css lcd display quotation

That cite attribute isn’t visible to the user by default. You could add it in with a sprinkle of CSS magic like the following demo. You could even fiddle with it further to make the citation appear on hover.

You can add quotation marks to a

using CSS pseudo elements. The element comes with quotation marks baked in so they need not be added, however adding them as pseudo-elements can be a workaround for older browsers that don’t automatically add them. Since this is how modern browsers add the quotation marks there’s no danger of adding duplicate quotes. New browsers will overwrite the default pseudo elements, and older browsers that support pseudo elements will add the quotes.

But you can’t, like I did, assume that the above will always give you smart opening and closing quotes. Even if the font supports smart quotes, sometimes straight quotes will be displayed. To be safe, it’s better to use the quotes CSS property to up the intelligence on those quotation marks.

Let’s say you’re in an area that uses the British convention of using single quotes. You could use the CSS quotes rule to put the opening and closing single quotes first in the list. Here’s an example of both ways:

The last quote level you put in will continue through subsequent levels of quotation. To use the double, single, double, single… convention, add more levels to the CSS quotes property.

One possibility in CSS is using a slightly negative value on the text-indent property. The exact negative indentation will vary by font, so be sure to double check the spacing with the font you end up using.

There is a nicer way to handle this by using the hanging-punctuation CSS property. It’s only supported in Safari at the time of this writing, so we’ll have to progressively enhance:

css lcd display quotation

Main Liquid Crystal Display (LCD):The main LCD is divided into eight columns, each with two lines of text. Each column displays information for the channel strip controls directly below it. The information displayed changes when you edit different parameters and when Mixer view or Channel view is active. In general, the upper row of each column displays the abbreviated track (or channel) name, and the lower row displays the abbreviated parameter name and its value.

In some modes, a long parameter name (or other text) appears briefly onscreen while you are moving the corresponding control. You can set the display and duration of long parameter names in Control Surfaces preferences. For information on setting preferences, see the Logic Pro User Guide.

Assignment display:The Assignment display (also referred to as the mode display), to the right of the main LCD, shows a two-digit abbreviation for the current assignment state. A period (.) appears at the bottom-right corner of the display when Channel view is active.

Time display:The Time display, to the right of the Assignment display, shows the current playhead position, either in musical time divisions (BEATS) or in SMPTE timecode format (SMPTE). A small LED to the left of the display indicates the current display format.When the format is set to Beats, the four segments of the Time display show the current playhead position as bars, beats, beat subdivisions, and ticks.

Press the SMPTE/BEATS button to switch between formats. You can also set the default format with the Clock Display parameter in the Control Surfaces Setup window. See the Logic Pro User Guide.

css lcd display quotation

The quotes CSS property sets how the browser should render quotation marks that are added using the open-quotes or close-quotes values of the CSS content property./* Keyword value */

css lcd display quotation

Liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat panel display that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals. Liquid crystals do not produce light directly, instead using a backlight or reflector to produce images in colour or monochrome.

css lcd display quotation

One of the most common styles involving alternate fonts is to use Courier or some similar monospaced, old-typewriter-style font in contrast to the standard body font (such as Times New Roman or Helvetica). You can create this effect in a 1web page by using a CSS style like . For example, "type install to install the program."

Displayed text. Computers and other equipment typically display things such as warnings or status codes or error messages. These appear on monitor or in LCD panels and the like. When you refer to this displayed text, you can use an aternate font such as Courier. For example, "If the directory does not exist, the system will respond with No such file or directory." Or, "As the computer boots up, the digital read-out window will display 8888."

This same idea applies to words in phrases within text. For example, in the HTML for a web page, you can use the bolded word tags to make a word bold. But bold does not indicate the function of the word or phrase. Instead, command would or interface_label would. Therefore in semantic markup using HTML CSS, things are more functional if they look like this: bolded word.

Files using HTML and CSS are typically converted to other media such as PDF or even to and from XML. Using functionally named highlighting styles, as described just above, can greatly ease the conversion process.

css lcd display quotation

Equipped to host live performances and stream digitally, Block House is an ideal spot for neighborhood gamers and fans to play matches, watch league tournaments and receive coaching. CCS installed Data Video’s dynamic AV over IP solution which uses network switching to transition between SDI and HDMI, creating an engaging environment at a budget-friendly price point. The site features over 30 ViewSonic gaming monitors and commercial displays, including a massive 86” 4K Ultra HD display just inside the doorway to welcome guests into an immersive gaming experience.

css lcd display quotation

A basic LCD digit consists of 7 segments. Each segment can be toggled on or off to display a total of 128 (2^7) states. 16 of these states correspond to a visual display of the numbers 0-9 and A-F. We’ll also include H, E, and L so we can spell ‘HELL0’).

Some displays have more segments. Diagonal segments can be included to display a greater range of letters. Some also contain a decimal point, so that floating-point numbers can be displayed.

To draw the LCD, we can describe each digit as a collection of seven paths in space. We’ll compose seven path elements per digit. I’ll refer to these paths as grains, since they look a bit like grains of rice on the screen.

