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Screen Cleaner is a special cleaner for the cleaning and care of sensitive plastic and glass surfaces. It is antistatic and antireflective. Its antistatic effect provides a dirt and dust-rejecting surface.

It can be used on all flat and plasma screens (computers, mobiles, laptop computers, televisions, scanners, copy machines, etc.) and plastic housings (on computers, scanners, copy machines or televisions).

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Since 1947, we at WEICON have been producing specialty products for the industry. Our comprehensive range of products includes special adhesives and sealants, technical sprays as well as high-performance assembly pastes and greases for all industrial sectors - from production and repair to maintenance and servicing. In addition to our chemical products, we develop and distribute high-quality stripping tools under the brand WEICON TOOLS.

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WEICON Compressed Air Spray enables non-contact, dry cleaning on sensitive surfaces where dust can only be removed with difficulty by conventional means. Areas of application for the spray are, for example, medical technology, measurement technology, model making, hi-fi and video equipment (e.g. modules, printed circuit boards, magnetic heads, drives, etc.), optics (e.g. cameras, lenses), clockworks, electronic components as well as car fuse boxes and windscreen washers.

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We offer "WEICON" Aluminum Spray contain aluminium pigments with a purity grade of <> 99.5% and offer high-quality corrosion protection for all metallic surfaces. WEICON Aluminium Sprays are resistant against many diluted acids and lye, as well as atmospheric influences. The temperature resistance of the coating amounts to +800°C (+1,472°F).

WEICON TFT / LCD SScreen Cleaner is the ideal product for the cleaning and care even of sensitive plastic and glass surfaces. WEICON TFT / LCD Screen Cleaner removes dirt, dust, grease and nicotine and cleans carefully without leaving residues. Its antistatic effect provides a dirt and dust-rejecting surface.

Applications:All kinds of thin film transistor and liquid crystal displays (e.g. computers, notebooks, television sets, mobile phones, copiers, scanners, touch screens)

We offer "WEICON" Copper Spray is a high-quality, weather resistant, highly adhesive metal spray for protective and decorative coatings, with an effective nonferrous metal character for indoor and outdoor use. It is even used for the optical refinement (copper plating) of various material surfaces or design parts.

We offer ""WEICON"" Chrome Silver Spray results in a highly brilliant surface coating. The high luminosity is achieved due to the special composition and very high purity of the metal pigments.

We offer "WEICON" Stainless Steel Spray is a corrosion and weather resistant surface coating. Due to the high chemical resistance, it can be used wherever a resistant, effective protective layer is required.

The alloy is composed of chromium, nickel, and manganese. WEICON Stainless Steel Spray is dust-dry after 10 minutes and attains full adhesion and abrasion strength after 4-6 hours. It is temporarily temperature-resistant up to +300°C (+572°F).

WEICON Brass Spray is a purely metallic coating in the typical brass colour. It is suited for the protection and optical refinement of various materials.

We offer "WEICON GmbH" make Technical Leak Detection Spray in Aerosol Packing with 400ml Aerosol Packing. For the fast, comfortable, and reliable location of leaks (cracks or porous spots) in pressurized pipes or tanks. WEICON Leak Detection Spray is non-flammable, anti-corrosive, kind to the skin, and DIN-DVGW-tested (testing certificate NG 5170AO0666). WEICON Leak Detection Spray does not form any hazardous compounds in contact with carbon dioxid (CO2 ), propane, butane, acetylene, oxygen, city gas, or natural gas.

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Technical SpraysSolutions forProduction • Repair • Maintenance • ServicingWEICON – Our name stands for high-quality products that have been used successfully in all areas of production,repair, maintenance, and servicing for many years.Products that will certainly solve a number of tasks and problems in your company as well.Constant further development and adaptation to the latest requirements from practice and environmental concernsalso guarantee a quality standard that remains consistently high.ContentsSurface andCorrosion ProtectionCleaning and DegreasingRust Protection 2000 PLUS, Zinc Spray, Zinc Spray "bright grade",Aluminium Sprays, Zinc-Alu Spray, Stainless Steel Spray,Copper Spray, Brass Spray, Chrome-Silver Spray, Corro-ProtectionCleaner Spray S, Burner Cleaner, Mould Cleaner, Surface Cleaner,Brake Cleaner, Plastic Cleaner, Parts and Assembly Cleaner,Electro Contact Cleaner, Visor Cleaner, Compressed-Air Spray, TFT/ LCD Screen Cleaner, Multi Foam, Sealant and Adhesive RemoverPage 3 - 5Page 6 - 10LubricationLubricating andMultifunctional OilsAdhesiveLubricantsAT-44, W 44 T, Silicone Spray, Bio-Cut, Bio-Fluid, PTFE-Spray,Fitting Spray, Anti-Friction Spray MoS 2Page 11 - 14Chain and Rope Lube Spray, Adhering Grease -extra strong-,Universal Spray-on Grease with MoS 2, Spray-on Grease H1,Spray-on Grease white, Top-LubPage 15 - 16Assembly Sprays Anti-Seize, Anti-Seize "High-Tech" Page 17Dissolving and SeparatingRust Loosener and Contact Spray, Rust-Shock, Welding ProtectionSpray, Mould Release Agent, Alu Grinding Protection,Label Remover, Chewing Gum RemoverPage 18 - 20Care and ProtectionInspection Aids andOther AgentsTechnical Data andSupplementary ProgrammeStainless Steel Care Spray, Metal-Fluid, Cockpit Spray,Hand Protective Foam, Contact SprayPage 21 - 22Leak Detection Spray, Freeze Spray,Adhesive Spray: - for detachable joints -, - extra strong -Page 22 - 23Page 24 - 292

