8 inch tft lcd module free sample

ER-TFT080-1 is 800x480 pixels 8" color tft lcd display with OTA7001A driver IC,optional capacitive touch panel with controller and connector,optional 4-wire resistive touch panel with connector,superior display quality,super wide view angle and easily controlled by MCU such as 8051, PIC, AVR, ARDUINO, ARM and Raspberry PI.Equivalent with AT080TN64,AT080TN52.

8 inch tft lcd module free sample

ER-TFTM080-2 is 800x480 dots 8" color tft lcd module display with RA8875 controller board,superior display quality and easily controlled by MCU such as 8051(C51), PIC, AVR, ARDUINO, and ARM .It can be used in any embedded systems,industrial device,security and hand-held equipment which requires display in high quality and colorful image.

It supports 8080 6800 8-bit,16-bit parallel,3-wire,4-wire,I2C serial spi interface.Built-in MicroSD card slot.It"s optional for 4-wire resistive touch panel with controller and capacitive touch panel with controller,font chip, flash chip and microsd card. We offer two types connection,one is pin header and the another is ZIF connector with flat cable mounting on board by default and suggested.

Of course, we wouldn"t just leave you with a datasheet and a "good luck!".Here is the link for 8" TFT Touch Shield with Libraries, Examples.Schematic Diagram for Arduino Due,Mega 2560,Uno. For 8051 microcontroller user,we prepared the detailed tutorial such as interfacing, demo code and development kit at the bottom of this page.e.

8 inch tft lcd module free sample

In this guide we’re going to show you how you can use the 1.8 TFT display with the Arduino. You’ll learn how to wire the display, write text, draw shapes and display images on the screen.

The 1.8 TFT is a colorful display with 128 x 160 color pixels. The display can load images from an SD card – it has an SD card slot at the back. The following figure shows the screen front and back view.

This module uses SPI communication – see the wiring below . To control the display we’ll use the TFT library, which is already included with Arduino IDE 1.0.5 and later.

The TFT display communicates with the Arduino via SPI communication, so you need to include the SPI library on your code. We also use the TFT library to write and draw on the display.

The 1.8 TFT display can load images from the SD card. To read from the SD card you use the SD library, already included in the Arduino IDE software. Follow the next steps to display an image on the display:

In this guide we’ve shown you how to use the 1.8 TFT display with the Arduino: display text, draw shapes and display images. You can easily add a nice visual interface to your projects using this display.

8 inch tft lcd module free sample

Beijing DWIN Technology is a world-leading high-tech industrial automation enterprise which is dedicated to the research, development, manufacture and sales of UART LCM. The head office of DWIN is located in the core area of China"s "Silicon Valley" Zhong Guan Cun. The company has set up offices in many provinces of China (Beijing, Suzhou, ChangSha, GuangZhou and ShenZhen etc.), established the effective sales channels and branches in Northern Europe, America, India, Turkey, Brazil and Korea. The manufacturing center of the company is seated at DWIN Hunan Technology Park covering 28000 m2. The manufacturing centers are equipped with high cleanliness assembly lines, quality improvement centers, laboratories and aging test workshops. A 4500-square-metre Application Support Center has been built in Guangzhou for providing technical support. Established in 2003, DWIN advocates its operation philosophy of "Professional, Creditable, and Successful". The company believes that only by creating value for the clients, could DWIN realize its idea of "Double win", and therefore could meet its need to grow and expand. Relying on the competitive advantage of its product in function, quality, service and price, DWIN plays a major role in the market of Industrial UART LCM, especially in the market of the construction machinery, healthcare instrument, and electronic equipment for export, which are products focused on high reliability. As a result, DWIN has already won the trust and support from clients like SANY Group, GE and SIEMENS. Creating value for the clients is DWIN"s belief; Technology innovation is DWIN"s focus; "Double Win" and mutual development are DWIN"s spirit!

8 inch tft lcd module free sample

Shenzhen Wanty Photoelectric Co., Ltd is a factory manufacturer and one stop customization solution provider specializing in R&D and producing Capacitive Touch Screen and TFT LCD Display up to 23.8 inch since established in 2012.

As an one stop customization solution provider, we mainly provide domestic and overseas customers with the customization services on regular or irregular PCAP capacitive touch panel, TFT LCD Display with different brightness, Touch display with HD-MI & USB interface which compatible with raspberry pi etc from 0.91 inch to 23.8 inch.

8 inch tft lcd module free sample

In this Arduino touch screen tutorial we will learn how to use TFT LCD Touch Screen with Arduino. You can watch the following video or read the written tutorial below.

For this tutorial I composed three examples. The first example is distance measurement using ultrasonic sensor. The output from the sensor, or the distance is printed on the screen and using the touch screen we can select the units, either centimeters or inches.

As an example I am using a 3.2” TFT Touch Screen in a combination with a TFT LCD Arduino Mega Shield. We need a shield because the TFT Touch screen works at 3.3V and the Arduino Mega outputs are 5 V. For the first example I have the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, then for the second example an RGB LED with three resistors and a push button for the game example. Also I had to make a custom made pin header like this, by soldering pin headers and bend on of them so I could insert them in between the Arduino Board and the TFT Shield.

Here’s the circuit schematic. We will use the GND pin, the digital pins from 8 to 13, as well as the pin number 14. As the 5V pins are already used by the TFT Screen I will use the pin number 13 as VCC, by setting it right away high in the setup section of code.

