lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

My flat panel G4 iMac has been in storage for just over a year and I"ve just recently started using it again. Prior to it being taken out of use, there were no problems whatsoever. However, when I started it up for the first time recently, I noticed that there was an area of smudging, or some kind of stain, behind or inside the screen. (Otherwise everything was fine.)

First off, there is nothing on the screen itself that can be cleaned off. Whatever it is, is behind the screen. Secondly, I think it is very unlikely that this smudge or strain came about through some kind of pressure or impact to the screen, since, to the best of my knowledge, it was standing freely without anything or anyone (except to move it) near it.

Whilst it was in storage, the iMac was moved from where I left it to another part of the room it was in. It so happened that it was placed somewhat close to a non-double glazed window (the machine was coverered). I can imagine that over the course of over a year, after a damp and miserable Irish winter, near this window, there would have been temperature variations and probably a bit of dampness.

So, my theory is that a light layer of a mold like substance formed (I guess) between the LCD screen and the backlight. I believe this is the case, because there seems to no problems with the pixels in the "smudged" area: all colours are rendered just fine. It is just that the area in question is darkened, as if there were something obstructing or dimming the light coming from the backlight.

Is it possible to open the display, and somehow clean off this residue from whatever it is on (if my theory is correct)? It is slightly annoying, and if it can be sorted in any way easily I"d like to do it. I"m not afraid of opening up computers.

lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

Given your supplementary comments, this may well be a credible cause of the problem. LCD screens should always be protected from sustained localised or point pressure. Notwithstanding the possibility of breaking the screen glass, the LCD layer below the screen polariser can be deformed - effectively displacing the very thin liquid layer.

lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

I have a DB T20 that is projecting a brown smudge/ spot on the screen. It looks like it’s on the lcd if I look through the front lens. I know can see the lens is fine. What could it be? Is it worth opening it to take a look? Also it makes a buzzing sound like a fan sticking for first minute on power up then works fine.

Ok So there is a SOLUTION. If you want to fix your little projector you need to order the part below or one of the same dimensions. This part is a little bit thicker than the stock one but if you carefully press it in or widen the side guides a little bit it will fit and work perfectly. I ordered two so I would have a back up. It did take over a month for the part to come. I wrote it off because they never sent an email to say it had shipped, but eventually it did show up. That"s ordering Chinese parts for you. Good Luck! Haribol

lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

Screens can scratch easily, and even paper towels and tissues contain fibers that can do damage. “Your best bet is to use a soft, anti-static microfiber cloth—the kind used to clean eyeglasses and camera lenses—and wipe in a circular motion,” says John Walsh, who cleans more than 250 TVs a year in his role as a CR photographer. (Some TV manufacturers will include a cloth for this purpose.) “Gently wipe the screen with a dry cloth to remove dust and other debris, but don’t press too hard,” he says.

You may also want to wipe down the TV’s cabinet, and make sure dust isn’t clogging the vents that help dissipate heat. If the TV is on a stand and not tethered to the wall, Walsh suggests cleaning with one hand while supporting the TV with the other to prevent the set from tipping over. However, CR strongly recommends anchoring all stand-mounted TVs using anti-tipping straps designed for this purpose.

If there are hard-to-remove stains, you can dampen the cloth slightly with distilled water and gently clean the screen. Don’t spray water directly onto the screen; that could cause a shock or component failure if water seeps into the inner workings of the set.

For the most stubborn stains, you can try using a solution of very mild dish soap highly diluted with water, once again applied to the cloth and not to the TV itself. (As a guideline, Panasonic used to recommend a 100:1 ratio of water to soap.) LCD screens, in particular, are very sensitive to pressure and can scratch easily, so don’t press hard.

lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

When it comes to cleaning, flat-screen TVs and LCD screens require special care and a gentle touch. With the wrong technique, you can easily scratch the screen or damage the surface"s antiglare coating. Even rubbing too hard can cause pixels (the tiny dots that compose images on computer monitors and TV screens) to burn out and stop working permanently. Most household cleaning products are too harsh to use on electronic devices with LCD or OLED screens, so choose your TV cleaning strategy carefully. These tips on how to clean a TV screen will help protect your device while ridding it of dust, smudges, fingerprints, and streaks.

