5110 lcd module white backlight for arduino uno mega prototype quotation

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5110 lcd module white backlight for arduino uno mega prototype quotation

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5110 lcd module white backlight for arduino uno mega prototype quotation

We have published quite a number of tutorials using different displays with the Arduino, with the most recent being the tutorial on displaying graphics on all kind of displays with Arduino. For today’s tutorial, we will look into achieving more with displays by implementing a menu based system with the Nokia 5110 LCD display and the Arduino. The menu is one of the easiest and most intuitive ways through which users interact with products that require navigation. From mobile phone to PCs, its applications are endless. Today we will explore how to add this cool feature to your Arduino project.

At the heart of today’s project is the Nokia 5110 LCD Display. The Nokia 5110 LCD is one of the most popular LCD display among makers. It was originally developed for use as a screen for cell phones and was used in lots of mobile phones during the 90’s. The display uses a low power CMOS LCD controller/driver, the PCD8544, which drives the 84×48px graphics display. In a normal state, the display consumes about 6 to 7mA which makes it quite ideal for low power devices. We have published quite a number of tutorials on this display that might help you understand how to drive such a display.

To showcase how to create the menu on a display with the Arduino, we will build a simple demo menu with three pages.  To navigate through the menu, we will use 3x push buttons. The first to scroll up, the second to scroll down and the third one to select a highlighted option. The first screen/page of the menu will serve as the home page and will host the options that open the next two screens/pages. The second page will open after the first menu option on the homepage has been selected. Users will be able to change the contrast of the display using the up and down push buttons to increase or reduce it respectively. By pressing the select button, users will be able to go back to the home page. The second option on the homepage displays the third page, where users will be able to turn the backlight of the display on/off by pressing the select item button.

Selecting the last option on the homepage does what it is labeled for, it clears all the previous settings for the contrast and backlight. This is a fun and interesting project which I believe can be very useful to anyone irrespective of your technical know-how level.

To make the schematics easy to follow, a pin map of the connection between the Arduino Uno and the Nokia 5110, which isthe major component, is shown below.

Looking at the schematics, you will see that the push buttons are connected to the Arduino without the common pull-up or pull-down resistors. This is because we will use the Arduino’s internal pull-up resistor. You can read more about using pull-up/down resistors here. If you have any challenges understanding the concept, do reach out to me via the comment section.

With the connections all done, we can now proceed to the code for the project. It might be useful to go over the entire connection one more time to ensure everything is as it should be.

To be fair, the code for today’s tutorial is a little bit complex and while I will do my best to break it down and ensure you understand the basics, it might take you building your own menu to fully grab the concept. The code for today is heavily dependent on two major libraries; The Adafruit GFX library and the Adafruit Nokia 5110 LCD Library. The Adafruit GFX library is probably one of the libraries we use the most in our tutorials. It makes it easy to display graphics and perform simple animations on supported displays. The Nokia 5110 LCD library, on the other hand, reduces the amount of work and code required to interact with the LCD.

We start the code as with other sketches by including all the libraries required for the project which in this case, are the Adafruit GFX and Nokia 5110 LCD libraries.

Next, we declare the pins to which the buttons are connected and also declare all the variables that we will use for the project. I believe the variable name provides enough insight into what each variable stands for.

Next, we write the void setup function. Here we declare all the pins to which the push buttons are connected as inputs and set digital pin 7 as output since the Light pin of the LCD is connected to it. This pin will be used to turn the backlight on/off later on.

The state of the buttons is then fed into a series of if-else statements which checks which button was pressed and which of the screens is currently being displayed to determine what action is done next. For instance, the first if statement checks if the menu is currently on page 1 and if the up button is pressed. If this is the case, it then checks the position of the menu cursor and adjusts it accordingly.

Go through the schematics one more time to ensure everything is connected as it should be, then connect the Arduino to your computer and upload the code. After a couple of seconds, you should see the menu displayed on the LCD and it should respond to the push buttons when pressed.

