spi tft lcd controller in stock
ER-TFTM043-3 is 480x272 dots 4.3" color tft lcd module display with RA8875 controller board,superior display quality,super wide viewing angle and easily controlled by MCU such as 8051, PIC, AVR, ARDUINO,and ARM .It can be used in any embedded systems,industrial device,security and hand-held equipment which requires display in high quality and colorful image.
It supports 8080 6800 8-bit,16-bit parallel,3-wire,4-wire,I2C serial spi interface.Built-in MicroSD card slot. It"s optional for 4-wire resistive touch panel (IC RA8875 built-in touch controller) and 4.3 inch capacitive touch panel with controller,font chip, flash chip and microsd card. We offer two types connection,one is pinheader and the another is ZIF connector with flat cable mounting on board by default and suggested. There is no capacitive touch panel connection on the board of ER-TFTM043-3,its capacitive touch panel needs to be connected with your external board.Now we design another new board with capacitive touch connection named_ER-TFTM043A2-3-4170.
Of course, we wouldn"t just leave you with a datasheet and a "good luck!".Here is the link for 4.3"TFT Touch Shield with Libraries, Examples.Schematic Diagram for Arduino Due,Mega 2560 and Uno . For 8051 microcontroller user,we prepared the detailed tutorial such as interfacing, demo code and development kit at the bottom of this page.
ER-TFTM050-3 is 800x480 dots 5" color tft lcd module display with RA8875 controller board,superior display quality,super wide viewing angle and easily controlled by MCU such as 8051, PIC, AVR, ARDUINO,and ARM .It can be used in any embedded systems,industrial device,security and hand-held equipment which requires display in high quality and colorful image.
It supports 8080 6800 8-bit,16-bit parallel,3-wire,4-wire,I2C serial spi interface. Built-in MicroSD card slot. It"s optional for 4-wire resistive touch panel (IC RA8875 built-in touch controller),capacitive touch panel with controller,font chip, flash chip and microsd card. We offer two types connection,one is pin header and the another is ZIF connector with flat cable.Mounting on board by default. There is no capacitive touch panel connection on the board of ER-TFTM050-3,its capacitive touch panel needs to be connected with your external board.Now we design another new board with capacitive touch connection named_ER-TFTM050A2-3.
Of course, we wouldn"t just leave you with a datasheet and a "good luck!".Here is the link for5" TFT capacitive touch shield with libraries,examples,schematic diagram for Arduino Due,Mega 2560 and Uno. For 8051 microcontroller user,we prepared the detailed tutorial such as interfacing, demo code and development kit at the bottom of this page.
Looking for a SPI TFT display? Need a perfectly small SPI TFT for your next Arduino project? Check out our line of full-color SPI TFT LCD modules. Our SPI TFT displays are between 2 and 3.5 inch.
Displays much larger than 3.5 inches or with higher resolutions aren"t usually driven via SPI because it"s not fast enough to provide good frame rates for larger displays. But for small TFT displays, SPI is a perfectly suited interface.
This 3.2″ TFT LCD is a full color display with a resolution of 240 x 320 pixels or 320 x 240 pixels depending on how it is oriented. It uses the ILI9341 controller with SPI interface. It also includes a resistive touchscreen with built-in XPT2046 controller.
Internally the display operates at 3.3V, so if using with a 5V microcontroller, be sure to include logic level shifters on the data lines to prevent possible damage.
In general, it is best to operate the display off of 5V to ensure enough power is available. Be careful of trying to operate the display from the built-in 3.3V available on Arduino and similar microcontrollers since these power sources often have limited current capability and may overheat.
I’m also using the Teensy 4.1 because it is currently the fastest Arduino compatible board (600MHz 32-bit vs Uno 16MHz 16-bit) and this example application of calculating Mandelbrot fractals and updating the LCD can take a long time on an Uno (77-105 seconds) and only takes about 1.25 seconds on the Teensy 4.1. If using a 3.3V Arduino like a Due, hookup will basically be the same.
Connect the SPI and control lines for the display. In our example we are using hardware SPI as it gives the best performance. The SPI pin location will depend on the MCU you are using.
ILI9341 is a 262144-color single-chip SOC driver for a TFT liquid crystal display with resolution of 240x320 dots (RGB), comprising a 720-channel source driver, a 320-channel gate driver, 172800 bytes GRAM for graphic display data of 240x320 dots (RGB), and power supply circuit.
ILI9341 supports parallel 8-/9-/16-/18-bit data bus MCU interface, 6-/16-/18-bit data bus RGB interface and 3-/4-line serial peripheral interface (SPI).
ILI9341 can operate with 1.65V ~ 3.3V I/O interface voltage and an incorporated voltage follower circuit to generate voltage levels for driving an LCD.
ILI9341 supports full color, 8-color display mode and sleep mode for precise power control by software and these features make the ILI9341 an ideal LCD driver for medium or small size portable products such as digital cellular phones, smart phone, MP3 and PMP where long battery life is a major concern.
The new line of 3.5” TFT displays with IPS technology is now available! Three touchscreen options are available: capacitive, resistive, or without a touchscreen.
As a 2inch IPS display module with a resolution of 240 * 320, it uses an SPI interface for communication. The LCD has an internal controller with basic functions, which can be used to draw points, lines, circles, and rectangles, and display English, Chinese as well as pictures.
The 2inch LCD uses the PH2.0 8PIN interface, which can be connected to the Raspberry Pi according to the above table: (Please connect according to the pin definition table. The color of the wiring in the picture is for reference only, and the actual color shall prevail.)
The LCD supports 12-bit, 16-bit, and 18-bit input color formats per pixel, namely RGB444, RGB565, and RGB666 three color formats, this demo uses RGB565 color format, which is also a commonly used RGB format.
For most LCD controllers, the communication mode of the controller can be configured, usually with an 8080 parallel interface, three-wire SPI, four-wire SPI, and other communication methods. This LCD uses a four-wire SPI communication interface, which can greatly save the GPIO port, and the communication speed will be faster.
Note: Different from the traditional SPI protocol, the data line from the slave to the master is hidden since the device only has display requirement.
2. The module_init() function is automatically called in the INIT () initializer on the LCD, but the module_exit() function needs to be called by itself
Python has an image library PIL official library link, it do not need to write code from the logical layer like C, can directly call to the image library for image processing. The following will take 1.54inch LCD as an example, we provide a brief description for the demo.
Small and exquisite, this 0.96” TFT screen employs an edge-to-edge design and offers glorious 160×80HD 16-bit color display, which can be suitable for wearable projects, mobile devices and smart home products.
Compatible with 3.3V to 5V, the display consumes current less than 15mA in full-screen. It works well with controllers like Arduino UNO, Leonardo, ESP32, ESP8266, FireBeetle M0, etc