2000 hourssalt-spray-testHigh QualityRust Protection 2000 PLUSsilver-grey / charcoal-greyRust Protection 2000 PLUS is a particularly corrosionand weather resistant surface coating on the basisof ferric oxide (hematite). Due to the use of highlypure ferric oxide pigments in a flaky arrangement, apermanent, water and weather resistent protection ofthe surface is achieved.Rust Protection 2000 PLUS is used wherever metalconstructions and installations, which are exposed toextreme ambient and weathering conditions, have tobe protected with a long-lasting and optically attractivelayer. Temperature resistant from -50°C (-58°F) to +300°C(+572°F).Applications• Hall and steel constructions• Iron railings, lattice towers• Fences, handrails and balcony railings• Movable gates and outdoor lamps• Renovation of intact lacquer coatingsand all parts with high corrosion risk, e.g. welding seams,threads, edges, screws and nuts.Zinc SprayZinc Spray "bright grade"WEICON Zinc Sprays offer quick-drying corrosionprotection with a long-term effect for all metals.WEICON Zinc Spray provides all metal surfaces,such as hot-dip galvanised parts being repaired, withpermanent, cathodic corrosive protection. It forms aquick-drying, adhesive, protective layer of microfinezinc flakes.In a salt spraying test according to DIN 53167 or DIN50021, metal parts sprayed with WEICON Zinc Sprayshowed no corrosion, even after more than 550 hours.The innovative zinc flakes form a highly resistantprotective layer, even against extreme weather andenvironmental influences. In this way, WEICON ZincSpray fulfils higher requirements than demanded in DINEN ISO 1461.The colour of WEICON Zinc Spray "bright grade" hasbeen adapted to that of hot-dip galvanisation.Applications• As high-quality rust protection primer• For touching up welded or drilled sections• As a conductive intermediate layer in spot welding• Wherever metal must be protected from corrosionIn addition to the above-mentioned applications,WEICON Zinc Spray "bright grade" is preferred for therepair of damaged zinc coatings in the same colour.A higher corrosion protection is achieved by doublecross-coating application: >2.000 hours salt spray test= >20 years natural weathering (C5-I corrodibility classISO 12 944, part 2)TÜV NORD SystemsGmbH & Co. KGWEICON Zinc Sprays are dust-dry after about 15minutes and can be spackled and painted over afterabout 12 hours without pretreatment. The temperatureresistance amounts to up to +500°C (+932°F) (in thecase of "bright grade", up to +300°C / +572°F).3

Copper SprayWEICON Copper Spray is a high-quality, weatherresistant,highly adhesive metal spray for protectiveand decorative coatings, with an effective nonferrousmetal character for indoor and outdoor use.Chrome Silver SprayWEICON Chrome Silver Spray results in a highly brilliantsurface coating.The high luminosity is achieved due to the specialcomposition and very high purity of the metal pigments.It is even used for the optical refinement (copperplating)of various material surfaces or design parts.Applications• Sheet metal window sills• Roof gutters and drainage pipes• Outdoor lights and mailboxes• Craftwork and decoratingBrass SprayWEICON Brass Spray is a purely metallic coating in thetypical brass colour. It is suited for the protection andoptical refinement of various materials.Applications• Prototypes and samples• Reflections (e.g. reflectors)• Trade fair and exhibition construction• Effective decorating work• For the optical refinement of all kinds of materialsCorro-ProtectionWEICON Corro-Protection lastingly preserves toolsand precisions parts made of metal for inside storageand overseas shipping, with a dry, waxy protective film.Applications• Restoration work• Decorative purposes like picture frames• Applied art, hobbies, and crafts• Subsequent refining of yellow-chromated parts thathave been damaged due to drilling, welding, ormilling.TÜV NORD SystemsGmbH & Co. KGApplications• Safe corrosion protection of plain, unlacquered metalparts through a transparent protective film• Inside storage of work pieces• Corrosion protection in case of overseas shipping• Preservation of tools and precision partsAs required, the protective film can be removed easily(e.g. with WEICON Cleaner Spray S).5

Cleaner Spray SWEICON Cleaner Spray S degreases and cleans allmetals, glass, ceramics, and many plastics.Burner CleanerWEICON Burner Cleaner is especially suited for theremoval of grease, oil, soot, and other soiling of burnerparts and evaporates without residue.ApplicationsRemoval of dirt and residue containing oil and grease• On blast connections and baffle plates• On fan wheels• In housing interiors, ignition electrodes, etc.Applications• Cleaning and degreasing before priming and painting• Before the use of other WEICON products, where agreasy substrate would impair the effect, e.g. duringadhesion• Cleaning of machine partsWEICON Cleaner Spray S evaporates quickly andworks without residue. No residual layer remainsas is the case when thinners are used. Even gummylubricants are removed.Thermoplasts like PVC, plexiglass, polystyrene, andsimple paintjobs can be partially dissolved.Mould CleanerNewSpecial cleaning agent on the basis of highly activeorganic solvents.Removes efficiently waxes, silicones, oils, non-curedPUR residues and other impurities from plastic, steel oraluminium moulds.6

Surface CleanerNewWEICON Surface Cleaner is used for cleaning anddegreasing surfaces to be joined or sealed withWEICON adhesives and sealants.WEICON Surface Cleaner can be applied on materialslike metal, glass, ceramic and most plastics*.Plastic CleanerPlastic Cleaner is the ideal product for the cleaning anddegreasing of sensitive surfaces.*Due to the use of aggressive cleaners, many plastics, forexample, are attacked in such a way that their surfacestructure is changed. Stress cracks, brittleness, and/ormatt surfaces are the result.A further use of these materials is often not possible foroptical or technical reasons.Due to a special formula, Plastic Cleaner preventsall types of damage. It is thus particularly suited forsurface treatment in the adhesion of sensitive plastics,rubbers, or even painted surfaces.In comparison with conventional thinners, PlasticCleaner evaporates without residue.Applications• Cleaning and degreasing of surfaces as preparationbefore bonding with WEICON adhesives• Cleaning and degreasing of machine parts duringservice worksBrake CleanerWEICON Brake Cleaner is a universal cleanerespecially for automotive applications. In comparisonwith conventional thinners, WEICON Brake Cleanerevaporates without residue. It quickly degreases andcleans metals, glass, and many plastics without aproblem.Applications• Cleaning and degreasing of:- Sensitive plastics like thermoplasts(PVC, PMMA = plexiglass, polystyrene, etc.),e.g. window frames, roller blinds, plastic profiles- Rubber materials such as seals- Lacquered surfaces, such as powder-coatedmetal parts• Removal of label and sticker remainders* Check surface compatibility prior to useApplicationsRemoval of dirt and residue containing oil and grease• On brakes (drum and disk brakes, brake linings,brake shoes, cylinders, springs, and bushings)• On clutches (clutch linings and clutch parts)• On engine parts (carburators, petrol and oil pumps,gears, and so on)7

