2.2 tft lcd display v1.0 supplier
The graphic display coordinates and the text display coordinates of the 2.2”screen are two different coordinates systems. The origin of the graphic display coordinates begin from the centre point of the screen while that of the later one begins from the top left hand side of the screen.
The following codes are just one part of the API funciotn description. For more information, please refer to ST7687S Library Introduction and Display Library Introduction.
* @The formal parameter size refers to the text size based on the font(6×8). Size is rounded to the integer greater than 0; if size is 1, the pixel points the font occupied will be 6×8. if it is 2, that will be 12×16. The text out of the screen cannot be displayed;
The function of the program: realize the refreshing of the background color of the 2.2”screen and the switching of background color among red, white and black; there are 19 common defined color in the library, and users can also customize 4-bit hexadecimal code or decimal color code (0~65535) to alter the background color of the screen.
The function of the program: taking the centre point of the 2.2”screen as the starting point(note: the graphic display coordinates and the text display coordinates are two different coordinates, the centre point of the graphic display coordinates is (64, 64) while that of the later one is (0, 0)), display a character string ”fire” with red text background box, white font and the size of the font 2 on the screen. The formal parameter size of the function to set font size tft.setTextSize (uint8_t size) should be greater than 0 and the text out of the screen cannot be displayed.
The function of the program: use the software image2lcd.exe to extract the bitmap of one image and display it on the centre part of the 2.2”screen(note: for the reason of UNO’s internal memory, the following demo cannot be accepted on UNO since the image file is too large, but it can be displayed on ESP32. So you’d better choose small image file if you want to display it on UNO. ) The parameter selection of the software is provided below.
This is a 2.2” TFT LCD Display Module with an input voltage of 3.3V~5.5V, which is used to display colorful patterns and characters. The fastest screen refresh speed is about 256ms. The module is able to display multiple patterns in a cycle and realize dynamic display effect. At present, there are 19 common defined colors in the library, and users can also customize16-bit color codes. If we take the central point of the display as the origin of coordinates, the maximum absolute value of the positive and negative axis will be 64.
Note: the parameter “2.2 inches” is noted according to the Display Specification provided by the display manufacture, the real display area is about 1.26 inches (diameter: 32mm).
This is a 2.2” TFT LCD Display Module with an input voltage of 3.3V~5.5V, which is used to display colorful patterns and characters. The fastest screen refresh speed is about 256ms. The module is able to display multiple patterns in a cycle and realize dynamic display effect. At present, there are 19 common defined colors in the library, and users can also customize16-bit color codes. If we take the central point of the display as the origin of coordinates, the maximum absolute value of the positive and negative axis will be 64.
This is a 2.2” TFT LCD Display Module with an input voltage of 3.3V~5.5V, which is used to display colorful patterns and characters. The fastest screen refresh speed is about 256ms. The module is able to display multiple patterns in a cycle and realize dynamic display effect. At present, there are 19 common defined colors in the library, and users can also customize16-bit color codes. If we take the central point of the display as the origin of coordinates, the maximum absolute value of the positive and negative axis will be 64.
Note: the parameter “2.2 inches” is noted according to theDisplay Specificationprovided by the display manufacture, the real display area is about 1.26 inches (diameter: 32mm).
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If you already have experience with the rectangular LCD modules, you will gain one more experience here: namely the round LCD module which is the size of a men"s wristwatch. DFRobot offers it with example-codes for ESP and Arduino as Fermion: 2.2 ”TFT SPI Interface LCD Display (Breakout).
A graphic could also be converted into hex values with a desktop program and displayed accordingly on the LCD. However, I am inexperienced in using the Chinese characters and have not tried the example program.
tft display (Liquid crystal display) are made of liquid crystals that form digital images made visible through ambient light or through LED backlight. LCDs are used in the place of other displays that are less efficient such as cathode ray tubes (CRTs) and have become the most popular tft display type on the market.
Tft display enable metal and position detection without having to physically contact the metal object. They offer a wide range of applications in robotics, rail, material handling, aerospace, military, as well as heavy machinery. Choose from different tft display types, from the shielded versions that have electromagnetic fields concatenated in the front and unshielded applications that allow wider sensing distances. Whether you want to use your sensors for industrial purposes or source for your brand, there is a wide selection of wholesale tftcd to choose from that will suit different applications.
