lcd panel with inverter board 661-5576 made in china

This is the LED Backlight board for A1312 27", Late 2009 Mid 2010 Mid-2011. This attaches to the LCD panel and powers the backlight function of the screen.

lcd panel with inverter board 661-5576 made in china

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lcd panel with inverter board 661-5576 made in china

On PWM signal, I just used 3v DCin (I ordered a PWM generator to supply 13kHz, 3V, but not received yet. Not sure why I am only getting 12.51 Vout when using the APPLE backlight inverter bd. I suspect either EN or PWM is why I am only getting on 12.51 Vout CN2.1

I plugged in 12V adapter for Apple backlight first, then 12V adapter for HDMI driver next, then 12V adapter for USB step down last and the LCD screen comes on for about a second with the image, but then goes to BLACK.