cob 16x2 graphic dot matrix lcd module in stock
The 162F is our largest 16 character x 2 row chip on board (COB) alphanumeric display. These classic 16x2 LCD modules are available in a multitude of LCD and LED backlight color combinations to achieve the perfect look for your product. Some of our most popular combinations are STN yellow-green LCD with yellow-green LED backlight, STN blue LCD with white LED backlight, and STN grey LCD with either blue, amber or pure green LED backlight.
2.4 inch TFT LCD Display Shield Touch Panel ILI9341 240X320 for Arduino UNO MEGA Uses digital pins 5-13 and analog 0-3. That means you can use digital pins 2, 3 and analog 4 and 5. Pin 12 is available if not using the Micro-SD 5V compatible, use with 3.3V or 5V logic For Arduino UNO R3 MEGA2560 material:CCL colour:RED Packageread more...
WH1602L1 is a 16x2 Character Dot Matrix LCD Module which is built in with ST7066 controller IC; its default interface is 6800 4/8-bit parallel. The WH1602L1 model is negative voltage optional as well. This display is also available in SPI and I2C interface by using RW1063 controller IC. WH1602L1 is available in several different backlight colors including blue, green, white, yellow-green, amber, red, white LED. The LEDs can be driven by PIN1, PIN2, PIN15, PIN16 or A and K.
Module size: 45.0*40.0*10.0 mm view area: 38.0*16.0 mm number of characters: 8*2 lines character size: 2.95*5.55 mm dot size: 0.55*0.65 mm effective varea: 27.45*11.5 mm weight: 30g.