That’s it for today’s tutorial. Thanks for reading. While this is certainly not a project that is useful on its own, it will be a fantastic feature to add to your existing or new projects. Feel free to reach out via the comment section with your questions, suggestions, and comments on today’s tutorial. I will try to reply to them as soon as possible.

5110 lcd module white backlight for arduino uno mega prototype quotation

Remember the pre-iPhone days when cell phones had buttons and you only touched that tiny black and white screen if you needed to clean it? Nokia used these little LCDs in their 3310 and 5110 cell phones.

Thanks to the PCD8544 controller’s versatility, it includes on-chip generation of LCD supply and bias voltages which results in low power consumption making it suitable for power sensitive applications. In a normal state, the LCD consumes as low as 6 to 7mA only.

As per datasheet, this chip operates in the range of 2.7 to 3.3 V and has 3v communication levels. So, for any 5V logic microcontroller like Arduino, some sort of logic level shifting is required (otherwise display may get damaged).

If you want to change the backlight of the LCD, just remove the LCD off the board by pushing the metal clips at the back side. When the screen comes off, you will notice the four LEDs soldered around the edges of the display. Just replace the LEDs with desired color LEDs.

There are many versions of these LCD displays that don’t come with any current limiting resistor. This means you have to be careful while connecting power supply to it. As a precautionary measure, you can place a 330Ω current limiting resistor in series with the ‘Backlight’ pin.

The PCD8544 LCD driver has a built-in 504 bytes Graphic Display Data RAM (GDDRAM) for the screen which holds the bit pattern to be displayed. This memory area is organized in 6 banks (from 0 to 5). Each bank contains 84 columns/segments (from 0 to 83). And each column can store 8 bits of data (from 0 to 7). That surely tells us we have

RST pin resets the display. It’s an active low pin meaning; you can reset the display by pulling it low. You can also connect this pin to the Arduino reset so that it will reset the screen automatically.

BL(Backlight) pin controls the backlight of the display. To control its brightness, you can add a potentiometer or connect this pin to any PWM-capable Arduino pin.

Connections are fairly simple. As we are implementing software SPI, we have flexible pin options. You can connect data transmission pins to any digital I/O pin. In our case the serial clock(CLK), serial data(DIN), data/command(DC), chip enable(CE) and reset(RST) pins are connected from pin 7 all the down to pin 3 on Arduino.

But unfortunately, the LCD has 3v communication levels, so we cannot directly connect these pins to the Arduino. We need some protection. This can be done by shifting levels.

Finally, The backlight(BL) pin is connected to 3.3V via 330Ω current limiting resistor. You can add a potentiometer or connect this pin to any PWM-capable Arduino pin, if you wish to control its brightness.

The PCD8544 LCD controller has flexible yet complex drivers. Vast knowledge on memory addressing is required in order to use the PCD8544 controller. Fortunately, Adafruit’s PCD8544 Nokia 5110 LCD library was written to hide away all the complexities so that we can issue simple commands to control the display.

To install the library navigate to the Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries… Wait for Library Manager to download libraries index and update list of installed libraries.

Filter your search by typing ‘nokia’. There should be a couple entries. Look for Adafruit PCD8544 Nokia 5110 LCD library. Click on that entry, and then select Install.

Although the PCD8544 has a built-in GDDRAM for the screen, we cannot read the contents of it. Therefore, it is not possible to manipulate the screen buffer to perform mathematical operations.

As an alternative, the library allocates 504 bytes of memory from ATmega328P as buffer. So, it can manipulate the screen buffer and then perform a bulk transfer from the ATmega328P’s memory to the internal memory of the PCD8544 controller.

This will give you complete understanding about how to use the Nokia 5110 LCD display and can serve as the basis for more practical experiments and projects. Try the sketch out and then we will dissect it in some detail.

The sketch starts by including three libraries viz. SPI.h, Adafruit_GFX.h and Adafruit_PCD8544.h. Next, we need to create an LCD object. This object takes 5 parameters and specifies which Arduino pins are connected to the LCD’s CLK, Din, D/C, CE and RST pin. We also defined rotatetext variable which will make sense a little later.