Parts andAssembly CleanerNewElectro ContactCleanerNewEspecially developed cleaner for coarse, oily andgreasy soiling.Because of the long working time, also suitable forcleaning bigger or heavily resinified surfaces.Electro Contact Cleaner is used for fast and efficientcleaning and degreasing of soiled or corroded contactsof all kinds. This special formulation with high-puritysolvents removes oxide or sulphide layers, combustionresidues as well as resinous or sooty soiling fromelectro-technical or mechanical parts like measuringinstruments, tools, balances, switches, sensors, etc.Electro Contact Cleaner reduces voltage losses andincreases the electric conductivity. Contamination thatcan cause tracking current is removed.Due to the high flash point (> +60°C of the activesubstance), this cleaner corresponds to the formerGerman Vbf-classification AIII and complies with thecooperative recommendations for the safety at work.This is an advantage compared to traditional AI or AIIcleaners.Parts and Assembly Cleaner is free ofacetone, butanol, ethyl acetate, etc.Flammpunkt> +60°CFlash pointApplications• Cleans quickly and efficiently all kinds of assemblyparts, aggregates, construction parts and tools• Removes oils, greases and other soiling from allmetal parts• In the automotive sector: Cleans brakes, clutches,motor parts, etc.ApplicationsCleaning and degreasing of electro-technical ormechanical parts, like e. g.• electric machines• measuring instruments• balances• switches or sensorsAlso ideal for all electric connections, contacts, relaysand switchboard plants.8

Visor CleanerNewWEICON Visor Cleaner is the ideal product for thecleaning and care of sensitive plastic and glass surfaces,e. g. visors, safety goggles, welding face shields,protection caps, safety glass etc.Impurities caused by insects, dirt, dust, grease ornicotine are carefully removed without leaving residues.Compressed-Air SprayWEICON Compressed-Air Spray can be used whereverdust can be removed only with difficulties in theconventional way.It permits dry, contact-free cleaning, even in inaccessibleangles and on sensitive surfaces.Visor Cleaner is antistatic and anti-reflective, reducesdazzling and improves the sight.Applications• Visors of all kind• Welding face shields and goggles• Eye-protection and safety glasses• Plastic housings on CNC machines,printers, scanners, etc.• All other plastic and glass surfacesApplications• On hi-fi and video devices (e.g. modules, PCBs,magnetic heads, disk drives, etc.)• For optics (e.g. cameras, objectives, lenses)• On car fuse boxes and windscreen washers• On clockwork (quartz clocks)• In medical technology• In model construction• In measurement technology• On electrical components• On PCBs9

AT-44 Allroundspray with PTFEWEICON AT-44 Allround Spray with PTFE is used inall industrial and workshop areas. Due to its specialformula and to its very low coefficient of frictionresulting from the high percentage of PTFE, corrosionprotection, cleaning, water resistance, lubrication, andconservation are combined in one product.®W 44 T Turbo-Power-SprayWEICON W 44 T covers a wide range of industrial andmaintenance applications.Due to its special formula and excellent creepproperties, corrosion protection, water resistance,lubrication, preservation, and cleaning are combined inone product.W 44 T offers good protection against atmosphericinfluences. For this reason, it is used almost unlimitedlyin the areas of workshops, automobiles, shipping,electrical systems, agriculture, household, and hobbies.Applications• Loosens seized screw connections, bolts, fittings,and valves• Dispels moisture from electrical lines• Prevents leakage current and simplifies the startingof wet motors• Eliminates the squeaking and creaking of hinges,guides, bearings, and all kinds of joints andcouplings• Cleans dirty surfaces and leaves behind an extremelythin film that does not smear, stick, or attract dust• Protects and cares for all tools, machines, electricaland mechanical precision instruments (measurementtools, locks, and weapons) and keeps themfunctionalApplications• Loosens seized screw connections, bolts, fittings,and valves, penetrates and dissolves rust, dispelsmoisture from electrical contacts, prevents leakagecurrent and simplifies the starting of wet motors• Eliminates the squeaking and creaking of hinges,guides, bearings, and all kinds of joints andcouplings• Cleans dirty metal surfaces and leaves behind alasting, extremely thin film that does not smear,stick, or attract dust• Protects and cares for all tools, machines,electrical and mechanical precision instruments (likemeasurement tools, locks, and weapons) and keepsthem functionalWEICON AT-44 is silicone-free and resists allatmospheric influences. For this reason, it is used almostunlimitedly in the areas of workshops, automobiles,navigation, electrical systems, agriculture, household,and hobbies.11

Silicone SprayWEICON Silicone Spray is an ideal lubricant andseparating agent for rational production and servicing.At the same time, it assumes the function of apreservative and care product for plastic, rubber, andmetal.Bio-CutDue to its particularly high lubricating effect, WEICONBio-Cut permits higher speeds and longer service lives,resulting in a higher cutting performance of the tools.Applications• Prevents the development of adhesive residue inpresses and guides• Prevents the adhesion of goods on conveyor belts,channels, and slideways• Protects electrical contacts from moisture• Cares for rubber, plastic, and metal parts• Protects rubber parts from brittleness, freezing, andadhesion• Lets sunshine roofs, seat rails, and the rollers ofseatbelt run smoothlyApplications• Drilling and turning• Milling and reaming• Sawing and punching• Thread cutting of all types of steel, castings, stainlesssteel, copper, brass, aluminium, and their alloysWEICON Bio-Cut is mineral oil free - water pollutantclass 1, self-classification according to VwVwS(Verwaltungsvorschrift wassergefährdende Stoffe =German Administrative Regulation Regarding WaterPollutants) and completely biodegradable.WEICON Silicone Spray provides for a durableseparating film and good surface properties.12

