space engineers lcd panel new line quotation

Unfortunately there is not enough space in description of the steam workshop page to fit full guide. Well.. there was, but thanks to your suggestions I added more commands and more cool stuff and it doesn"t fit there anymore. So I made this ultimate guide to answer all your questions! ;-)

This guide will give you full insight into how to use all the features of Automatic LCDs 2. You will find out what are the commands, what are the arguments of the commands and how to use them. It also contains full list of all commands with detailed description along with examples of use.

What is block?Block is every machine, button, cockpit, everything on your ship that is accessible through control panel. Armors are not blocks. Script only works with blocks.

I highly recommend touching the programmable block now and then to update the script if there were any new features added or bugs fixed. Look at "How to update" section to learn how to update scripts in your programmable blocks.

Script cannot update itself inside your programmable blocks. You need to load new version of script to your programmable block to overwrite the old one. You can do that in exactly the same way as when you first loaded the script into programmable block.

Open your programmable block, click Edit, click Browse Workshop, select Automatic LCDs 2, click OK, Check code, Click Ok. Done. Your script is now updated.

Your commands are too long to fit on single line?You can use a \ to tell the script to continue the command on the next line, just make sure there is nothing after the \ not even a space.

This is very useful if you connect ships to your station or ship and you don"t want to see blocks of the connected ships on station LCDs. You can also use this script on multiple ships that connect together without worries that they will conflict once connected.

Script now only updates LCDs which are part of the same grid as programmable block. If you would like to change this please take look at What is LCD_TAG? section to learn how to change LCD_TAG.

LCDs that are connected using rotors, pistons or connectors are not updating?By default the script only updates LCDs that are part of the same grid as programmable block.

LCD_TAG is used to tell the script which LCDs are managed by the script. As all of you know the script looks for LCDs that have [LCD] in their name by default.

You can however change this to whatever you like. You can tell the script to manage LCDs in certain group or even tell it to manage all LCDs regardless of name.

How to change the LCD_TAG?You can change the LCD_TAG by editing the Custom Data of programmable block that runs the script. Let"s explain it by example:

How to tell the script to manage all LCDs regardless of name?LCD_TAG follows the same name filtering rules as commands. So you can set the Custom Data to:

You also can"t change the LCD_TAG during run. You need to recompile the script every time you change the LCD_TAG otherwise the script will still look for old tag.

It is now possible to join multiple LCDs together so they will look and work like single panel. Because of the limitations of text alignment it is only possible to join LCDs up and down. Not left to right. So the widest LCD you can have is Wide LCD. But you can have many of them under each other to form single big one.

NUMBER is position of LCD in array of LCDs. It doesn"t matter what number you choose. They just need to go one after another. So the topmost LCD will have the lowest number. For example 1. LCD under it will have 2, etc.

You can use this script on cockpit screens as well as screens of other blocks. In order to do that you have to mark the cockpit (or other block) with the LCD_TAG as you did with LCDs. So by default you add [LCD] to the name of the cockpit in order for the cockpit to be recognized by the script.

As soon as you do that the first screen on the cockpit will be controlled by the Automatic LCDs 2 and should display the usual message that you should write commands to custom data of the panel. If you need only this screen, you can write commands to Custom Data of the cockpit just as you do with LCDs.

Where is the index of the screen you want to write to. 0 is the first screen, 1 is the second screen, etc. The "AutoLCD" part just needs to be there.

Easy way to know the index of the screen is when you look at the control panel of the cockpit, find the list of the LCD panels and pick one. For example "Keyboard" screen is 4th in the list of the LCD panels which means its index is 3 (because first one is 0). So if you would want to write only to the Keyboard screen your custom data would look like this:

You can use this on any block that has LCD panel screens. Script will not touch screens that you haven"t specified so you can use this with other scripts too. Read "Compatibility with other scripts" if you want to know how Automatic LCDs can share Custom Data with other scripts.

Script now only updates LCDs which are part of the same gridThis means that LCDs which are connected using connectors, pistons or rotors will not be updated to prevent conflicts between docked ships. This does not apply when ships are connected using merge block because in that case they behave like single ship in game.

LCDs are updating much slower when more ships are docked using merge blockIf there are more ships using this script docked together using merge block then the programmable blocks will not split the work efficently automatically.