In setup function: we need to initialize the LCD object using begin() function. We also need to set the contrast of the display using setContrast(value) function with value can be anywhere between 0-100. However, value between 50-60 gives great results.

For displaying text on the screen, we need to set the font size. This can be done by calling setTextSize() and passing font size (starting from 1) as a parameter.

Next, we need to set the font color by calling function setTextColor(). Pass parameter BLACK for the dark background and pass WHITE for bright background. Now before printing the message we need to set the cursor position by calling function setCursor(X,Y).

In order for the library to perform extremely fast mathematical operations on the screen buffer (more than 100 frames per second), calls to the print functions do not immediately transfer the contents of screen buffer to the PCD8544 controller. A display() command is required to instruct the library to perform the bulk transfer from the screen buffer in the ATmega328P to the internal memory of the PCD8544 controller. As soon as the memory is being transferred, the pixels corresponding to the screen buffer will show up on the LCD display.

For displaying inverted text, we will call setTextColor(FontColor,BackgroundColor) function again. If you are paying attention, you know we passed only one parameter to this function earlier, but now we are passing two parameters. This is possible because of something called function overloading. Function overloading is the ability to create multiple functions of the same name but with different set of parameters. Calls to an overloaded function will run a specific implementation of that function depending upon the parameters passed.

The Adafruit_GFX library is responsible for rendering font. By default the mono-spaced font is selected. However, more recent versions of the Adafruit GFX library offer the ability to use alternate fonts. Several alternate fonts come with the library, plus there’s the ability to add new ones.

Numbers can be displayed on the LCD display by just calling print() or println() function. An overloaded implementation of these functions accepts 32-bit unsigned int, so you can only display numbers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

The print() & println() functions has optional second parameter that specifies the base (format) to use; permitted values are BIN (binary, or base 2), OCT (octal, or base 8), DEC (decimal, or base 10), HEX (hexadecimal, or base 16). For floating point numbers, this parameter specifies the number of decimal places to use. For example:print(78, BIN) gives “1001110”

The function accepts only one parameter that corresponds to 4 cardinal rotations. This value can be any non-negative integer starting from 0. Each time you increase the value, the contents of the display are rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise. For example:0 – Keeps the screen to the standard landscape orientation.

This last example shows how to draw bitmap images to the Nokia 5110 LCD Display. This is useful for creating splash screens of company logos, making sprites or just creating fun graphics for displaying information. Copy the following code, paste it into the Arduino IDE and click upload.

To show bitmap image on the Nokia 5110 LCD display we need to call drawBitmap() function. It takes six parameters viz. Top left corner X coordinate, top left corner Y coordinate, byte array of monochrome bitmap, width of bitmap in pixels, height of bitmap in pixels and Color.

But, before we can call the drawBitmap() function, we first need an image to draw. Remember, the screen resolution of Nokia 5110 LCD display is 84×48 pixels, so images larger than that will not display correctly. To get a correctly sized image, you can use your favorite drawing programs like Inkscape, Photoshop, Paint, etc., setting the canvas size to 84×48 pixels.

Once you have a bitmap, it’s time to convert it into an array that the PCD8544 controller can understand. This can be done using two ways: Online method using image2cpp and Offline method using LCD Assistant.

There’s an online application called image2cpp – http://javl.github.io/image2cpp/ which can convert your image into an array. Image2cpp is newer and much more powerful than LCD Assistant (later solution). It will allow you to:

This tool is so powerful that it can work offline as well. Simply save the page to your PC and open it in your browser. Thanks to Jasper van Loenen for his excellent contribution.

Finally, change the most important option – Brightness threshold as per your requirement. Setting threshold will make pixels above this level white and below black. In our case we have set it to 171 to get nice details of Marilyn Monroe.

