dapu lcd display manual factory
I wrote this manual because I couldn"t find any useful information on the internet that would help me diagnose a wierd problem I had on my Mid City, so I dismantled the bike, drew up a circuit diagram, and worked out how everything worked and communicated. This is the documentation of what I found.
The reason they call the PCB in the motor a controller, rather than "the computer", is because there are two microprocessor units (MPUs) in the eBike. The display is also a computer, and it does all the calculations for the odometer and speedometer, displays the PAS setting and error codes, stores the odometer record, and controls the display panel. It is in constant communication with the MPU in the controller, which is tasked with performing diagnostics on startup and with managing the motor thereafter. (If a problem develops during operation, it will cease powering the motor and communicate an error code to the display.)
The motor and display in the MidCity are DAPU products. My display is the DAPU DPLCD-P, but the button pad shown in the picture on their website is different to mine. The MD250 is the only midmotor that DAPU currently have on their website. http://www.dapumotors.com/id-26.html?t=en-us Torque sensor and motor controller are integrated within the motor body. There have been multiple generations of DAPU midmotors, seemingly all named MD250, 250 being the power rating of the motor (250W). Apparently there is or has been available an exclusive and custom build 750W version of the motor as well, used only in the US. I suspect, from info I found on the internet, that the first generation MD250 had an external controller, but current versions of the MD250 have an internal controller.
Some web pages say that DAPU is Japanese. Dapu might have been Japanese once, but their webpage http://www.dapumotors.com/Guestbook/index.html?t=en-us gives a Chinese address. One webpage I found says that DAPU is a Chinese manufacturer under Japanese management. Most reviewers on the internet praise the DAPU products highly.
All the devices tested by the diagnostics are connected to the controller, therefore it makes sense to run the diagnostics on the controller MPU, not on the display MPU. This is hard to prove, but if you get an error code which you know is a furphy (ie, bogus), then I"d replace the controller, not the display.
⦁1 x 2-core from the Hall sensor on the frame adjacent to the rear wheel. As the magnet on the spoke passes the Hall sensor, a pulse is sent to the controller, which passes it on to the display MPU.
It is possible that Smartmotion have a customised version of the controller, with firmware written to their specifications, but far more likely is that they are using the standard DAPU firmware, but have configured the configurable parameters of the firmware to suit their particular specifications, in much the same way that different wheelchair manufacturers configure the parameters of the joystick controller on their wheelchairs to suit their particular requirements using software purchased from the manufacturer of the joystick. I wish I could get my hands on a copy of the software used to configure the (DAPU) controller of the Smartmotion - there"s one setting that really irks me.
If one did get one"s hands on the configuration software for a DAPU controller, then the means of connecting it to the Smartmotion is to unplug the Display cable from the 4 to 1 Y cable, and connect a special USB cable in place of the 4 to 1 Y cable, then plug the USB connector into a laptop and run the software. The DAPU display is a MPU itself, that communicates to the controller via 3 wire bidirectional serial comms. There are 5 wires in the multicore from the Display; one is VCC+, one is GND, and the other three are for bidirectional serial comms. Most likely SCLK (serial clock), SDIO (serial data in/ out, ie, bidirectional on one wire), and SS_n (slave select, because the chips used are designed to handle multiple slaves (Display) from one master (Controller). I haven"t bothered working out which wires are VCC & GND, but that would be easy to do. I also haven"t bothered measuring what VCC is, but again that would be easy to do. Probably the easiest way to identify which wire is which in the serial comms is to open up the Display and trace the connectors back to the serial IO chip, and check the pinouts of that chip on manufacturer"s specifications. There are cables on the market that have been designed to perform this task for a BAFANG controller, but I have absolutely no idea whether the pinouts on a BAFANG are identical to those on a DAPU. And anyway, the cable is useless unless you also have the software.
⦁1 x 3 core (red, black, white) leading into the frame of the bike. This lead goes to the controller, so clearly the controller receives instruction from the display to turn on the lights and passes on the instruction to this PCB. Red and black will be power to the PCB and the lights, and white carries the data signal to the PCB to instruct it whether to turn the lights on or off.
⦁1 x 5 core from the Display. There"ll be +VCC, GND, and three others handling bidirectional serial comms between the display MPU and the controller MPU.
This matches the 8 core harness if we assume VCC to all devices. Display has 5 wires; throttle uses VCC and GND that is also supplied to the Display, so throttle adds only 1 wire, to make 6. If the 2 x brakes are wired as OR devices, which is feasible but unlikely, then only 7 of the 8 wires in the 8 core are used. (Application of the brakes creates a connection in the reed relay in the brake sensor, so the two brake sensors could be wired in parallel, thus providing an OR logic connection for the brakes to the controller, but I"m pretty sure that the OR logic connection is done digitally at the controller and that the 2 x brakes connect separately to the controller. So we have 5 wires for the display, 1 more for the throttle, and two more for the brakes, making 8 total, which is the number of pins at the connector for the main harness.