I recommend using different LCD_TAG for each ship and station. Look at Tips and Tricks section of this guide to learn how to do that. This will ensure that programmable blocks always update only LCDs on the ship/station they are intended for.

LCDs are showing items, power, cargo, etc of all docked shipsThis will happen if you use no arguments to commands or if you use * or if you use same names for groups / blocks on both ships. Make sure you read Same ship blocks filtering section to learn how to filter only blocks of the same ship.

Displays inventory summary for certain item types. It automatically adds 0 items lines for vanilla game items. Script will automatically display even modded items if they are in the inventories, but it will not report missing modded items.

If you don"t want to display missing items (0 items lines) use InventoryX instead of Inventory (good for displaying contents of container). This will also disregard default quotas so unless you set quota yourself it will be 0 and no visual bar will be shown.

Automatically separates reactors, engines, solar panels, wind turbines and batteries. Works with modded blocks. It shows maximum achievable power output for solar panels. That means that if there is no sun shining on solar panels then the maximum is 0 W.

Displays damaged and partially built ship/station blocks. Script only has access to blocks which are visible in control panel so no armor blocks, conveyor tubes, etc are considered.

If you use group of multiple blocks and you want to have just one line showing the status, filter only single block from the group of blocks. So single door instead of whole group of doors or just one specific thruster from group of thrusters, etc.

They are case sensitive! Make sure you enter them exactly without any spaces before or after them. e.g. use {AutoDeploy} not {Auto Deploy} nor { AutoDeploy } nor {autodeploy}.

There are a lot of properties for many different blocks and listing them all here along with what they do would take a lot of space so I"m leaving that up to you to try.

Due to game limitations some blocks do NOT automatically update the details text until you look at them in control panel. This is VERY important as you always need to look at the block in control panel if you want the LCD to show updated text. This does not apply to all blocks!

The command above will get the details text from block My Block and if it finds "Text to look for:" in the details text it will display it and any text after that until it displays 2 lines, it will not display any line after that (for that block).

The command above will get the details text from block My Block and if it finds "Text to look for:" in the details text it will display it and any text after that until it finds line that contains "Text to stop" - it will NOT display this line or any line after it (for that block).

Note: If you would like to display only leaking air vents you can use Working command and filter only LCDs that show LEAK using filtering described in Working command.

This is very useful when using different mods / scripts that write something to Custom Data of block and you would like to append it to your Automatic LCDs displays.

This is very useful when using different mods / scripts that type something on LCD and you would like to append it to your Automatic LCDs displays. This way you can have one LCD hidden that will be used by your mod / script and use TextLCD command to read that text and write it to one of the Automatic LCDs. Example: TextLCD {Other LCD} will append contents of first LCD named Other LCD.

Displays single line of text followed by current date. Same as in time case you can offset it by hours so your date is switching at correct time. Like this:

So first is hours in 24-hour format then : then minutes with a leading zero then space then day of month then . then month number then . and then full year

You can also add this to button panel and setup action on button to Run the programmable block with argument. It needs to be the same programmable block that runs the script that shows the text on the screen on that particular LCD.

If you use custom font scroll down to the bottom of script, then scroll a bit up until you find AddCharsSize lines. Monospace font name and size definition is above those.

LCD clear functionWhen you Run the programmable block with argument "clear" (without quotes) it will clear all LCDs. You can use this to turn off your LCDs without having to actually turn them off where they would say "OFFLINE".

LCDs boot screensUnfortunately there is no easy way to find out that you turned off/on your ship so the script doesn"t automatically display boot screens after turn the power sources off and on. You can however use the LCD clear function to reset the LCDs when you turn on your ship/station. There is also special "boot" argument to start the boot sequence whenever you need it. Just Run the programmable block with "boot" (without quotes) as argument.

Automatic LCDs 2 is not a mod so you don"t need to do anything in dedicated server setup to use it except for having enabled in-game scripts in your world.

On second line I just changed "Gravel" to "Strk" (which is gravel in slovak language), but you can see there is one more gravel mentioned there. I recommend you don"t change that one.

You can change the second string on the line to equivalent in your language, but do NOT change the first string. I also recommend you keep the text as short as possible.