Once you are satisfied with the outcome, you can proceed generating the data array. Simply select Code output format as Arduino Code and click on Generate code button.

Just for your information, there’s an option called Draw mode. It actually creates image according to the scanning patter of the display. If your image looks all messed up on your display, try changing the mode.

There’s another application called LCD assistant – http://en.radzio.dxp.pl/bitmap_converter/which can convert your bitmap image into data array. It’s not as powerful as image2cpp but still popular among hobbyists.

Now, save your file as bitmap. While saving the file choose Save as type : Monochrome Bitmap(*.bmp;*.dib). This will generate 1-bit/binary bitmap image that has only two possible values for each pixel i.e. 0 (black) or 1 (white).

Just for your information, there’s an option called Byte Orientation. It actually creates image according to the scanning patter of the display. If your image looks all messed up on your display, try changing the mode.

5110 lcd module white backlight for arduino uno mega prototype quotation

Offering you a complete choice of products which include Arduino Mega 2560 Board, Arduino Nano CH340 Board, Arduino Leonardo Board, Arduino Lily Pad, ARDUINI UNO R3 and Arduino CNC Shield.

We are the leading traders of Arduino Mega 2560. The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Mega 2560 board is compatible with most shields designed for the Uno and the former boards Duemilanove or Diecimila.

We are the leading suppliers of Arduino NANO. The Arduino Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the ATmega328P (Arduino Nano 3.x). It has more or less the same functionality of the Arduino Duemilanove, but in a different package. It lacks only a DC power jack, and works with a Mini-B USB cable instead of a standard one.

We are the leading traders of Arduino Leonardo. The Arduino Leonardo is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega32u4 (datasheet). It has 20 digital input/output pins (of which 7 can be used as PWM outputs and 12 as analog inputs), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a micro USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.

The LilyPad Arduino Main Board is based on the ATmega168V (the low-power version of the ATmega168) or the ATmega328V. The LilyPad Arduino was designed and developed by Leah Buechley and SparkFun Electronics

Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (datasheet). It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started

A total of 4 way of stepping motor driver module slot, can not into the motor drive 4 road and every step motor all the way only need two IO mouth, that is to say, 6 IO mouth can be very good management three stepper motor, use rise very convenient

We are the leading suppliers of Arduino Motor control Shield. The Arduino Motor Shield is based on the L298 (datasheet), which is a dual full-bridge driver designed to drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, DC and stepping motors. It lets you drive two DC motors with your Arduino board, controlling the speed and direction of each one independently.

The shift register expands 3 pins of the Arduino to 8 pins to control the direction for the motor drivers. The output enable of the L293D is directly connected to PWM outputs of the Arduino.

The Motor Shield is able to drive 2 servo motors, and has 8 half-bridge outputs for 2 stepper motors or 4 full H-bridge motor outputs or 8 half-bridge drivers, or a combination.

The servo motors use the +5V of the Arduino board. The voltage regulator on the Arduino board could get hot. To avoid this, the newer Motor Shields have connection points for a separate +5V for the servo motors.

The servo shield allows you to connect upto 20 servos to your SPDuino or other arduino-compatible boards .The selectable supply for the servos enables you to choose the supply either from the on-board regulator or any other suitable power source through the separate servo power terminals. Suitable for making arm robots, Hexapods and other servo based robots.

We are the leading traders of ARDUINO PROMINI. This board was developed for applications and installations where space is premium and projects are made as permanent set ups. Small, available in 3.3 V and 5 V versions, powered by ATmega328

Features:It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, an on-board resonator, a reset button, and holes for mounting pin headers. A six pin header can be connected to an FTDI cable or Sparkfun breakout board to provide USB power and communication to the board.