Bio-FluidBio-Fluid is a high-purity medical-grade white oil,free of resins and acids. It was developed especiallyfor lubrication and care in the food, beverage,pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries.PTFE-SprayWEICON PTFE-Spray is a grease-free dry lubricant withan anti-adhesive effect on the basis of polytetrafluoroethylene.The water-white, solvent-free product has no smell ortaste. It also has a high creeping capability and it iswater-resistant. It reduces friction and wear, suppressessqueaking noise, protects against corrosion, anddissolves dirt and rust.Temperature range: -25°C (-13°F) to +120°C (+248°F).Applications• Lubrication, protection, and care of precisionmechanism in food technology• As a spray oil for production and filling plants in thepharmaceutical and cosmetic industry• As a lubricant for filling and packaging plants in theentire beverage industry, for example for the smoothrunning of wine bottle corking machines and thegripper mechanisms of labelling machines• Can be used wherever occasional, technicallyunavoidable contact with food or its packaging arisesWEICON PTFE-Spray adheres to all metal, plastic andwood surfaces. Due to the high PTFE percentage, thecoefficient of friction is considerably reduced.The coating is resistant to dirt, dust, water, oils,greases, and many chemicals. Temperature resistantfrom -180°C (-292°F) to +250°C (+482°F)Applications• On slide rails and guides• On conveyor belts, transport rollers, and transportchutes• On windows: Tipping mechanisms, locks, hinges• On cutting tools and packaging machines• As continuous lubrication for shafts in plastic bearings• As a water-resistant coating of paper and cork seals,as well as seal packaging• Used instead of separating agents containing siliconeand wherever oil or grease lubrication is not permittedor desired.Bio-Fluid does not attack the following plastics andelastomers: ACM, CSM, FKM, NBR, SQM/MVQ, ABS,CA, EPS, PA, PC, PE, PET, POM, PP, PPO, PTFE, andPVC. Not resistant to Bio-Fluid are: EPDM, NR, andSBR.The resistance of all plastics and elastomers not listedhere must be determined by individual tests.Bio-Fluid corresponds to:• The definition of "Paraffinum Subliquidum" (subliquidparaffin) in the "Deutsches Arzneibuch" (DAB 10)(German Pharmacopoeia)• The NSF classification H 1 for direct contact withfood1NSF = Nonfood Compounds Registration Program13

Chain and Rope Lube SprayWEICON Chain and Rope Lube Spray is a synthetic,transpartent adhesive lubricant for the permanentinside and outside lubrication of all kinds of highlystressed chains and wire cables.Adhering Grease- extra strong -Special lubricant and corrosion protection, even forunderwater applications. Effective protection againstaggressive liquids (such as seawater, waste water) inmaritime and wet applications.Suitable for• Roller and slide bearings, even in mixed frictionoperation• Joints, levers, slideways, spindles, and splined shafts• Open gearing (such as gear rims)• Worm gear pairs, chains, and wire cablesat all slide speeds permissible for grease lubrication.WEICON Chain and Rope Lube Spray is temperatureresistantfrom -40°C (-40°F) to +200°C (+392°F),strongly adherent and pressure-resistant, soundabsorbent, water-resistant and has excellent creepproperties. Prevents elongation, friction, and wear.Applications• Shipboard cranes and lifting jacks, offshore parts• Conductor rails and distributors• Container and trailer equipment• Wharf supplier partsApplications• All kinds of chains and wire cables• Gearwheels and worm gear pairs• Fast-moving machine parts• Joints and couplings• Rollers and ball bearings• Spring assembliesWEICON Chain and Rope Lube Spray can also be usedduring operation under observation of the respectivesafety regulations.The following plastics and elastomers (such as O-ringsin chains) are not attacked: PTFE, PE, PA, fluorine,butadiene and silicone rubber, polychloroprene.Of limited resistance are: PE-LD, POM, PP, and NBR.Universal Spray-on Greasewith MoS2Strongly adherent and high-pressure resistant longtermgrease with MoS2. Friction and wear are lastinglyreduced.Suitable for• Roller and slide bearings, joints, levers, and slideways• Spindles, camshafts and splined shafts, springs• Open gearing (such as gear rims), worm gear pairsat all slide speeds permissible for grease lubrication.Applications• Roller and slide bearings in industrial and constructionapplications• Articulated blocks of articulated shafts and universaljoints• Bearings and joints of rolling mills, tool, agricultural,and construction machines, rail and street vehicles,and many othersTemperature range: -20°C (-4°F) to +120°C (+248°F).15