Before you begin cleaning a TV or LCD monitor screen, check the manufacturer"s manual for cleaning instructions. If a computer or electronic wipe is recommended, purchase a container for quick cleanups. Note that using a cleaning product or method not recommended by the manufacturer will likely void a product"s warranty. It"s also important to avoid spraying liquid on the screen when cleaning a TV. Liquids can drip into the frame, get wicked inside the screen, and cause permanent damage.

If streaks or stains remain, wet a microfiber cloth with distilled water and wring the cloth until it"s almost dry. With very little pressure, wipe the cloth across the screen in broad motions, working from the top of the screen to the bottom. If smudges persist, dampen a new microfiber cloth with 50-50 water and vinegar solution, wringing it tightly to keep it slightly damp, and wipe.

To avoid damage to your TV while cleaning, only use gentle products. Never wipe the screen with paper towels, abrasive sponges, or coarsely woven rags, which can cause scratches. Instead, use high-quality, finely woven microfiber cloths to clean TV screens, recommends cleaning expert Leslie Reichert.

You should also avoid cleaning products that contain alcohol or ammonia. These types of cleaners can remove antiglare coatings and cause images to become cloudy or distorted. A simple swipe with a microfiber cloth ($9 for 5, Amazon) is typically all that"s needed to remove dust and other debris from the screen"s surface. When more than a light dusting is required, however, use the guidelines below for the best way to clean a TV.

Practice preventative measures so you won"t have to clean TV screens often. Keep food, drinks, and kids away from TV and computer screens to eradicate risks of messy splatters and fingerprint smudges. During your weekly house cleaning, lightly dust the screens with a microfiber cloth to prevent dust buildup.

lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

Flat-screen TVs are great when it comes to picture quality. But they"re kind of a pain when it"s time to clean them. You have to be extra careful to not damage the screen and you can only use certain types of products. Sometimes it doesn"t even seem worth it to have a flat screen!

Before you trade in your flat-screen TV for an older model, try some of these cleaning tips. Just make sure that you always start by wiping away the dust with a soft, dry microfiber cloth. Sometimes that"s all it takes, but for those times when you need to do a little deeper cleaning, we"ve got some tips to help you out.

Gently wipe the screen with a dry microfiber cloth to remove any dust particles. Mix a solution of equal parts distilled water and white vinegar. Dip your cloth in this mixture and squeeze out as much liquid as you can. Wipe across the screen carefully with the damp rag and then wipe over it again with a dry rag to remove any excess moisture.

If you have a glass-tube television, then window cleaner (preferably Windex) can be used to clean the screen. Spray the window cleaner on a soft cloth and wipe the screen. Never spray anything directly onto the television screen! After you"ve used the damp side of the cloth, flip it over to the dry side and buff the screen dry.

For television screens that are coated with a special treatment, you have to be careful of the cleaning products you use. To find out if your screen has been specially treated, check you owner"s manual. With this type of television, dilute a mild liquid dish soap with 100 times the amount of water. Soak a microfiber cloth in this mixture and then wring out any excess liquid so it doesn"t drip. Wipe this cloth across the screen and then follow with a dry cloth to remove any remaining water.

Start by gently wiping across your television and the screen with a soft, dry cloth. If there are smudges, then make a solution that"s half water and half rubbing alcohol. Dip the corner of a cotton cloth in the solution, squeeze out the excess liquid and carefully wipe down your tv screen, focusing on the smudges. Finish up by wiping everything again with a new soft, dry cloth.