How to keep your translation up-to-date with the main script?This is why I"ve separated the messages from the main code so you don"t need to walk through code to find what needs to be translated. When I update the main script you can just copy-paste the item lines and message lines from your old translated version to new script and just translate any new items/messages that were added in the update.

How to use LCDs that are connected using rotors, pistons or connectors?By default the script only updates LCDs that are part of the same grid as programmable block. First, I do recommend reading about "Same grid filtering" in separate section of this guide.

Add line "SCROLL_LINES = 2" (without quotes) to the Custom Data of the programmable block to make the script scroll 2 lines in one step instead of default 1.

How to stop the script from changing Content Type of the panels?You can add line "SKIP_CONTENT_TYPE = true" (without quotes) to Custom Data of the programmable block to disable automatic panel content type change.

Keen has added MyIni format that scripters can use to parse Custom Data. This was added explicitly to make life easier for scripters when they need to use Custom Data and share it with other scripts. This was written by Malware (the creator of MDK framework for Space Engineers in-game scripting and father of Programmable Block) and I"ve been discussing with him how to make it compatible with Automatic LCDs without people having to learn new syntax so he came up with great solution.

If people also want to write Automatic LCDs commands to the same block where the Custom Data is already used by script that uses MyIni format then they can simply add 3 dashes on its own line and continue with Automatic LCDs commands like this:

Anything under the --- is ignored by the MyIni parser that other scripts use. Anything before the --- is completely ignored by the Automatic LCDs so this way Automatic LCDs can share Custom Data with other scripts and coexist peacefully :)

NOTE: Some scripts overwrite the Custom Data and if you already have some Automatic LCDs commands there they will remove them. If those scripts support the MyIni format then you can write your commands like this to make them not remove the commands (or set them up first and then use the format like explained above):

*** Check your ownership ***Always make sure that the programmable block and LCDs have the same ownership as the blocks you want to show on the LCDs. I highly recommend you own all the blocks unless you know how ownership works. Just open the control panel, select one of the blocks on your ship, press CTRL+A and change the ownership on the right side to "Me".

1. If your LCDs are on separate grid (behind rotor, piston, connector) they will not be updated. Read LCDs that are connected using rotors, pistons or connectors are not updating? section of Troubleshooting section of the guide.

Programmable block reports "Exception".If programmable block control panel shows "Exception" please report it in he "BUG REPORTS" discussion on main script page.

LCDs that are connected using rotors, pistons or connectors are not updating?By default the script only updates LCDs that are part of the same grid as programmable block. First, I do recommend reading about "Same grid filtering" in separate section of this guide.

If some of your LCDs are sometimes offline:it"s probably a game bug and it"s happening to more people. Someone said that loading game, returning to main menu and loading again helps.

If you can"t see more than one screen at time and if you turn off a screen, the other one starts workingIt"s a game bug. Restart game/server. Try answers for offline bug above.

Does your LCD just say ONLINE instead of showing things?Make sure that you named your LCD so it contains [LCD] . If you did, you are most probably using german client which has problems with [] characters that you type in game. You can use copy-paste to overcome it or simply use alternate built-in tag I made for you !LCD!

It"s just blank screen?Your command is wrong or there is simply nothing to show. Check your command syntax in full guide, try examples. Make sure that there is nothing in front of the command in LCD Public Title (game sometimes likes to hide the "Public title" text). Always press Home before entering command to make sure there is no text at the beginning of LCD Public Title that you don"t want to have there.

Programmable block reports "Index out of bounds".Make sure that you updated the script to latest version with all the fixes. Check that script has permissions to write to LCDs!

space engineers lcd panel new line quotation

So when I’m trying to type things on an LCD screen everything works fine in practice but we have no return button. This means we can’t tab our writing down in order to write a list of things. Like instructions for working a space station or for giving customers instructions for waiting.

space engineers lcd panel new line quotation

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space engineers lcd panel new line quotation

A formatting operator starts with a percent sign, %, and ends with a conversion character. The conversion character is required. Optionally, you can specify identifier, flags, field width, precision, and subtype operators between % and the conversion character. (Spaces are invalid between operators and are shown here only for readability).

space engineers lcd panel new line quotation

Space Engineers is a voxel-based sandbox game, developed and published by Czech independent developer Keen Software House. In 2013, the initial developmental release of the game joined the Steam early access program. During the following years of active development, Space Engineers sold over one million units. In total as of 2019 the game has sold over 3.5 million copiessource code was officially available and maintained by KSH to assist the modding community.Beta and was later officially released on February 28, 2019.

