3.5 tft lcd code mcufriend for sale

I bought four MCU Friend 3.5″ TFT shields.  And, unfortunately, they have spiraled me into a deep, dark place trying to figure out how to use them.  The the documentation consists of a sticker on the antistatic bag, a picture of the shield with a list of 5 different possible LCD drivers, a pinout, and a block of code that supposedly represents the startup code.  The unfortunate part is that none of these have been exactly right – they all have errors.  This article is a description of the journey to figuring out how to use them.

Here is a picture of the bag. (the QR code is a number “181024202132” which I thought might be a phone number but isn’t.  It also doesn’t match anything in google, so i’m not sure what it is.

It also has a picture which says the LCD has one of several different controllers (and after digging in I know for a fact that two of mine were made by Raydium and are not on the list)

The first thing I did was try to use the MCUFRIEND_kbv library to see if the screens worked.  The first board identified as ID=0x9403 and did not work.  Apparently, the tool just spits out the ID if it doesn’t know it, which it did not.

One of the boards identified as ID=0x6814 worked perfectly, and one had a blue cast to all of the screens.  The crazy part is the two boards that identified as ID=0x6814 had different PCBs.  According to the comments in the MCUFRIEND_kbv.cpp ID=0x6814 is an RM68140 and ID=9403 is unknown.

Next, I started down the path of trying to figure out what the controllers were by using register reads.  David Prentice (the guy who wrote/maintains the MCU Friend_kbv Arduino library) has an absolute ton of responses on the Arduino forum trying to help people figure out what their shield is.  He asks them to post the register report from his example program LCD_ID_readnew which is included as an example in the library.

When you look at these LCD controllers they all have some variant of “Read ID” which responds with 1-6 bytes.  The basic idea of this program is to look at what bytes are returned to try to identify the controller.  Here is an example of what I got when I ran the LCD_ID_readnew program on my shields:

The key thing to see in this output is the register 0x04 which says 54,80,66 which identifies this as a Raydium RM68140 LCD controller.  Here is a snapshot from the data sheet.

After digging some more, I decided that it is super ugly out there, as you find that there are a significant number of LCD controllers that are clones, copies, pirated etc… and that they all present themselves differently.  And, in hindsight I think that this is the reason that my ILI9341 from the previous article doesnt quite work correctly.

The next thing that I did was try out the startup code that MCUFriend_kbv generates.  I used the same technique from PSoC 6 + Segger EmWin + MCUFriend 2.4″ Part 1 and spit out the startup bytes.  Here they are:

Well, things still aren’t quite right, so for some strange reason, I keep going and try to use the startup code from the web.  In order to make it work I translate

Earlier I told you that I much preferred to use the more compact startup code.  In order to match this, I decided to add a new code “0xDD” which means delay.  (I hope that there are no controllers out there that use 0XDD).  Here is the updated function:

At this point I have spent a frightening amount of time figuring out how these screens work.  Although it has been a good learning experience, I have generally decided that using unknown displays from China with LCD drivers of questionable origin is not worth the pain of trying to sort out the interface.  Beyond that:

3.5 tft lcd code mcufriend for sale

I have one of these TFT LCD shields, but mine is a ILI9335. It has taken me nearly 2 weeks to find a working Library and code for my 9335 driver and I am now setting about creating sketches based around my working Library.

If there is no Library specific to your 6767 Driver (and I must say I have not seen one in my searches for the 9335 Driver) then you may have to download as many different Libraries to locate a sketch that works for yours.

3.5 tft lcd code mcufriend for sale

Hi, the schematic of this display is similar to mine and shows at header JP3 the Arduino Uno power header. Do you know if this 3.3V on this TFT shield/board is actual used. In the schematic it is shown as a label but is not connected to any one. It can not be connected to schematic internal 3.3V coming form the regulator because this would mean a short cut between two power sources. My feeling is that is and auxiliary power source for a non installed chip that I have on my board. Since that chip is not installed it looks like its not needed.

I ask this because I want to use this TFT with a Arduino nano which doesn’t have much 3.3v power on that pin. If it is used i need to implement and extra 3.3V regulator, if not its not needed.

3.5 tft lcd code mcufriend for sale

Many Arduino projects require adequate display of what is being monitored. Think of time, temperature, humidity, pressure, sound, light, voltages, or combinations of recorded data in a weather station. With the addition of fast and capable ESP32 microcontroller boards to my personal ‘fleet’ my collection of good old Arduino Unos with their TFT display shields seemed prone to gather dust. The ESP32 combines well with TFT displays through a 4-pin SPI interface* while the Uno shields have parallel interfaces that feature 28 pins of which a minimum of 13 is necessary for the daily display business (see figure 2). A parallel interface is generally faster than a SPI interface. The prospect of a bunch of shield displays with fast parallel interface parked forever in a deep drawer was a stimulus for me to start a project to connect these shields to an ESP32. Fortunately there are several solutions available of which I selected the one proposed by Alberto Iriberri Andrés at https://www.pangodream.es/ili9341-esp32-parallel. However, the nightmarish prospect of connecting shield after shield with an ESP with unwieldy Dupont jumper wires inspired me to create a Uno-shield compatible parallel ESP32 TFTdisplay workbench for the purpose of checking all my Uno TFT shields, one by one. Here follows the design, wiring, and the results with a collection of parallel Uno shield type displays.

The market is swamped with TFT shields that can be placed directly on the pin sockets of an Arduino Uno. These shields feature parallel interfaces. They have in common that there are four pin header blocks through which one can stick such a shield very handy right onto a Uno (fig. 2). The displays mounted on these shields have different pixel dimensions and, more important, different controller chips. Most commonly used are ILI9341, ILI9481 and ILI 9486 chips. The best performing TFT shields are equipped with 3V-5V voltage converters (e.g. the shield shown in fig 2) but there are plenty of cheap shields available that lack a voltage regulator and therefore accept only 3V.