If you can"t seem to get rid of the smudges on your television screen and the dust just keeps collecting, then you might need to buy a product specifically designed for cleaning flat-screen television screens. ScreenDr is designed to remove smudges and prevent static on your screen, which will help keep it dust-free longer. So if nothing else works, then you can always consider this type of product.

When you"re cleaning something as fragile as a flat-screen television, you"re bound to notice (or even cause) a small scratch every once in awhile. If you end up with a scratch on your television screen, then you can repair it with petroleum jelly. Coat a cotton ball with petroleum jelly and very gently dab it onto the scratch.

lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

Use a non abrasive cleaning solution, diluting isopropyl alcohol (not rubbing alcohol, as it may contain oil) into a solution of 50% alcohol and 50% with distilled water water (or purified/bottled water). You could also buy a cleaning solution that does not contain bleach, ammonia, or vinegar.

Before you start, power-off and unplug your monitor. Spray the cleaning solution on a soft cloth (for example an old T-shirt), lint-free microfiber cloth, or some other very soft cloth. A large cloth is best, since it will help reducing the risk of leaving streaks across the display from finger pressure.

Starting from the top, wipe the screen in one direction until you have cleaned the entire screen. Apply light, but distributed pressure. Repeat if necessary. Let it air dry.

lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

As the weather warms, it"s time for everyone"s "favorite" pastime: spring cleaning. While you"re dusting off the shelves and shoveling out a winter"s worth of detritus, spare a moment to check your TV. Dust and grime can accumulate there, and over time it can become more and more noticeable. And if you have children, there may be an array of fingerprints and other smears on the screen.

The short version? Don"t use liquids, don"t press too hard, don"t use any traditional cleaners. Microfiber cloths are good, but be gentle. Modern TVs are predominantly plastic and therefore far easier to scratch than windows or your phone.

Want the longer version? Here"s what the top TV manufacturers say about cleaning their screens:Cleaning your 4K, OLED, or LED TV screen with a soft, dry cloth is recommended. The goal here is to avoid scratching the screen. Gentle, circular motions tend to give better results, since the circular motion hits each area from several angles in a single swipe.

Caution: Don"t spray water or other liquids directly on the TV, as electric shock could occur.Turn the TV off and let it cool down for a few minutes before unplugging it.

To clean the frame and screen, gently wipe it with a microfiber cleaning cloth. Make sure to wipe the TV frame and screen as gently as possible. TV screens are fragile and can be damaged when pressed too hard.

Important: Never use any type of window cleaner, soap, scouring powder, wax, or any cleanser with solvents such as alcohol, benzene, ammonia, or acetone. Never use abrasive pads or paper towels. If you do, you can scratch the screen or strip the anti-glare coating off the screen and cause permanent damage. Never spray water directly onto the TV. Make sure to wipe the TV as gently as possible. TV screens are fragile and can be damaged when pressed too hard.Gently wipe the screen or the exterior with a dry, soft cloth, such as an eyeglass cleaner.

For inks from oil markers on the screen, soak a cloth in a non-soap synthetic cleanser diluted (by less than 1% ) with water. Squeeze the cloth tightly to eliminate excess liquid, then wipe gently to remove the ink. Use non-soap cleansers cautiously because it may cause environmental problems when disposed improperly.

So why not Windex? Regular Windex is formulated for glass windows, plus a few other surfaces. It contains ammonia and alcohol, not the friendliest of chemicals. S. C. Johnson doesn"t explicitly say not to use Windex on TVs, but it offers Windex Electronics wipes and cleaners, so infer what you will. The better screen cleaners will clearly state that they do not contain alcohol or ammonia.

At last count, I found a billion companies making TV screen cleaners. Almost all of these are something like 99 percent water, 1 percent other stuff. Years ago I tested a handful and found them, on average, to work well enough. If you don"t have luck with a simple cloth and possibly distilled water, a screen cleaner is worth a try, and as a bonus you can also use it for your laptop, tablet and cell phone screens. Plus, they come with a microfiber cloth. If they don"t clearly state they don"t contain alcohol and ammonia, however, I would skip them.