We are the leading traders of USB HOST SHIELD. The Arduino USB Host Shield allows you to connect a USB device to your Arduino board. The Arduino USB Host Shield is based on the MAX3421E (datasheet), which is a USB peripheral/host controller containing the digital logic and analog circuitry necessary to implement a full-speed USB peripheral or a full-/low-speed host compliant to USB specification rev 2.0

The Arduino Ethernet Shield 2 connects your Arduino to the internet in mere minutes. Just plug this module onto your Arduino Board, connect it to your network with an RJ45 cable (not included) and follow a few simple steps to start controlling your world through the internet. As always with Arduino, every element of the platform – hardware, software and documentation – is freely available and open-source.

Features:SD card interface works with FAT16 or FAT32 formatted cards. Built in 3.3v level shifter circuitry lets you read or write super fast and prevents damage to your SD card

Add this GSM shiled to your project to add ability to send and receive SMS and also communicate to the internet using this shield.This GPRS Shield is based on SIM900 module from SIMCOM and compatible with Arduino and its clones. The GPRS Shield provides you a way to communicate using the GSM mobile phone network. The shield allows you to achieve SMS, MMS, GPRS and Audio via UART by sending AT commands (GSM 07.07 ,07.05 and SIMCOM enhanced AT Commands). The shield also has the 12 GPIOs, 2 PWMs and an ADC of the SIM900 module(They are all 2V8 logic) present onboard.

We are the leading traders of LCD Keypad Shield. The arduino LCD Keypad shield is developed for Arduino compatible boards, to provide a user-friendly interface that allows users to go through the menu, make selections etc. The keypad consists of 5 keys - select, up, right, down and left. To save the digital IO pins, the keypad interface uses only one ADC channel. The key value is read through a 5 stage voltage divider.

We are the leading suppliers of UNO SENSOR SHIELD. This shield is compatible with most types of Arduino boards that support the standard header layout including Uno, Leonardo, and Mega. It provides a convenient way to connect various sensor modules, servo"s, or I2C LCD displays without the need for soldering.

The RAMPS (RepRap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield) is an all-in-one design to fit the necessary components for a 3D printer into one plug in shield for an Arduino MEGA. The plug in shield design includes plug in stepper drivers and extruder control electronics sockets for easy service, part replacement, upgrade-ability and expansion. Additionally, a number of Arduino expansion boards can be added to the system as long as the main RAMPS board is kept to the top of the stack. Ramps boards are the heart of most DIY 3D printers on the market and a nice clean compact way to integrate all the systems into a compact enclosure mountable format.

Servo style connectors are used to connect to the end stops, motors, and LEDs. These connectors are rated for 3A, very compact, and globally available.

This TFT display is big (3.5" diagonal) bright (6 white-LED backlight) and colourful! 480x320 pixels with individual RGB pixel control, this has way more resolution than a black and white 128x64 display, and double our 2.8" TFT. As a bonus, this display has a resistive touch screen attached to it already, so you can detect finger presses anywhere on the screen.

We are the leading traders of Funduino Joystick shield.Specification:3V to 5V Gamepad Joystick Shield Module Game Rocker Button Controller Expansion Board For Arduino Simulated Keyboard Mouse 1pcs

This sensor shield V2.0 is easy for Arduino fans to plug and play with. For some Arduino starters, it is difficult to add circuits on Arduino, so this sensor expansion board which can connect most senor shields to Arduino control panel solves the problem easily. It meets the expansion needs of most Arduino. Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple i/o board and a development. Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or can be connected to software on your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP).

This is Arduino Due, AT91SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 Board, 84MHz, 512KB Board. The Arduino Due is a microcontroller board based on the Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 CPU. It is the first Arduino board based on a 32-bit ARM core microcontroller. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 12 can be used as PWM outputs), 12 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 84 MHz clock, an USB OTG capable connection, 2 DAC (digital to analog), 2 TWI, a power jack, an SPI header, a JTAG header, a reset button and an erase button.

The board contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a micro-USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Due is compatible with all Arduino shields that work at 3.3V and are compliant with the 1.0 Arduino pinout.

The Pro Micro Leonardo is similar to the Pro Mini except with an ATmega32U4 on board. The USB transceiver inside the 32U4 allows us to add USB connectivity on-board and do away with bulky external USB interface. It has Arduino Leonardo bootloader in it. So you can just use it like a normal Arduino Leonardo board.

