samsung outdoor lcd display free sample

이용자는 본 개인정보 수집·이용 동의서에 따른 동의 시, "필요한 최소한의 정보 외의 개인정보" 수집·이용에 동의하지 아니할 권리가 있습니다. 개인정보 처리에 대한 상세한 사항은 삼성 디스플레이 솔루션즈 홈페이지 (에 공개한 "개인정보처리방침"을 참조하십시오. 다만, 본 동의서 내용과 상충되는 부분은 본 동의서의 내용이 우선합니다.

samsung outdoor lcd display free sample

이용자는 본 개인정보 수집·이용 동의서에 따른 동의 시, "필요한 최소한의 정보 외의 개인정보" 수집·이용에 동의하지 아니할 권리가 있습니다. 개인정보 처리에 대한 상세한 사항은 삼성 디스플레이 솔루션즈 홈페이지 (에 공개한 "개인정보처리방침"을 참조하십시오. 다만, 본 동의서 내용과 상충되는 부분은 본 동의서의 내용이 우선합니다.

samsung outdoor lcd display free sample

이용자는 본 개인정보 수집·이용 동의서에 따른 동의 시, "필요한 최소한의 정보 외의 개인정보" 수집·이용에 동의하지 아니할 권리가 있습니다. 개인정보 처리에 대한 상세한 사항은 삼성 디스플레이 솔루션즈 홈페이지 (에 공개한 "개인정보처리방침"을 참조하십시오. 다만, 본 동의서 내용과 상충되는 부분은 본 동의서의 내용이 우선합니다.

samsung outdoor lcd display free sample

DME Series displays deliver industry-leading performance, proven Samsung technology and a wide array of sizing options for adaptable and dependable business usage to meet various business needs. These attributes make DME Series the smart choice for any business or retail establishment. The displays offer durable and extended 24/7 usage to ensure that your business messages are conveyed whenever and wherever they are most impactful.

And, with high 450 nit brightness and crystal clear image quality, your promotions and information are sure to captivate viewers. Samsung’s unique Picture Quality Enhancer function optimizes the color, detail, contrast and color temperature for your environment with rich color and detailed textures. Viewing is maximized by eliminating factors that can interrupt visibility from light reflection, and reducing glare and haze to only 2%. Plus, connectivity options are enhanced with two HDMI ports for easier enriched content display.

3rd Generation Samsung SMART Signage Platform (SSSP) features a media player embedded inside the display as a powerful Quad Core System on Chip (SoC). 3rd Generation SSSP integrated hardware and software solution streamlines digital signage configuration and management by eliminating the need for an additional PC unit. And, the internal memory enhancement from 4 GB to 8 GB provides robust performance.

Heighten efficiency and productivity with a newly designed Home Menu UI that displays frequently used functions in a new, large-button matrix design. Simplify usage with a selection of customizable menu configurations that allow ready access to repeatedly used menus. Generate content more easily and conveniently than ever with the Home Menu’s newly designed templates for various vertical markets including grocery stores, QSRs, terminals and lobbies. Leverage these sharp, professional template layouts to produce and design content in either portrait or landscape orientation. And, turn the Home Menu into a touch-activated user experience by adding an optional Touch Overlay.

Boost revenues with professionally polished display content generated with a content management solution, MagicInfo S3, embedded within the new 3rd generation SSSP. Along with widgets and stickers, the solution provides 6 different types of free fonts in 23 styles. New MagicInfo S3 eliminates single-font formatting limitations with the upgraded ability to select from various free fonts or add your own. Use handy stamps and either preset or self-created, text-editable stickers to update your promotional information and price tags for convenient and straightforward content changes. Create eye-catching transitions with Dynamic Effect, a feature that enables slideshow-type effects, such as fade, fly-on and zoom. Plus, you can leverage a drag-and-drop widget solution to simply add widgets such as AccuWeather that displays daily and weekly weather for the ultimate in professional content presentation.