So yeah, cleaning your TV is a good idea. But just remember that they"re exceptionally fragile. Why risk marring their surface by using cleaning methods the companies themselves don"t advise? If you damage your screen with cleaners, you won"t be able to fix it.

My advice? Get a nice microfiber cloth (if your TV didn"t come with one), and use that. If that doesn"t fix your smudges, try a cloth moist with water. Don"t press too hard. There"s less than a millimeter between your finger and a broken TV.

Screen cleaning kits are fine, though most people won"t need them. Remember, like all TV accessories, the store is selling them because they probably make more profit on that $20 kit than on a $500 TV.

As well as covering TV and other display tech, Geoff does photo tours of cool museums and locations around the world, including nuclear submarines, massive aircraft carriers, medieval castles, epic 10,000 mile road trips, and more. Check out Tech Treks for all his tours and adventures.

He wrote a bestselling sci-fi novel about city-size submarines, along with a sequel. You can follow his adventures on Instagram and his YouTube channel.

lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

Even if you don"t have snot-nosed kids or wet-nosed pets, your computer monitor or HDTV panel will eventually accumulate a collection of annoying smudges and stains. My household happens to contain both of the aforementioned creatures and, thus, I"ve developed a method for wiping down the HDTV in the living room and the LCD monitor in my office, as well as the screen of my laptop and iPad.

If you take a quick survey of LCD or HDTV manufacturers about the recommended method for cleaning the surface of your monitor or TV screen, you"ll discover more don"ts than dos, often in conflict with one another.

In the don"t column:Don"t use aerosol sprays, solvents, or abrasives. (This means don"t reach for the Windex under the kitchen sink, as tempting as it may be.)

First, attempt to clean your screen with a dry, lint-free cloth. If you can"t find the cleaning cloth that came with your screen in question, then it"s likely you have one laying around from a laptop, iPad, or iPhone purchase.

After removing any dust from your screen with a dry cloth, dip the other cloth in your dish soap solution, wring it out, and gently wipe your display. Next, rinse out your soapy cloth, wring it out again, and wipe your display to remove any soap residue. Finally, take your dry cloth and wipe the display to remove any streaking.

Editors" note:It"s time for spring cleaning! Week"s two"s theme: physical cleaning.Check backevery day this week to see how best to keep dirt, grime, crumbs, and other annoying bits off your devices. And be sure to return next week for more spring cleaning tips and tricks.

lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

To clean your remote, first pop out the batteries and replace the cover on the battery enclosure. Gently tap the remote against a hard surface, button side down, to break free any crumbs or dirt that may have lodged themselves inside the device.

Next, grab your moistened wipe and give it a good wringing so that it’s not sopping wet. Use it to clean both sides of the remote, paying special attention to any crevices you suspect are harboring dirt.

Your speakers likely have removable fabric covers, but you’ll want to check your owner’s manual just to be sure. If they’re removable, pop them off and use a vacuum extension to hoover up any dust, dirt, or lint that may be stuck inside of them. If your speaker covers are fixed into place, you can try vacuuming the outside of their covers or using a lint roller.

If your speakers are made of a nonporous material (like plastic or varnished wood) use a damp cloth to clean them, wiping with the direction of the grain, whether the cabinet is made of real wood or wood veneer. After, wipe down with a dry cloth.

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lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

Flat screen monitors such as those found on your TV or computer are known as LCD monitors or high-definition flat-panel display. They"re very different from the screens found on old CRT or "tube" TV models. Those older models had thick glass which could easily be cleaned with window cleaner and a paper towel. Not so with an LCD or plasma screen. The LCD panel is made of specially designed flexible plastic and is very sensitive to chemicals. If you apply cleaners with chemicals in them, you may end up with a blank flat screen. Even using ordinary kitchen towels or paper towels may scratch the screen and leave lint.

