esp32-cam tft display manufacturer

A beautiful 3.5” touchscreen display, based on ESP32-WROVER, with a built-in 2M pixel OV2640 camera, which makes it an ever perfect platform for your ESP32 projects.

Makerfabs ESP32 3.5” Touch with camera is absolutely open for makers, and besides, Makerfabs provide plenty of Demos to help the users on the usage. Have a try at this fantastic display in your next ESP32 project!~

esp32-cam tft display manufacturer

At first it was not successful, since most examples useTJpg_Decoderand it use a lot of memory, causing the ESP32-CAM crash then reboot. Then I found out that there"s an function from the ESP32 library to convert JPEG into RGB565 (which is the format used by the Adafruit driver). I can even scale the image to 1/2 side size (= 1/4) so it fit the ST7735S 160x128 or 128x128 displays nicely. Everything works and problem solved.

You can find some more details about wiring, the training data (Kaggle Cats and Dogs Dataset) and the model (MobileNetV1 96x96 0.25 with transfer learning) on my repo. There"s also a copy of my model library and a boilerplate version (without using button and TFT).

The train accuracy is 89.8% and test accuracy is 86.97% on Edge Impulse. Captured image is 240x240 (resized to 120x120 on TFT and 96x96 for the model). Model inference (predict) time on ESP32-CAM is 2607 ms (2.6 secs). It"s not fast, but the setup is so cheap I think this can actually be useful as real world applications...?

esp32-cam tft display manufacturer

This ESP32-CAM Project covers how to use ESP32-CAM with a TFT display to show the picture captured by the cam. We have covered several times how to use ESP32-CAM in different projects and we have described how to use ESP32-CAM in Machine Learning projects. Even if we can use ESP32-CAM with a Web server to show pictures, in this post we want to cover how to show a picture on a TFT screen (ST7735). Therefore, we would like to visualize the picture taken by the ESP32-CAM directly on the display. In this case, we use an ST7735s display, anyway, you can select a different TFT if you like.

You should already know how to take a picture using an ESP32-CAM therefore we will focus on two aspects only:How to connect the ESP32-CAM to TFT display

This is the most interesting part because here we will show the picture taken by the ESP32-CAM on the TFT display. To do it, we will use the TJpg_Decoder library because it simplifies our work. First of all, we use a low-resolution such as 120×160 so that the picture fits in the TFT.

defining the scale and the callback method used to render the picture:bool tft_output(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t* bitmap){

At the end of this tutorial, you have learned how to use ESP32-CAM with TFT display. In this project we have integrated ESP32-CAM with ST7735 to show the image captured. We have build a simple camera machine using ESP32-CAM.

esp32-cam tft display manufacturer

Any way you know of to see the video stream or stills via a TFT display on another ESP through web browser or otherwise? I’ve used ESPNow between ESP12’s or 32’s for display of thermal cam images but they’re much smaller. Avoids need for phone or laptop tied up….

I was looking for something like this for my recent project, Thanks! Great tutorial! But I think ESP32-CAM is “unofficial” combination of ESP32 with a camera. I think Espressif themselves released a dedicated “official” ESP32+camera board called ESP-EYE with their own “official” software library called ESP-WHO.

The ESP32-CAM should work fine being powered either with 3.3V through the 3.3V pin or 5V through the 5V pin. You’re probably not providing enough current.

Hi . I have an esp32-cam and i went throught all the process to program the board and everything was going fine . At the end i’ve got the message telling me the ip adress to connect my board so i did in my browser and i ‘ve got the viewer that appeared in the screen but but when i press start stream or get still i don’t have any image on the screen !

I’m sorry you’re facing that problem. I don’t know why that is happening. But you can try to download the example from our repository:

Nice tutorial, everything worked. Could you please show us how we can broadcast the video stream to the internet (so that we can see the video from any computer)? Maybe using port forwarding of the ESP32-cam or using a dedicated service? It would also be great to have an example working offline to record the video on a SD card (I haven’t managed to do that). Thanks!

– Not enough power through USB source: Some ESP32-CAM boards required 5V power supply to work properly. We’ve tested all our examples with 3.3V and they worked fine. However, some of our readers reported that this issue was fixed when they power the ESP32-CAM with 5V.

– Since I had a second ESP32-CAM, I repeated the steps above, and the results were the same: first upload from the IDE succeeded, the next one failed with the error above.

Hello, thank you for posting this material, it is very explanatory. I would like to report a problem with the ESP32-CAM I’m using. The image was stuck and locked. So I switched the voltage to 5V and now it works fine. Thank you

We now have a troubleshooting guide with the most common problems and how to fix them:

Hi guys. Thanks a lot for this tutorial. I’m using the esp32-cam without problems. The only question i have for you is: is there any way to rotate the image in 90º?

A bonus: Checking the schematics, I saw that it operates with 3.3v, so the 5v go to a LM1117-3.3v voltage regulator, and this 3.3v regulator is rated up to 15V input !!!. Long story short, I’ve cramped 4 AAA batteries (6v) and the ESP32-CAM inside a GoPro-like waterproof enclosure and VOILA !!!.. .it worked…