Don’t worry if it’s not quite perfect. A pixel off here or there will make it look more natural, since a real LCD is going to have a few imperfections too. Experiment with shapes. Give it your own style.

Lots of decimal places and a strange transform applied. The transform is something that happens when you’re drawing in Inkscape. The transform property, path data from d and viewBox all interact to make your element display properly. However, we don’t want to have this excess. Can’t we just convert the path based on the transform and get rid of the transform attribute altogether?

This is the core of the display code. It generates a 7-grained digit with a unique ID per grain. We stored each of the d elements from the paths we created in an array, in order in which we are going to address them (top, top-left, top-right, middle, bottom-left, bottom-right, bottom).

We can call this function as many times as we want to generate the digits for our counter. We’ll get a div for each digit which we can then mount in a container box holding all the digits: our display.

In order to display numbers on the LCD, we have to programmatically manipulate individual grains of digits. This means we need a unique ID for each grain and also for each digit.

I represent these IDs as numeric and zero-indexed in this format: c_{containerID}_d_{digitID}_i_{grainID}. If there is a 3-digit display in the first container, we can access the 7 grains of the first (leftmost) digit by c_0_d_0_i_0 through c_0_d_0_i_6.

Things are going to get fairly messy if we try to code things without organization, so let’s create an Object called LCD. Inside the object we’ll define variables and methods to display output.

instanceID is a unique numeric ID that is incremented once each time an LCD is created. We will also refer to it as containerID: it is what we use to uniquely access a container of digits, or a display.

digitsOn is an object that maps human-readable digits or letters we want to display to the indices of grains that must be turned on to display this digit (or letter). Try working your way through one of the numbers, envisioning the array’s indices turned on. Remember, we index in this order: top, top-left, top-right, middle, bottom-left, bottom-right, bottom.

We wrapped this object in an IIFE (immediately-invoked function expression). This provides a private namespace for the variables within our class, allowing us to expose only certain methods. We don’t want the user to be able to accidentally modify the number of digits in the display, for example.

I have a CSS reset, a little padding, and then two flexboxes: one to display the digits in each display, and one to display each display (how meta). I also added a CSS transition on fill-opacity for prettiness. The browser automatically tweens the values for us. Less JS to manage!

css lcd display quotation

DAKboard is the web interface used to display all the information on the monitor. It can be set up from the Raspberry Pi or from a computer, phone or tablet.

For background options, you can choose between a host of different sources, such as Instagram, Google Photos, Dropbox, OneDrive, Bing, Flickr, etc. After that, you can connect up to two ICAL calendars for free, select between Yahoo and AccuWeather for the forecast source, add a single RSS feed for rotating headlines, and connect Todoist, Wunderlist or Microsoft To-Do as a task manager to display and add a custom message to the DAKboard.

The idea is that, when powered on, the Raspberry Pi will automatically boot to your DAKboard. If you want to hang the monitor vertically instead of horizontally, you will also need to rotate the display.

Next, you will want to edit the config.txt file to rotate the screen 90 degrees. In Terminal, type sudo nano /boot/config.txt and press Enter. This opens the config file in the nano text editor. Add these lines to the end of the file (without the bullet points):# Display orientation. Landscape = 0, Portrait = 1

Once the Raspberry Pi has fully rebooted, use a connected mouse and keyboard to log in to DAKboard. Click Login and enter your credentials. Your DAKboard should load with your previously configured settings. If you want to change anything, click the settings cog in the upper right corner of the display (move the cursor to make it appear).

Hang the monitor on the wall and you"ll have yourself a digital clock and calendar, the week"s forecast, important headlines and beautiful pictures on display all day.

DAKboard is a great way to set up a Raspberry Pi display in a hurry. It"s easy and user-friendly and it looks great. However, it has its limitations and encourages users to upgrade to Premium to unlock the best features.

css lcd display quotation

This is it — the stuff you signed up for! In this chapter, you’ll learn how to take information stored in a MySQL database and display it on a web page for all to see.

Note: if you don’t catch an exception, PHP will stop running your PHP script and display a spectacularly ugly error message. That error message will even reveal the code of your script that threw the error. In this case, that code contains your MySQL username and password, so it’s especially important to avoid the error message being seen by users!

As you can see, this code is a try … catch statement. In the try block at the top, we attempt to connect to the database using new PDO. If this succeeds, we store the resulting PDO object in $pdo so that we can work with our new database connection. If the connection is successful, the $output variable is set to a message that will be displayed later.

Finally, regardless of whether the try block was successful, or the catch block runs, the template output.html.php is included. This is a generic template that just displays some text to the page:

So far, I’ve shown you how to create a PDO object to establish a connection with your MySQL database, and how to display a meaningful error message when something goes wrong:

Note that we use the same try … catch statement technique to handle possible errors produced by the query. It would be possible to use multiple try … catch blocks to display different error messages — one for the connection and one for the query — but this can result in a considerable amount of extra code.