As you can see, it"s important to know how to clean your flat screen TV without causing damage. You can, of course, buy bottles of special cleaner, but why bother when you can make the solution yourself?

Use a dry, soft cloth -- the kind you would use to clean your eyeglasses -- and very gently wipe the screen. If this doesn"t remove the oil or dirt, do not press down harder and try to remove the dirt. Pressing down on the screen will cause the pixels to burn out. Rather, proceed to the next step.

Make a solution of equal parts water and vinegar (or water with a tiny amount of dish soap). Dampen a cloth in the solution and gently wipe the screen. Again, rubbing and scrubbing will damage the screen.

Do not use products that contain ammonia, ethyl alcohol, acetone or ethyl chloride. These chemicals, which are often found in commercial window cleaners, can cause the screen to turn yellow.

lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

LED-backlit LCD TVs typically come in one of two sub-types of panels: Vertical Alignment (VA) or In-Plane Switching (IPS). VA panels tend to have much high contrast ratios, and therefore better black uniformity. IPS panels, on the other hand, have worse contrast ratios and suffer from more backlight issues that can affect black uniformity, including "IPS glow", which is a kind of "glow" effect that can be seen in the corners of IPS screens.

LED-backlit LCD TVs are prone to black uniformity issues, but OLED TVs can produce virtually perfect blacks because their pixels are self-emitting, and therefore don"t have the same limitations caused by improper backlight implementation. That means they don"t suffer from clouding or flashlighting as LED TVs do.

Poorly designed backlight placement. The type of backlight and its position directly affects the uniformity of the screen. The worst uniformity can be found on edge-lit LED TVs, because the LEDs are only on the edge of the screen. Full-array LED TVs have good uniformity because their LEDs are spread out across the whole screen. Some edge-lit TVs have great uniformity. You can learn more about different backlights here.

Non-uniform frame pressure. Both the LCD screen and the diffuser layers are somewhat flexible. A slight difference in pressure on the frame of the television can change the uniformity of the picture. On some televisions, this can be fixed (see below).

Uneven lighting intensity. Sometimes, the intensity between two lighting components can vary in a set (for example, one LED could be slightly brighter than an LED next to it). This is less likely to happen with a brand new TV but can start appearing over time if some components age and degrade faster than others.

Flashlighting can sometimes be fixed on some televisions. If the flashlighting is caused by pressure from the TV"s frame, you can adjust it by slightly loosening or tightening the screws behind the edge of the screen. Some TVs don"t expose the screws, however, so this won"t always be possible. You should also keep in mind that a small change in the tightness of a screw can have a big impact on the uniformity of the screen, so be careful if ever you do try this step. While this can fix the issue, we don"t recommend it unless you know exactly what you"re doing, as it may cause more problems than it solves.

For clouding, there"s a pretty simple fix that—while not guaranteed—can have good results. Power on the TV and display a black image. This will allow you to see the lighter spots on the screen. Next, take a soft cloth and massage those brighter spots to improve the uniformity. You should only apply very gentle pressure, just barely touching the screen. You can also try a few different stroking patterns. If you are patient enough, this works surprisingly often, especially on edge-lit TVs, although you should be very careful to avoid damaging your screen.

Alternatively, you might consider returning or exchanging your television. Some models are more prone than others to having issues. Even within the same model, some units can have more uniformity issues than others because of slight variation in the manufacturing or shipping process. It can be worth trying to exchange it for the same model before going with an entirely different TV. Extreme cases of clouding are also covered under a TV"s warranty.

Backlight uniformity issues don"t increase over time unless a large amount of stress is put upon the panel (in the case of a big temperature swing, for instance, or if the TV is moved).

Sometimes, just letting the TV settle for a few days after unpacking it can solve the issue. This is especially true if the TV is laid on the side during shipping/moving.