Gameplay of Space Engineers begins with the player selecting or joining a world with specific settings, such as the number of asteroids (an "empty world" can also be picked) and the available starting equipment. When creating or editing a world, several advanced options are available to change how the player will interact with the world, and how the worlds will appear. This includes changing the speed with which several tools and machines will work, the size of the player"s inventory, and whether procedural generation will be used (effectively making the world infinite). Upon confirming the world settings, a loading screen appears while the world is generated. This screen consists of a random in-game screenshot as a backdrop, the game"s logo, an animated loading icon, and a randomly selected message at the center. The message may be either a helpful gameplay hint, or one of many quotations concerning space, science, and/or engineering. Many of these quotes are from notable scientists such as Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Albert Einstein, as well as authors such as Arthur C. Clarke.

Once in-game, the player is given control of a single astronaut (referred to as a "Space Engineer") and a set of tools comprising a drill, a welder, and a grinder (if spawn with tools is on). Construction begins by choosing any block from the Engineer"s inventory, and placing it anywhere in open space to create a new voxel grid. Additional blocks can then be added to this grid to create a structure.

aesthetic purpose. Armor blocks, the most basic and common of all blocks, can be realistically damaged and deformed through collisions or the use of weapons.keypads, which can be used to view and manipulate the status of other specific blocks attached to the structure. To be functionally connected however, and to transport materials, blocks called "conveyors" must be used to connect the desired machines. "Functional" blocks require power, which can be provided by solar panels or nuclear reactors attached to the same structure. While reactors must be supplied with uranium, and produce large amounts of power while active, solar panels will continually produce a low output of power when there is line-of-sight to the sun. Once being produced, power is automatically distributed throughout the entire structure and can also be stored in batteries.

Ships can be deliberately moved and rotated by external forces and a player as long as they are powered and have at least one gyroscope, thruster, and cockpit. To be able to move in any direction and then be able to stop effectively via inertia dampeners, thrusters must be placed on the structure facing up, down, forward, backward, left, and right. More gyroscopes on a ship will increase the ship"s ability to rotate in space, but in order for the inertial dampeners to be more effective, more thrusters must be added in each direction in which dampening is required.

Astronauts floating in space are able to move forward, backward, upwards, downwards, left, or right without restriction by using a jetpack. They are also able to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. Astronauts and structures can also enable or disable inertial dampeners, which automatically attempt to reduce speed to zero when force is not being applied, and the required thrusters are installed.

If the player disables their jetpack within a gravitational field (either on the surface of a planet or a structure/asteroid with a gravity generator), movement is restricted to a plane perpendicular to the direction of the net gravity field(s). Vertical viewing angle is also restricted between −90 and 90 degrees, as in most first-person shooters. Ships and structures are unaffected by gravity generators unless equipped with at least one Artificial Mass block. If the player falls off a structure while within a gravity field, they will fall into space until out of range of the gravity generator, at which point the player"s jetpack will automatically enable itself. However, if the player touches their feet to an asteroid or structure with no gravity present, their "mag-boots" will enable them to walk across its surface and even around edges; though jumping will disconnect the player from the surface, and they cannot traverse the 90-degree angle between a floor and wall.

All place-able objects can be colored prior to placement using a slider-based GUI. The player can manipulate the hue, saturation, and value of the color to produce a very large spectrum of colors. There are 14 slots where new colors can be saved for later use within the same world. Colors can also be changed after blocks have been placed by clicking the middle mouse button while hovering over a block on the "Color Picker" GUI.

Asteroids and planets consist of terrain voxels, which substantially differ from blocks, and although possible to destroy by the player, cannot be created by them unless in creative mode. Celestial objects are currently fixed in space and cannot move, however, rocks/minerals that have been mined are subject to gravity and will react accordingly. Asteroids also do not currently have gravity associated with them, and can come in several basic forms including spherical, torus, and rod-shapes, as well other variations or combinations of these.