Enhance any display environment with a chic and streamlined design and captivating appearance. For convenient and efficient mechanical compatibility, DME Series displays maintain the same stunning design as previous Samsung D-Series SMART Signage. To elevate your décor, the displays feature slim and elegant black hairline deco-bezels or white color deco-bezels.* A flexible, tag-type spacer with a logo is designed for either portrait or landscape installations to create a polished, professional look in any space.

samsung outdoor lcd display free sample

The business benefits of outdoor signage are clear: In a study of small businesses that installed outdoor digital signage, 83 percent experienced an increase in sales post-installation. But the process of getting that signage implemented often discourages businesses from making the investment. Local signage regulations often appear time-intensive and frustrating to navigate, and fear of rejected permit applications or tedious back-and-forth with county officials often results in businesses settling for outdated static signage.

Start by answering the simple question of whether or not you’re allowed to install digital signage. Look around — is there already digital signage in your neighborhood? If not, outdoor signage may not be permitted in your area, or be difficult to get approved.

Your city or county government likely has an explanatory document of where outdoor digital signage is permitted, as well as the associated requirements. Some government offices have this information readily available on their website. If yours doesn’t, call the office or visit the planning and zoning department in person.

Fortunately, it’s becoming less common for cities to entirely restrict digital signage, says Kevin Izatt, senior product manager of the Display division at Samsung Electronics America. “Most cities want to see businesses succeed, so they are opening channels and simplifying processes,” Izatt explains.

In some cases, your business may want to try to work through the local legislative authorities to update their ordinances, outlining specific usage guidelines for digital displays. This will take strategic and informed lobbying efforts to persuade regulators that your proposed sign regulations are not only safe but also beneficial to the public — highlighting your signage’s potential to build business and increase tax revenue for the community.

When you partner with Samsung, representatives can travel and testify on your behalf before a planning commission, city council or legislative committee, meet with residents or business owners from your community and provide all the successful technical details and examples to demonstrate that your digital displays would be compliant and unobstrusive.

Cities and counties typically have size restrictions for outdoor digital signage. These local regulations are generally based on square footage — the bigger a business’ space, the bigger the permitted signage.

Also make sure you know the local limit for signage brightness. The level may vary greatly by location, based on your neighbors. Most of the time, outdoor signs are not allowed to blink or flash to avoid distracting motorists. The majority of modern outdoor LED screens have an ambient light sensor that adjusts the screen’s brightness to match the environment. On sunny days, the screen is at its brightest. On overcast days, and even more so at night, the screen dims. Samsung LED signage includes additional failsafes, like local sunrise and sunset timetables built into the screens’ firmware to override the ambient sensor. If that sensor fails, the screen reverts to an auto-dimming mode.

Samsung’s LED signage, such as the XPR Series, also prioritizes durability and reliability, with built-in UV and weather protection to ensure longevity. LED signage from Samsung is designed to operate smoothly between −40 F and 131 F, with a 100,000-hour lifetime rating for 24/7 operation.

“Samsung uses tightly binned LEDs for great color performance and uniformity, and we oversize and underdrive them,” Izatt explains. “That allows us to gradually increase the LED current over time to compensate for aging and ensure constant, adaptive brightness for the longest period.”

Your business may not have to alleviate fears and present the community benefits in order to receive a signage permit, but you should be prepared just in case. Community safety is typically the main concern. Your best resource is research on digital signage brightness and traffic safety. You can also highlight the community benefits of your proposed signage, such as the ability to communicate widely relevant information like weather alerts. Samsung can help during this stage by collecting objective research data and compiling reports.

The biggest mistake you can make in applying for a signage permit is trying to go it alone. Having someone on your side — who knows both the technicalities of the digital display business and the details of signage regulations — makes everything easier.

To help ensure your signage project is successful, find a partner with a solid construction background and experience installing your chosen displays, as well as a working knowledge of local zoning and permitting issues.

Discover the unique advantages of direct view LED technology over traditional LCD displays in thisfree guide to the rapidly advancing technology. And if your business could use some indoor upgrades, consider addingLED signagethere, too, with individual LED screens or with your fully customized version of The Wall.