arduino uno tetris tft lcd quotation

A goal I set for myself for easter 2018: get aTetris gamerunning on a 32x32 LED matrix panel. This one uses Arduino/Genuino Uno as controller, which is rather limited in memory as I experienced. Large parts of the project consisted of finding ways around those limitations. Maybe I"ll do a Arduino Mega adaptation for more memory in the near future.

arduino uno tetris tft lcd quotation

This car can sense obstacle in front of itself in 30 cm range. I have used sonar,servo motor, motor, arduino uno, motor driver and cases to build this project.

This project is about to control a RC ARDUINO CAR using an infrared communication. The IR control we will read incoming IR data from infrared remote controller and execute some tasks .

arduino uno tetris tft lcd quotation

So I tried to find anything on ebay without success...what I did found is that you can get 320x240 color lcd for a few bux...which is tempting...but still...i like the size of this"s almost 3" and I can put nice large font on it...