raspberry pi sdr kali tft display free sample
If you have an sd card larger than 8GB, this is the best time to extend the partition using gparted or fdisk (see fdisk howto). Don’t forget to run “resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2” on your Pi afterwards to extend the filesystem to match the new partition size.
A recent Kali update introduced a bug causing the LightDM to not render properly resulting in a black screen with an arrow in the top left corner. The latest update should have fixed that but if the problem persists, we can resolve that by switching to SLiM:
NOTE: The Universal TFT Setup tool does it’s best to fully configure all screens based on the manufacturers specifications but has only been tested extensively with Adafruit, Raspbery and Waveshare screens. For all other displays, you may have to edit the following files manually to tweak the settings according to your screen:
apt install aptitude curl cmake build-essential mailutils python-dev python-pip libusb-1.0-0-dev python-numpy htop ftp locate screen kismet pure-ftpd tigervnc-standalone-server tmux default-mysql-server darkstat ntopng mana-toolkit beef-xss resolvconf mitmf dnsmasq hostapd
If you have a 16GB sd card or larger and want to have kali in all it’s glory, get yourself a coffee and install the full kali suite (Note: 16GB is very tight, better to use 32GB. Run df -h to make sure you didn’t forget to extend your file system earlier