This approach gives us a little less control over the error message that’s displayed, but saves typing a try … catch statement for each database operation. Later in this book, we’ll break these up into different blocks, but for now, keep all the database operations in the same try block.

This example also uses the getMessage method to retrieve a detailed error message from the MySQL server. The following image shows the error that’s displayed when, for example, the joke table already exists.

Our goal in this code is to store away the text of all the jokes so that we can display them in a PHP template. The best way to do this is to store each joke as a new item in an array, $jokes:

To check whether or not a variable has been assigned a value, we can use the isset function that we used earlier for checking if a form has been submitted. The template can include an if statement to determine whether to display the error or the list of jokes:

There’s nothing new here, but to display the jokes, we need to display the contents of the $jokes array. Unlike other variables we’ve used up to this point, the $jokes array contains more than just a single value.

With this blend of PHP code to describe the loop and HTML code to display it, the code looks rather untidy. Because of this, it’s common to use an alternative way of writing the foreach loop when it’s used in a template:

Because jokes might conceivably contain characters that could be interpreted as HTML code (for example, <, >, or &), we must use htmlspecialchars to ensure they’re translated into HTML character entities (that is, <, >, and &) so that they’ll be displayed correctly.

In the example we just looked at, we created a template, jokes.html.php, which contains all the HTML required to display the page. However, as our website grows, we’ll add more pages. We’ll certainly want a page for people to be able to add jokes to the website, and we’ll also need a home page with some introductory text, a page with the owner’s contact details, and, as the site grows, perhaps even a page where people can log in to the website.

In the example above, for example, it’s easy to add new menu entries by adding them to nav.html.php, but adding a <script> tag to every page, or even something as trivial as adding a CSS class to the nav element, still means opening every template to make the change.

I’ve also snuck in a $title variable so each controller can define a value that appears between the and tags along with some CSS (available as jokes.css in the sample code) to make the page a little prettier.

I already showed you how to avoid mixing HTML and PHP code via the include statement. Like we did earlier, it would be good to move the HTML for displaying the jokes to its own file — but this time, only the HTML code that’s unique to the joke list page.

Importantly, this is only the code for displaying the jokes. It doesn’t contain the navigation, footer, tag or anything we want repeated on every page; it’s only the HTML code that’s unique to the joke list page.

Let’s tie this form into the preceding example, which displayed the list of jokes in the database. Open up layout.html.php and add a URL to the “Add a new Joke” link that goes to addjoke.php:

While you have layout.html.php open, include the form.css stylesheet from Chapter 2 as I have above. Now, any form displayed inside the layout will have the styles we used before.

This opening if statement checks if the $_POST array contains a variable called joketext. If it’s set, the form has been submitted. Otherwise, the form from addjoke.html.php is loaded into the $output variable for displaying in the browser.

But wait! This if statement has one more trick up its sleeve. Once we’ve added the new joke to the database, instead of displaying the PHP template as previously, we want to redirect the user’s browser back to the list of jokes. That way, users are able to see the newly added joke among them. That’s what the two lines at the end of the if statement above do.

In order to achieve the desired result, your first instinct might be to allow the controller to simply fetch the list of jokes from the database after adding the new joke and displaying the list using the jokes.html.php template as usual. The problem with doing this is that the list of jokes, from the browser’s perspective, would be the result of having submitted the “Add Joke” form. If the user were then to refresh the page, the browser would resubmit that form, causing another copy of the new joke to be added to the database! This is rarely the desired behavior.

As you review this to ensure it all makes sense to you, note that the code that connects to the database by creating a new PDO object must come before any of the code that runs database queries. But a database connection isn’t required for displaying the “Add Joke” form. The connection is only made when the form has been submitted.

In this section, we’ll make one final enhancement to our joke database site. Next to each joke on the jokes page (jokes.php), we’ll place a button labeled Delete. When clicked, it will remove that joke from the database and display the updated joke list.

Each joke will be displayed with a form, which, if submitted, will delete that joke. We signal this to a new controller, deletejoke.php, using the form’s action attribute.

Strictly speaking, that’s true: the form and its inputs should really be either before or after the blockquote. Unfortunately, making that tag structure display clearly requires a little CSS (cascading style sheets) code that’s really beyond the scope of this book.

Rather than teach you CSS layout techniques in a book about PHP and MySQL, I’ve decided to go with this imperfect markup. If you plan to use this code in the real world, you should invest some time into learning CSS (or at least secure the services of a CSS guru). That way, you can take complete control of your HTML markup without worrying about the CSS required to make it look nice. If you want to learn more about CSS layouts, take a look at, by Tiffany Brown.

css lcd display quotation

Extra-Large, easy to read tri-mode digital display - The Fraction+ Digital Caliper switches between inches, millimeters, and fractions at the touch of a button

The General Tools Digital Fractional Caliper with Extra-Large LCD Screen has an extra-large, easy-to-read tri-mode digital display and switches quickly and easily between decimal inches, fractional inches, and millimeters at the touch of a button.