In survival mode, players need to mine, collect, and refine various chemical elements from asteroids and planets in order to craft tools, weapons, and blocks as well as produce electricity. Resources can be mined manually using a hand drill, or by using ships with the necessary equipment. Components are produced by assembling them from raw materials; however, they can also be harvested by salvaging cargo ships. To avoid death, players must monitor their health, energy and oxygen levels. Damage can be inflicted on the player by collisions, weapons, contact with thrusters, meteor showers, or by running out of space suit energy. Collisions at higher speeds result in more damage. As the acceleration value of gravity generators stacks, damage from falling can be much more dangerous when multiple gravity generators are active. A player"s health and energy can be restored using a Medical Room block, and energy can also be replenished by sitting in the cockpit of any powered structure. The development of survival mode began at the end of summer of 2013.

In the survival mode of the game, all actions, including survival itself due to the power requirements of the space-suit"s life-support system, depend on the gathering and refining of certain minerals. These minerals can be found on asteroids or planets, plundered from randomly spawned ships, or recovered from unknown signals. Raw materials are mined from deposits of ore on asteroids, and are then placed (or sent using a conveyor system) into a basic refinery or refinery in order to refine them to be used in assemblers. The refined materials are formed into various components in the assembler which can then be used in the construction of ships or stations.

Inventories in Space Engineers are very flexible and work in a whole-ship manner rather than in an individual one. All inventories connected to a ship can be viewed from any access panel on the same ship, however inventories must be connected via conveyors and conveyor tubes in order for items to be transferred among them. Inventories of refineries and assemblers will automatically request items to refine from connected inventories when they get low, and will send items into an available inventory when it fills up. The conveyor sorter allows inventories to be automatically removed and sorted from and into certain inventories. Instead of a common slot system, Space Engineers uses a volumetric system, measured in litres, with every item having a certain amount of volume and every inventory a certain capacity that it cannot exceed.

Planets in Space Engineers were released on November 12, 2015, after being in development since February 2015. There are several types of planets, themed after Earth, the Moon, Mars, Titan, Europa, and an "alien" planet.NPCs, and the Earth-like planet features wolves, hostile dog-like NPCs.

Atmospheric flight is possible even on worlds with oxygen-deprived atmospheres. In order to leave a planet, the player will need to use hydrogen engines with sufficient fuel or build a hybrid spacecraft with atmospheric engines (for liftoff) and ion engines (upper atmosphere to space).

Hybrid surface-to-orbit craft are considerably heavier than their space-only counterparts, but can be built compact enough to fit inside a standard hangar.

Each probe also possesses a button, which when pressed has a chance to reward the player with a collectible skin, similar to a loot box. The skin can be for the player character"s helmet, suit, boots, or tools, and can be traded or sold on the Steam Market. Each skin can be obtained for free in-game, with the exception of three sets: the Veteran Set, which was awarded to players who had owned the game before and played between August and September 2017; the Medieval Set, which is awarded to players who also own Medieval Engineers; and the Golden Set, which is awarded to players who purchase the Space Engineers Deluxe Edition.

Space Engineers was developed and published by the indie video game developer Keen Software House based in the Czech Republic. Implemented as a voxel-based sandbox game set in an asteroid field in space, built on their own game engine, VRAGE 2.

The pre-release alpha build was released on October 23, 2013 on Steam, featuring a single-player "creative" mode. On February 24, 2014, the company announced that Space Engineers had sold over 250,000 copies in four months.Space Engineers have been achieved: survival mode and multiplayer.

Following the release, Keen has continued to release various updates to the game. In most, if not all cases, Keen has divided each update into a mechanical and an aesthetic component; the mechanical component being released for free while the aesthetic component (new block models, texture overlays, engineer suits, and emotes) have been released as a purchasable DLC. This may be a compromise between the need for a semi-predictable revenue stream for continued support of the game, and the need to avoid creating a "pay-to-win" situation.

Adds Dispenser and jukebox blocks, a transparent LCD panel (useful for creating custom HUDs), various interior furnishings and window blocks, new catwalk blocks, railings, stairs and half stairs, a rotating warning light fixture, and a small collection of decorative metal crates.