Black uniformity refers to how evenly a TV can display black across the screen, especially when displaying a bright object over a dark background. It’s important when watching dark scenes in a dark room, and while most people shouldn’t notice black uniformity issues like flashlighting and clouding, they can become more apparent when the issues are especially bad. You won’t need to worry about these problems in rooms with lights on, though. For each TV, we take a photo of a black frame to capture the black uniformity, and then we calculate the color values of the pixels to find the standard deviation of the uniformity. We then do the same with local dimming enabled.

You may be able to remove flashlighting (to some degree) by tightening the screws of the TV’s frame. This can have pretty dramatic effects on the picture, though, so you should be very careful when attempting this. For clouding, gently massaging problem areas with a soft cloth often does a good job of fixing bad uniformity. In the end, the safest bet may be to simply return or exchange your TV if you can, since uniformity varies between individual units.

lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

Light leak or backlight bleeding is often noticeable around the edges or the sides of a screen. Especially while it is displaying a dark background or is in a dark environment.

Ideally, light leakage must not be inspected in a dark room. All Dell monitors are inspected as per industry standard with 150-Lux ambient lighting (similar to typical office lighting). However, for gaming monitors, ambient lighting is 70 Lux. Any visual inspection must be done in the same manner to help with the troubleshooting process.

NOTE: This article provides information about common issues that are seen on LCD screens. It is not something specific to a particular Dell computer but is something that can be seen on any LCD screen by any manufacturer.

Before proceeding to the troubleshooting section of this article, you must identify the issue that you are experiencing. Identify the light leak or light bleed issue using the examples below and ensure that this is the correct article for you.

lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

Luckily, the advice from most manufacturers is simple: turn off the TV to identify the marks or dusty areas then wipe gently using a clean, soft and dry cloth.

While we will go into more detail about how to clean the screen without causing any damage – and recommend some solid products to help you – that’s the broad advice from a range of top companies, including Samsung, Sony, LG and Panasonic.

It applies to all types of modern display – including every model on our best smart TV guide – and regardless of whether you have an LCD/LED, OLED or QLED. But it’s not only the TV itself, don’t forget the remote gets much more hands-on time every day.

You don’t want to have bought an expensive new smart TV just to have it covered in scratches, so here’s how to clean the display in five easy-to-follow steps:Unplug or switch off the device. This will help you quickly identify any areas that need to be cleaned or are particularly covered in dust or smudges.

Gently wipe the screen using a clean, dry, soft cloth. If possible, use a lint-free cloth – and our personal recommendation is to stick with microfibre. These are available at every supermarket. Best to wipe in a circular motion.

Make sure the display is fully dry and clean. If the marks were removed using a soft, dry cloth you can turn the TV on. If you had to use a specialist spray, make sure that the TV is completely dry before switching it back on.

The advice may be straightforward, but there are some key cleaning approaches you should always avoid when it comes to touching and cleaning a TV screen.Avoid all home cleaning products. Surface, window or glass cleaners should stay as far away from your TV as possible. These will often contain chemicals such as alcohol, benzene or ammonia that can damage your screen.

Avoid paper towels, rolls and your sleeves: A fast-track to scratch town, these will leave deep marks on your display that will be so much worse than dust. Using these harsh materials could also strip the TVs anti-glare coating.

Avoid all moisture on the screen if possible. Some manufacturers say a very small amount of water can be used for tough marks but others say to never apply moisture. If you have to, always apply to the cloth, not the screen. Using a solution is a last resort, and only after a careful gentle wipe has failed.

Don’t use too much pressure: TV screens are fragile to the touch, so never push down hard with your cloth while cleaning. Doing so may damage the pixels under the display. Your TV is not a touchscreen smartphone.

Don"t forget the remote control: While your TV screen won’t be touched often, the same can’t be said for the remotes. These will likely be passed between your family members or friends so it"s best to also give them a wipe down.

You don’t always need to buy a cleaning kit: While these are marketed as an all-in-one solution, a microfibre cloth is often enough for dust/smudges and purchasing a pack of 12-24 cloths may actually be better value.