Browse cutting-edge tft display on Alibaba.com at reasonable prices. tft display in varying display size and resolution are accessible on the site. The merchandise are useful in automotive, medical, and industrial screen displays. tft display having multiple interface types and display technology are in stock. tft display on Alibaba.com have high resolution and luminance to display precise details. They have a capacitive touch for convenient use. They can show multiple characters per line. tft display can be manufactured to suit smaller wearable devices or large projectors. They can be integrated with smart home systems for face recognition and office equipment. They feature multiple interfacing types like MPU or RS232.. are sturdy, thanks to a toughened glass structure with a considerable operating temperature range. The life span of tft display stretches up to several thousand working hours.tft display support TFT.
Orient Display is a company that specializes inmanufacturing graphic LCD, graphic display modules and many more. The company was founded in 1996 by specializing in fields of production, R&D, quality controls. Thanks for the management and employee’s continuous hardworking and enormous effort and shareholder continuous investment over years, Orient Display factory is now the world’s lead LCD graphic displays manufacturer in flat panel industry and is listed as a public company in China stock market.. Now, Orient Display factory has 3 plants that can produce graphic LCD modules. Factories have complete quality and environment management system, ISO9001, ISO/IATF16949, ISO14001, IECQ QC080000. It is also No.1 in the world for automotive capacitive touch screen which took around 18% market share in the world automotive market.Orient Display has extensive graphic LCD displays (liquid crystal display) standard product lines in dot matrix format of graphic resolution including 122×32, 128×64, 128×128, 160×32, 160×64, 160×160, 192×48, 192×64,202×32, 240×64, 240×160, 240×128, 282×128, 320×240 etc. The sizes range from 1.0” LCD to 5.2” LCD display.
Orient Display graphic LCD display modules includedifferent options of polarizer in reflective (saving power),transmissive (better contrast) or transflective (sunlight readable and battery powered) types.
Orient Display graphic LCD display modules have the selection of different display technologies from low-cost TN (twisted nematic), HTN (high performance twisted nematic), to higher end yellow green STN (super twisted nematic), blue STN, gray STN, FSTN (Film compensated STN), vertical alignment LCD to even higher quality wide viewing angle and automotive grade FFSTN, ASTN to meet different requirements.
Orient Display graphic LCD display modules also have different kinds for package technologies from traditional COB (Chip on Board), to TAB (Tape Automatic Bonding), to highly compacted COG ( Chip on Glass) and COF (Chip on Film).
Orient Display graphic LCD display modules have the options of different colors of backlight, yellow green, pure green blue, red, orange, amber and RGB (Red-Green-Blue) to make the monochrome LCDs more colorful.
Orient Display graphic LCD display modules have most available interface choices, I2C, SPI, parallel 6800, 8080, MCU etc. With our strong technical capability, some of our graphic LCD products are with Arduino shield which are more convenient for our customers.
Orient Display graphic LCD display modules have touch panel options. The 2.7” JAZZ 128×64 dot matrix graphic LCD display series has option of RTP (Resistive Touch Panel). Most of Orient Display graphic LCD displays can be custom made either with RTP or CTP (Capacitive Touch Panel).
Orient Display graphic LCD displays have been widely used in industry instrument, meters, machinery equipment, home appliances, white goods, smart home monitors, thermostats, automation, hand held medical devices, automotive, POS systems, audio/visual display systems, marine, aerospace, toys etc.
ER-TFT022-1 is 240x320 dots 2.2" color tft lcd module display with ILI9341 controller,optional capacitive touch panel with controller FT6236U and resistive touch panel,superior display quality,super wide viewing angle and easily controlled by MCU such as 8051, PIC, AVR, ARDUINO ARM and Raspberry PI.It can be used in any embedded systems,industrial device,security and hand-held equipment which requires display in high quality and colorful image.It supports 8080 8-bit,9-bit,16-bit,18-bit parallel,3-wire,4-wire serial spi interface. FPC with zif connector is easily to assemble or remove.Lanscape mode is also available.
Of course, we wouldn"t just leave you with a datasheet and a "good luck!".Here is the link for 2.2"TFT Shield with Libraries, Examples.Schematic Diagram for Arduino Due,Mega 2560 and Uno.For 8051 microcontroller user,we prepared the detailed tutorial such as interfacing, demo code and Development Kit at the bottom of this page.
Established in 1998, Winstar Display Co., Ltd. is a reliable LCD Display Module Manufacturer and LCD Panel Supplier. Winstar has development of high-quality display module products. We operate worldwide, configure, service products, and also provide logistics support to deliver products and services competitively. We provide LCM Modules including monochrome TN/STN/FSTN LCM, COG LCD, TFT LCM / TFT panels, FSC-LCD, graphic LCM, character LCD displays, OLED display modules (PMOLED), custom LCD displays, OLED and LCD panel.