Controllers need their own specific driver to make the display work correctly. A major effort to supply the Arduino world with adequate drivers for ESP8266 and ESP32 microprocessors running smoothly with the above ILI controllers has been undertaken in recent years by the electronics engineer known as Bodmer: the TFT_e_SPI.h library.

So what I needed is a board that accomodates an ESP32 and that has enough space to accommodate a variety of small (2.4 inch) and large (3.95 inch) Uno TFT shields.

The base board consists of a doule-sided soldering board fastened with four nylon spacers on a piece of cardboard. Mounted on this base are two 15-pin parallel socket headers to accommodate an ESP32 microcontroller board and the four socket headers to accommodate the Arduino Uno TFT shields to be tested. As screen diagonals of TFT shields in my ‘arsenal’ vary between 2.4 inch and 3.95 inch, a 12080 mm double-sided soldering board with 4230 holes was selected for this purpose. The positioning of the socket headers is shown in figure 3. There are also two 2-pin pin headers to allow to select the proper voltage to power the display being tested (with jumpers).

The positioning of pins on the original Arduino Uno does not follow the uniform 2.54 mm (0.1 inch) pitch rule. Any Uno parallel TFT shield therefore will not immediately fit a standard soldering board. On the back of each shield are jumper blocks labeled J1 through 4 (figure 2). We call J1 here the ‘SD jumper block’, J2 the ‘parallel jumper block’, J3 the ‘control jumper block’ and J4 the ‘power block’. Part of the SD jumper block is occupied by the parallel data interface. Some manoevering makes it clear trhat the J2-J3-J4 blocks fit the holes of the soldering board while the parallel jumper block (J1) is the outlier. Fortunately, the pins in all blocks follow the 2.54 mm pitch rule. It is J1 as a whole that is half a unit positioned ‘out of pitch’. Through this unorthodoxy, say asymmetry, a TFT shield fits an Arduino in only one way. Very clever. The present soldering board was adapted to this configuration by cutting a narrow sleeve where the pins of the J1 parallel jumper block should be, just wide enough to let the pins of the corresponding socket header through. Then an extra piece of soldering board was prepared and fastened with wire and solder under the sleeve, taking care that the J1 accepting socket header would exactly match jumper block J1.

The design is quite simple: two parallel rows of 15-pin socket headers serve as a mounting point for the ESP32 (figures 2,3). These sockets are positioned in the upper left corner of the board to leave as much area as possible to position the TFT shields. Here, TFT shields are oriented landscape. The bench is designed only for displaying data and graphs only, with no SD card reader support.

All Uno TFT shields have three pins that deal with power (3V3, 5V, GND), five pins that are necessary for display control and eight pins connected with the parallel data transfer interface, i.e., there is a total of 16 pins that need to be wired (figure 2). In addition I planned three ‘free’ pins of the ESP32 available via pin sockets for input-output puposes: pins D2, D5 and D15 (figure 4).

With so many wires it is necessary to bring order in the assembly of the bench. One can distinguish (1) power wires, (2) TFT control wires, (3) parallel interface wires, (4) additional wiring. One by one the groups of wires were mounted on the soldering board.

The group of control wires originates from pins D26, D27, D14, D12 and D13 and connect to the socket header that accomodates TFT shield jumper J1 (figure 5).

There are eight data pins on the TFT shields, marked LCD_D0 through LCD_D07. LCD-00 and LCD_01 are pins on jumper block J3 while the remaining LCD_nn pins can be found on jumper block J2. These pins must be connected to, respectively, pins RX2, D4, D23, D22, D21, D19, D18 and TX2 (figure 6).

Bodmer’s TFT_eSPI library is different than other libraries, e.g. Adafruit_GFX and U8G2 in the sense that there is no ‘constructor’. Pin definitions for each type of controller are in TFT_eSPI systematics stored in a separate Setup_nn.h file that is placed in a folder with the name ‘User_Setups’. In turn, the specific Setup_nn.h is called in another stetup file named User_Setup_Select.h. Consider the systematics as a kind of two-stage rocket. Both stages need to be edited befor launch. The first stage is User_Setup_Select.h and the second stage is Setup_nn.h.

An example of the specific Setup_nn.h file for one of my ILI9341 shields (the one shown in figure 1) is named ‘Setup_FW_WROOM32_ILI9341_parallel_TFT_016.h’. This is a file editable with any ASCII editor.

Figure 1 shows one of my Uno TFT shields mounted on the bench, running the example ‘TFT_graphicstest_one_lib,’ that can be found in the Arduino IDE under File, Examples, TFT_eSPI, 320×240, of course after correct installation of Bodmer’s TFT_eSPI library. With an ESP32. My own ‘ESP32_parallel_Uno_shield_TFT_radar_scope.ino’ runs fine: the downloadable demo sketch which mimics an aviation traffic controller’s radar scope with a sweeping beam. I created this sketch in 2017 as a demo for one of my first Arduino Uno TFT shields**. The body of that demo was used for the present demo sketch.

The experiences with the TFT shields lead to the following rule of thumb: first try to figure out the correct controller (this on an Arduino Uno with David Prentices’ ‘MCUFRIEND_kbv.h’), then checking the User_Setup_nn.h file icreated for this shield n the TFT_eSPI library system, and then try to upload first with the 3V3 jumper closed, then again (if necessary) with the 5V jumper closed, and finally with both jumpers closed.

3.5 tft lcd code mcufriend for sale