This tiny little board does all of the neat-o Arduino tricks that you’re familiar with: 4 channels of 10-bit ADC, 5 PWM pins, 12 DIOs as well as hardware serial connections Rx and Tx. Running at 16MHz and 5V, this board will remind you a lot of your other favorite Arduino-compatible boards but this little guy can go just about anywhere. There is a voltage regulator on board so it can accept voltage up to 12VDC. If you’re supplying unregulated power to the board, be sure to connect to the “RAW” pin on not VCC.

This is a multifunctional kit based on Arduino development board. It includes many of the most popular accessories for DIY projects: like Breadboard, Jumper wires, Color LEDs, Resistors, Buzzer, etc. When you get the kit, you can follow the tutorial to do experiments without buying any other additional components. The kit can help you learn Arduino programming and learn how to make interesting projects.

Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (datasheet). It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started..

Arduino Uno R3 is the clone one of the latest version of Arduino Uno with an on-board CH340 usb - serial converter chip. Even there are some little differences respect to original one, it is almost the same in terms of usage and software. This provides you a cheaper opportunitiy to get started with Arduino boards.

The microcontroller model of this board is the same as the original one (Atmega328). The only difference between microcontrollers is ther package. Original one has a DIP package but the clone one has SMD package microcontroller

This shield V03 can achieve a simple two crunodal ZigBee network, achieve wireless communication between Ardu, and allows the Ardu to wireless communicate over a modified ZigBee protocol using the popular XBee module.It is a fully Assembled shield without the XBee module. It works with all XBee modules including the Series 1 and Series 2.5, standard and Pro versions.Features:V03 compatible Xbee Arduino Bluetooh Bee Bluetooth expansion board ,xbee shieldAchieve a simple two crunodal ZigBee network.Achieve wireless communication between Ardu.Allows the Ardu to wireless communicate over a modified ZigBee protocol using the popular XBee module.It is a fully Assembled shield without the XBee module.It works with all XBee modules including the Series 1 and Series 2.5, standard and Pro versions

This Nano Mult-Function expansion board is designed specially for Arduino Nano, solve the problem of wiring confusing when a variety of sensors connected.

We are the leading supplier of 2.4 inch TFT TOUCH SCREEN. The 2.4″ Colour TFT display with micro SD card slot is now available as a SHIELD for Arduino UNO. It has a four wire resistive touch screen, a micro SD card socket,a reset switch and a convenient arduino Uno shield footprint.

Uses digital pins 5-13 and analog 0-3. Digital pins 2, 3 and analog 4 and 5 are available for user defined purpose.. Pin 12 is available if micro SD is not used.

The Prototype Shield makes it easy for you to design custom circuits. You can easily solder TH or SMD ICs on the prototyping area to test them with your Arduino board. The SMD area is designed for a maximum of 24 pins SOIC integrated circuit and the TH area contains a lot of space for the needed components around your project. You can even stick a mini breadboard (not included) on the protoarea for solderless operation. The proto area includes also two power lines (IOREF and GND), two LEDs pads and SPI signals breakout pads for boards with SPI only on the ICSP header like Zero.

This 1.3 Inch 128×64 OLED Display Screen Module offers 128×64 pixel resolution. They are featuring much less thickness than LCD displays with good brightness and also produce better and true colors.

This OLED Display Module is very compact and will add a great ever user interface experience to your Arduino project. The connection of this display with Arduino is made through SPI interface.

The 1.3 Inch 128×64 OLED Display Screen Module produces blue text on black background with very good contrast when supplied with DC 2.8V supply. The OLED Display Modules also offers a very wide viewing angle of about greater than 160°.

3. The more a module cascade and input end of the first module is connected with the CPU and input end of the input end of the output end is connected to the second module, output terminal of the second module connected with the three modules, and so on.

5110 lcd module white backlight for arduino uno mega prototype quotation

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