⦁Inputs from switches go direct to the display by a separate cable - there are two cables at the display: the in cable from the switches, and the cable leading to the harness that leads to the controller
⦁Error codes. All the inputs needed for diagnostics are connected to the controller, not the display, so it makes sense to run the diagnostics on the controller and report the results to the display MPU.
The display almost certainly calculates battery voltage from it"s own VCC+ve and GND, independent of the controller"s assessment of voltage, and thus the display is quite capable of displaying the correct battery voltage whilst simultaneously displaying an error code 9 (high voltage), not knowing that it is displaying inconsistent data.
Processing of odometer and speed info is all done in the display MPU (microprocessor unit) from one single input: the pulses generated by the Hall sensor on the rear wheel. The distance travelled is stored in the memory of the display, not in the memory of the controller, because you can replace the controller without affecting the stored memory of distance travelled.
Communications between the display and the controller has to be serial and bidirectional; there aren"t enough wires coming out of the display for comms to be anything else. There are five wires to the display.
The three wires unaccounted for by VCC and GND have to be bidirectional serial comms - there aren"t enough wires to be anything else. Most likely they are SCLK (serial clock), SDIO (serial data in/ out, ie, bidirectional on one wire), and SS_n (slave select). The Slave Select line is probably used for handshaking. In the case of the ebike, there is only one slave: the display, but the chips used are capable of communicating between master and multiple slaves. It"s half-duplex synchronous communications, bidirectional over the SDIO line. Typically it"s a fixed length packet, so that each end knows if they get the full message. Web page https://www.digikey.com/eewiki/pages/vi ... d=27754638 proves 3 wire bidirectional comms components exist; whether this is precisely how the job is done on the Smartmotion is unknown, but it has to be 3 wire bidirectional comms between the display and the controller on the DAPU system because there aren"t enough wires for it to be anything else.
Tuning does not push a motor to its limits. Rather, it is the clamping that limits the engine’s “natural” capabilities. Basically, tuning is about adjusting the electric assist system so that the engine runs “normally”. For that, there are several processes :Tuning occurs by “deceiving” the electronic controllerby providing it with distorted data. After the modification, the engine will deliver the power of assistance beyond 25 km/h. The controller will record a different speed level, a number that does not exceed the regulatory threshold. The displayed speed is no longer correct but is half the actual speed.
Let’s add that these two manual methods will not work on every assistance (especially on Bosch controllers produced after 2011 that integrate an anti-tuning software), so we recommend the most conventional and reliable solution: the tuning kit.
I tuned my Giant Ride Control E-Bike and took some pictures to show you the main steps. The longest is to remove the screws to access the cables. The connection is then ultra-easy. I did it with a Speed Up kit. The technical characteristics of the kit are not optimal because the display is divided by 2 and the tuning is permanent. Let’s say it’s perfect for the tutorial, because the internal installations are all very strongly similar:Presentation of my engine
07 The controller has 1. The throttle is damaged. 1. Replace the throttle. detected the throttle 2. The controllers throttle detection 2. Replace the controller. voltage is above circuit failed. 3. Replace the throttle cable. normal operating 3. Throttle cable’s ground parameters. connection failed. Pedego Error Code Troubleshooting Chart: Dapu Controller
10 The controller has not 1. The LCD cable is not connected 1. Check the LCD cable at both ends; received the normal properly. unplug and re-seat both connections. communication data 2. The LCD cable is damaged. 2. Replace the LCD cable. from the LCD for an 3. The LCD communication circuit 3. Replace the LCD. extended period of failed. 4. Replace the controller. time. 4. The Controller communication circuit failed.
15 The LCD has not 1. The LCD cable is not connected 1. Check the LCD cable at both ends; received the normal properly. unplug and re-seat both connections. communication data 2. The LCD cable is damaged. 2. Replace the LCD cable. from the controller for 3. The LCD communication circuit 3. Replace the LCD. an extended period of failed. 4. Replace the controller. time. 4. The Controller communication 5. Individually, unplug the throttle, pedal circuit failed. assist sensor, and motor to isolate the 5. The controller 5V circuit has a 5V short. Replace the component short. causing the 5V short.
16 The LCD has not 1. The LCD cable is not connected 1. Check the LCD and battery received the normal properly. communication cable at both ends; communication data 2. The LCD cable is damaged. unplug and re-seat both connections. from the battery for 3. The LCD communication circuit 2. Replace the LCD cable. an extended period of failed. 3. Replace the LCD. time. 4. The battery communication circuit 4. Replace the battery. failed. 5. Individually, unplug the throttle, pedal 5. The controller 5V circuit has a assist sensor, and motor to isolate the short. 5V short. Replace the component causing the 5V short.Pedego Error Code Troubleshooting Chart: Ananda Controller
ERROR ERROR CODE ERROR CODE REASON SOLUTIONSCODE DESCRIPTIONS09 The LCD has not 1. The LCD cable is not connected 1. Check the LCD cable at both ends; received the normal properly. unplug and re-seat both connections. communication data 2. The LCD cable is damaged. 2. Replace the LCD cable. from the controller for 3. The LCD communication circuit 3. Replace the LCD. an extended period of failed. 4. Replace the controller. time. 4. The Controller communication circuit failed.