Lastly, don’t forget about the ports: If the screen is covered in dust, it’s likely the same goes for the back of the TV. Give those ports a dust down, too.

While there’s a lot of overlap between each brand’s cleaning tips, here’s the advice from each major TV manufacturer – and a direct link to their own tips page.

LG: “Cleaning your 4K, LED or LED TV screen with a soft, dry cloth is recommended. If you have already used liquid on the screen, dry it as quickly as possible (it may not be too late). Chemicals… should be avoided. Moisture on or near the TV should be avoided as it could cause short circuits in the electronic components.”

Samsung: “For general cleaning of the frame and screen of your TV, you should use a soft, clean, lint-free, dry cloth. We recommend using a microfibre cloth.

“You should never use any type of window cleaner, soap, scouring powder, or any cleanser with solvents such as alcohol, benzene, ammonia, or paint thinner. Never use abrasive pads or paper towels. If you do, you can scratch the screen or strip the anti-glare coating off the screen and cause permanent damage.”

Sony: “Gently wipe the screen or exterior with a dry, soft cloth, such as an eyeglass cleaner. For inks from oil markers on the screen, soak a cloth in a non-soap cleanser diluted (by less than 1%) with water. Squeeze it tightly, then wipe the ink off. Don"t use detergent with abrasives such as a cleanser.” Avoid touching the screen.

Panasonic: “A clean, dry, soft cloth should be used. For stubborn dirt, dampen a soft cloth with clean water or diluted neutral detergent (1 part detergent to 100 parts water). Ring the cloth and wipe the screen. Ensure that the cloth does not drip water; the television is not watertight and any damage to the television due to water getting into it is not covered under warranty. Finally, wipe away all of the moisture.”

The AmazonBasics range of 30 cm x 41 cm microfibre cloths is an affordable option – with a variety of pack sizes available to buy. We chose the 24 pack as that should last months – if not longer – if you are cleaning general dust or smudges from your TV. They are lint-free and won’t result in streaks across your screen. For just under £12, you will get a variety of towel colours, including blue, orange and white.

These microfibre cloths stand out due to their 40cm x 22cm sizing and will be great if you are someone with a larger TV. Made by cleaning company Sorbo, they attract dust from the screen and won’t leave any streaks behind. The cloths are machine washable at a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius and come in a variety of colours including blue, pink and yellow. The pack of six microfibre cloths costs £5.93.Latest deals

These microfibre cleaning cloths by the brand Mr. Siga are exactly what TV makers were referencing in their cleaning guides: ultra-soft, highly absorbent, non-abrasive and will clean without any lint or streaks left behind. These ‎32 x 32cm cloths cost £11.99 for a pack of 12, although they are available in packs of 50 (£20.99).Latest deals

A slightly different design to the microfibre cloths that you will typically see in your kitchen, this polyester-made set more closely resembles a glasses cleaner but will be effective at wiping down electronics including phones, TVs and monitors. Made by Charles Parker London, you get five 30cm x 30cm black cloths for £9, these will be great for wiping off the dust – but especially fingerprints – from your screen.Latest deals

Another popular option is these lint-free microfibre cloths from UK-based brand Exel. At 40 x 40 cm, they are large in size so perfect for wiping down larger TVs from dust and smudges. For the pack of 10, which should last you months if you are only using them for your TV, it costs £8.30, so they are good value. If you need a well-sized set of microfibre cloths but don’t want dozens of towels, this is a great option.Latest deals

The screen cleaner spray from IT Dusters - called “Screen Mom” - is plant-based and contains no odour, alcohol, ammonia, or harmful chemicals. The kit also contains a 40xm x 40cm microfibre towel and in combination they can be used to remove tough prints, oils or streaks from screens, including TVs, monitors, laptops and phones. The company says that the 16oz bottle has enough for more than 1,500 sprays, but always remember to only spray on the cloth - and never on the TV screen itself.