I will use the UTFT and URTouch libraries made by Henning Karlsen. Here I would like to say thanks to him for the incredible work he has done. The libraries enable really easy use of the TFT Screens, and they work with many different TFT screens sizes, shields and controllers. You can download these libraries from his website, RinkyDinkElectronics.com and also find a lot of demo examples and detailed documentation of how to use them.

After we include the libraries we need to create UTFT and URTouch objects. The parameters of these objects depends on the model of the TFT Screen and Shield and these details can be also found in the documentation of the libraries.

So now I will explain how we can make the home screen of the program. With the setBackColor() function we need to set the background color of the text, black one in our case. Then we need to set the color to white, set the big font and using the print() function, we will print the string “Arduino TFT Tutorial” at the center of the screen and 10 pixels  down the Y – Axis of the screen. Next we will set the color to red and draw the red line below the text. After that we need to set the color back to white, and print the two other strings, “by HowToMechatronics.com” using the small font and “Select Example” using the big font.

Here’s that function which uses the ultrasonic sensor to calculate the distance and print the values with SevenSegNum font in green color, either in centimeters or inches. If you need more details how the ultrasonic sensor works you can check my particular tutorialfor that. Back in the loop section we can see what happens when we press the select unit buttons as well as the back button.

Ok next is the RGB LED Control example. If we press the second button, the drawLedControl() custom function will be called only once for drawing the graphic of that example and the setLedColor() custom function will be repeatedly called. In this function we use the touch screen to set the values of the 3 sliders from 0 to 255. With the if statements we confine the area of each slider and get the X value of the slider. So the values of the X coordinate of each slider are from 38 to 310 pixels and we need to map these values into values from 0 to 255 which will be used as a PWM signal for lighting up the LED. If you need more details how the RGB LED works you can check my particular tutorialfor that. The rest of the code in this custom function is for drawing the sliders. Back in the loop section we only have the back button which also turns off the LED when pressed.

8 inch tft lcd module free sample

Beijing DWIN Technology is a world-leading high-tech industrial automation enterprise which is dedicated to the research, development, manufacture and sales of UART LCM. The head office of DWIN is located in the core area of China"s "Silicon Valley" Zhong Guan Cun. The company has set up offices in many provinces of China (Beijing, Suzhou, ChangSha, GuangZhou and ShenZhen etc.), established the effective sales channels and branches in Northern Europe, America, India, Turkey, Brazil and Korea. The manufacturing center of the company is seated at DWIN Hunan Technology Park covering 28000 m2. The manufacturing centers are equipped with high cleanliness assembly lines, quality improvement centers, laboratories and aging test workshops. A 4500-square-metre Application Support Center has been built in Guangzhou for providing technical support. Established in 2003, DWIN advocates its operation philosophy of "Professional, Creditable, and Successful". The company believes that only by creating value for the clients, could DWIN realize its idea of "Double win", and therefore could meet its need to grow and expand. Relying on the competitive advantage of its product in function, quality, service and price, DWIN plays a major role in the market of Industrial UART LCM, especially in the market of the construction machinery, healthcare instrument, and electronic equipment for export, which are products focused on high reliability. As a result, DWIN has already won the trust and support from clients like SANY Group, GE and SIEMENS. Creating value for the clients is DWIN"s belief; Technology innovation is DWIN"s focus; "Double Win" and mutual development are DWIN"s spirit!

8 inch tft lcd module free sample

NM080IA-01Eis a colour active matrix LCD module incorporating amorphous silicon TFT (Thin Film Transistor). It is composed of a colour TFT-LCD panel, driver IC, FPC and a back light unit and, with a capacitive touch panel. The module display area contains 1024x768 pixels. This product accords with RoHS environmental criterion.

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8 inch tft lcd module free sample

Smart TFT LCD display embeds LCD driver, controller and MCU, sets engineer free from tedious UI & touch screen programming. Using Smart TFT LCD module, our customers greatly reduce product"s time-to-market and BOM cost.

8 inch tft lcd module free sample

Hi guys, welcome to today’s tutorial. Today, we will look on how to use the 1.8″ ST7735  colored TFT display with Arduino. The past few tutorials have been focused on how to use the Nokia 5110 LCD display extensively but there will be a time when we will need to use a colored display or something bigger with additional features, that’s where the 1.8″ ST7735 TFT display comes in.

The ST7735 TFT display is a 1.8″ display with a resolution of 128×160 pixels and can display a wide range of colors ( full 18-bit color, 262,144 shades!). The display uses the SPI protocol for communication and has its own pixel-addressable frame buffer which means it can be used with all kinds of microcontroller and you only need 4 i/o pins. To complement the display, it also comes with an SD card slot on which colored bitmaps can be loaded and easily displayed on the screen.

Due to variation in display pin out from different manufacturers and for clarity, the pin connection between the Arduino and the TFT display is mapped out below:

We will use two libraries from Adafruit to help us easily communicate with the LCD. The libraries include the Adafruit GFX library which can be downloaded here and the Adafruit ST7735 Library which can be downloaded here.

We will use two example sketches to demonstrate the use of the ST7735 TFT display. The first example is the lightweight TFT Display text example sketch from the Adafruit TFT examples. It can be accessed by going to examples -> TFT -> Arduino -> TFTDisplaytext. This example displays the analog value of pin A0 on the display. It is one of the easiest examples that can be used to demonstrate the ability of this display.

The first thing, as usual, is to include the libraries to be used after which we declare the pins on the Arduino to which our LCD pins are connected to. We also make a slight change to the code setting reset pin as pin 8 and DC pin as pin 9 to match our schematics.

Next, we create an object of the library with the pins to which the LCD is connected on the Arduino as parameters. There are two options for this, feel free to choose the most preferred.