher, it accounted for 42% of game console sales one week, far above the rest of the consoles available at the time (the Sega Dreamcast, the Nintendo N64, and the PS2). It was discontinued in 2006, along with the original PlayStation.
Finally, all parts came together and now the PSone screen has a much more affordable solution to a broken LCD/CCFL. I"ve updated the GitHub wiki with the guide.
If you have a damaged LCD display or touch glass on your Sony Playstation Vita 1000 , this is the part you need to make your device fully functional again.