Adds the Frostbite Scenario, the Antenna Dish, decorative engineer cadavers (skeletons in suits, for atmosphere), a 7.5m wide by 5m tall airtight door block, an offset door, a blizzard-themed block texture overlay, a pair of "I’m Cold" and "Checking suit vitals display" emotes, and some LCD posters.

Includes a set of decorative neon tubes, sci-fi versions of various blocks such as the "Ion" and "Atmospheric" thrusters, LCD panels, Interior walls, button panels, sliding doors, and various button panels.

Adds a set of wheels with airless tyres, an exhaust pipe block, a buggy-style cockpit, two automotive-style lighting blocks, an assortment of "barred" window blocks, two view port blocks, three flavours of Storage Shelves (with crafting recipes that correspond to the items shown on the shelves),three block texture overlays ("Concrete", "Dust", "Rust 2", and "Retro future"), a "Scavenger" engineer suit model, and two new character emotes.

Adds the "Fire Cover" and "Half window" blocks, a weapon rack block, five new "passageway" blocks, an embrasure block, two new emotes, and the "Assault" suit.

Adds a Large (7.5m by 7.5m) Magnetic plate, a set of truss beam blocks and Industrial conveyor pipes, a decorative cylindrical column block, a vertical button panel, remodeled versions of the Large Hydrogen Tank; Large Cargo Container; Refinery; Assembler; and Hydrogen Thrusters. And a hazard pattern block texture overlay.

A model and texture overhaul of the nuclear reactors; battery blocks; airtight hangar doors; rocket pod and gatling gun; and couch block. It also contains a "searchlight" block (a spotlight-camera-turret combo), a heat vent block, a set of bridge windows, a light panel, a "helm" station, a new helmet, a reinforced sliding door, and two new emotes.

Rosa, Marek (May 14, 2015). "Space Engineers – full source code access, total modifications and 100,000 USD fund". Retrieved June 16, 2015. Today we have a very important announcement for our modders and our community. We decided to give you 100% complete access to Space Engineers" source code. This comes as a continuation of our decision to give more freedom to modders and community.

"EULA.txt". . Retrieved October 19, 2021. The source code and art assets must not to be mistaken for free software, an open source in a free-software activist understanding, copy-left or public domain software. All source code and art assets remain copyrighted and licensed by KEEN SWH LTD. and you are allowed to use them (modify, tweak, make a derivative work, distribute, etc.) only under following conditions. [...]use this source code only for developing mods for Space Engineers.

space engineers lcd panel new line quotation

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

space engineers lcd panel new line quotation

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

space engineers lcd panel new line quotation

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.

space engineers lcd panel new line quotation

When one of these tasks is invoked, it simply prints its arguments. The order of printed arguments is the same as the order that the x appears in the argument list. If no argument is specified, it can be declared a null argument, and when the display task is invoked, it simply prints a single space character. An argument can be an expression that returns a value and a quoted string.

The first group of displaying tasks is very similar to print the function in the ANSI C language. The $write and the $display tasks work in the same way, and the only difference is that the $display task adds a new line character at the end of the output, while the $write task does not.

$strobe prints the final values of variables at the end of the current delta time-step and has a similar format like $display. A newline is automatically added to the text.

$monitor is like a task that is spawned to run in the background of the main thread, which monitors and displays value changes of its argument variables. A new $monitor task can be issued any number of times during the simulation.

space engineers lcd panel new line quotation

In C++, endl and /n are used to break lines or move the cursor to a new line. Both endl and \n may seem to be similar but has distinct differences which we have explored in this article in depth.

In the above c++ code we use escape sequence \n or the newline character to terminate the line therfore I ,AM, A, PROGRAMMER all four are displayed in different lines.

endl is used to insert a new line and flush the stream but \n only inserts a new line.If we don"t want the buffer to be flushed frequently, we use "\n".

endl when written to an output stream adds a new line and flushes the buffer.By flushing the buffer, we ensure that the user will see the output written to the stream immediately.

space engineers lcd panel new line quotation

Tip: Press Arrow Key up/down to repeat the previous/next chat line or command. Press Arrow left/right to move the caret if you want to edit the message before sending.