0x4040 mcufriend 2.8 inch tft lcd site https forum.arduino.cc supplier
I have managed to confirm the ID of the LCD driver for my Ebay, mcufriend.com touch screen. This was found by reading it from D3h and it confirmed this was an ILI9341 ICD driver chip. I have some code that bit bashes it out on an UNO board and displays it serially. I make no guarantee for it so only use it under your own risk but it may help try to find and read the ID of your board (e.g. your can change to specific register to read).
MCUFRIEND_kbv Library for Uno 2.4, 2.8, 3.5, 3.6, 3.95 inch mcufriend Shields - GitHub - prenticedavid/MCUFRIEND_kbv: MCUFRIEND_kbv Library for Uno 2.4, 2.8, 3.5, 3.6, 3.95 inch mcufriend Shields
Fork of Arduino/chipKit library support for Color TFT LCD Touch screens from Henning Karlsen - GitHub - f1rmb/URTouch: Fork of Arduino/chipKit library support for Color TFT LCD Touch screens from H...
When using the arkejan/UTFT library (other UTFT libraries must be (temporarly) removed from the Arduino IDE libraries folder), you invoke the screen with:
SD card works and uses HW pins with the greiman/SdFat library (but you need to edit the SD_CS in the showBMP_not_Uno.ino file (in the example folder of the MCUFRIEND_kbv library) from SD_CS 10 to SD_CS 53)
I have attached the URTouch & MCUFRIEND_kbv libraries they are already edited and in the examples folder are only the ones that worked for me. If you need more examples, DL the libraries from their Github repositories and edit them yourself.
I have bought "MCUFRIEND" 2.8 tft touch lcd and controller printed on it shows "ILI9338". Example given in this library are not working except for the basic one and it don"t even work with touch examples. After searching on google found out that "MCUFRIEND_kbv" library for debug. When i run "diagnose_tft_support" it shows following output. Also added "Read reg" after first output. Please Help !!!
Hello; bought an eBay 2.4 inch TFT LCD Display Shield Touch Panel ILI9341 240X320, HERE, and only have gotten it to partially work, after trying many libraries.
One of the *ino"s from the mcufriend.com library stated mytft address ID was: 0x4040 and not supported, and to add an entry in to the.... I think... the Special area in the MCUFRIEND_kbv.cpp file, in the MCUFRIEND_kbv library, and then another *.ino, serial monitor read said to, post the results from the LCD_ID_readreg file, where the "gurus" could take a look at it.
I"m yet another complete newbie to the Arduino and to too many of the things involved here, finding myself lost trying to make the various libraries work with a 2.4" LCD mounted on a shield that names mcufriend.com. My particular shield is for Arduino Uno R3.
When running graphicstest, I get the serial output identifying the chip as 154, along with all the test output, but nothing happens on the lcd. I"m hoping that the code already exists to deal with 154 (as volsoft appears to have identified), but when I try to run the various libraries that everyone posts, I find that they will not compile, and when I run libraries that work with my Arduino 1.6.0 IDE environment, they don"t appear to handle the 154.