The GreatShield cleaning kit contains one 20cm x 15cm microfibre cloth, one 60ml bottle of sterile solution cleaner and a brush that can be used to help remove dust or debris from your TV ports and remote control. The screen cleaner does not contain ammonia or phosphate and claims to be completely non-static and non-streak. As with all cleaning solutions, only spray on the cloth – never on the TV screen itself – and read up on your own TV manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning the model.Latest deals

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lcd panel looks like it has a smudge for sale

You’ve been staring at your computer screen for hours when suddenly the words and numbers seem to blur right in front of you. You could just be seeing things... or your computer screen could be dirty. Here’s our tried-and-true method for cleaning your computer screen without leaving smudges or streaks.

Before we explain what you should use to clean your screen, we should tell you what NOT to use. Don’t use large amounts of liquid, and never spray the screen directly. As you’ll see in the step-by-step cleaning method below, it takes just one spray of Puracy Natural Multi-Surface Cleaner on a microfiber cloth to clean your computer screen.

The cloth you use to clean your screen is important, too. Puracy’s cleaning experts recommend a soft microfiber cloth. “Micro” means “extremely small”; a microfiber cloth has tiny fibers that reach every square inch of the surface they’re cleaning, so they don’t leave streaks or smudges like cotton rags can. And avoid paper towels; they’re abrasive enough to scratch the screen’s coating -- and then you’ll be “seeing things” permanently.

Many window cleaners on the market today, including certain types of Windex, contain ammonium hydroxide, which is a solution made of ammonia and water. The Environmental Protection Agency classifies ammonia as an “extremely hazardous substance,” especially in high concentrations. As a result, we don’t use ammonia in any of our products here at Puracy.

Instead of cleaners powered by ammonia, we prefer Puracy Natural Multi-Surface Cleaner, with the fresh-smelling scent of either Green Tea & Lime or Organic Lemongrass. It’s made with plant-based ingredients and water that effectively cut through the grime without the use of chemicals, so it’s safe to use throughout your home -- and it always smells great.

Follow these step-by-step cleaning directions below for a smudge-free computer screen. Or follow along as cleaning expert and Puracy co-founder Sean Busch cleans his own computer screen in this video.

1. Turn your desktop monitor off or power-down your laptop.Then turn it towards a window or a bright light; this will allow you to see smudges and fingerprints more clearly. (In this case, that dreaded screen glare is your friend.)

2. Spray a clean, folded microfiber cloth with one spray of Puracy Natural Multi-Surface Cleaner. If you don’t have any on hand, you can use one spray of water. (Expert tip -- if you notice streaks on your screen after cleaning, then you’re probably using too much solution and/or your microfiber towel is dirty. Try again by carefully following these six steps, but use a fresh, clean microfiber towel and only a single spray of cleaner -- that’s all you need!)

NOTE: If you live in an area with hard water, use filtered or distilled water to avoid depositing mineral residue onto the screen. Not sure if your water is hard? Check out our article How to Remove Hard Water Stains Quickly & Easily; it features a handy map of hard-water areas across the country, plus more cleaning tips for households battling hard-water stains.

3. Wipe the screen with the microfiber cloth, starting at the top and using tight, overlapping “Z” strokes all the way to the bottom. If you’re using the proper technique, then you should see the multi-surface cleaner evaporate behind you as you wipe. This will help you eliminate the appearance of any streaks on your screen. If it doesn’t evaporate shortly after your pass, then you are probably using too much cleaning solution.

4. Turn the folded microfiber cloth to the dry side and make another pass, again starting at the top and using tight, overlapping “Z” strokes. This step will buff away any lint or residues remaining on the screen.

And by the way... if you successfully clean your computer screen but the words and numbers still look blurry, you could be experiencing digital eye strain (also known as computer vision syndrome). Try exercising your eyes using the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, focus on an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.