Spray-on Grease H1WEICON Spray-on Grease H1 is an odourless andtasteless grease that has been formulated especiallyto meet the requirements of the food, cosmetic andpharmaceutical industry. It is in particular suitable formaintenance and service works in:• The brewery and beverage industry• Large abattoirs, canning plants• Coffee-roasting shops, large-scale catering kitchens• Swimming pools, hotels• Hospitalsand wherever a direct contact to food can not beexcluded.Applications:• Filling and packing machines• Conveyors and sorting plants• Transport and storage systemsThe application is possible at all sliding speeds permittedfor grease lubrication.Temperature range: -40°C (-40°F) to +160°C (+320°F)Complies with: NSF H1 LMBG § 31 and § 211NSF = Non-food Compounds Registration ProgramSpray-on Grease whiteWEICON Spray-on Grease white is a multipurposespray grease for highly stressed parts. Due to additivesthat reduce wear and protect against corrosion, atemperature stability of -20°C (-4°F) to +150°C (+302°F)is achieved in conjunction with a long service life.Applications• For the long-term lubrication of rods and gearwheels• Roller and ball bearings• Hinges and guides• All kinds of joints and couplingsLong-term lubrication is achieved even in tight spaces.WEICON Spray-on Grease white is strongly adherentand used in almost all areas of industry, shipping,agriculture, and automotive and workshop applications.In comparison with transparent products, a visualcontrol is possible at any time.Top-LubWEICON Top-Lub is a synthetic, transparent, adhesivelubricant for the permanent lubrication of all kinds ofhighly stressed mechanical parts.Applications• Load-transferring bolts• Gearwheels and worm gear pairs• Fast-moving machine parts• Joints and couplings• Rollers and ball bearings• Spring assembliesWEICON Top-Lub can also be used during operationunder observation of the respective safety regulations.WEICON Top-Lub is temperature resistant from -40°C(-40°F) to +200°C (+392°F), particularly adherent andpressure-resistant, water-repellant and has excellentcreeping properties. Prevents friction and wear.The following plastics and elastomers are not attacked:PTFE, PE, PA, fluorine, butadiene and silicone rubber,polychloroprene.Of limited resistance are: PE-LD, POM, PP, and NBR.16

Anti-SeizeHigh-Performance Assembly SpraysWEICON Anti-Seize is already used in the assembly of allscrew connections to simplify disassembly considerably.WEICON Anti-Seize thus offers safe protection againstcorrosion, seizing, and wear.Anti-SeizeAssembly Spray ASA 100 / ASA 400WEICON Anti-Seize Standard Grade consists ofselected, finely ground, metallic solid lubricants and ahigh-quality synthetic oil mixture.This combination has been proven worldwide for manydecades in a number of applications with materials madeof steel, iron, or cast iron in all industrial areas.Properties• Temperature range:-180°C (-292°F) to +1,200°C (+2,192°F)• Colour: charcoal-grey• Basic oil: synthetic oil mixture• Solid lubricants: various metallic powders• NLGI class: 1• Corresponds to MIL 907 DDue to the special formulation and the very finegrinding of the solids contained in WEICON Anti-Seize,irregularities in the surface to be protected - even to alayer thickness of only 12 µm - are completely filled.Only a perfectly sealed surface guarantees a reliableprotection against corrosion. An additional sealing effectthus results for special applications, such as flangeconnections.WEICON Anti-Seize provides protection against:• Corrosion, seizing, and wear• Stick-slip phenomena• Oxidation and fretting corrosion• Electrolytic reactions ("cold welding")WEICON Anti-Seize is free of sulphurous additivesand halogens, well-adherent and abrasion-proof, andresistant against hot, cold, and salt water. The extremelylow coefficient of friction also permits easy disassemblyof machines and installations.In addition, WEICON Anti-Seize Assembly Sprays areexcellent lubricants for statically high-stressed parts andfor slowly rotating installations, as long as correspondingrelubrication intervals are observed.Temperature resistant from -180°C (-292°F) to +1,400°C(+2,552°F). For detailed information, please order ourspecial WEICON Anti-Seize catalogue.Anti-Seize "High-Tech"Assembly Spray ASW 400WEICON Anti-Seize "High-Tech" is metal-free* andcan be used with any material. In case of certain metalcombinations, it also offers optimum protection againstelectrolytic reactions (cold welding).WEICON Anti-Seize "High-Tech" is particularly suited if:• Metalliferous pastes could cause electrolytic reactions• Nickeliferous products should not or may not beused for health reasons• Dark, metalliferous products should not or may notbe used for optical reasons.Properties• Temperature range:-40°C (-40°F) to +1,400°C (+2,552°F)• Colour: white• Basic oil: medicinal white oil• Solid lubricants: minerals• NLGI class: 0-1• Corresponds to: MIL 907 D*below 0,1%17

Rust Loosener andContact SprayRust Loosener and Contact Spray is indispensablefor repair, servicing, and maintenance due to its sixfoldeffect. Temperature resistant from -20°C (-4°F) to+150°C (+302°F) .Rust-ShockWEICON Rust-Shock, the "chemical screwdriver,"loosens all kinds of rusted screw connections: It workswithin seconds due to its two-fold function:• The special composition of the materials generatesa "chill effect" on the corroded workpiece. WEICONRust-Shock deeply penetrates into these smallspaces created by this cold shriking process due toits high capillary effect.• There, it looses the rust crystals in seconds and thusneutralises the connection between the rust layers.Applications• Loosens rusted and sluggish parts, screw connections,bolts, joints, and hinges• Dispels water from ignition systems• Secures the function of mechanical parts and contacts,for example on distributor caps and spark plugs• Protects permanently against corrosion andoxidation• Lasting lubrication of sliding surfaces• Cares for and cleans metal surfaces, metal partsand electrical plantsDue to the very good creeping properties, WEICONRust Loosener and Contact Spray penetrates verysmall spaces. With the three-way spray valve, work ispossible in any position (even overhead).Applications• Car servicing and repair• Construction and agricultural machines• Navigation• Oil industry• Power plants and chemical industry• Heavy industry and miningWEICON Rust-Shock is free of mineral oil, silicone, andgrease and thus works completely without residue andleaves no traces. Treated spots can already be paintedover after a few minutes.18

Welding ProtectionSprayWEICON Welding Protection Spray* (silicone-free)is used to clean welding nozzles and to keep themclean. At the same time, it protects the work piece tobe welded against the effect of weld splashes withoutimpairing the welding seam.Alu Grinding ProtectionCan be used for all abrasive materials on foundationssuch as fibre wheels, sheeting, endless grindingbands, abrasive sleeves, orbital sanders, and specialmachines.WEICON Alu Grinding Protection works like a coolinglubricant and separating agent during the grindingprocess. It lowers the temperature at the contact pointand forms a silicone-free anti-adhesive layer on theabrasive material.Applications• Prevents the adhesion of welding splashes on gasjets and work piece surfaces• Offers full-surface protection during the weldingprocedure• Postwork cleaning of the work pieces with spatula,brush, or chisel is not necessary• Posttreatment of word pieces like: Bronzing,galvanising, anodising, or painting is possiblewithout special cleaning. Excess residues of thesprayed-on product should be removed with e.g.WEICON Cleaner Spray S.* Tested by the Schweiß-Fach-Lehranstalt (Welding Institute) in Hannover.Mould Release AgentApplicationsEffective with all abrasive materials on substrates like:• Serrated grinding wheels and flap wheels• Fibre wheels, sheeting, and endless grinding bands• Abrasive sleeves, orbital sanders, and specialmachinesThrough the use of WEICON AluGrinding Protection, clogging isprevented and the pores of theabrasive material remain open.+ 350%The service life of a grinding wheel amounts to onlyabout 30 minutes in normal operation when processingaluminium. With WEICON Alu Grinding Protection, theservice life is extended considerably and the removalcapacity can be increased to up to 350%.WEICON Mould Release Agent is a silicone-freelubricant and release agent. The high-quality materialcombination with a high lubricating effect consisting ofpure, natural products prevents adhesion to plastics,moulds, metals, and tools. Temperature resistant from-20°C (-4°F) to +130°C (+266°F).ApplicationsIn plastics processing including• Injection moulding• Compression and vacuum mouldingWEICON Mould Release Agent is free of PCB, CFCs,and formaldehyde.19

Label Removerwith Special SpatulaFor fast and easy removal of paper labels and adhesiveresidues.Stickers and labels can often only be removed withgreat difficulty. The dissolving power of conventionalcleaning agents is often not sufficient, while mechanicalremoval may damage the surface, for example byscratching.WEICON Label Remover removes labels and residuesof acrylate- and caoutchouc based pressure-sensitiveadhesives safely and without problems.WEICON Label Remover is suited for many surfaces,such as glass, metal, wood, foils and plastics*.Chewing Gum Removerwith Special SpatulaWEICON Chewing Gum Remover removes even oldchewing gum or modelling clay residues.Gum or modelling clay residues sprayed-on withWEICON Chewing Gum Remover will be frozen andcan be detached immediately and without damagingtextiles or floor coatings.Applications• Easy and safe removal of adhesive labels• Removes price tags (e.g. after wrong price labelling)• Removes address and product stickers, e.g. fromdrums and canisters• Removes marking labels, e.g. from shelves,containers, drawers, and machines• Removes label residues, e.g. on the conveyor beltsof supermarket check-outs• Removes adhesive residues from foil labels, likestickers on car windows* Before use, check surface compatibility.ApplicationsChewing gum or modelling clay residues at:• upholstered furniture• bus seats• school seats and tables• textile floor coatings of all kinds• elastic and rigid floor coatings made of wood,stone, PVC, linoleum etc.20

Stainless Steel Care SprayWEICON Stainless Steel Care Spray was especiallydeveloped for the cleaning, care, and protection ofmatt and polished stainless steel surfaces indoors andoutdoors. This spray has an antistatic effect.Cockpit SprayWEICON Cockpit Spray is a water-repellent cleaningagent for all plastic and rubber parts.The lasting, invisible protective film prevents soiling andcreates an easy-care, dust resistant, silky shine.Applications• Removes and prevents fingerprints• Removes grease films from exhaust hoods• Cleans even large surfaces without streaks• Leaves behind a lasting water repellent protective film• Prevents dirt from sticking to surfaces againMetal-FluidNew, highly effective product for care, protection, andcleaning of matt and polished metal surfaces such asstainless steel, aluminium, chromium, and non-ferrousmetals, etc., indoors.Applications• Eliminates squeaking and creaking noises• Cares for dashboards, inside cladding, all plasticand rubber parts, leather, wood, and chromium,as well as car roofs covered with synthetic leather• Prevents the freezing of door, window, and boot seals• Used as a lubricant for safety belts, seat guides,skylights, window guides, locks, and wherevergrease causes soiling.WEICON Cockpit Spray refreshes dull and weatheredplastic. Rubber does not crack, but remains suppleand elastic.Properties• Preventive protection of new metal parts• Leaves behind a hand-dry, glossy protective film• Free of silicone, oil, and solvent, odourless• Antistatic effect.WEICON Metal-Fluid is NSF-registered. Neither etchedor printed markings nor plastic surfaces or rubberse alants, e.g. on kitchen equipment, are affected orattacked.NSF = Non-food Compounds Registration Programme21

Freeze SprayWEICON Freeze Spray has many uses, e.g. faultfindingin electronics as well as repair and maintenancein industrial sectors.Leak Detection SprayFor the fast, comfortable, and reliable location of leaks(cracks or porous spots) in pressurized pipes or tanks.WEICON Leak Detection Spray is non-flammable,anti-corrosive, kind to the skin, and DIN-DVGW-tested(testing certificate NG 5170AO0666).ApplicationsAssembly pieces made of metal such as ball bearings,bushes, chain links, shafts etc. can be fitted in closestfits with Freeze Spray. Thermal overloading faultsin electrical circuits are found easily through localfreezing. Useful also for maintenance works in the fieldof production and repair as well as in motor mechanics(e.g. cooling of engine components).WEICON Freeze Spray quickly cools parts down to-45°C (-49°F) and allows pin-pointed chilling of even thesmallest parts. WEICON Freeze Spray is non-conductiveand is suitable for any material (exept plastics).Contact-SprayWEICON Contact Spray is based on a specialcombination of active ingredients for the care andprotection of electrical contacts and components.Dispels moisture from electrical contacts, preventsleakage current and voltage loss and keeps contacts,fuses, cable connections, etc. free of oxidation andsulphide deposits.Applications:• Penetrates and dispels moisture and water• Dissolves oxide deposits from contact points• Protects permanently against oxidation and corrosionApplications• Wherever compressed air, natural gas, or liquid gasis processed or piped• Wherever leaks appear on fittings, threaded jointsand connections• For increased safety on pneumatic brakes and gas linesWEICON Leak Detection Spray does not form anyhazardous compounds in contact with carbon dioxide(CO 2), propane, butane, acetylene, oxygen, city gas, ornatural gas.Hand Protective Foamwith LiposomesDermatologisch getestetProfessionalQualitydermatologically testedWEICON Hand Protective Foam forms a greaseless,invisible, and water-resistant protective film that doesnot let various kinds of soiling penerate the skin andpores.22This "invisible glove" protects against hazardoussubstances and irritants from aggressive chemicalsubstances. Through the addition of liposomes, thecare effect is considerably improved.

Adhesive SpraysWEICON Adhesive Sprays are the clean, quick and easyto-useadhesives in the spray can. They are particularlysuitable for large-surface bonding of light materials tothemselves and and among each other in craft, modelmaking,do-it-yourself, hobbies and household uses.For different applications, three types are available:Adhesive SprayUniversal in use. For bonding light materials tothemselves and among each other.Applications:• Bonding of paper, cardboard and paperboard,wood and thin veneers, cork, leather, textiles, felt• Flexible foam plastics, e.g. moltoprene• Rubber and expanded rubber• Plastic foils (except PVC and polyethylene)Especially suitable for rigid expanded plastics*,e. g. polystyrene* For some expanded plastics, the compatibility must be checked prior to use.Adhesive Spray- for detachable joints -Especially suitable for detachable and adjustablejoints. Colourless. Neither strikes through nor leavesa wavy surface when working with thin materials.Applications• Fixing of, e. g., templates, promotion boards,posters, photographs, decoration in trade fairconstruction, layouts and technical drawings(therefore perfect for graphic works)• Paper, carton and foils can be bonded tothemselves and among each otherDetachable joints: When applied on one surfacePermanent joints: When applied on both surfacesAdhesive Spray- extra strong -Special type for permanent and strong bonding of roughand uneven surfaces. A special valve allows small,medium or large adhesive quantities to be sprayed.Applications:For bonding even big surfaces of• Felt, PVC foil, imitation leather, carpets• Plastics and paper• Foam and sponge rubber• Insulating material, flexible foam plastics• Vinyl, leather, rubber, metal and wood23

Technical DataCleaning and Degreasing Colour OdourTemp.resistanceContentShelf life(months)Special featuresCleaner Spray S colourless orange --- 500 ml 24Burner Cleaner colourless citrus --- 500 ml 24Mould Cleaner colourless citrus --- 500 ml 24Surface Cleaner colourless solvent --- 400 ml 24Brake Cleaner colourless citrus --- 500 ml 24Plastic Cleaner colourless citrus --- 500 ml 24Evaporates withoutresiduesEvaporates withoutresiduesRemoves waxes, oils,silicones and other impuritiesfrom moulds and toolsBefore the application ofWEICON adhesives andsealantsEvaporates withoutresiduesFor sensitive plasticsurfacesParts and Assembly Cleaner, colourless mineral oil --- 500 ml 24 high flash point (>+60°C)Electro Contact Cleaner, colourless solvent --- 400 ml 24 high-purity solventsVisor Cleanerwhitealmostodourless--- 200 ml 24Cleaning without residuesand neutral to surfacesCompressed-Air Spray ---almostodourless--- 400 ml 24Clean in a contact-freemannerTFT/LCD Screen CleanerTouchwhitealmostodourless--- 200 ml 24Also suitable for sensitiveplastic and glass surfacesMulti-Foam white citrus --- 400 ml 24 BiodegradableSealant and AdhesiveRemovermilky solvent --- 400 ml 12 PowerfulLubrication Colour OdourTemp.resistanceContentShelf life(months)Special featuresAT-44 Allround-Spray yellowish vanilla+50°C to210°C150 ml400 ml24High-performance lubricatingoil with PTFEW 44 T ® yellowish vanilla-50°C to+210°C400 ml 24Multifunctional oil withmultiple effectSilicone Spray colourless solvent-50°C to+250°C400 ml 24 Silicone oil basisBio-Cutcolourlessalmostodourlessup to+200°C400 ml 12 Completely biodegradable26

Supplementary ProgrammeTechnical LiquidsEnvironmental protection, economic efficiency,and occupational and factory safety - these are therequirements that every company must increasinglyfulfil. Products and processing systems that correspondto these requirements are thus becoming more andmore important.WEICON Technical Liquids meet these requirements toa high degree:• They contain no flammable propellants.• No complicated, cost-intensive disposal necessary• Reduction of emissions• Less packaging waste• Only the pure substance is processed.For detailed information, please order our specialWEICON Technical Liquids catalogue.WSD 400 Pressurized-AirSpray CanWSD 400 is a refillable spray can that can be used toprocess most WEICON Technical Liquids.It is filled with compressed air using an adapter(accessory) via the compressed-air mains (optimumoperating pressure of 5-10 bar). The use of WSD 400offers many advantages, such as:• Environmentally friendly due to the lack of packagingwaste• Cost-saving due to use of large barrels• Only the pure substance is sprayed.• Safe due to the nonflammable propellant compressedair• Simple handling, quickly refillableThe accessory programme for WSD 400 includes:• An adapter for filling at any company compressed airmains• A spray set with four different spray-valves and a ballvalve with dip tubeWPS 1500 Pump DispenserWPS 1500 is a refillable pump dispenser by meansof which many WEICON Technical Liquids can beprocessed. The buildup of pressure in the liquidcontainer is achieved through pumping it up with pureair using a piston rod. An integrated safety valve opensautomatically as soon as the permissible operatingpressure (max. 4 bar) has been exceeded.Pressing the spray button suffices for an even, constantdischarge of the substance. By turning the nozzle nut,the spray rate and patter can be regulated in an infinitelyvariable manner as a spray or fine mist. The use of WPS1500 offers many advantages, such as:• Environmentally friendly due to the lack of packagingwaste• Cost-saving due to use of large barrels• Only the pure substance is sprayed.• Safe due to the nonflammable propellant compressedair• Simple handling, quickly refillableThe accessory programme for WPS 1500 includes:• Plastic prolongation 30 cm with nozzle 0.8 mm Ø• Seal sets29

Technical Sprays• Surface andCorrosion Protection• Cleaning and Degreasing• Lubrication• Dissolving and Separating• Care and ProtectionDistributed by:Any product specifications and recommendations given herein must not be seen as guaranteed product characteristics. They are based on our laboratory tests and on practical experience. Since individual application conditions are beyond our knowledge, control and responsibility, this information isprovided without any obligation. We do warrant the continuously high quality of our products being free from defects in accordance with and subject to our General Sales Conditions. However, own adequate laboratory and practical tests to find out if the product in question meets the requested propertiesare recommended. A claim cannot be derived from them. The user bears the only responsibility for non-appropriate or other than specified applications.WEICON GmbH & Co. KG(Headquarter)Königsberger Str. 255 · DE-48157 MünsterP.O. Box 84 60 · DE-48045 MünsterGermanyTel. +49 (0) 251 / 93 22-0Fax +49 (0) 251 / 93 22-244Fax +49 (0) 251 / 93 22-233 Exportwww.weicon.de · info@weicon.deWEICON Middle East L.L.C. WEICON Inc. WEICON Kimya Sanayi Tic. Ltd. Şti.Jebel Ali Ind Area 3 · P.O. Box 118 216Dubai · U.A.EPhone +971 4 880 25 05Fax +971 4 880 25 09Mobile +971 50 545 99 83www.weicon.ae · info@weicon.ae20 Steckle Place · Unit 20Kitchener · Ontario · N2E 2C3CanadaPhone +1 519 896 5252Fax +1 519 896 5254Cell +1 519 590 5168www.weicon.ca · info@weicon.caYenibosna MahallesiYalçın Koreş Caddesi Arifağa SokakNo: 29 Kat: 334530 Yenibosna – IstanbulTurkeyTel.: +90 212 465 33 65Faks: +90 212 465 33 22www.weicon.biz.tr · info@weicon.biz.tr

weicon tft lcd screen cleaner free sample

Weicon Screen Cleaner Spray is the perfect product for cleaning sensitive plastic or glass surfaces. This gentle yet highly effective spray removes dirt, dust, grease and nicotine from surfaces without leaving behind any residues.

More than just a useful cleaner, Weicon Screen Cleaner Spray also creates an anti-reflective and an anti-static effect that remains on the surface to assist with keeping it clean and free of dirt and dust.

This German-made technical spray is based on highly effective foam that is white in colour and almost odourless. Typical applications for Weicon Screen Cleaner Spray include:

Cleaning of all kinds of thin film transistor (TFT) and liquid crystal displays (LCD) usually found on computers, notebooks, TVs, mobile phones, copiers, scanners or touch screen devices.

weicon tft lcd screen cleaner free sample

Don"t use window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, ammonia, abrasives, or cleaners containing hydrogen peroxide to clean this product.

To clean your Magic Keyboard, first remove it from the iPad. Use a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth. Wipe the front and the inside with a soft, lint-free cloth. You may use a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes. Avoid getting moisture in any opening, and don"t submerge your Magic Keyboard in any cleaning agents. Don"t use window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, ammonia, abrasives, or cleaners containing hydrogen peroxide to clean this product.

Cleaning the leather might affect its color. If you choose to clean the leather, first remove the cover/case from your iPad. Use a clean cloth with warm water and mild hand soap to gently clean the leather. Wipe the outside and the inside with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove any dirt. You can also use a mild cleaner along with a dry clean cloth. Mild cleaners or conditioners might help remove some stains but might also change the color of the leather.

To clean your iPad Silicone Case, remove your iPad from the case. Use a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth to wipe the outside and the inside of the case. Don"t use window cleaners, household cleaners, aerosol sprays, solvents, ammonia, abrasives, or cleaners containing hydrogen peroxide to clean the iPad case.

weicon tft lcd screen cleaner free sample

Kit comprenant deux accessoires et bas sur la technologie Nano ,- Pour enlever les graisses, la poussire et la nicotine sans effort des crans tubes et des crans TV LCD/plasma ,- Convient galement pour tous les crans des lecteurs DVD portables, des appareils photo numriques, des tlphones mobiles, des systmes de

weicon tft lcd screen cleaner free sample

Cleaning your electronic device display is not second nature but should be performed periodically. As a trusted LCD manufacturer, we would like to ensure our customers are informed on proper cleaning techniques so they can educate their production facilities and customer base. The same process can be applied to displays with cover lenses and touch screen displays.

There are very few items you will need when cleaning an electronic device screen: A cloth and possibly a cleaning solvent. It is important to use a soft cloth because rough items like paper towels can cause scratches and potentially damage the screen. A microfiber cloth works best, since the material is soft and lint-free, leaving no residue or debris on the screen. If cleaning with a dry microfiber cloth alone doesn’t work, it’s possible to use a cleaning solvent.

Not all solvents are acceptable for use on electronic display screens. Table 1 below lists which common cleaning solvents are acceptable and unacceptable for use. Distilled water is the preferred solvent since it’s the least damaging to your display screen. Repeated use of alcohol/ammonia based cleaners can cause permanent damage. The screen can become brittle and eventually crack. Also, a yellow discoloration has been reported from constant use. There are pre-made electronic cleaning pads which contain a safe cleaner solution that can be used for quick and convenient cleaning. Appropriate supplies along with proper technique help prolong a display’s lifespan.

When cleaning, never spray or apply the cleaner directly to the display: Always apply the cleaner to the cloth. It’s also important to never use more than gentle pressure when cleaning your display. Too much pressure can damage the display stack-up. Wiping gently in horizontal and vertical movements works best for removing most debris, while circular movements can be used to apply extra attention to trouble areas.

If the LCD module is a part of an assembly, make sure to clean the whole product. For example, if you clean the display of a laptop computer but not the keyboard, and then proceed to close the laptop, the display will be exposed to all the contaminants from the keyboard.